Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 1

The Life Of Alexandria

  Drama Of Epic Proportion

  By M'tain A. Dubois

  For all the people who have had bad things happen to them in their life keep the faith.


  Copyright 2013 By M'tain A. Dubois

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons either living or deceased is purely coincidental. Names, places, characters and incidents are products of the authors' imagination or are used fictitiously. The author holds the rights to this work. It is illegal to reproduce this novel without written expressed consent from the author himself.

  Chapter 1

  The alarm went off and the only thought I had was "Maybe I'll get lucky and someone will have broken in and killed the witch while I slept."

  "Alexandria! For the last time get up!" Yelled the oven I was cooked in confirming that indeed my prayers hadn't been answered and she still lived. "I don't know how someone that stays so fit and active can be so lazy at the same time." She said opening my door without knocking as usual. "Alex don't ignore me!" She demanded as I pulled the covers over my head. "Alexandria Jaden Holt! Get your butt out of bed!" She fumed pulling my warm covers off of me.

  "God Haile! For heaven's sake leave me alone I'm getting up!" I snapped pulling the covers out of her hands.

  Placing her hands on her hips in full disappointment fashion she scowled at me. "How many times have I told you about calling me by my name instead of mother?"

  "When you start acting like a mother I'll start calling you that." I shot back hoping to wound her.

  "Well I can see that the day is starting off wonderful as usual." My father chimed in before the war between us could go nuclear.

  My father was a great man in every sense of the word, how he ended up with my mother I'll never know for sure. He always told me that my mother was a wonderful, kind and beautiful person that captured his heart the second he met her. He reasoned that it was hard for me to see that right now because I am a female teenage girl and the two of us just clash due to hormones.

  My father's name is Richard Felix Holt, sergeant in the Albuquerque police department. He's been decorated more times than I can remember and everyone will tell you that there is no one finer in the world to have as a friend.

  Without my father in my life I would have gone insane ages ago, he's the only thing in this family worth hanging around for. As you can no doubt tell when it comes to my so called mother Haile Ann Holt I'd assume never had known her, I always hear or read about those mothers that take off at birth abandoning their children and I think. "Why couldn't I have been that lucky?"

  Maybe all this sounds a little harsh so I should explain a little further, Haile was always on me about everything I do and say. There was the time I started my homework two minutes later than she wanted and as a result spent an hour in the corner for it, stupid idea in my opinion. I couldn't see how standing in the corner was getting my homework done.

  Then another time my boyfriend (Back before he was my boyfriend) walked me home and at the end of the walk went to kiss me. Needless to say she flipped out flinging the door open like a crazy person grabbing me inside while at the same time grabbing a broom so she could proceed to chase him half way down the block.

  I yelled at her unable to believe what happened. "What the hell are you doing?"

  "Saving you from months of pain and humiliation at the hands of a boy who just wants to use you!" She retorted like her insanity was for my benefit.

  "You don't even know anything about him!" I protested.

  "I know everything that I need to! He is captain of the football team! He has a winning smile that can melt hearts! He is wanted by every girl!"

  As she rambled on I suddenly realized that she was quoting things I had written in my personal journal.

  "You read my journal?!" I questioned trembling in anger.

  Hesitating for a moment she finally fixed her jaw in defiance. "You left me no choice! You never talk to me about anything! How else am I supposed to be a part of your life?"

  "I don't want you in my life making judgments and rules that are outdated for even a fifties house wife! I love Kevin and he loves me!" I yelled pushing past her.

  Those were just a couple of examples but you get the point. However my dad is the other end of the spectrum. He always understands no matter what the problem is, he doesn't yell, he talks, he doesn't violate privacy, he respects and cherishes it.

  Case in point this morning little tiff, he'll have it resolved in seconds.

  "Haile why don't you head down stairs and meet us at the breakfast table, Alex and I will be along shortly I promise." He smiled giving her a light kiss on the lips which nearly made me gag.

  Haile looked like she was going to argue it at first but after the kiss she softened will a look of love before smiling at me like we were the best of friends. "I'll see you both down stairs."

  "Alex is it absolutely necessary to antagonize your mother?" He asked me leaning on the door as he waited for permission to enter my room.

  "Necessary? Not at all, fun, but not at all necessary." I said rather proud of my cleaver answer until his look made me look away. "Sorry dad, it's just she doesn't respect anything I do! I heard her calling for me to get out of bed and would she have given me half a chance I would have been up right away but as usual she had to charge in here like I'm still two years old! I'm not a child anymore!" I huffed.

