Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 19

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  It is going to be hard to explain to my mom the nurse how I got so many bruises, good thing it is still a little cold outside so my long sleeves and jeans will cover up most of them. I have some scratches on my face from running through the woods but I’ll tell her we went hiking.

  ‘Hey mom, I’m home, told ya I’d be home for dinner.” I walk over to her and give her a kiss. “That smells good, is Allie here? I smelled her perfume when I came in.”

  “She is, don’t stress her out okay, her boyfriend and her got in a fight and she wanted to come home for the weekend. Did they give you something today?”

  “Huh? Give me something? What?” She is easy to fool.

  “Oh, never mind.” She pulls a lasagna from the oven.

  “The Mustang? Yeah, it’s so cool, after dinner let me take you on a drive, we’ll go cruisin’ and you’ll be my date.” It’s going to be so hard to leave her one day. My throat clenched up and the heaviness in my chest feels like an elephant. How am I going to break her heart? It is going to hurt her so much, who am I kidding; I’m going to miss times like this.

  “I didn’t know it was a Mustang, they just asked if they could give you a car. At first dad and I were against it, but they said they were getting a good deal on a car and knew how good of a friend you are being to Pru. Is it new?”

  We talked while I set the table. Allie came down the stairs and I see she had been crying.

  “Hey Cat, you flunk out of school?” It is easy to get her goat.

  “No, can you not be a jack ass for five minutes?” She flopped herself in a chair and of course she doesn’t do anything to help get things ready for dinner. When she is in one of her moods, nothing can make her happy. It looks like she is in one of those moods.

  “Mom and I are going out cruising later, you wanna come with? Oh yeah, mom, can you take a look at this scratch on my forehead and see if I need some of that tape they use instead of stitches?”

  “What scratch? I don’t see anything except some dirt, you might want to go wash it off, we’re about to eat.”

  I run up to my room, after looking in the mirror I realize she is right, I don’t have any scratches. I pull up my pant legs to see if I still have all of the bruises from kicking and falling off the balance beam. Nothing. I send Pru a text telling her that I’m healing from the fighting session today.

  Werewolves have a remarkable healing ability. You’ll never find a were wearing glasses or a cast for more than a week. I hear they only wear a cast to make sure it lines up straight if it’s a major break. If they are in a car accident they are usually healed before the ambulance arrives. There is a were stationed at every major doctor office practice and every hospital and lab. It is to ensure blood samples are run only for things that wouldn’t give away our genetic code. Apparently high cholesterol doesn’t run in weres, even though they eat so much meat. But they can get arthritis; all of the running is hard on their hips and spine from all of the rough and tumble play fighting. It isn’t as debilitating as it is for humans but they still have to take a little Tylenol for it. I’ve seen a couple of the guys had hangovers every once in a while, but they party hard.

  I grab the keys and yell out I’ll meet them in the car. My car! I can’t believe it is all mine. Allie decided she is going with us, she crawls into the back seat fussing about how cramped it is. Mom flipped through the stations finding one dedicated to Prince. She made us listen to his music my entire childhood and I know every word to every song. Dad is always working so he misses out on a lot of the family stuff, but we have a strong bond and he doesn’t make me listen to Prince.

  Chapter 7.