Read The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull Page 24



  Final Straight

  Kraco took to the sky, having many times flown over the Northern Kingdom hunting, he already knew the forest below him well. Alundi walked at the head of the Quest, Assard to his right, and one step behind Calqui. Boahim and Isacal to his left each one step behind the other. Little Annabel walked directly behind Alundi with her mother behind her. Behind the Quest walked the Wolf Guard, Dosia and his patrol along with a flange of three hundred bowmen and bringing up the rear was Gurean and his entire Man-Elf cavalry. Such a host would look impressive even to the Knights of Camelot. A number of the Council old and young walked behind them with another great host of Elves that lived in the Northern Kingdom. Speed was not important. The moon would not be at its darkest for another two days, that was their time for attack. By afternoon the next day they would arrive at the Northern Kingdom. From that point the Emerald Skull was three days walk away but with the speed of Kraco it would take less than a morning to get there. The Archer Flange would leave the moment it got to the Kingdom breaking into a run to get to their destination in time. Gurean would also be leaving at the same time with he and his cavalry providing protection for them. Even the most powerful wielder would think twice about storming an Elf Archer Flange with cavalry as support. Boahim was and correctly so, extremely confident in his peoples’ abilities. Alundi doubted not one who was about to fight with them. Isacal was dressed for battle, hoping that maybe Alundi would change his mind and include her in the attack. Or as Alundi suspected, wanted to appear that he would change his mind and that she would be willing. His trust of her though, was nowhere near as strong as his love for her, but she was still a politician and more importantly the Queen. The unrest that surrounded Soni-Xao was still fresh but not an active issue for the moment at least, but the Queen’s death would be disastrous.

  Natali-Po did not travel with them, however Selec did and during a short break Alundi strolled over to her. 

  ‘Heo, may I?’ Alundi asked gesturing to the stool that sat in front of her. 

  ‘I have a favour to ask of you. Natali-Po Elder has requested to be instructed in your trade. I ask that you consider this. As you are the master of sword-making she is undoubtedly the master of armour-making. It would be a good partnership.’ Selec was obviously not impressed with his reasoning. She had always held anyone from the Northern Kingdom in certain regard, but this was long before Xais-Xao. 

  ‘I have something for you, a loan if you will.’ Alundi reached into his bag and drew his hammer and his chisel both of which Selec had forged. She recognised them immediately. 

  ‘I will want them back.’ Alundi added with a grin. 

  ‘I will consider your request young Alec, only because it is you who is asking. And I will keep these in a safe place.’ She said raising the hammer and chisel. 

  ‘No no no… they are to be used, that is their purpose. Someone older and wiser than I taught me that.’ 

  Selec chuckled. 

  ‘You know, someone older and wiser than I taught me that as well.’ 

  Alundi smiled with her. They both stood and embraced. Staring into her eyes he silently whispered to her. 

  ‘I know he did, he told me.’ He winked at her and spun on the spot leaving Selec standing  dumbstruck.  

  ‘Ah Dosia, I seem to remember you are quite the mead lover.’ Alundi bellowed as the Elder patrol master was passing. 

  ‘Your memory is good, Alundi.’ 

  Alundi guffawed and wrapped his arm around Dosia's shoulder. 

  ‘We go to Uran!’

  ‘I am Toria-Cau, Marshal of the Northern Kingdom, I welcome you Alundi wielder of Excalibur former Knight of the Round Table and your Quest.’ 

  Alundi remember her all too well. 

  ‘It is my honour, Marshal Cau’ Alundi replied. 

  Toria sidestepped and took a somewhat sarcastically low bow. 

  ‘Welcome My Queen.’ 

  They shared the usual boring greetings and customs and the Quest headed into the heart of the Northern Kingdom, Kraco however did not. He had taken to the sky after discussing this with Alundi. Obviously news of Soni's disgrace had reached here almost the moment it happened and many were disgusted and many more were feeling apprehensive and ashamed but Alundi did not notice any ill feeling in the faces of the Elves present. Regardless, Assard even without instruction took up position directly behind Little Annabel with Alundi walking just in front. They were escorted to the Royal Quarters. Dosia had joined them stating. 

  ‘We need to continue on.’ 

  Alundi simply nodded. 

  ‘All of you!’ Alundi boomed pulling all their attention. 

  ‘Tread soft and light, and I thank you, every one of you.’ Alundi bowed low and waited for the typical Elf response. However Dosia took a few steps forward and offered his hand. Alundi shook it. 

  ‘We move out, complete silence, go.’ The Archer Flange which wore no signing amour, moved to the left and quickly melded into the green of the forest. 

