Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 13

Chapter 13

  The apartment was nice, it was a good size and I instantly liked my room. The furniture was nice looking and very comfortable Wal-Mart really came through. The apartments had a pool so I could keep swimming everyday if I wanted to, after finishing up the move in we went back to Wal-Mart and got me a whole new wardrobe and then went to Pizza Hut for dinner. Hal hung out with until after dinner and then went home to catch up on some much needed sleep while we went to the motel and got the rest of my things that were left in the room.

  Around ten at night we got back to the apartment and although my mother was nearly dead from exhaustion she wanted to stay up and talk for a while which was fine by me.

  "So where should we begin?" She asked.

  "Is it true that I was an accident?" I asked taking a deep breath.

  "It is true that we did not plan to have you but we were not doing anything to prevent a pregnancy either, I left it up to God, if I was meant to have a baby I would." She answered.

  "But dad didn't want kids?"

  "No he wanted to live life with no responsibilities." She frowned. "After we had you I did everything I could to make sure you would have a good life."

  "Why did you always fight with me then?" I asked.

  "If you think about it Alex, I never fought with you I merely tried to do right by you." She answered.

  Thinking back I realized that she was right, every time she rode my case it was about doing homework, or protecting from a jerk like Kevin, she had seen who he was far before I did. The more I searched my memory the more I saw that it was me being a brat not her fighting with me and it wasn't my dad giving me my space because he was understanding. It was because he didn't give a damn about me or what I did, he talked to me only when he had to and even then it was PR crap to shut me up.

  "I'm sorry for the way I treated you?mom." I said at last.

  "It's okay Alex, you needed someone to blame for things and I didn't mind being that person if it meant you listening to the things I said." She answered.

  "How do you have so many friends mom?" I asked.

  "Being the wife of a man like your father you meet a lot of people, every time he did something or had a get together who do you think talked with the guests? Who do you think covered up any problems that arose? I did all those things plus helping out these many people whenever they needed something, so over the years many of the people your father thought were his friends are actually mine, a lesson he's about to learn." She smiled.

  I was getting ready to reply but my cell rang and without thinking about I answered the call.

  "Alex?" The voice of my boss questioned.


  "I'm sorry but we are going to be letting you go, being that this is an at will state your employment has been terminated, you are a good worker but your father called and you won't be working for us any longer. Your last paycheck is ready for you to pick up tomorrow, again I'm sorry goodbye."

  I never even got the chance to say anything back to him.

  I put the phone down unsure of what I was feeling.

  "What's wrong?" My mother asked taking the last of her pain medication.

  "I was just fired from my job because Richard called and got them to get rid of me." I answered in a whisper.

  "Bastard." She said going into a coughing fit. "Why can't he just leave us alone? Don't worry Alex I'll call the lawyer tomorrow and we'll fight it."

  "No, that's okay. It was a crappy job anyway. I'll start looking for something else tomorrow." I said helping her into the wheel chair so we could get her to her room.

  "You take your time and don't worry honey we'll get through this." She said as I helped her get into the bed.

  "Mom." I said pausing in her doorway. "You're going to be okay right?"

  "Anything is possible." She smiled. "Goodnight my daughter."

  "Goodnight mother." I answered and for the first time really meant it.

  The next morning I made my mother breakfast and got her anything that she might need on the table next to her before I left for school. On the way to school I had the bad feeling that someone was watching me and unfortunately I was right.

  Right before I got to school an unmarked police car pulled up in front of me blocking my way and out stepped two of my least favorite people, Richard and Kevin.

  "What do you want?" I questioned them backing away.

  "I'm here to arrest you." Richard said.

  "For what?" I said ready to run.

  "Assault on Kevin of course." He answered pulling out his handcuffs.

  "What? Johnny said that I wasn't going to be arrested." I answered.

  "I out rank him, plus after a more thorough examination the damage you inflected on him constitutes assault." He answered forcing me to turn around while he handcuffed me.

  "Meaning you got one of your crocked friends or someone you intimidated to fake a report for you." I said spitting in his face.

  I paid for that when he backhanded me for the insult and shoved me in the car hitting my head when as he did. "I've already processed your paperwork, you'll be in juvenile detention until your trail one week from now but by then you'll be kicked out of school and your record will permanently be marked as a violent offender."

  "I want my one phone call." I demanded.

  "Yeah I'll get right on that." He laughed as the two of them got in the car.

  "You're strangely quiet woman beater." I hissed at Kevin.

  "I try not to speak to whores." He answered.

  "Really? How will you ever speak to Janet or her mother?" I fired back knowing that I had hit a nerve for both of them.

  "Shut up!" Richard said hitting the screen in between us.

  "You know it's only a matter of time before both of them find out who you guys really are." I pointed out.

  "That's why you beat them into submission right away just like I did your stupid mother." Richard answered.

  I knew he wanted to fight more so he could use it against me later so I ignored the comment and sat in silence until we got to the station where he ushered me in through the back entrance until we reached the holding cell for processing into the juvenile detention center.

  As we passed people in the hall everyone treated my father like he was the king standing at attention whenever he came near but if I had learned one thing in the last few days there was always someone around that didn't like my father, all I had to do was wait for that person to present themselves.

  The whole day passed by into the night and I couldn't help but wonder what my poor mother was going through since I hadn't come home or been allowed to call anyone, horrible thoughts went through my mind at what this amount of stress might me doing to her cancer and thus her health.

  As the night dragged on I began to lose hope that anyone here would help me or go against my father and his wishes then (as dramatic as it might sound) a light at the end of the tunnel was there in front of me in the form of a night shift guard named Betty.

  She opened the cell nervously looking around as she did. "You don't have much time make this call count." She said tossing me her cell phone.

  Without answering I dialed Hal's number, I had thought of calling my mother but there was no guarantee that she would even be awake right now, besides if I got a hold of Hal he would contact her for me.

  The phone rang and just when I thought it was going to voicemail he answered. "This had better be good." He said clearly bothered.

  "Hal it's me." I said.

  Instantly he was awake. "Christ Alex everybody has been going out of their minds trying to find you! What the hell is going on?!"

  "Richard and Kevin showed up before I could reach school, Richard said I was being charged with assault on Kevin and then he cuffed me and brought me to Juvenile detention to await my trail in a week, no one would let me make a phone call until this nice lady came in now and leant me her cell." I said quickly.

  "What do you want me to do?" He asked.

  "Get a h
old of my mother and let her know what's going on, she has a lawyer that can help us." I answered. "I've got to go please hurry."

  "We'll get you out of there, I'm on it." He said hanging up.

  I handed the phone back quickly. "Thank you, I don't mean to sound ungrateful?"

  "But why am I doing this?" She said finishing the sentence for me.


  "I know who you are and what your own father is trying to do to you that alone would be enough but, a long time ago when I was twenty one I joined the police force, your father was my c/o and he used it to get me alone and forced himself on me." She answered in a whisper.

  "He?raped you?" I said unable to believe it.

  "Yes, I went to the captain and internal affairs but no one believed me, all the evidence was somehow lost and I was kicked out of the force, disgraced and dishonored. Since then I've waited for my chance to stick it to him and now is my chance anything you need just let me know. For now I better get going, we'll talk again later."

  "Again thank you and I'm sorry that you went through that." I answered.

  She just nodded and than locked the cell behind her leaving me to the thoughts of how much I hated that man and one way or another I was going to make sure he got what he deserved.