Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 23


  It was hard to admit, but I was a little jealous of Allie the first time she came over to my house. When I saw Abel and her together it reminded me of how normal siblings are. I could tell they had history together and there weren’t any big secrets they had to guard. Or at least there wasn’t any big secrets they had to guard prior to coming over.

  All of my training up to that point was directed at preparing Abel for his shift, understanding my dreams, protecting our name and family but it hit me like a ton of bricks that he was going to miss his family. I couldn’t live the rest of my life without talking to my mom or dad and now I expected him to do it and to trust me to be the one to take his life. It was up to me to be the go between for him and the communication with his family. It was bad enough with the threat of the O’Connell’s and now I had to go and like his sister.

  It wasn’t too bad having Allie around, she didn’t seem to mind the ass kicking of her brother and was pretty good herself at blocking and kicking. We had a good time up until Abel kicked Oakley so hard it threw him into one of the walls. It blew up, between me feeling Oak’s invisible shackles going up and Jason turning around to round kick Abel. Allie jumped on Jason’s back, Abel side stepped Jason’s kick causing him to be off balance. Jason flipped Allie over to the mat, she bench pressed him off of her, and got to a standing position in one fluid movement. Everyone in the house had piled into the doorway and basically everyone stopped and stared at the skinny girl who just took down a werewolf single handedly. That is when crowd control in the form of a Pack Alpha came in handy.

  Silently my dad was giving hand signals to everyone to step down. Josie ran over to Allie to see if she was okay and about that point is when we all realized we had to act normal and not let her know something was up with us. One thing we couldn’t get our minds around was how did she do that. How in the hell did she do that? A very good question, and one that was going to be interesting trying to answer. As usual it was my job to get to the bottom of it and figure things out.

  Abel was the one that gathered composure and he checked on his sister and then he came over to see if I had any idea what was going on. Everyone was laughing and having a good chuckle but I was a little worried. Cat didn’t seem phased by any of it, she didn’t question our strength and she didn’t want to quit with the training. We spent the rest of the time fighting and testing reflexes. Abel’s reflexes were off the charts, you would have thought he had been a trained gymnast with all of the tumbling he did and how fast he was to miss a punch. The other incredible thing about him was he instinctively followed my dad’s symbols and could send signals out just as fast. Most bitten weres don’t fit into a Pack without a mentor to train them, and it usually took a year or two before they start recognizing the signals. They for sure couldn’t send out signals another Pack member would pay any attention too. Abel was a natural, and everyone paid attention, except you know who. Parker, mister contrary himself. It amazed me he was still in the Pack with his attitude but he managed to sweet talk my mom and my dad into keeping him. It was going to be interesting to see how he would do with Abe being the Great Wolf since his insubordination was enough to get him killed via Pack law. With the O’Connell’s coming, they would see it as rogue actions and kill him themselves.

  It didn’t seem like things were going to get any easier until the next morning when we woke up and there was a note from Parker saying he was going to be gone for a while.

  Dear Pack Master Phelan,

  In light of the current situation I have decided to take on a hunting expedition that some friends on Facebook have invited me to. I hope when I get back we can talk.


  Sadly, I felt relieved. After talking with Abel he confirmed Parker didn’t say anything to him, it looked like things may be looking up. Me being a child of not looking a gift horse in the mouth, I accepted it rather quickly.

  My dad called an emergency Pack meeting to discuss all of the events in the last few days. The one issue that was on everyone’s mind was Allie. How did she react the way she did and not get hurt. How did she predict the movements and how did she flip him over? Everyone agreed we didn’t think she was were as we couldn’t smell it on her at all. So it was decided Abel would have to be made aware of our suspicions of Allie and let him find out himself.