Read The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull Page 23




  Assard had already been introduced to all the commanders of the Elven Army but now as their General he had to go through the ritual all over again. All respected him as a warrior but as a General all were respectful but most were sceptical, something Assard understood. He had never been part of an army or any group of warriors save the Quest he was now part of. Alundi had taught him so much in the years within the Emerald Skull as well as the years that had passed since. He had shared all his memories of all the battles and planning when he was a Knight of the Round Table. Still a small amount of Assard was apprehensive. However he was still the warrior son of the best tactician this land had ever seen. Quinn, with spirit, formed the Elves into ranks. Assard stood to the side. Each swing of their swords were accompanied by a chorus of war cries. It would send a shiver down the spines of any opposing army. It seemed that Boahim was not at all surprised by his appointment, and when he and Calqui whisked Assard away a new measure of appreciation swept over Assard. 

  Gurean grabbed Assard's attention, which also was a relief. Even though Gurean and his Man-Elves had spent most of their lives with the Elves they were still of Man in heart and Assard identified with them much more. However, like his father, he had an underlining measure of anger that these men and women had not been trained within the Skull. Gifted and worthy additions they would have made to the Round Table. 

  ‘I wish to show you something.’ Gurean proclaimed, as Assard got close enough. 

  The entire area that had been set-aside for Gurean and his cavalry had all but been vacated. Four carriages were, on Gurean's signal, moving through the centre of the field. It was a perfect representation of a heavily armed armament transport. Thirty Elves, two on each carriage, the rest either on foot and or on horses were moving with a slow but steady purpose. These Elves Assard noticed were made up of the Wolf Guard and Quinn’s handpicked tutors. Easily the best the Elves had to offer. 

  ‘This is the sixth time we have done this today, each time with the same result but each time another direction and tactic has been used.’ Gurean whispered proudly. 

  ‘Which tactic are they going to use now?’ Assard asked. 

  ‘No idea, I just told them to take the carriages.’ 

  Assard grinned. For it was also obvious to Assard at least that the caution of the Elves must mean they were angry that they had been thwarted five times already. If Assard had not been paying attention he would have almost missed the entire action. Eight arrows had been fired striking all that were atop of the carriages. The arrows seemed to have appeared from nowhere. Another blink of the eye and all the mounted Elves had been struck also. Leaving just the ones on foot. They quickly created a perimeter and shielded the transports. For a few moments all were still. A flicker of movement in front of the carriages made the archers the Elves had, loose their arrows. It was in vain as two of them were pulled into the earth. When another noticed he also was pulled into the earth. A flash of magic struck one of the carriages, it bursting into flames. An invisible force loosed the horses of all carriages and they sped away from the flames, making all the Elves dive from their paths. This was it. Twelve sprang from the earth as if they had been fired from it. Amongst the chaos, another twelve climbed out of mounds of grass that the Elves had overlooked. Within moments all the Elves had been defeated. 

  ‘Impressive, Gurean, but normally such a transport has with it a light cavalry of at least twenty.’ Gurean smiled. 

  ‘It’s not over.’ 

  It indeed was not, as out from beyond the field thirty Elves came over the guarding fence all mounted with shield and sword and bow ready for attack. The Man-Elves looked over in shock but quickly formed a rank of pikes in front of the coming onslaught. As they got four horse lengths from the wall of Man-Elves there was another flash of magic and they were gone. The startled horses bucked and bolted. It was in that moment Assard noticed the Man-Elves all standing behind the horses, all with arrows drawn. Assard was more than impressed, he was overwhelmed. He knew that Elves did not fight this way. At least he knew of none that fought this way. 

  ‘Gurean, who’s leading your group?’ 

  Gurean signalled to a tall blonde Man-Elf who Assard had not met but knew as Tilan. 

  ‘She is welled school in tactics as well as deception. There is still room for improvement Gurean, but tell them all that they are now part of Quinn’s tutors. I want all the Elves trained to think as she and you think. Where are your horses?’ Assard asked confused. 

  ‘Just because my men are cavalry does not mean they have to fight on horses.’ 

  Assard grinned. Patting him on the shoulder Assard said,

  ‘Good work my friend.’ 

  Assard jumped the barricade and strolled over to the Elves and Man-Elves who had been retrieved from the earth they stood on. None showed any injury other than their pride taking another hammering. 