  ‘The Royal Quarters await, please.’ Toria said gesturing them to follow. Gurean headed to the east for the stables, to wait until dawn to follow the Archer Flange. The rest of the company who were not of the Northern Kingdom were at a loss as to what to do. Assard quickly called Selec, Uran and Alagon to follow. The Royal Quarters was easily recognisable it had been draped in whites, greens and gold silk banners. Toria led the Quest with many from the Northern Kingdom lining the sides of the path. Most wore an expression of shock but that was because of Selec's presence, Alundi was certain of it. If she enjoyed it or not, her expression did not give anything away not even to Alundi. The moment they passed the door threshold they all dropped their bags, which in turn were picked up and taken to an adjoining room. 

  ‘Well I don’t know about you lot, but I’m hungry!’ Assard boomed quickly stepping towards the banquet that had been prepared for them. 

  Everyone chuckled and joined him. Isacal ordered the Wolf Guard to eat and then to rest as they would be following Gurean and his cavalry in the morning. A slight glance at Alundi was enough to convince Toria that she too would not be leaving with the Quest. Alundi stepped towards her and stopped her joining them. 

  ‘My apologies Marshal Toria-Cau, but we have a matter to discuss, of a sensitive nature.’ 

  She stared into Alundi’s eyes for a long moment then bowed her head and turned to leave. The rest of the Quest sat and started eating, the Wolfs Guard taking their food and leaving as well. Selec, Alagon, Uran and the Quest minus Kraco were the only ones within the Royal Quarters. 

  ‘Why did you send Toria away?’ Isacal asked confused and annoyed. 

  ‘Let us eat sister, then we shall talk.’ Alundi had no need to tell Little Annabel to eat more than usual. Before long Alagon started telling tales from the Camelot days. Most were slightly blown out of proportion but none the less true. Alagon told of the day he found Alundi and Bors at the mercy of a house of whores within the employment of a baron they had be sent to negotiate with. He had taken great pleasure when both Alundi and Bors realised that not only had their weapons been taken but also both of them had been drugged. The atmosphere was buoyant and fun but as the sun fell and the light faded all their moods darkened. The challenge ahead was a huge one even though it was only the first step. Worst of all was the goodbyes that were still left to be said. All waited for Alundi to speak and he knew it.

  ‘We are walking along a precipice, young Little Annabel, if there was any other course we could have taken I would have. But only two outcomes would have come to pass the moment I found you. Either you would be trained within the Skull, by myself or Assard. Or your magic would have been taken by Nala-Kahn and all of us would be dead.’ Alundi gestured to everyone present. 

  ‘I am so very sorry little one but this was my choice and I chose it. You remember after my bout with Merlin? The language I spoke?’ he asked them all. 

  ‘It wa
s the ancient language. Ancient spells.’ Isacal replied in a slightly awed voice. 

  ‘And that is what Merlin had at least in part.’ Even Assard looked confused at his father’s words. 

  ‘The reason the spirits still float over this land is to pay a debt. Sara is of this time and as she still exists now, although only within the Emerald Skull, she knows the ancients spells and she knows this one spell. That is where Morlek must have got it and in turn his son Nala-Kahn.’ Everyone was confused. 

  ‘This spell is the reason the spirits exist, is the reason the Emerald Skull exists, and is also the reason why ever since I suspected Morlek had it I have fought him. Used only in part it can do unspeakable evil and there is obvious evidence they have it.’ 

  ‘The Elemamtels.’ Assard snapped in shock. 

  ‘They are the spawn of this spell, Darz has it?’ Assard, asked shocked. 

  ‘Yes, at least in part and with it he twisted or tempted Merlin and so one of the Greatest of Camelot fell.’ Alundi answered his voice pained. 

  ‘I’m still not following.’ Alagon muttered. 

  ‘That war, between Elf and Man and any other creature that was involved.’ Alundi slowed his breathing. 

  'It cost more than just the lives of the wielders and soldiers upon the battlefield. It cost so much more. All had evoked this spell. They connected their magic to ordinary people, so that their energy, their life force would feed them.’ 

  ‘My love what does that mean?’ Calqui asked in a hushed voice fear reverberating through everyone present. 

  ‘When they all were killed e…’ Alundi was cut off when Little Annabel screeched.

  ‘They all died!’ 

  Everyone looked over to her. Dread filled her eyes. 

  ‘Thousands upon thousands just fell to the ground, life no longer within them.’ She whispered. 

  No one asked how she knew this.

  ‘Nala-Kahn has this knowledge?’ Assard asked. 

  ‘I believe so, though I will ask Sara to confirm.’ Alundi whispered. 

  All of them were silent for a short while, each one of them dealing with this new information. 

  ‘Everyone get some sleep, that includes you Kraco.’ Alundi said a bit louder, the Gold Dragon had been privy to the entire conversation. 

  'For tomorrow, for the good of everyone within this land, we start a war.’ 

