Read The Little Duke: Richard the Fearless Page 4


  Richard of Normandy was very anxious to know more of the little boy whomhe had seen among his vassals.

  "Ah! the young Baron de Montemar," said Sir Eric. "I knew his fatherwell, and a brave man he was, though not of northern blood. He waswarden of the marches of the Epte, and was killed by your father's sidein the inroad of the Viscount du Cotentin, {10} at the time when you wereborn, Lord Richard."

  "But where does he live? Shall I not see him again?"

  "Montemar is on the bank of the Epte, in the domain that the Frenchwrongfully claim from us. He lives there with his mother, and if he benot yet returned, you shall see him presently. Osmond, go you and seekout the lodgings of the young Montemar, and tell him the Duke would seehim."

  Richard had never had a playfellow of his own age, and his eagerness tosee Alberic de Montemar was great. He watched from the window, and atlength beheld Osmond entering the court with a boy of ten years old byhis side, and an old grey-headed Squire, with a golden chain to mark himas a Seneschal or Steward of the Castle, walking behind.

  Richard ran to the door to meet them, holding out his hand eagerly.Alberic uncovered his bright dark hair, bowed low and gracefully, butstood as if he did not exactly know what to do next. Richard grew shy atthe same moment, and the two boys stood looking at each other somewhatawkwardly. It was easy to see that they were of different races, sounlike were the blue eyes, flaxen hair, and fair face of the young Duke,to the black flashing eyes and olive cheek of his French vassal, who,though two years older, was scarcely above him in height; and his slightfigure, well-proportioned, active and agile as it was, did not give thesame promise of strength as the round limbs and large-boned frame ofRichard, which even now seemed likely to rival the gigantic stature ofhis grandfather, Earl Rollo, the Ganger.

  For some minutes the little Duke and the young Baron stood surveying eachother without a word, and old Sir Eric did not improve matters by saying,"Well, Lord Duke, here he is. Have you no better greeting for him?"

  "The children are shame-faced," said Fru Astrida, seeing how they bothcoloured. "Is your Lady mother in good health, my young sir?"

  Alberic blushed more deeply, bowed to the old northern lady, and answeredfast and low in French, "I cannot speak the Norman tongue."

  Richard, glad to say something, interpreted Fru Astrida's speech, andAlberic readily made courteous reply that his mother was well, and hethanked the Dame de Centeville, a French title which sounded new to FruAstrida's ears. Then came the embarrassment again, and Fru Astrida atlast said, "Take him out, Lord Richard; take him to see the horses in thestables, or the hounds, or what not."

  Richard was not sorry to obey, so out they went into the court of Rollo'stower, and in the open air the shyness went off. Richard showed his ownpony, and Alberic asked if he could leap into the saddle without puttinghis foot in the stirrup. No, Richard could not; indeed, even Osmond hadnever seen it done, for the feats of French chivalry had scarcely yetspread into Normandy.

  "Can you?" said Richard; "will you show us?"

  "I know I can with my own pony," said Alberic, "for Bertrand will not letme mount in any other way; but I will try with yours, if you desire it,my Lord."

  So the pony was led out. Alberic laid one hand on its mane, and vaultedon its back in a moment. Both Osmond and Richard broke out loudly intoadmiration. "Oh, this is nothing!" said Alberic. "Bertrand says it isnothing. Before he grew old and stiff he could spring into the saddle inthis manner fully armed. I ought to do this much better."

  Richard begged to be shown how to perform the exploit, and Albericrepeated it; then Richard wanted to try, but the pony's patience wouldnot endure any longer, and Alberic said he had learnt on a block of wood,and practised on the great wolf-hound. They wandered about a littlelonger in the court, and then climbed up the spiral stone stairs to thebattlements at the top of the tower, where they looked at the house-topsof Rouen close beneath, and the river Seine, broadening and glittering onone side in its course to the sea, and on the other narrowing to a blueribbon, winding through the green expanse of fertile Normandy. Theythrew the pebbles and bits of mortar down that they might hear them fall,and tried which could stand nearest to the edge of the battlement withoutbeing giddy. Richard was pleased to find that he could go the nearest,and began to tell some of Fru Astrida's stories about the precipices ofNorway, among which when she was a young girl she used to climb about andtend the cattle in the long light summer time. When the two boys camedown again into the hall to dinner, they felt as if they had known eachother all their lives. The dinner was laid out in full state, andRichard had, as before, to sit in the great throne-like chair with theold Count of Harcourt on one side, but, to his comfort, Fru Astrida wason the other.

  After the dinner, Alberic de Montemar rose to take his leave, as he wasto ride half way to his home that afternoon. Count Bernard, who alldinner time had been watching him intently from under his shaggyeye-brows, at this moment turned to Richard, whom he hardly everaddressed, and said to him, "Hark ye, my Lord, what should you say tohave him yonder for a comrade?"