  ‘What I have just witnessed is very impressive. Now however I’m going to give you a challenge. I want the same result, done in darkness, with less magic and only half your number.’ Assard said pointing at the Man-Elves. 

  There were shocked expressions as if he was asking the impossible. 

  ‘All magic leaves signs and I can tell that this magic is of Elf creation. If I can detect that, our enemy can detect that. We want Nala-Kahn thinking he is losing his Men, his provisions and his army to wraiths, ghosts or spirits. Or even to the very people he has enslaved. We will be operating deep within his Empire. Though the Elves will be the target for his army, we want him to believe that others are also attacking him.’ 

  There were still looks of shock and amusement. 

  ‘I will school you in ways of magic which no one can trace to the Elves. For instance.’ Assard looked up noticing an overcasting cloud rolling in, many following his gaze. 

  ‘You can startle a horse with what is around you.’ 

  Assard pulled his hand up and the carriage, which now had been put out but still smouldered, became an inferno once again billowing thick black smoke. Then in an instant the flames disappeared and the black smoke enveloped them all. Assard walked out of the smoke, which had drawn the attention of the Elves that practised within the arena. A slight smile pulled at his mouth at the challenge that was ahead. 

  Little Annabel pulled heavily on her mother's arm as she led her to the waiting great golden form of Kraco. Offering his talon they both stepped onto it before he lifted them high enough to climb onto his back. They took up a position between the large higher plates nearest to his shoulder joints, Little Annabel sitting in her mother's lap. A number of beats from Kraco’s wings and they were up. Before long Kraco was sailing over the canopy of the Elves' home. Morning birds squawked and flew for cover, other animals did the same as the great mass of the young dragon flew overhead. The trees themselves seem to shiver as he passed over them, sending a rumble of warning to the trees beyond. Annabel shielded herself as cool, moist air kissed her face. She smirked remembering the last two days she had spent with her daughter. She had taken her mother through the woods showing her all that Alundi had taught her. In was in these moments she noticed that Little Annabel was at her happiest. And she also knew that it was what was meant for her daughter. Even in Mountain Rise she had not been this happy. Annabel found herself questioning her desire for all this not to have happened. Little Annabel was meant for great things and only really now did Annabel want this for her daughter. So lost in her thoughts was she that it took a number of pulls on her sleeve by Little Annabel to get her attention. 

  ‘Mother, give me your hand!’ she shouted over the wailing wind. 

  She placed her palm on her mother's and silently asked of Kraco,

  ‘Fly west please Kraco.’ 

  A slight nod was all she got, then the gold dragon banked left. The sun had not risen yet however it was very close. Little Annabel could already feel it. 

  ‘Take a d
eep breath!’ Little Annabel warned. 

  The sun shone over the horizon behind them slashing the tree canopy and land in an ocean of golden light. 

  ‘This is what I see.’ Little Annabel’s voice whispered in her mothers mind. 

  Her mother instinctively closed her eyes and when she reopened them her breath escaped her. The world glowed with bright colours all in perfect harmony with everything around them. The colours rose from the canopy, merging with colours that flew from the air. It was a dance with greens, reds, whites and blues and many other shades all mingling with each other with a fluid and perfect grace. Kraco banked north slightly and Annabel noticed the colours that ranged from the gold dragon. They were a mix of reds, oranges and yellows all warring for dominance over the other. The same battle seemed to go on with the colours radiating from her daughter, but they were blues, greens and purples. They were brighter and deeper than Kraco’s. She was about to question her daughter when Kraco banked harder towards the north. After a moment he boomed. 

  ‘You have not seen anything yet!’ 

  Assard had the battalions that were waiting for tuition from Gurean and his Man-Elves locked in battle formations. The speed and agility of the Elves was still an awe-inspiring spectacle, even for him. He had to use all his skills and magical sight to watch everyone. His father was nowhere to be seen nor was Calqui. Which made Assard smile. He was no stranger to women and had always assumed that when his father had left the Elves and taken the name Galahad he had been the same. The Knights of the Round Table were famous warriors but their conquests in matters of the heart were just as well known. Alundi however confessed that with the life he led since Camelot adventures of the heart had been few and far between. He was happy now that his father had found someone he loved and loved him back and could build a future with. Assard had no such desire, in truth he feared it. Not women or commitment but the thought of settling down. He was a warrior after all and if this struggle, which for all he knew could take a thousand years, didn't kill him, another struggle would. Even with the great amount of power the Knights of the Round Table had their numbers were spent even after Galahad had joined them. Assard strolled in front of the great host of Elves as they fought. 