  Annabel struggled to hold back her tears as she tucked her daughter in. Though she still did not fully understand all of what Alundi had said she was more shocked by how her daughter had reacted. She tried not to think about it, but other than thinking about that, the only thoughts she could think of was the fact that as of tomorrow she would be alone. For the first time since her daughter was born she would not be with her. She stared down at the smaller version of herself. Little Annabel stroked her mother’s cheek with the back of her hand as she used to do for her.

  ‘Mama’ she whispered.

  ‘I will be fine.’ 

  The floodgates opened and tears streamed down Annabel’s face. She pulled her daughter into a tight embrace unable to let go. Laying her back down onto the bed she stayed leaning over her until she fell into unconsciousness. There was the faintest knock on the door. Alundi's large frame stood in the doorway when she opened it. 

  ‘How is she?’ he whispered. 

  Annabel wiped her eyes and stepped out of the door closing it behind her. 

  ‘Doing better than I.’ she said with a smirk. 

  Alundi opened his arms to her and she immediately dived into his embrace. She felt safe in this moment being held by Alundi and she knew that her daughter would also be safe within Alundi’s arms. 

  ‘Annabel.’ Alundi whispered. 

  She pulled away looking up into Alundi’s pain-filled eyes. He lowered his head and kissed her upon the brow before placing his brow to hers.

  ‘Try to sleep young one, for tomorrow you start the greatest battle of all. You will be staying behind.’ He squeezed tighter, spun and left not glancing back. He could not get away quickly enough to miss Annabel burst into loud tears of pain. After a number of right turns he slumped against the wall hating himself for doing what had to be done. 

  ‘Alundi.’ Boahim called. 

  ‘The Queen and the Council members have been assembled as you requested.’ He straightened up and followed Boahim.

  Calqui sat up in one of the luxurious beds within the Royal Quarters. Alundi was asleep to her right but peace this night she could not find. She had studied battle tactics and war all her life and even the brush with death she had at the hands of Soni did nothing to help soothe the wild and dangerous thoughts that raged within the confines of her mind. She had tried and failed to calm herself using meditation. In fact since Assard had trained her for the bout with Soni she had not succeeded in meditation at all. She felt lost and the fear of that was greater than the coming battle.

  ‘My love, you can’t sleep?’ Alundi whispered turning towards her. She smiled brilliantly. 

  ‘You are very perceptive.’ She replied. 

  Alundi beamed at her. 

  ‘That’s a start. Soon your sarcasm and wit will rival mine.’ He added with a chuckle sitting up next to her and pulling her close. They kissed passionately. 

  ‘You know as I cannot sleep, maybe you could stay awake with me?’ Calqui squeaked. 

  Alundi laughed out loud. He pulled her closer and pressed his lips to hers. From that moment all the passionate nights they had shared before this was as if they had never happened. This was the first time and for Calqui, the first ever time. Alundi’s face was the only thing that took a Mans more rugged feel. As he pushed his way in to her and rubbed his skin over her sleek smooth form it felt like the finest silk. The only thing that was not smooth was all of Alundi’s body scars. Calqui ran her fingers over all of them hoping that her love could heal them. Each kiss that he gave her skin sent a wave of hunger through her, a longing for more. 

  ‘I love you, open your mind.’ Alundi silently whispered to her. 

  She did so without hesitation. He thrust his mind into hers. Their minds intertwining, overlapping, sharing in all the joys of both as they became one. Alundi felt Calqui’s pleasure each time he pushed himself into her Calqui feeling all the joy all his love and his pleasure in the same act. This was their moment and for the first time, both Alundi and Calqui became one mind one being, one soul. Basking in each other’s love, joy and pleasure he was hers and she was his, forever.

  ‘It suits you.’ Alagon muttered as Assard strode over to him a brilliant smile upon his face as he ran his hand over the smooth surface of his dragon hide vest.  

  ‘You know Arthur only had metal armour before Galahad showed him dragon hide. When I left the Emerald Skull after my training with Merlin it was only my father that did not wear dragon hide.’ Alagon continued as they made their way towards the waiting Kraco.

  ‘Arthur himself took a pilgrimage to the island of Valinor and negotiated with the senile ancient dragon there to see if you could secure some.’ Assard stared at Alagon in disbelief, as his father had never mentioned this. 

  ‘Such information, Kraco would…’ Alagon however continued. 

  ‘Oh that old dragon is long since dead, but your young dragon, may find some answers there.’ Assard nodded still confused why Alundi had never mentioned it. 

  Assard noticed that Alagon was not dressed for battle and knew he would not be joining the Quest. 

  ‘Make your way to Wen-Fen-Nu, be prepared for the day after we return, we go to save your son, you have my word.’ Assard grasped Alagon's shoulder, Alagon offered Assard his arm. The two warriors grasped forearms, the time-honoured tradition within the Round Table. 