  "To stay with me?" cried Richard, eagerly. "Oh, thanks, Sir Count; andmay he stay?"

  "You are Lord here."

  "Oh, Alberic!" cried Richard, jumping out of his chair of state, andrunning up to him, "will you not stay with me, and be my brother andcomrade?"

  Alberic looked down hesitating.

  "Oh, say that you will! I will give you horses, and hawks, and hounds,and I will love you--almost as well as Osmond. Oh, stay with me,Alberic."

  "I must obey you, my Lord," said Alberic, "but--"

  "Come, young Frenchman, out with it," said Bernard,--"no buts! Speakhonestly, and at once, like a Norman, if you can."

  This rough speech seemed to restore the little Baron's self-possession,and he looked up bright and bold at the rugged face of the old Dane,while he said, "I had rather not stay here."

  "Ha! not do service to your Lord?"

  "I would serve him with all my heart, but I do not want to stay here. Ilove the Castle of Montemar better, and my mother has no one but me."

  "Brave and true, Sir Frenchman," said the old Count, laying his greathand on Alberic's head, and looking better pleased than Richard thoughthis grim features could have appeared. Then turning to Bertrand,Alberic's Seneschal, he said, "Bear the Count de Harcourt's greetings tothe noble Dame de Montemar, and say to her that her son is of a free boldspirit, and if she would have him bred up with my Lord Duke, as hiscomrade and brother in arms, he will find a ready welcome."

  "So, Alberic, you will come back, perhaps?" said Richard.

  "That must be as my mother pleases," answered Alberic bluntly, and withall due civilities he and his Seneschal departed.

  Four or five times a day did Richard ask Osmond and Fru Astrida if theythought Alberic would return, and it was a great satisfaction to him tofind that every one agreed that it would be very foolish in the Dame deMontemar to refuse so good an offer, only Fru Astrida could not quitebelieve she would part with her son. Still no Baron de Montemar arrived,and the little Duke was beginning to think less about his hopes, when oneevening, as he was returning from a ride with Sir Eric and Osmond, he sawfour horsemen coming towards them, and a little boy in front.

  "It is Alberic himself, I am sure of it!" he exclaimed, and so it proved;and while the Seneschal delivered his Lady's message to Sir Eric, Richardrode up and greeted the welcome guest.

  "Oh, I am very glad your mother has sent you!"

  "She said she was not fit to bring up a young warrior of the marches,"said Alberic.

  "Were you very sorry to come?"

  "I dare say I shall not mind it soon; and Bertrand is to come and fetchme home to visit her every three months, if you will let me go, my Lord."

  Richard was extremely delighted, and thought he could never do enough tomake Rouen pleasant to Alberic, who after the first day or two cheeredup, missed his mother less, managed to talk something betw
een French andNorman to Sir Eric and Fru Astrida, and became a very animated companionand friend. In one respect Alberic was a better playfellow for the Dukethan Osmond de Centeville, for Osmond, playing as a grown up man, not forhis own amusement, but the child's, had left all the advantages of thegame to Richard, who was growing not a little inclined to domineer. ThisAlberic did not like, unless, as he said, "it was to be always Lord andvassal, and then he did not care for the game," and he played with solittle animation that Richard grew vexed.

  "I can't help it," said Alberic; "if you take all the best chances toyourself, 'tis no sport for me. I will do your bidding, as you are theDuke, but I cannot like it."

  "Never mind my being Duke, but play as we used to do."

  "Then let us play as I did with Bertrand's sons at Montemar. I was theirBaron, as you are my Duke, but my mother said there would be no sportunless we forgot all that at play."

  "Then so we will. Come, begin again, Alberic, and you shall have thefirst turn."

  However, Alberic was quite as courteous and respectful to the Duke whenthey were not at play, as the difference of their rank required; indeed,he had learnt much more of grace and courtliness of demeanour from hismother, a Provencal lady, than was yet to be found among the Normans.The Chaplain of Montemar had begun to teach him to read and write, and heliked learning much better than Richard, who would not have gone on withFather Lucas's lessons at all, if Abbot Martin of Jumieges had not puthim in mind that it had been his father's especial desire.

  What Richard most disliked was, however, the being obliged to sit incouncil. The Count of Harcourt did in truth govern the dukedom, butnothing could be done without the Duke's consent, and once a week atleast, there was held in the great hall of Rollo's tower, what was calleda _Parlement_, or "a talkation," where Count Bernard, the Archbishop, theBaron de Centeville, the Abbot of Jumieges, and such other Bishops,Nobles, or Abbots, as might chance to be at Rouen, consulted on theaffairs of Normandy; and there the little Duke always was forced to bepresent, sitting up in his chair of state, and hearing rather thanlistening to, questions about the repairing and guarding of Castles, theasking of loans from the vassals, the appeals from the Barons of theExchequer, who were then Nobles sent through the duchy to administerjustice, and the discussions about the proceedings of his neighbours,King Louis of France, Count Foulques of Anjou, and Count Herluin ofMontreuil, and how far the friendship of Hugh of Paris, and Alan ofBrittany might be trusted.