  A loud snap broke Assard from his thoughts. He sprinted over to where Gurean was teaching. The snap was one of the large stallions landing, his front leg buckling as he hit the ground. Gurean was already at the stallion's side quickly soothing the distressed animal. He pooled what little magic he had and healed the horse’s leg. It was obvious that had the Elves not taken Gurean he would have joined the empire and would be a strong and dangerous opponent. Even if his magic had not been spotted, a gifted cavalryman he would have become. Assard now knew just how important he and his Man-Elves were. The previous night he and his father had spent many hours in deep conversation. It had always held Assard in awe, the extent of his father’s knowledge. Obviously his long years of life were a contributing part of that and yet there were Elves here many hundreds, some even thousands of years older than he who simply knew nothing in comparison. Not even relating to magic. However something in his father's voice had troubled him when, as they parted, Alundi had said, 

  ‘I need seclusion if I am to unravel Lan’s memories.’ 

  Assard wondered if this simply meant that as Lan’s memories were so long that Alundi had only scratched the surface of them or something deeper. After Alundi had taken Calqui with him he grinned hoping it was just a way of his father saying he wished to have this time alone with the woman he loved. But still those lasts word kept popping into his mind. 

  Gurean stood and wavered slightly. Assard immediately grasped his shoulder to steady him. Gurean weakly spun round and Assard place his hand upon his chest. He was weak very weak. 

  ‘Gurean, get some food in you, when you return I shall show you, all of you how best to heal your horse without compromising yourself. Now go.’ Assard added staring at Gurean. 

  The Man-Elf did not argue. He returned shortly after high sun. 

  ‘Everyone gather round.’ Assard had called. He stood with a small mare to his right his hand light stroking her mane. 

  ‘Gurean healed that stallion superbly, but also foolishly. Your magic was all but gone. And it is simply fact, that all of you are far more important than the horses you ride.’ There were shifts mostly from the horses next to their respective masters. 

  ‘All of you have but a fraction of the magic I have, it is the truth, but that is not the only factor that separates us. What is your name?’ Assard asked a tall blonde Man-Elf that stood to Gurean’s left. 

  ‘Zianne.’ Assard gestured for her to join him beside the mare. 

  Offering his hand she took it attentively. He held it under his and placed it on the mare’s side. 

  ‘Feel how I feel.’ Assard extended his will towards the mare's mind with Zianne in tow. The mare was obviously aware of them, however she now invited them, opening her mind to them both. The three of them merged and became as one. Assard withdrew leaving Zianne connected with the young mare. 

  ‘Join with her, feel her beating heart.’ In that moment the mare’s heart beat slightly faster. 

  ‘Feel the wind as it passes over and through her coat.’ Assard whispered. 

  ‘She is strong, yes?’ 

  Zianne nodded. 

  ‘Her strength is vastly superior to your magic.’ Assard started turning back to the watching crowd. 

  ‘Now, Men, Elves and Dwarves, we are all sentient beings, and such a connection can only be achieved if both parties are willing, or by force. This mare is an animal and had she not been bred here, and domesticated, she would have lived wild, feeding and breeding, but also she would have lived in fear. All nature is beautiful but every creature is ruled by fear. Every wild animal from beast to bird is in a constant struggle for survival. Yes we are not alone in having evolved beyond this, some of the horses have too, but that instinct of fear is as powerful in all of you. This connection will give the mare courage beyond measure as well as intelligence and trust. Through this connection Gurean could have healed the stallion only using the stallion's instinct to survive, such an instinct is stronger than any magic, and using it Gurean wouldn’t have spent any of his magic. I will teach you all this now, for a warrior upon a steed this connection can be wondrous.’ 

  Alundi watched from the top of one of the large trees that circled the training arenas. He watched as his son was doing what he loved. Calqui stood on a slightly lower and slimmer branch and watched the Man she loved intently. 

  ‘I am not a parent, not yet, but the pride in your eyes, is wondrous.’ 

  Alundi smiled brilliantly. 

  ‘What I know of horses I learned from Assard and that look I have, is a parent’s look, when they know their youngling is greater than them. Assard is far greater than I. But until he knows it, he will never defeat me.’ He leaned down and kissed Calqui. 

