Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 20


  My dreams had become more vivid since the announcement of the O’Connell Pack coming for a visit. Dad was on edge and the rest of the Pack was irritated with the whole situation. We had meeting after meeting about the training of Abel. His abilities were coming on faster and if we didn’t get him trained the right way, he could become some type of soulless rogue wolf that would have to be hunted and killed by their own Pack just to keep him from harming humans.

  Everyone was assigned a task to train him. We put up a big grease board with names and assignments along with length of time expected for completion of the task. Josie came out to the house to stay and help me make heads or tails of some of my journals. It was hard enough on me having the dreams but it was difficult when I had to relive them just to figure them out. My dreams are like anyone else’s dreams but I journal them so I don’t forget. Even after journaling I do forget sometimes, until I read the words and sit in a quiet space trying to bring up the feelings and the memory. It has been such a huge part of my life it comes fairly easy to me, yet it can take valuable time.

  Abel’s death has been weighing heavily on my mind and I wanted to clarify by rereading the journals to make sure we didn’t miss anything in the messages. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the cause of someone’s death? I’ve put some thought into it a lot over the last several weeks. When I originally wanted to be the trainer for Abel, I didn’t know him…. Now things are different, I know his family, and friends, I’ve even had a chance to become friends with his sister. I was questioning myself, is it the best way to handle him? I had taken a dream walk to discuss with Quinney the different options, and to find what would be the most spiritual way to end a life. I wanted it to be as easy on his mom and sister as I could make it. It had occurred to me I too would have to openly grieve so I wouldn’t look like a cold-hearted friend.

  My dream with Quinney took place at a very quiet pond, the grass was green, the sun was out and one bird sat in a tree chirping. To me, the place looked like an old movie set with a fake pond and a back drop, maybe he used one from TV to make this area.

  “Quinney!” I ran over and hugged him.

  He held me out at arm’s length looking at me like a proud father. “Prudence, you’re even more stunning today than the last time I saw that beautiful smile. What troubles your heart dear?” His Irish accent made everything sound so exotic.

  We held hands as we walked around the creepy pond that was so still, no movement of fish or bugs and its weird food-coloring colors.

  “Quin, the O’Connell’s are on their way to Oklahoma in hopes of taking the future wolf with them. I’m trying to ease him into a shift, but that is much easier said than done. What can I do? Any advice?”

  “Pru, I believe we need to help you first. You’re not going to be any help to your family or this young man’s family if you’re unable to be clear minded. Have you been meditating?”

  Still holding his hand and keeping pace as his long legs made me feel as though I was at a slow jog. “Yes, probably not as often as I should but yes I have. Josie brought over some smudge sticks and I’ve been cleansing the house every evening before I go to bed.”

  “Hmmmm, have you aligned your chakras lately?” He asked as he came to a stop and a blanket was laid out on the plush green grass. “Sit.” He motioned me to come sit in front of him.

  “What do my chakras have to do with anything? I wish we could bring Abel into the dream, he is the one that could use an alignment. Can you dream walk on him and align him?” I’d never thought to ask if he could help me with the spiritual guidance for Abel.

  I sat with my hands out in front of me palms down, Quin put his hands under mine with his palms up, we weren’t touching but we were thriving off each other’s energy.

  “Prudence, I’m going to give you a list of things to do to align your chakras, you’re talented enough to perform it for your friend. It has been delightful seeing you again. Please tell that gorgeous friend Josie she still owes me one and I miss her.” He leaned and kissed me on both cheeks. “Sorry darlin’, I have a polo match to attend. You’ll be fine, much love.”

  Well, that sure wasn’t as helpful as I’d hoped. Didn’t anybody understand…I need help? I can’t do it all by myself and I wanted to talk to someone who has ever done it this way. The more I was around Abe, the more I realized his family holds onto a strong spiritual faith, so he really is more grounded than I give him credit for. Quin was right, I need to align my chakras and then see what I can do for Abe.

  I tip toed down the hall to sit at the counter and write down my action plan for tomorrow and then beddy bye time for me.

  Every time I had been around Abel I grew deeper involved in his journey to become the Great Wolf. Even as absurd as it sounds sometimes, having werewolves walking amongst the humans, we are real. Look at the guys on those fighting circuits that are flamboyant and bigger than life personalities, weres. Nancy Grace, she is vigilante for justice, you know why? Were. Simon Cowell, the guy who was a judge on American Idol, were. Famous weres run the gamut at keeping the secret. We’re all over the world, but there aren’t enough of us to help everyone. We pray once the Great Wolf rises we’ll come together and use our strengths for the bettering of human kind. Most myths are based on some type of truth, bent, but still the truth. Maybe not so much the Easter bunny but the supernatural world is alive (so to speak) and well all around us. Although Abel knew of his demise, he would not be privy to how it would happen. I had to figure out a way for him to die that wouldn’t consist of an autopsy. That would render him the Dead Great Wolf.

