Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 2

Chapter 2

  The bell had barely began to ring but already I felt late for my first class in Y-hall, West Mesa wasn't a bad school as far as schools went. In fact I had quite a bit of school pride, I had ran into a few people from other schools like Rio Grande and Cibola who thought that they were all that and a bag of chips but truthfully they were all hoes and skanks.

  Here at West Mesa on the cheer team no less we didn't ever take well to somebody slandering our school, don't get me wrong we all talked trash about our school but that was our right, it is our school.

  Walking into my literary class I took a quick glance around to see who decided to show up today, there was my personal nemesis Katie who I could have done without, my female friend and co-captain Janet was there and so was my male best friend Hal who in true Hal fashion was attempting for the third time in this short year to fit as many pennies up his nose as possible.

  "Hey Alex look! Ten this time!" He beamed with pride as his nose bulged from the coins.

  "You're such a spas Hal." I laughed.

  "More like an idiot if you ask me." Katie mouthed.

  "Nobody asked you Katie." Janet snapped pushing past her.

  "Like I need your permission." She said sitting in her seat like she was the queen or something.

  "You see that's the problem you run into when an animal slips its leash the creature begins to think it doesn't need to answer to anyone." Hal said sitting right behind here and kicking his feet up on her chair to annoy her further, god bless him.

  "Ms. Holden! Hal is kicking me with his feet!" Katie whined flicking her chocolate curled hair backwards in drama queen fashion.

  With a sigh Ms. Holden just stared at Hal with a murderous look warning him to make the right decision on his own, a silly thought considering we all knew his aptitude for making the right choice in any given situation.

  Katie huffed elbowing Hal's feet in frustration but with her perfect make-up and Hollywood looks it came of as more babyish than adult. After a few seconds longer of elbowing Katie whipped around ready to argue but to her horror Hal had leaned in and sneak a kiss from her risking his health for a joke.

  "O.M.G?what the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled making a scene as she shot out of her chair knocking everything to the ground.

  "Well, not to be mean but I think I felt a crab or two abandon your ship and come over to mine during the lip lock." He answered scratching at his tongue.

  "That's it! Mr. Martinez you just bought a ticket to the principal's office!" The teacher snapped.

  "Wow, I'm not sure how I accomplished that I'm so poor most of the time I can't even pay attention." He smiled grabbing his things.

  "Smooth move." I whispered to him as his walked by.

  "It was worth it." He whispered back before turning at the door and raising his voice. "Now don't you crazy kids go and have too much fun without me." He shouted exiting the room in a bow.

  "Why do I one day see is picture on the wall at Wal-Mart?" I questioned to Janet.

  "As a missing person or a criminal?" She giggled asking the question.

  "Both." I murmured the answer under my breath with the teacher watching.

  "Now if there are no more interruptions we can continue." Ms. Holden said turning back to the board.

  "How this boring work will help us in real life is beyond me." I said more to myself than anyone else.

  "Pay attention Alexandria, I would hate it if your grades slipped and you got kicked off the team." Katie said smugly.

  "Unlike you I am not pathetic and have more of a life than just cheerleading." I snapped.

  "You think you're so high and mighty with your perfect little life don't you?" She questioned opening her compact to adjust her makeup.

  "I don't think I am better than you Katie, I know I am." I grinned.

  "One day you are gonna fall of that pedestal of yours and when you do when you look up from the ground broken and hurting you'll see me standing over you." She growled flipping me off at the same time.

  "Not even on your best day." I sneered back focusing on my work in the hopes of drowning her out.

  Thankfully she didn't pursue the conversation any further, lucky for her because if she had I would have got up and beat here to a pulp. The rest of the class went by really quick after that following so fast that before I knew it most of the day was gone.

  At lunch I went to my usual spot under the mustang with the rest of my click, Hal was on food duty today so I was sure that the meal would be extra junky and extra fattening. Now most cheerleaders wouldn't have dared touched such food but myself and Janet didn't care.

  Janet didn't care because she was blessed with a metabolism that gifted her with a perfect body no matter what she shoveled into her black hole of a mouth. Standing at five four her hour glass figure looked like something you would see on America's next top model rather than a school yard, her chocolate skin was perfect and her jade green eyes were to die for offsetting her jet black hair.

