Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 14

Chapter 14

  I waited halfway through the next day before anything happened, finally the lawyer came that my mother had told me about. Mr. Gonzales was yelling so loud that he could be heard all the way in the holding areas.

  "And here is the court order so I don't give a damn who told you what! If you don't get me into that cell and release my client in the next two seconds I am going to bring every single one of you up on charges!" He yelled pushing past the guards into the area to find me.

  Spotting me from across the room he stomped over as a head guard chased after him with the keys to open the cell.

  "Ms. Holt I assume?" He said stopping in front of my cell.

  "Yes sir." I answered.

  "We're getting you out of here young lady." He said as the guard scrambled to open the cell.

  "Your mother called my office first thing this morning and I got everything straightened out on my end." He said opening the door for me.

  "Then all the charges have been dropped?" I asked.

  Frowning at the question he looked around before answering. "It would be better if we discussed this at my office, don't worry I have already taken care of your school responsibilities for the day and gotten permission from your mother to speak with you, all I need is approval from you now."

  "You have it." I answered.

  Together we sped to his office on forth street where he led me into a lavishly decorated office with comfortable chairs.

  "Now I need you to be absolutely candied with me here today." He began.

  "Yes sir." I answered.

  "Now from the beginning tell me what has happened between you and your father since your mother went to the hospital." He said.

  For the next two hours we went over everything that had happened again and again until we had covered every single detail several times.

  After we had finished he offered to take me for something to eat which I gladly accepted.

  We went to Garcia's restaurant on forth street.

  "So what will happen now?" I asked.

  "Now I will get everything ready to present the case to the judge." He answered.

  "What are my chances realistically?" I asked. "And please before you answer, don't give me a beating around the bush answer."

  "Truthfully?" He frowned staring out the window. "I'm not really sure."

  "Because my father has a lot of friends as a cop?" I guessed.

  "No it's not that your father has a lot of friends, in fact he has a good deal of enemies. People tend to do what he wants because he hurts and threatens people." He answered.

  "I have gone up against your father before and paid for it dearly." He continued.

  "What happened?"

  "I was reprimanded and had my license reduced. It took a long time for me to get back to where I am now and truthfully I am ready to go up against him again and win."

  "I hope for the both of us you do." I said.

  "Don't worry I will." He answered with a smile. "Now, in the meantime I want you to go about your business as usual I have filed an order that prevents your father or Kevin from coming anywhere near you until the trail can happen."

  "Thank you."

  "So where can I drop you off now?" He asked paying the bill.

  "If it's okay can I call a friend of mine to pick me up?" I asked.

  "Sure, I'll wait for with you until they show up." He answered happily.

  He hadn't said it but I could tell that he was scared of going up against my father again but I was grateful that he was willing to put that fear to the side and at least try.

  Thirty minutes later Hal pulled up with someone unexpected in the car with him.

  "Katie!" I said running up to the car.

  "Heard you could use some cheering up so here I am." She smiled from ear to ear.

  "You guys are the best." I said hugging them both.

  "So where shall we go first?" Hal asked.

  "What do you say about us all acting like kids again at ITZ? My treat." Katie suggested.

  "That sounds perfect to me." I agreed.

  We drove to ITZ and for the next two hours forgot about everything except having fun it was great until we walked out of the there and ran into Janet and her mom that's when the day got even better.

  The moment Janet saw me she started crying and ran right past me into ITZ leaving her mother to talk with us.

  "Hello Alex, still holding a grudge against me for what happened with your father?" She asked.

  "Not at all, you got what you deserve, you got him and that man is not my father." I answered. "The same is true for Janet and Kevin."

  "What's wrong with her anyway?" Hal questioned looking at Janet who was waiting behind the doors for her mother.

  "Not that it's any of your business but she has been having a very hard day." June answered.

  "Is that because she's knocked up?" Katie asked surprising us all.

  "Where did you hear that?!" June demanded stepping towards Katie until Hal balled his fists and stepped in front of her.

  "Back off!" he demanded.

  "You can all go to hell!" She said stomping off.

  "Karma is a bitch huh?" I said watching her enter the building without turning to respond.

  "That's was cool." Hal said. "How did you know she was pregnant?"

  "I heard a rumor at school today, Janet was talking to one of the other girls on the cheer team and you know how they can't keep a secret. Well Janet told Alice that she had been cheating with Kevin for over a month before you caught them because he told her that he was in love with her during that time they were having sex and surprise, surprise she got knocked up." Katie laughed.

  "That makes perfect sense, the day I caught them she was throwing up for no reason, she came up with some lame excuse about food poisoning but I bet it was really morning sickness." I giggled.

  "Oh it gets better." Katie smiled from ear to ear.

  "I also heard that when she went to get checked out the doctor told her that she has gonorrhea, so when she left there she went to talk to Kevin and caught him banging that slut Diana Martin, she lost it and feinted, when she came to she told Kevin and Diana everything. Kevin said it wasn't his and accused her of being the one that gave him a disease and said he wasn't going to help her with anything until she got a DNA test done."

  "There really is a God." I smiled looking up at the sky.

  "Given the trail and you having to deal with your father and his crap still let's hope so." Hal said as we began walking to the car.

  "I have faith." I smiled at him.

  "About time." He smiled.

  "Did I take too long?" I snapped at him with a fake punch to his arm.

  "You're a slow learner sometimes." He laughed. "But you're finally learning what's best for you and who."

  "The man has a point." Katie smiled tackling us both with her arms around our shoulders. "So where should we go now?"

  "I'm thinking we can go to Outback steakhouse, it's my mom's favorite place to eat, we can get dinner and I can get some food to take home to her." I decided.

  We went to the steakhouse and had a great time fantasizing about what we were going to do in the future, what our dream jobs would be and such. It was so great that I didn't really want the night to end but I knew it had to and I couldn't wait to get back and check on my mom, we had really bonded and I finally knew just how much I loved her.

  Hal and Katie dropped me off at the apartment and I assured them that I would be seeing them at school tomorrow, after they left I ran up the stairs flew in the door locking it behind me as I headed to my moms room.

  "Mom, I'm home. I can't wait to tell you everything that I found out today!" I said entering her room.

  When I got in her room I found her fast asleep with the TV on, I was thankful that she looked like she wasn't in too much pain tonight, I decided it was best if I didn't wake her, the stuff I had to tell her could wait until the morning. I leaned in to kiss her on the cheek goodnight and that
's when I noticed that she wasn't breathing.