  ‘I only hope that young Little Annabel knows better.’ 

  Calqui and Alundi were inseparable. They both knew what was coming but just a single year would pass for Calqui even though it would be a hard long year. Alundi would have many more years to endure without her. Alundi turned away from the spectacle that was his son being great and stared longingly into Calqui’s eyes. The spark he and Assard had fired in her before her bout with Soni was still present within her. It was nowhere near as strong as his but it was growing. Dark days were in Calqui’s immediate future, an immediate future that Alundi would not be around to assist with and enjoy. Placing his forehead to hers he whispered. 

  ‘I wish to show you something.’ 

  Her curiosity ignited, she wrapped her arms around Alundi's neck, him doing the same around her waist. He leapt from the sturdy branch near the top of the great tree looking over the training arenas and landed softly. Swinging Calqui onto his back he pooled his magic. 

  ‘Hold on my love.’ He sprang and they were gone. 

/>   Kraco landed harder than normal kicking up a great deal of muddy dirt, obviously tired from his extensive travels with both the Annabels upon him. They climbed off and thanked the gold dragon who simply bowed his head low to them. The sun had already fallen below the tree line but was still casting a fading red and purple glow in the sky. The Ne-aans however were all still winding down around the remnants of the evening meal Most of the men and some of the women still had not returned from training with the Elves. Prem strolled over to two male Elves both of which were tall and broad. 

  ‘Young Annabels, may I introduce you to mine sons, Rebuld-Dao and Dena-Cao.’ 

  They were still dressed in their war attire, which made them look even more impressive then normal, both bowed low to them. 

  ‘Where is your daughter?’ Little Annabel asked. 

  ‘She is driving our father insane. They carry the same rank within the Elf army.’ Rebuld answered with a chuckle. 

  Prem beamed at him. At that moment Prem’s youngest leapt onto Dena’s back. He yelled in fright at first but soon realised who it was. He spun round and flipped Mel onto the ground who in turn pulled Dena to the floor and they wrestled. Glancing away from the tussle Little Annabel noticed Uran and his family preparing what seemed like a banquet. Not taking her eyes from Galen and Nyorn who were both peeling potatoes much to their displeasure she assumed. 

  ‘Tell me Dena, do you wrestle?’ 

  He looked over to her and followed her eyes. 

  ‘I’ll wager that he can wrestle you to the ground, three to one.’ 

  Nyorn noticed Little Annabel’s gaze and smiled. Dena glanced back at her grinning greedily. 

  Assard remembered what his father had told him about Natali-Po but he was short of time and his patience with the Northern Elves was wearing thin. He had spotted her passing a mass of training Elves and followed. She was easy to spot in truth. She was as beautiful as all Elf women but Natali sported a head of bright red hair, cropped short. Excusing himself he followed her to her tent. He was greeted and not hindered. 

  ‘May I enter, Natali-Po, Elder?’ He asked softly at the mouth of her tent. 

  ‘Of course, Assard, son of Alec.’ Natali replied. 

  Assard entered and was immediately astounded by the assortment of armour that donned the poles that held the tent aloft. His armour however was completely separate and instantly recognisable. With the exception of being a slightly brighter green tinge it was identical to his father's, cut slightly broader at the shoulders. He stepped closer to it not receiving so much as a glance from the now busy Natali-Po. Holding his hand slightly in front of it Assard closed his eyes and whispered a few ancient words. 

  ‘Doubting my work?’ Natali snapped. 

  ‘No simply conveying my thanks.’ 

  ‘Thanks’ she spat. 

  ‘To the dragon from which this came.’ Assard explained gesturing to the armour. 

  She seemed shocked. 

  ‘Isn’t that dragon dead?’ 

  ‘Of course not, and yes no matter where he or she flies they can hear me.’ Assard answered her next obvious question. 

  Natali's expression was comical, Assard chuckled turning to study the armour some more. 

  ‘What favour do you ask of my father?’ Assard asked. 

  ‘You know my trade, I wish to learn more however of Alec’s trade.’ 

  Alundi rolled his eyes and turned back to the Elf elder. 

  ‘Well my father will be unavailable for quite a while, however I will make sure he forwards your request to Selec-Heo.’ Natali bowed her head in thanks. 

