Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 10

Chapter 10

  Flopping me down in a chair in front of his desk Greg tossed a powerbar in front of me followed by a bottle of water before sitting across from me with his fingered interlaced.

  "Don't just sit there looking like a moron dig into that powerbar and wash it down with the water." He demanded.

  "Is this what I get as a last meal?" I questioned while unwrapping the bar. "I thought it was traditional to give the condemned man or woman whatever they asked for."

  "It's hardly a last meal." He said. "You don't truly think that myself or your mother would have anything of the sort happen do you?"

  "What?" I asked looking up at him.

  "The food and drink are to help you keep up your strength, I'm sure you will need it." He responded. "You can't stay here long I have no doubt I'm not the only one your father asked to look out for you."

  "You're trying to help me?" I said unable to believe what was happening. "Why?"

  "You're mother for one, it was her and not your father that got me the job here. You're father talked down to me like I was nothing, he was my parole officer way back in the day, it didn't matter to him that I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, it didn't matter that I came from an abusive home." He answered listening to his radio scanner for a second. "It was your mother that helped me to read and write and learn to be a person again, for all you know about your family Alex you know nothing of who your parents really are." He said pulling me to my feet. "You have to get out of here someone else saw you come in, I will go out to the bathroom, when I do make sure that you are gone before I get back."

  "What did you mean I don't know my parents?" I asked.

  "I'm sure you'll find out." He said. "Tell your mom thank you for everything."

  My head was swimming with what was going on, what did this guy mean I didn't know my parents? What world had I slipped into?

  Dashing over to the door I was just in time to see Greg disappear around the corner as headed off to the bathrooms. Taking a deep breath I ran into the hallways heading to Haile's room as fast as my legs could carry me at this point I figured acting like nothing was going on was a waste of time so I ran right past the nurses station ignoring their calls until I closed the door behind me.

  "Alex!" She said surprised to see me. "What's wrong?"

  "Why?" I questioned surprising myself.

  "Excuse me?" She questioned confused.

  "Why did you give him a divorce?" I repeated extending the question.

  "Give is hardly the word Alex, when your father wants something he tends to get his way no matter what the other person says." She answered. "As I understand it he came in yesterday while I was beyond drugged up on pain medication, then with my own doctors (his friends) I might add he had me sign the divorce papers which gave him rights to everything except you. Concerning you he signed over full custody of you to me." She whispered.


  "Because he never wanted to marry me and he never wanted kids at all, we hadn't planned for you." She answered.

  Down the hallway I heard a rush of movement and was sure that it was for me. "He's coming here to get me!" I said starting to panic.

  "What are you talking about?" She questioned trying to sit up unsuccessfully.

  "A lot of stuff happened tonight, I don't have time to go into the full details but the main thing is I can't let them catch me!" I said beginning to cry for I don't know how many times that night.

  "That closet over there has enough room for you to hide in it, get in there and I'll handle whoever comes in." She said frantically.

  A rush of thoughts came to mind in a millisecond, all the times I argued with her, every time I wished she was gone and I wouldn't have to deal with it, the many times I said I never trusted her and never would and in the same amount of time all of that disappeared and I jumped inside the closet just as several officers came in led by the father who had Greg in tow.

  "Where is she Haile?" He demanded walking over to her bed.

  His question was met with silence at first and then when the words came I couldn't believe how brilliant they sounded.

  "Okay Marcie you have my number here, just give me a call when she gets there." Haile said acting like she had just finished a conversation on the phone. "Hello Richard."

  "Tell me you didn't send our daughter to that crazy sister of yours." He said.

  "Correction, she is my daughter Richard just like you always wanted and what do you care where she is, she's out of your life that's what you wanted isn't it?" She snapped.

  Ignoring the comment I could just see my dad through a crack turn towards the other men. "Greg, have your little rent-a-cops check the entire hospital encase she hasn't left yet, the rest of you head to Santa Fe to Ms. Sandra Deans house, I'll join you there shortly."

  After everyone filed out he calmly walked around to the head of the bed and sat down.