  ‘Fight fast!’ Alagon boomed.

  ‘Kill many!’ Assard replied. 

  ‘Die happy!’ Alagon boomed again. 

  They both laughed loudly and embraced. 

  ‘Ha ha, Bors would be p
roud Young Alagon.’ Alundi boomed as he neared. Alagon stepped back. 

  ‘Son, our gold and rather bold chariot awaits.’ Assard nodded and headed towards the young dragon. 

  ‘Be safe Galahad.’ 

  Alundi bowed low. As he looked up back at Alagon he was struck with a feeling of fearful longing. Something told Alundi that this would be the last time he would see his young friend of Camelot. 

  Annabel stared longingly at her daughter who sat between two of Kraco's spinal plates. Boahim and Calqui both stood in their armour next to their Queen who in turn was in her full battle dress. Alundi strolled over. A more impressive sight could not be seen. He was donned in his dragon hide armour, Excalibur resting on his right hip. An array of throwing knives lined his belt. Conner’s blade rested in its own new scabbier on Alundi’s left hip. 

  ‘Isacal… you know what I am going to say.’ Alundi muttered with a smirk. 

  Isacal glanced at Calqui and Boahim. Both of who strode towards Kraco. 

  ‘You wish for me to remain?’ Isacal asked failing to hide the pain in her voice. 

  ‘No, I wish you could come with us, but you are needed here, only wanted with me.’ Alundi confirmed. He embraced her and she bathed in her brother’s love. 

  ‘My brother coming back into my life, and I now I will lose you for another year.’ Isacal complained. 

  Alundi laughed out loud. 

  ‘You are almost five hundred years old, big sister. What’s one more year.’ Alundi teased. 

  Isacal grinned broadly. 

  ‘Thank you, sister.’ Alundi took a knee in front her. 

  ‘Alundi, I grow impatient!’ Kraco boomed. 

  Assard burst out laughing at Alundi’s scared reaction, which quickly set Alagon off who was waiting for them to depart with Selec, Uran and the others. Alundi pooled his magic and leapt from the spot. Sailing through the air he landed upon Kraco's back just behind Little Annabel. 

  ‘LET’S FLY!’ 

  Little Annabel screamed at the top of her lungs. Kraco growled which reverberated through the trees. As he lifted off the ground, everyone stared up in shock as Little Annabel’s voice echoed within and around all of them. 


  Tears streamed from Annabel’s eyes as the reason for her existence left upon a young Dragon with the Quest that would protect her with their lives though they were travelling towards danger. 

  ‘I love you baby.’ Annabel whispered knowing all too well that her daughter would hear. 

  The night air at this height stung Alundi’s skin. Both he and Assard decided against shielding themselves from the freezing air, opting to save as much of their magic as possible. However he did suggest Little Annabel do this and not surprisingly she spread her influence to protect them all even Kraco, but he quickly said for him it was pointless. 

  ‘Alundi will we be landing with the Archer Wing?’ Boahim bellowed. 

  ‘We will give away their position!’ Assard answered at the top of his lungs. 

  ‘I will give them silent instruction.’ Alundi silently shared with them all. 

  Alundi took a moment to study the Quest. He sensed no fear from any of them, not even Little Annabel, all he felt from her was excitement. Not for the upcoming battle though Assard was excited for that reason, but for the wonders she was about to witness and learn. He could not blame Assard for feeling as this because Alundi also felt the same. The Knights of the Round Table were not fearless; in fact Alundi would never trust any being that showed no fear. But here and now fear was not present. Obviously Knights had died but even in battle it was rare. This was just another battle, a battle that would shape the very fabric of fear in these lands. It was the first move in a game that even Alundi could not see how it would end. He was confident, as was the entire Quest, and that was a confidence that they needed. Sinking into himself he reached out his mind into the wilderness towards the familiar presence of Dosia. When he found him he knew they were close. 

  ‘Dosia.’ Alundi whispered.

  ‘We are in position, the enemy number has increased and they have set up a staggered line of defence but it is designed to defend against a large scale assault.’ Dosia silently replied which Alundi allowed the entire Quest to hear. 

  ‘Darz is in command and there are a number of wielders amongst the soldiers. Seventy Elemamtels are also present.’ Dosia finished. 

  ‘Thank you Dosia, position you and yours to cut off support to the steps of the Emerald Skull and deploy Gurean and his cavalry as you see fit.’ Dosia did not reply. 

  ‘I trust you are ready to do a bit of cooking Kraco?’ Alundi asked loudly with a grin. 

  Kraco chuckled which vibrated through his scales into all of them. Assard could not help laughing. It was not long before Kraco silently told them that they were above the Skull. He started descending in circles. 

  ‘Prepare yourselves. Use you sight, daughter.’ Alundi added silently.