Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 22

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  Just what I need, dog fights going on outside my window. When Pru got serious she means business. Oakley said bye to me and before I knew it he is naked outside his truck and off he ran after her. I am trying to get in the window before Allie realizes I’m not home.

  I pull the screen closed and lowered the window but not all the way down because I want to hear what is going on outside. I am beginning to like the enhanced me, the one that can see in the dark, hear everything and smell like a bloodhound. Too bad I didn’t use any of those new senses when I crawled in the window.

  “So, you wanna tell me why you’re coming through the window at 2 in the morning?” Allie asked.

  “Hey Allie, would you believe me if I said I just wanted some fresh air?” I kick off my shoes and go to sit down to brace myself for the sister dialogue. “Why are you sitting in the dark?”

  “Well, I guess I’m sitting in the dark because my dumbass little brother disappeared. I came in his room to talk to him, so I’ve been sitting and waiting for his sorry butt to get home for the last hour. I was about to go get mom up and tell her you are missing but lucky for you this huge-ass dog was out there I’ve been keeping an eye on him in case he tried to get you. Back to the question. Where have you been? That girl Pru?”

  “You about gave me a heart attack Allie. They were having a get together at their house and I wanted to go, but I knew mom wouldn’t let me with you here so I went anyway. When did you become the Abel police?” I bounced to a sitting position on the bed and threw my arm around her. She feels so skinny. “Aren’t you eating? Don’t try telling me your fat, we both know you’re not.”

  “If you like this girl so much, why didn’t you just take me with you? Mom would have let you go if I were going with you, I’m an angel.” She makes her best innocent angel face. “The skinny part is kinda what I came home for. I’ve not been feeling well, look at my neck. I think I had a tick bite or something, I’ve been feeling sick every time I try to eat.” She holds up her hair where I see a small puncture wound at the nape of her neck.

  “Maybe it’s a spider bite. Maybe you’ll be spider woman,” I say, but I think it might be something worse.

  “You’re a dork.” We both fall back on the bed and giggled. I miss laughing with my sister. She has changed over the last two years, I like her, despite her temper tantrums.

  We sit up talking the rest of the night, falling asleep on my full sized bed. We have slept in the same bed every Christmas Eve giggling and waiting for our parents to go to bed since we were little, we couldn’t wait to see what Santa brought us… I guess two months ago on Christmas would have been our last time. Man, this part sucks.

  I send Pru a message when I get up to let her know I am up and about. One thing about wolves, they sleep late. I guess they ran so much at night they collapsed in exhaustion from what Pru has told me. I send her another message asking if it will be okay if Allie came over there with me.

  After a few texts back and forth, she finally agrees.

  On our way over to Pru’s house, Allie starts asking me why their family would buy me such an extravagant gift. I knew it was going to cause some eyebrow raising but we all agreed that it was going to be believed my parents gave me the car so people wouldn’t talk about it. With Allie living in the same family as me, she knew where it came from.

  “I have no idea Al. I tried to turn it down but they insisted. You can drive it if you want. I don’t mind at all. You wanna drive it?”

  “No, I just want to make sure they aren’t holding it over your head or something. I didn’t know if you’re sworn to marry their daughter or something. None of my friends’ parents have ever given me anything more than a birthday card so it’s a little freaky.” She pulls out some lip stuff smearing it on.

  “Trust me; Pru isn’t interested in me as anything other than a friend, much less wanting to be married to me. You’ll like her family, just know they’re a little rough and tumble, they horse around a lot. So don’t get all weird on me when we start working out, I can take it, I might not look it but I’m in fantastic shape.” We pull in the driveway and park behind Oakley’s truck.

  “I was going to tell you that you look like you are getting kinda buff. Not in a creepy way, I just noticed you didn’t look like my little brother anymore. More like my big brother.” We stop laughing long enough to ring the bell.

  Chapter 8.