  "What happened Richard? Is your little transition of families not going as smoothly as you hoped?" She questioned.

  "At least this woman isn't cold and distant like you." He answered. "The rest of it I'll train her in the same way I did you."

  "That way you can have another wife that looks the other way when you cheat on her and ignore the child? Or maybe she'll do what I did and hide the fact that you have become addicted to the very drugs you bust other people for, tell me Richard when did you take your last line of cocaine? One hour? Two maybe?" She questioned destroying the last little bit of respect I had for him.

  "I didn't ask for this addiction, you or that damn brat!" He yelled startling us both. "Now, finally I'll be rid of her, when I catch her I'll have one of my friends that is a psychiatrist declare her mentally unstable and ship her off to an institute, by the time she gets out of there she'll be too damaged to bother me again. As for you, now that we are divorced and the insurance won't pay for your treatment anymore all I have to do is sit back and watch you die in pain." He laughed standing up and spitting at her.

  He turned to walk out of the room but she called out to him. "Richard."

  "What?" He asked hoping he had broken her into some sort of begging.

  "Eventually Karma will get you for all the horrible things you have done and then the world will know that you are nothing more then a terrible husband, a dead beat father and a womanizing dirty cop." She smiled.

  "Nothing coming to me expect happiness Haile, you'll be dead long before you can tell anyone about what I did, Alex will be put in an institution with my connections where no one will believe her stories about me and I'll be happy banging whoever I want while counting all the money I make from my crooked deals with scumbags because this city thinks I'm the man." He laughed slamming the door on his way out.

  Slowly I came out of the closet unable to speak.

  "I'm sorry you had to listen to all of that but you had to hear it and I had a feeling that you wouldn't have believed it from anyone else's mouth except his." She sighed adjusting herself in the bed painfully.

  "I have so many questions." I muttered.

  "And I have the answers to them but for now I have bought you enough time to get your things, do you have a place to stay for the night?" She asked like everything going on was a normal occurrence.

  "I have a place to stay for tonight but I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow." I answered quietly.

  "Tomorrow you will go to school and then afterwards you and I will go out and find an apartment for us after I check myself out of here." She said happily.

  "How can you be so relaxed about this?" I demanded.

  "I'm anything but relaxed, well maybe a little from the pain killers but more than that I am happy because now that the wool isn't over your eyes you can see the truth." She answered. "Now you need to get going, time is not your friend at the moment and make sure you do everything quickly because you still have school tomorrow."

  "Everything that is going on right now and you are worried about me going to school?"

  "If you d
on't go to school you give him more of an excuse to have you declared unfit." She pointed out.

  "I see, do you mind if I use the phone?"

  "Be my guest." She said handing it to me.

  I dialed Hal's number quickly.

  "What are you doing in there having a picnic?" He answered frantically.

  "Yes, you have me all figured out. Now shut up and listen, I'll be going out of the emergence exit in two minutes be ready okay?"

  "Yes master." He said sarcastically hanging up the phone.

  "Hal I take it?" She smiled, I just nodded in response. "He's a good boy."

  A coughing fit racked her body for a moment keeping me from answering.

  When she finished her soft hand caressed my cheek for a second. "Be safe my daughter and don't worry I'll handle the problem with your father looking for you, he has no legal right to have anyone check you out so I'll make a call now to the lawyer and the moment he gets the call from him he'll back off."

  "That's if he doesn't have a connection with the lawyer, he has connections everywhere." I sneered at the thought.

  "Trust me this man isn't a friend of your fathers in fact quite the opposite, you're father testified in a case freeing a criminal, another example of his being dirty and this lawyer just happens to be the guy that was prosecuting at the time." She grinned.

  "Thank you." I whispered giving her an awkward hug.

  "Anything for my child." She answered. "Now you better get going before they figure out that you aren't at my sisters."

  I smiled at her and then ran all the way to the exit jumping into Hal's car as he sped off.

  "You ready to do this?" He questioned.

  "I'm ready to take control of my life."