  Abel’s ability to heal quickly ruled out any obvious accidents. We all agreed a suicide would be too traumatic on the family and could cause a negative effect on all of them. Living with “what if’s” would only cause the grieving process to be prolonged. I picked up the book When Bad Things Happen To Good People, to get a grasp of the process they would go through. I had been born amongst the werewolves, I knew no other way of life, or death if truth be told. Most weres just happened and were found by Pack members or brought to our attention by some other supernatural type of being. So what was I going to do?

  I had been sitting on the back deck enjoying the mild evening, listening to the limbs crack and pinecones fall. The back door opened and Oakley came and stood over me, his scent was all man, his cologne was intoxicating…. Oh he is another problem on my growing list. Sigh.

  “Hey girl” His cute accent making it sound more like ‘heyyyy girrrrrl’.

  “Hey back atcha, you tired of listening to everyone freak out about the visitors?” I knew we all were just wishing we could hurry it up and be done with it.

  He sat down with one swift motion, not making any noise except the deck creaking under his weight. “I was worried about you. I know you’ve been taking on a lot lately and I know this is just adding to the stress.” He reached across the table and put his hand over mine. I was use to boys touching me, but I wasn’t use to the electricity that sparked between us. I knew he felt it to because he flinched ever so slightly.

  “Hey, what’s a little stress, only the biggest baddest pack wolves in the world have decided to come and figure out if we really have the Great Wolf and to strong arm us around. Nah, no stress for me,” I say and drop my head onto the table in an over dramatic slump.

  “Well, if it’s any consolation to you, everyone is a little stressed about the situation. I don’t think anyone has doubts about Abel, I just think they are worried he isn’t ready to come face to face with them. They have a way of being obnoxious self-righteous asses and will without a doubt intimidate him, but with a little forewarning to him on our part will help ease the situation along.” He stopped to take a sip of his root beer. “He isn’t stupid, he just has to learn our politics. All they are here to do is sniff our asses and try to make themselves sound like it would be better to live in Ireland. Your dad
isn’t going to let them get too far with that. The General is one bad ass wolf and your mom? Well, I pity the fool that goes up against them. I will send Abel a text later and see if he can come over and go over some mug shots with us. I figure if I show him some of their profile pics, and go over their different positions within their pack, it will help.”

  “That’s a great idea. I don’t know if his mom will let him back out of the house tonight though. His sister is in town and they are all about the family time and no outsiders. I don’t really blame them, it will be good for them to make some memories together. You know?” I took a sip of my coke and looked out into the trees. I thought I’d heard something but I didn’t smell anyone.

  “I guess he’ll have to sneak out. I’ll send him a text to let him know to meet me at the little park by his house. It’s too risky having him out and about alone anyway.”

  “Of course,” I wink at him and he winked back. My heart was going to explode. “I’ve got something I want to run past you.” He leaned in to me in agreement so I went on. “I’ve been thinking about Abel and how he should, ah, you know, die. What do you think would be the best way for me to do it? Should I just break his neck when we’re doing some martial arts?”

  “Nah, I think that’s too risky. We want you to stay in contact with the family in the future, and we don’t want them to blame you. I think you’ll have to come up with something a little more natural if you get my drift.” Did he really just say his drift? Okay, that was a little old fashioned. He must have been watching too many reruns on Nick at Night.

  “Good point. I just keep thinking about it and I don’t know. I didn’t plan on liking him. Not like ‘that’ just you know, I like him. I like his family and I don’t want to tell my parents I’m stressed about it or they’ll think I’m too young and assign it to another pack member. I just don’t know what to do.” Maybe I was just sleep deprived I thought. I sounded so whiney I was annoying myself. “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be a whiney ass, I’m just trying to make sure I do the right thing. I’ve spent my entire existence knowing I’d find him and now I just want to make sure it all goes right. I’m afraid the O’Connell’s will convince him to go with them and then everything will be for naught,” I say as I head for the door. Oakley came up from behind putting his arms around me. He bent his head over and I could feel his breath on my ear.

  “Pru, don’t stress about it. You’ll figure it out. I promise.” He lightly squeezed and released me but not before Josie came to the door and saw us. I smelled her tension so I’d been right in thinking she was attracted to Oakley. Great, just what I needed.

  There was so much I didn’t know about her. I mean, really, Oakley is 22 and she had to be around 40. She flirted so much with all of the guys, it didn’t seem she had her sights on him until I mentioned thinking he was cute to her one time when we went swimming. She grew up in Oklahoma City, she was raised by her mother, and was secretive about her dad. I’d asked my mom about it one time but she told me it wasn’t any of my concern. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust her, I did, and I just knew something wasn’t being said.