Read The Little Duke: Richard the Fearless Page 5


  Duke Richard of Normandy slept in the room which had been his father's;Alberic de Montemar, as his page, slept at his feet, and Osmond deCenteville had a bed on the floor, across the door, where he lay with hissword close at hand, as his young Lord's guard and protector.

  All had been asleep for some little time, when Osmond was startled by aslight movement of the door, which could not be pushed open withoutawakening him. In an instant he had grasped his sword, while he pressedhis shoulder to the door to keep it closed; but it was his father's voicethat answered him with a few whispered words in the Norse tongue, "It isI, open." He made way instantly, and old Sir Eric entered, treadingcautiously with bare feet, and sat down on the bed motioning him to dothe same, so that they might be able to speak lower. "Right, Osmond," hesaid. "It is well to be on the alert, for peril enough is aroundhim--The Frank means mischief! I know from a sure hand that Arnulf ofFlanders was in council with him just before he came hither, with hisfalse tongue, wiling and coaxing the poor child!"

  "Ungrateful traitor!" murmured Osmond. "Do you guess his purpose?"

  "Yes, surely, to carry the boy off with him, and so he trusts doubtlessto cut off all the race of Rollo! I know his purpose is to bear off theDuke, as a ward of the Crown forsooth. Did you not hear him luring thechild with his promises of friendship with the Princes? I could notunderstand all his French words, but I saw it plain enough."

  "You will never allow it?"

  "If he does, it must be across our dead bodies; but taken as we are bysurprise, our resistance will little avail. The Castle is full ofFrench, the hall and court swarm with them. Even if we could draw ourNormans together, we should not be more than a dozen men, and what couldwe do but die? That we are ready for, if it may not be otherwise, ratherthan let our charge be thus borne off without a pledge for his safety,and without the knowledge of the states."

  "The king could not have come at a worse time," said Osmond.

  "No, just when Bernard the Dane is absent. If he only knew what hasbefallen, he could raise the country, and come to the rescue."

  "Could we not send some one to bear the tidings to-night?"

  "I know not," said Sir Eric, musingly. "The French have taken thekeeping of the doors; indeed they are so thick through the Castle that Ican hardly reach one of our men, nor could I spare one hand that mayavail to guard the boy to-morrow."

  "Sir Eric;" a bare little foot was heard on the floor, and Alberic deMontemar stood before him. "I did not mean to listen, but I could nothelp hearing you. I cannot fight for the Duke yet, but I could carry amessage."

  "How would that be?" said Osmond, eagerly. "Once out of the Castle, andin Rouen, he could easily find means of sending to the Count. He mightgo either to the Convent of St. Ouen, or, which would be better, to thetrusty armourer, Thibault, who would soon find man and horse to sendafter the Count."

  "Ha! let me see," said Sir Eric. "It might be. But how is he to getout?"

  "I know a way," said Alberic. "I scrambled down that wide buttress bythe east wall last week, when our ball was caught in a branch of the ivy,and the drawbridge is down."

  "If Bernard knew, it would be off my mind, at least!" said Sir Eric."Well, my young Frenchman, you may do good service."

  "Osmond," whispered Alberic, as he began hastily to dress himself, "onlyask one thing of Sir Eric--never to call me young Frenchman again!"

  Sir Eric smiled, saying, "Prove yourself Norman, my boy."

  "Then," added Osmond, "if it were possible to get the Duke himself out ofthe castle to-morrow morning. If I could take him forth by the postern,and once bring him into the town, he would be safe. It would be only toraise the burghers, or else to take refuge in the Church of Our Lady tillthe Count came up, and then Louis would find his prey out of his handswhen he awoke and sought him."

  "That might be," replied Sir Eric; "but I doubt your success. The Frenchare too eager to hold him fast, to let him slip out of their hands. Youwill find every door guarded."

  "Yes, but all the French have not seen the Duke, and the sight of asquire and a little page going forth, will scarcely excite theirsuspicion."

  "Ay, if the Duke would bear himself like a little page; but that you neednot hope for. Besides, he is so taken with this King's flatteries, thatI doubt whether he would consent to leave him for the sake of CountBernard. Poor child, he is like to be soon taught to know his truefriends."

  "I am ready," said Alberic, coming forward.

  The Baron de Centeville repeated his instructions, and then undertook toguard the door, while his son saw Alberic set off on his expedition.Osmond went with him softly down the stairs, then avoiding the hall,which was filled with French, they crept silently to a narrow window,guarded by iron bars, placed at such short intervals apart that only sosmall and slim a form as Alberic's could have squeezed out between them.The distance to the ground was not much more than twice his own height,and the wall was so covered with ivy, that it was not a very dangerousfeat for an active boy, so that Alberic was soon safe on the ground, thenlooking up to wave his cap, he ran on along the side of the moat, and wassoon lost to Osmond's sight in the darkness.

