Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 9

Chapter 9

  Under different circumstances I would found my dad's deer in the headlights look funny maybe even wonderful, but given the fact that I just found out he was messing around on Haile and treating me like a plague because of it, I was more angry than anything.

  "Alex?" He began. "Why aren't you at home?" He questioned stupidly.

  "Oh I was a little busy with other stuff that's all." I said seething. "I can save you the trouble of call Johnny I know what that's all about but we'll get to that." I answered stomping towards him.

  "Alex maybe we should?" Began June until I cut her off by holding up my hand for silence.

  "How was my day you ask?" I said. "How thoughtful of you. Well I got called into the coaches office today and the vindictive witch told me that I was no longer cheer captain or class president, thanks for giving the okay on that by the way dad and then to forget that problem I come over to my best friend Janet's house only to find her screwing my boyfriend in her room, so naturally I lost it a little and grabbed a bat." I yelled stomping over to the bat that was not far from the stairs and grabbed it. "Then I took this bat and went to town on Kevin's nuts until I woke up from the rage by the shattering of a plate, then Johnny and the other cop showed up and did the whole statement bit and then lastly, which this part is my personal favorite my dear old dad who lately has treated me like a pile of crap he found on the street walks in dropping the info that June is the one who taught her daughter to steal significant others from people." I finished out of breath.

  "Where do you get off?" He started to yell.

  "I don't get off, I'm not a whore like you, June or Janet." I said stomping past him.

  Angry at my out burst he grabbed my arm when I tried to get by him forcefully turning me to face him but instead of his trembling little girl he ended up with a slap in the face which took him by surprise so much he let me go and I went running out of the house.

  I had the vague sound of people calling my name mixed with the buzzing in my ears as the blood flow increased in my body from the run but I ignored it, I had no idea where I was going to live from now on but I knew exactly what I was going to do. I just hoped that I had enough time to do it.

  Ten minutes later I turned the corner onto my block and my heart sank, there in front of my house was my dad's car already sitting in the driveway next to June's car and Hal's beat up Honda. I hoped that I would have got here before anyone but keeping with my luck as of late here they were.

  "What am I going to do now?" I said out loud watching the house intently.

  Then Hal walked out of the house running his fingers through his hair like he was having the worst day imaginable and then I don't know how he knew but he looked down the street focusing on me. Without thinking about it I started to walk towards him until he put both hands up in a warning to stay away followed by a shooing motion before abruptly stopping when he heard something behind him.

  I darted into the bushes of a nearby house to conceal my whereabouts while I watched Hal pace back and forth like he had never seen me. After a few seconds my father came out talking to him and patting him on the back no doubt playing the concerned father slash good cop routine on him. In order to turn him to his side in the search for me.

  Another minute went by before Hal walked to his car with his head hanging low and headed towards me while my dad went back into the house. As he pulled up I ran out of the bushes and hopped into his car trusting him completely, thinking about it that probably wasn't the best move after all I had completely trusted all four of the people who had just betrayed me.

  "What did they say?" I asked somewhat afraid of the answer.

  "I'm glad you're sitting down for this." He answered somberly. "Your dad is kicking you out and filing a restraining order against you from coming with twenty yards of his house and June's. Also I over heard that he just divorced your mom today and is moving into June's place and selling you guys old place."

  "That's fine, they can do whatever they want to, I just need to get my things." I answered.

  "You aren't seeing the whole picture Alex, now because your dad has divorced her your mom can't keep doing treatment because she has no insurance, to top it off she is going to be released from the hospital in one week when the insurance ends for her and she won't have a place to go." He said allowing that information to sink in. "Also your dad went up to your room and tore it apart throwing everything in a few boxes and he is planning on giving it to goodwill in the morning.

  I couldn't help it, I started crying like it was the end of the world which in truthfulness it was the end of mine. "I need to get my stuff and under one of the floor boards I have the money I have been saving up."

  "Going back there now isn't a great idea, your dad is playing the crazy card, if they find you out and about anywhere tonight they'll pick you up and have a psyche evaluation done on you to prove what he wants." He answered.

  "What am I supposed to do now then?" I cried.

  Hal was quiet for a long time as we just drove around for a bit. "It'll only be a matter of time before the cops look for my car and see if you're with me, I'm sure your dad didn't buy my act."