  Unable to fight the urge any longer Assard donned the armour. It fit perfectly though he doubted it would not. It felt as light as a tunic and yet he knew just how strong and durable it was. 

  ‘You have my deepest thanks Natali-Po, Elder.’ Assard said bowing low. 

  Turning to leave he stopped when Natali grasped his arm tightly. Though only moments ago she had looked on him with slight contempt, Natali had turned into a fearful struggling echo of herself. Her emotional control had withered and in this moment she was consumed with dread. Assard held her hand hoping that he in any way could help. 

  ‘What… what will happen to Soni-Xao?’ she painfully whispered. 

  Assard slowly lifted her hand from his arm and gestured for her to sit. She did so and he took a knee in front of her, placing her hands in his. 

  ‘Elder, believe it or not, that is a very difficult question.’ Assard started as she grasped what was left of her control. 

  ‘I have lived almost my entire life with, what you Elves call, a corrupted Elf, or in your tongue, an Orc. It is an unfair name, in fact it is an inaccurate name. An Elf allowing themselves to be consumed by the magnesium of emotion, does not mean they lose their logic or their knowledge of right or wrong.’ Assard watched her eyes closely but could not read them. 

  ‘My father murdered Xias-Xao, the pain and anguish of that act sent him down the road of true corruption. And yet he is not evil. He has done evil but for a reason that was good. Love, Natali. Soni is the same in part. He was driven by grief for a father that he loved. And he did evil, the fact that Calqui survived is irrelevant.’ He added hoping that she remained still and silent. 

  ‘Alec embraced love, long before I was born. But that was a conscious decision on his part. That same choice was before Darz, and that same choice, is before Soni.’ Assard stood but did not move away from Natali who now looked up at him longingly. 

  ‘Darz fell into hate, a far easier emotion to grasp for anyone. With it he has gained incredible power and has done unspeakable evil, his Elemamtels are proof of that. It is an evil that cannot continue and if I have anything to do with it will not befall anyone any more.’ 

  Nautili’s face screwed up in pain but after taking a few deep breaths she turned back to her table and continued her work. Assard sensed this was the time and went to leave again. 

  ‘Soni-Xao, is my younger brother.’ Natali almost inaudibly whispered. 

  Assard mouth fell open in complete shock. Knowing the laws of Elves he was amazed that she had said it, knowing how many laws must have been broken for that to happen. 

  ‘On the day the choice is presented to Soni, I pray that he remembers you, and chooses wisely.’ Assard said turning back to her. Taking one more step towards the mouth of the tent he stopped. 

  ‘If however that does not come to pass, then on the day of his Judgment…’ Assard's voice hardened. 

  ‘… I will make it quick.’ Assard strode away from Natali but still not fast enough to miss her bursting into loud, uncontrollably painful tears. 

  ‘There you two are!’ Boahim boomed as Alundi and Calqui both entered the clearing around Alundi’s home. 

  ‘We have been trying to contact you for the past two days, and I have had someone here since you two left.’ Boahim complained, however he seemed to be not entirely annoyed. 

  Alundi glanced into Calqui’s eye and chuckled. Boahim grasped Alundi’s arm and greeted Calqui in the same manner. 

  ‘Thankfully, your timing could not be better. Alagon son of Bors has arranged a banquet for the Quest as it nears its end. I suggest you two bathe, the Quest is the guest of honour after all.’ Boahim added with a smirk, then spun on his heels and left. 

  ‘Oh, wow!’ Alundi proclaimed as he and Calqui entered the clearing where the Ne-aans now lived. Never had he seen this before, being away when Isacal was made Queen. Snow was falling, however as it got ten feet from the ground it stopped in mid fall and pulsed with brightness baking the ground in a shocking white light. Each snowflake lasted only moments but the brightness did not suffer for it. They were crystals pulsing with the light of their neighbours. Calqui held his arm tighter having already seen this. She scanned the people, finding the Annabels sitting on a raised platform where a number of Elves, Ne-aans and Assard were all on their feet playing horns, pipes and stringed harps. Assard's fiddle spee
d was in time with the pulsing of the crystal snowflakes that hovered overhead. Unable to control herself she wrapped her arms around the back of Alundi’s neck and kissed him passionately. At first he was shocked then he pulled her close and enjoyed the kiss. Their embrace was broken by Nyorn smacking Alundi hard on the back shouting his drunken greetings. As they parted Nyorn wrapped his raised arms around Alundi’s waist. Bellowing with laughter soon Nyorn was joined by Galen and Zeece in their embrace of Alundi. He shrugged at Calqui, powerless against the family of Dwarves. She laughed uncontrollably. 