  Often times I would look down at my five three frame that was a little thicker than hers but still an hourglass shape none the less, unlike Janet though I had to work very hard to maintain my shape. Every night I worked out hard before doing laps in our pool at home but because of this I could eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. My auburn hair was straight and long following down to my waist and my blue eyes matched perfectly with my milky colored skin but truthfully I always thought she was better looking. Which in turn brought me to my boyfriend.

  Kevin was a hunk by all girls standards, he could have any girl in or out of school that he wanted which often made me question, why me?

  "What's on your mind beautiful?" He questioned noticing my gaze had lingered on him.

  "Just thinking how lucky I am to have you as my boyfriend." I said happily.

  "Why don't you show some real appreciation by opening up that sweet zone you keep locked up tight?" Added his ape friend Gus horrifying me.

  "Show some manners you big ape!" Hal said pushing him.

  "Mind your business Hal before I knock some sense into you, just because your Alexandria's little pet doesn't mean I won't kick your ass." He snapped shooting to his feet.

  "You do and first you'll have to go through me!" Kevin shouted getting in Gus' face.

  Staring at him for a second Gus finally backed down. "Calm down bro I was just playing around."

  "If you're going to play why not do it in traffic? Coors isn't far from here." Janet added.

  "Whatever I'm outta here, I'll see you at practice dog." Gus said slapping Kevin's hand before trudging off through the courtyard.

  "Why are we friends with him again?" Hal questioned as he watched him part the crowd.

  "You're not, we are." Kevin answered clearly annoyed still.

  "Okay, so why are you guys' friends with him?" He rephrased.

  "I grew up with him, he's my teammate and if it came down to it between the two of you I would choose him, the only reason I defended you was because Alex cares for you." He said flatly gathering his things. "I gotta get out of here, I'll catch you later babe." He said giving me a kiss before running off.

  "Wow touch?!" Hal said flopping down next to me.

  "Why do you always have to start with everyone?" I snapped not meaning to.

  "Oh I'm sorry next time I'll just sit there well he says you should spread those thighs for Kevin." Hal sulked scooting away from me a little.

  "It was none of your business! I don't need you to protect me Hal." I shouted drawing a little attention.

  "No you have Mr. perfect who just let the comment slide right?" He shouted back grabbing his stuff. "Yeah he does a real good job defending you when sex is concerned, you know what? Whatever, I'm out of here."

  As he stomped off I watched so furious that I was trembling.

  "Where does he get off talking to me like that?" I demanded looking at Janet like she had the answer.

  "He was completely out of line." She smiled.

u're teasing me." I said staring at her.

  "Not at all Alex, but I have a question, how long are you planning on making Kevin wait?" She asked completely stunning me.

  "I don't know, till it feels right." I answered methodically.

  "Come on Alex this is me you're talking to." She reasoned.

  "Truthfully? I don't know if I plan to any time soon."

  "He's not going to wait forever you know." She said flatly.

  "You think he'd dump me because I haven't screwed him?" I said pissed off at the thought. "He wouldn't do that."

  "He's a teenage guy, even if he doesn't break up with you he's going to find someone to screw eventually." She said grabbing her own things as the warning bell went off. "Just think about it Alex, Kevin is a good guy, don't lose him because you're scared."

  "Yeah, you're right, thanks Janet." I said joining her as we both made our way to C-hall.

  Breezing through my last classes I ran to the parking lot to jump on the back of Kevin's bike but instead was surprised by the appearance of Haile pulling up.

  "Get in Alex, I thought that it would be nice if you and I went to the mall and got some new clothes." She said with her fake smile.

  "I have a lot of homework to get done and I was planning to study with my friends over at Janet's house." I answered quickly.

  "Interesting since I just talked with Janet's mom and we are all going shopping together, it's strange that she didn't mention the study group." She smiled again.

  "I guess Janet hadn't asked her yet." I guessed hoping the cover up would hold.

  "Well now it's a mote point since we are all going shopping and during the ride their both of you can do your homework." She suggested opening the door.

  "Lucky us." I said as I watched Janet waving her arms around in protest across the parking lot while talking to her own mother.

  Together we drove to our street and dropped off one of the vehicles and loaded into our SUV, sitting in the back with Janet I thought it best to open with an apology.

  "I'm sorry about this, Haile has no bounds and worse yet she is like a bloodhound." I said.

  "Don't worry about it, we'll make it through this together." She smiled.