Read The Last Look: A Tale of the Spanish Inquisition Page 6



  Antonio Herezuelo and his wife Leonor knelt in prayer after their friendhad left them. On rising from their knees, they decided not to make theattempt to escape.

  "We cannot flee from the country, and the alguazils of the Inquisitioncan as easily find us at our house as in the city of Valladolid, shouldthey suspect us of holding to the true faith," said Antonio, calmly."Our Heavenly Father knows what is best, and He may require us totestify to the truth of the doctrine we have learned of Him through theteaching of the Holy Spirit, and let us rejoice rather than grieve if weare so honoured. Oh, my beloved Leonor, be firm, whatever happens;cling to the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. Never allow that saint inheaven or priest on earth has the power to come between us and our onegreat loving Mediator, who stands at the right hand of God, pleadingthat He paid once and for all a full and complete ransom for us. Neveracknowledge that by the word of a man bread and wine can be changed intothe body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, of that Lord who is now inheaven, standing at the right hand of God, pleading that body broken,that blood flowing freely for all of us; pleading that all-sufficient,all-perfect, all-complete sacrifice made once, and never to be repeated,on Calvary. Never dishonour that Saviour, that precious blood-shedding,by acknowledging that it was insufficient to wash away all stains ofsin, and that the fires of purgatory are required to cleanse the soulfrom sin, and to make it pure and holy, and fit to enter the presence ofGod. Oh, never acknowledge that any being in heaven or in earth has aheart more loving, more gentle, more merciful than the heart of Jesus,or that there exists a being, create or uncreate, who will morewillingly hear our prayers, and bear them to the throne of grace--noteven His mortal mother, who, though blessed among women, herselfrequired, as being a daughter of Adam, to be sprinkled by His blood toobtain salvation. Do not own that sinful man, though he be called apriest, can absolve his fellow-sinner from sin, or that prayers canavail for those who have passed away without accepting the perfectsalvation offered them here on earth. Die rather than be guilty of thatgross idolatry of worshipping the elements of bread and wine, unchangedand unchangeable as they must ever be; and above all things hold fast toGod's blessed testament to fallen man, and refuse to acknowledge anydoctrine which cannot be clearly proved from its whole and entiretenor."

  "Husband, dear husband, I will," answered Leonor, solemnly. "Set me theexample, and I shall be firm."

  "Dear wife, trust not to my example, but seek strength from the HolySpirit. He will guide and support you. Your husband is but a frailman. Dearly as I love you, there is One who loves you more; trust Him."

  Much more passed between them. How solemn was that conversation! Whatdeep, earnest, true love did Herezuelo exhibit to his young wife! Itwas interrupted by a sound which a quick ear only could have detected.It was that of footsteps stealthily ascending the stairs. Herezueloarose, and unconsciously placed his hand on his sword, as the door burstopen, and several dark and masked figures entered the room.

  "Antonio Herezuelo and Leonor de Cisneros, you are our prisoners," saidone who appeared to be in command of the rest; "you are summoned toappear before the tribunal of the Holy Office to answer to certaincharges which will there be made known to you."

  Antonio, though brave as a lion, saw that resistance was useless. "Ifyou will allow my wife time to put on her walking dress, we shall beready to accompany you," he answered, with as firm a voice as he couldcommand; but when he turned round to speak to Leonor, she was not to beseen, though he caught sight of a figure closely enveloped in a darkcloak, borne rapidly along a passage leading from the room by two of thealguazils. He attempted to follow, being sure that it was his wife thusforcibly carried off; but the moment he moved he found himself seized,and his arms pinioned behind him, while two men stood on either side ofhim with pistols presented at his head. In vain he struggled; in vainhe attempted to free himself. The cords which bound him were drawntighter and tighter. He was in the hands of those who had long utterlydisregarded human misery and suffering.

  In vain he pleaded, in vain he petitioned that he might see his belovedwife, even for a few moments, that he might have some parting words withher. He spoke as to men who were deaf. Not the slightest answer byword or sign did they give him, but immediately proceeded to examine allthe cases and drawers and boxes in the room. They then went to thesleeping apartment, searching it throughout, and taking possession ofevery scrap of written paper, as well as of all the books they couldfind. There were gestures of triumph and satisfaction exhibited when aBible and hymn-book were drawn forth. Antonio fancied that he could seethe dark eyes of the familiars flashing under their hoods as they handedthe books to each other. The advocate knew well the language those eyesspoke. "Here we have evidence which will convict him without doubt; nohope for him, no prospect of escape." Yet he stood calm and motionless,striving by a mighty effort to quell the agitated feelings of his bosom,and to seek strength from the only Source whence it could be obtained.He seemed as though he had succeeded, when a faint cry reached his ear.He knew the voice; it was that of his wife. In an instant he had tornasunder the bonds which held him; he had dashed on either side thecowled alguazils who crowded round, and at a bound dashed through thedoorway, down the passage whence the sound proceeded.

  "Leonor! Leonor! I come to you," he cried out; but as he uttered thewords, a blow from a heavy staff on the forehead laid him senseless onthe ground. When he returned to consciousness, it was to find himselfin a narrow, dark, and noisome cell, which he well knew must be one ofthe secret prisons of that fearful institution, the Inquisition. He hadoften heard of the horrors those gloomy walls could reveal. He knewthat thousands of his fellow-creatures had been confined within them;that very many had never again seen the light of day; that others hadbeen brought forth as spectacles to be mocked at, dressed in fantasticcostumes, and thus had been committed to the flames.

  On the hard flag-stones he knelt down, and then, in close communion withhis God, he obtained a strength and courage which no human power couldhave given him. Hour after hour, and day after day, passed away, and heremained alone in darkness, a cowled figure entering occasionally, andas quickly retiring, without uttering a word or making a sign. When notengaged in prayer, his thoughts were with Leonor; and even when thusengaged, they often turned to her, and she became their chief andabsorbing subject, that she might have strength, that she might havecourage to hold to the truth.

  At length the moment arrived when his powers of endurance were to be putto the test--his faith, his courage. The door opened, and sixfamiliars, with their countenances masked, and their figures concealedby dark robes, entered his cell. His eyes, long accustomed to darkness,could scarcely endure the light from a torch which one of them carried,but he saw that they made signs to him to rise and accompany them. Heknew that to disobey would be useless. Rising from the ground on whichhe had been resting, he endeavoured by earnest prayer to nerve himselffor the fearful ordeal through which he might have to go.