  "Do you think I can stay with you tonight?" I asked.

  "No they'll look for you there and anywhere else you have friends." He answered frowning deep in thought. "I've got an idea." He said unexpectedly with a smile crossing his face.

  "Do I even want to hear it?"

  "Given your options right now I don't think you really have much of a choice." He answered.

  "Good point so what is this plan of yours?" I asked holding my breath without thinking about it.

  "Everyone is looking for you right and I mean everyone with your dads connections in the police, so why not let them find you? Or at least let them think they have found you." He answered.

  "Yes talk cryptically we have plenty of time for that." I snapped losing my patients.

  "Relax drama queen I'm getting to that and since helping you out makes me an accessory to whatever you're now being accused of I would think that you could cut me a little slack." He snapped back. "Now if there are no more interruptions I can elaborate on my ingenious plan."

  "Do tell oh wise one." I said starting to feel better now that I was around a true friend.

  "As you have no doubt noticed we are now headed west on central avenue heading towards the Presbyterian hospital where Haile currently resides, now I imagine that the hospital is one of the places your father will have under surveillance. Once we get to the hospital I want you to go in and make sure the people at the front desk see you, go to your mom's room it's on the first floor so you can quickly get to the emergency room exit where you will already be in disguise, grab anything you can find scrubs, jackets laying about, anything. I'll be waiting for you on the street, once they give your dad the call that you have been seen at the hospital he'll come to get you personally." I giggled happily.

  "Why would he?"

  "He can't afford for you to talk to anyone else in the department about his cheating on your mom or what is really going on." He answered matter of factly. "So when he comes to the hospital June and Janet will probably go home it's not like they are gonna wanna stay in that house with everything that has happened. So everyone will be out of your house for a short time, we go back over there sneak in grab your things and that's when we put into motion the second part of my plan."

  "Which deals with?" I questioned, after all the whole point was to get my stuff.

  "Where you are going to stay tonight of course."

  "Oh yeah."

  "After we get your stuff and your money I'll get my cousin to rent a room for you, he's already nineteen and owes me a favor anyway, besides he has no love for cops and since you're rebelling from one he'll be all for it I'm sure. What do you think?" He finished.

  "I think it's got to work." I answered breathing deeply and trying to meditate so I could get my nerves under control.

  "This will work I'm sure of it." He sa
id to reassure himself as much as me.

  "If not you have to promise me that you'll visit me in prison." I joked nervously.

  "Prison?" He said eyeing me.

  "Yeah because if this doesn't work I'm gonna kill my dad for ruining my life." I decided.

  "Before considering becoming a murderer that is caught right after the deed is done at least let me recommend instead going on the run with me and living a life of high adventure." He joked back.

  "And deal with you every single day? I'd still end up becoming a murderer." I laughed as we pulled into the parking lot at Presbyterian.

  "On top of everything that has happened you're going to make me walk?" I asked noting that he parked as far from the building as possible.

  "Come on Alex your dad is a cop, start thinking like one." He sighed. "If I pull up to the front the valets could identify my vehicle and then your dad would know I'm helping you." He answered. "And as much as I like to say that I could stand up against some interrogation I don't believe that I could."

  "With your girlish scream I'm sure that it would be one hell of a show." I said getting out of the car.

  "One last thing." Hal said sticking his head out of the window. "I know you have never liked your mother but it'd be a good idea if you told her what's going on, when it comes down to it your going to need all the help you can get including hers."

  That was a depressing thought, I don't know how in a matter of weeks I went from the top of the world to the bottom rung of the heap but some how I managed it.

  Trying to not draw attention to myself I walked relaxed towards the front entrance of the hospital hoping that I wouldn't draw anyone's gaze that might linger too long. Unfortunately for me the moment I walked into the hospital I wasn't watching where I was going because I kept looking behind me and bumped into the security guard my dad knew.

  "Hey!" He protested until he noticed it was me. "Alex, it's good to see you." He said gripping my arm and leading me towards the security office. "Your dad called, he told me to keep an eye out for you so why don't you and I sit in my office and have a nice chat while we wait for him to show up?"

  I swear if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all. "You don't understand what's going on Greg." I protested trying to pull away.

  "It's all been explained to me Alex and I understand completely, now stop trying to fight me on this because it will just end bad for you." And with that he pushed me into the security office to await my impending doom.