  Very tired of all this did Richard grow, especially when he found thatthe Normans had made up their minds not to attempt a war against thewicked Count of Flanders. He sighed most wearily, yawned again andagain, and moved restlessly about in his chair; but whenever CountBernard saw him doing so, he received so severe a look and sign that hegrew perfectly to dread the eye of the fierce old Dane. Bernard neverspoke to him to praise him, or to enter into any of his pursuits; he onlytreated him with the grave distant respect due to him as a Prince, orelse now and then spoke a few stern words to him of reproof for thisrestlessness, or for some other childish folly.

  Used as Richard was to be petted and made much of by the whole house ofCenteville, he resented this considerably in secret, disliked and fearedthe old Count, and more than once told Alberic de Montemar, that as soonas he was fourteen, when he would be declared of age, he should sendCount Bernard to take care of his own Castle of Harcourt, instead ofletting him sit gloomy and grim in the Castle hall in the evening,spoiling all their sport.

  Winter had set in, and Osmond used daily to take the little Duke andAlberic to the nearest sheet of ice, for the Normans still pridedthemselves on excelling in skating, though they had long since left thefrost-bound streams and lakes of Norway.

  One day, as they were returning from the ice, they were surprised, evenbefore they entered the Castle court, by hearing the trampling of horses'feet, and a sound of voices.

  "What may this mean?" said Osmond. "There must surely be a great arrivalof the vassals. The Duke of Brittany, perhaps."

  "Oh," said Richard, piteously, "we have had one council already thisweek. I hope another is not coming!"

  "It must import something extraordinary," proceeded Osmond. "It is amischance that the Count of Harcourt is not at Rouen just now."

  Richard thought this no mischance at all, and just then, Alberic, who hadrun on a little before, came back exclaiming, "They are French. It isthe Frank tongue, not the Norman, that they speak."

  "So please you, my Lord," said Osmond, stopping short, "we go not rashlyinto the midst of them. I would I knew what were best to do."

  Osmond rubbed his forehead and stood considering, while the two boyslooked at him anxiously. In a few seconds, before he had come to anyconclusion, there came forth from the gate a Norman Squire, accompaniedby two strangers.

  "My Lord Duke," said he to Richard, in French, "Sir Eric has sent me tobring you tidings that the King of France has arrived to receive yourhomage."

  "The King!" exclaimed Osmond.

  "Ay!" proceeded the Norman, in his own tongue, "Louis himself, and with atrain looking bent on mischief. I wish it may portend good to my Lordhere. You see I am accompanied. I believe from my heart that Louismeant to prevent you from receiving a warning, and taking the boy out ofhis clutches."

  "Ha! what?" said Richard, anxiously. "Why is the King come? What must Ido?"

  "Go on now, since there is no help for it," said Osmond.

  "Greet the king as becomes you, bend the knee, and pay him homage."

  Richard repeated over to himself the form of homage that he might beperfect in it, and walked on into the court; Alberic, Osmond, and therest falling back as he entered. The court was crowded with horses andmen, and it was only by calling out loudly, "The Duke, the Duke," thatOsmond could get space enough made for them to pass. In a few momentsRichard had mounted the steps and stood in the great hall.

  In the chair of state, at the upper end of the room, sat a small spareman, of about eight or nine-and-twenty, pale, and of a light complexion,with a rich dress of blue and gold. Sir Eric and several other personsstood respectfully round him, and he was conversing with the Archbishop,who, as well as Sir Eric, cast several anxious glances at the little Dukeas he advanced up the hall. He came up to the King, put his knee to theground, and was just beginning, "Louis, King of France, I--" when hefound himself suddenly lifted from the ground in the King's arms, andkissed on both cheeks. Then setting him on his knee, the King exclaimed,"And is this the son of my brave and noble friend, Duke William? Ah! Ishould have known it from his likeness. Let me embrace you again, dearchild, for your father's sake."

  Richard was rather overwhelmed, but he thought the King very kind,especially when Louis began to admire his height and free-spiritedbearing, and to lament that his own sons, Lothaire and Carloman, were somuch smaller and more backward. He caressed Richard again and again,praised every word he said--Fru Astrida was nothing to him; and Richardbegan to say to himself how strange and unkind it was of Bernard deHarcourt to like to find fault with him, when, on the contrary, hedeserved all this praise from the King himself.

  [Picture: Louis of France and the Little Duke]