  When he wiggled his way free he noticed Selec standing in front of him. She wore a violet toga that showed her beautiful figure. She raised her arms and he embraced his master with the love for a mother. He kissed her hand then forehead a customary greeting between son and mother, daughter and father. Taking a seat he was handed a sizeable mug of ale, a hint of Bors moonshine magic within. Boahim stood in his warrior dress, as were all of the Wolf Guard not including Calqui of course. All the Elder members of the Council were present as well as their families. Fredren stood in the older black dress, a colour not used by the younger members of the Council or the other Elders. 

  Alundi gaped at the spectacle that was his sister as she approached with Angeli and Prem. She wore all white, her hair white as well. Standing, he embraced Angeli and Isacal then he hugged Prem the same as he hugged Selec.  

  ‘I never realised, how much I really missed this place!’ Alundi boomed as he stood before the three of them. 

  Angeli beamed at him. 

  ‘Queen, Isacal-Teo, may I have this dance?’ Alundi asked taking a bow and stretching out his hand. The look of shock on many of the faces of the Elders not withstanding, Isacal hesitated. 

  ‘I could make that an order?’ Alundi quietly mused, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

  She took his hand and embraced her younger brother. Pulling him close it was more than just an embrace. Isacal opened her mind to Alundi. At first he was hesitant but it was obvious that she was willing. He wrapped his mind around hers and she shared everything she felt with him. It was only now he learned just how pained Isacal had been when he left, and only now, how much joy she felt that he had returned. Their foreheads coming together Alundi opened himself to her and in turn she felt the joy he felt starting from the moment he had revealed his true lineage to her. Tears pooled in both their eyes. 

  ‘I love you, Brother.’ Isacal whispered, not caring that many would have heard. 

  ‘And I love you, Sister.’

  ‘And I love you, Sister.’ Alundi replied gazing into her perfect blue eyes. 

  ‘I believe many are waiting for a speech.’ Alundi muttered. 

  Isacal nodded knowing that it was her turn. She strolled away, Angeli and Prem not leaving her side. Taking a step onto the stage the music stuttered to a stop. This had always been Isacal’s strength. With recent events she had to be more than believable, she had to inspire. All were silent and eager to hear the Queen. 

  ‘From a time long since past we Elves have lived in this forest, we have made it our home, in harmony with our surroundings and not against the forest’s wishes. A great deal of our history has fallen into legend and myth, but from the days of King Ulinbran, Man has always been friend and ally with us Elves. The creation of the Fortress of Camelot, and the formation of The Knights Of The Round Table should not have meant that we Elves were no longer a needed friend of Man. The Battle of Ulin claimed the lives of fifteen thousand Men. Most notable amongst them Arthur, ruling Knight of Camelot, not to mention the other valiant Knights that stood with him, most falling with him.’ Isacal's eyes rolled over Alundi. 

  ‘That same battle saw one of our kin kill four of our kind and fall into hate and corruption. Another of us may join him, but hope remains in the form of Alundi, my brother, who killed a fellow Elf, under order.’ Isacal could not help glancing in Fredren’s direction. 

  ‘Since that act, he has stood with Arthur as a Knight, and mentored and instructed another to be a force for good as he has been. Now is the time that we Elves need to shake off the shackles of inaction. I have called our people to war. In the coming months, pain and fear may engulf us all. But HOPE, WILL EVER CONQUER!’ 

  ‘Our neighbours, Man, require our help. Raise your fist, if you are unwilling.’ 

  Alundi stared at Isacal in absolute shock. Many stirred, glancing at each other, most looking in Fredren’s direction however after a few rather long moments there was no movement. 

  ‘Thank you.’ Isacal whispered. 

  ‘NOW… WE CELEBRATE!’ She screamed at the top of her lungs. It was soon drowned out by the screams of joy and ecstasy of the Elves and Men. The emotion warmed Alundi and Assard’s blood and they could not help glancing at each other. The music started again. Alundi quickly made his way to Isacal before she stepped down. 

  ‘Shall we have that dance, My Queen?’