  "No you are not, but neither are you an adult honey. You still live under our house and with that are certain rules and responsibilities that I know you can fulfill whenever you choose, you are intelligent, beautiful and responsible Alex, you'll have to forgive your mother and I if every once and a while we still see you as our little girl in pigtails that needs us to do everything for her." He smiled. "I'll tell you what honey, both of us will try harder to treat you with the love and respect you deserve as a young adult if you try to hold up your end of the that deal and act like it."

  With a smile I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Thank dad, for everything."

  He gave me a kiss on the top of my head and a playful wink before turning tail and heading down stairs to make Haile happy and buy me some time.

  Invigorated by his speech I jumped out of bed cleaning my room in record time before hopping in the shower and making myself look better than most movie stars do if I don't say so myself.

  Skipping down the stairs I headed into the dining room and slid into my chair where breakfast was waiting for me, it was scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. Not my favorite food in the world to eat during the morning but what did I expect? It's not like Haile even knew what I liked to eat these days.

  I wolfed down the breakfast doing my best not to gag in accordance with the agreement my father and I had made.

  "How was breakfast?" Questioned Haile insistently.

  "Editable." Was about the best compliment I could muster for now.

  "Let me grab my keys and I can give you a ride to school." Haile said getting up from the table.

  "That's okay, Kevin is going to take me." I said grabbing my bag and heading for the door.

  Frowning at the mention of my boyfriends name she quickly hid the look. "Well at least let me make you a lunch, I just bought some new lunch meat and chips."

  "That's ok, dad already gave me some money." I answered triumphantly.

  "Richard? You gave her money for that unhealthy snack bar they like going to?" She said shaking her head.

  "Everyone needs to have a little junk food every once in a while." He shrugged grabbing his keys and heading for the door.

  As he opened it Kevin came tumbling i
n as his fist had no door to tap on, catching him at the last second my dad helped him to his feet.

  "You alright Kevin?" He laughed dusting him off.

  "Yes sir, I'm just trying to get in some practice dropping to one knee." He said bashfully looking at me.

  Looking at my father I wasn't sure what to expect as an answer to what Kevin had just awkwardly said. My father stood at six feet tall with blonde hair and blue eyes, he was built like a tank sturdy and unbreakable with hands that looked like it could crush a persons head.

  Compared to him Kevin looked like a rag doll, his five foot six thin and wiry frame looked laughable but as always his green eyes enchanted me easily.

  "You're a little young to be making jokes about marriage Kevin, besides marriage is a serious thing in of itself." Haile chimed in ruining the scene as usual.

  Haile was five foot six with dark brown hair that was just past shoulder length offsetting her honey colored eyes and hour glass figure, I guess that from an objective stand point she wasn't bad looking but be that has it may she still wasn't good enough for my dad.

  "Relax Haile it was just a joke, everyone else jokes in the world can't you just try to have a sense of humor?" I sighed.

  "My sense of humor is fine but marriage should never be joked about Alex, that's one of the problems in the world today. No one respects the sanctity of marriage."

  "Thank you Dr. Phil." My dad laughed rolling his eyes at me. "Maybe the rest of the world doesn't respect the sanctity of marriage but I do, now give me a taste of those sugar lips before I head out to make the city a better place." He said pulling her into a passionate kiss despite her protests that we were watching.

  "You kids better head out before you end up being late." Haile said without looking at us.

  "Always a pleasure to see you Mr. and Mrs. Holt." Kevin said as the two of us closed the door and headed to his motorcycle.

  "You're such an ass kisser." I told him giving him a quick taste of my own lips before holding on tightly to his waist.

  "Maybe, or maybe you're just making an honest man out of me already." He winked quickly.

  "Kind of loose the way you're throwing around the term man I'd say." I laughed

  "Just give me the chance finally and I'll prove to you just how much of a man I am." He hollered over his shoulder with an evil grin.

  I didn't know how to respond to that comment, Kevin and I had been dating for almost a year now but I had made him wait to do anything under the clothes, there was no doubt that I believed I was falling head over heels in love with him but I just wasn't ready yet to go further. At first it had been fine with him but lately he had been pushing more insistently for stuff to happen.

  Taking the safe route I leaned into whisper in his ear. "When the time is right you can show me all your moves."

  Maybe it was a vague response but right now it was the best I could muster, thankfully we were finally pulling up to the school where I'd be safe from his hormones for a while.