  Osmond returned to the Duke's chamber, and relieved his father's guard,while Richard slept soundly on, little guessing at the plots of hisenemies, or at the schemes of his faithful subjects for his protection.

  Osmond thought this all the better, for he had small trust in Richard'spatience and self-command, and thought there was much more chance ofgetting him unnoticed out of the Castle, if he did not know how muchdepended on it, and how dangerous his situation was.

  When Richard awoke, he was much surprised at missing Alberic, but Osmondsaid he was gone into the town to Thibault the armourer, and this was amessage on which he was so likely to be employed that Richard's suspicionwas not excited. All the time he was dressing he talked about the King,and everything he meant to show him that day; then, when he was ready,the first thing was as usual to go to attend morning mass.

  "Not by that way, to-day, my Lord," said Osmond, as Richard was about toenter the great hall. "It is crowded with the French who have beensleeping there all night; come to the postern."

  Osmond turned, as he spoke, along the passage, walking fast, and notsorry that Richard was lingering a little, as it was safer for him to befirst. The postern was, as he expected, guarded by two tall steel-casedfigures, who immediately held their lances across the door-way, saying,"None passes without warrant."

  "You will surely let us of the Castle attend to our daily business," saidOsmond. "You will hardly break your fast this morning if you stop allcommunication with the town."

  "You must bring warrant," repeated one of the men-at-arms. Osmond wasbeginning to say that he was the son of the Seneschal of the Castle, whenRichard came hastily up. "What? Do these men want to stop us?" heexclaimed in the imperious manner he had begun to take up since hisaccession. "Let us go on, sirs."

  The men-at-arms looked at each other, and guarded the door more closely.Osmond saw it was hopeless, and only wanted to draw his young charge backwithout being recognised, but Richard exclaimed loudly, "What meansthis?"

  "The King has given orders that none should pass without warrant," wasOsmond's answer. "We must wait."

  "I will pass!" said Richard, impatient at opposition, to which he waslittle accustomed. "What mean you, Osmond? This is my Castle, and noone has a right to stop me. Do you hear, grooms? let me go. I am theDuke!"

  The sentinels bowed, but all they said was, "Our orders are express."

  "I tell you I am Duke of Normandy, and I will go where I please in my owncity!" exclaimed Richard, passionately pressing against the crossedstaves of the weapons, to force his way between them, but he was caughtand held fast in the powerful gauntlet of one of the men-at-arms. "Letme go, villain!" cried he, struggling with all his might. "Osmond,Osmond, help!"

  Even as he spoke Osmond had disengaged him from the grasp of theFrenchman,
and putting his hand on his arm, said, "Nay, my Lord, it isnot for you to strive with such as these."

  "I will strive!" cried the boy. "I will not have my way barred in my ownCastle. I will tell the King how these rogues of his use me. I willhave them in the dungeon. Sir Eric! where is Sir Eric?"

  Away he rushed to the stairs, Osmond hurrying after him, lest he shouldthrow himself into some fresh danger, or by his loud calls attract theFrench, who might then easily make him prisoner. However, on the veryfirst step of the stairs stood Sir Eric, who was too anxious for thesuccess of the attempt to escape, to be very far off. Richard, too angryto heed where he was going, dashed up against him without seeing him, andas the old Baron took hold of him, began, "Sir Eric, Sir Eric, thoseFrench are villains! they will not let me pass--"

  "Hush, hush! my Lord," said Sir Eric. "Silence! come here."

  However imperious with others, Richard from force of habit always obeyedSir Eric, and now allowed himself to be dragged hastily and silently byhim, Osmond following closely, up the stairs, up a second and a thirdwinding flight, still narrower, and with broken steps, to a small round,thick-walled turret chamber, with an extremely small door, and loop-holesof windows high up in the tower. Here, to his great surprise, he foundDame Astrida, kneeling and telling her beads, two or three of hermaidens, and about four of the Norman Squires and men-at-arms.

  "So you have failed, Osmond?" said the Baron.

  "But what is all this? How did Fru Astrida come up here? May I not goto the King and have those insolent Franks punished?"

  "Listen to me, Lord Richard," said Sir Eric: "that smooth-spoken Kingwhose words so charmed you last night is an ungrateful deceiver. TheFranks have always hated and feared the Normans, and not being able toconquer us fairly, they now take to foul means. Louis came hither fromFlanders, he has brought this great troop of French to surprise us, claimyou as a ward of the crown, and carry you away with him to some prison ofhis own."

  "You will not let me go?" said Richard.

  "Not while I live," said Sir Eric. "Alberic is gone to warn the Count ofHarcourt, to call the Normans together, and here we are ready to defendthis chamber to our last breath, but we are few, the French are many, andsuccour may be far off."

  "Then you meant to have taken me out of their reach this morning,Osmond?"

  "Yes, my Lord."

  "And if I had not flown into a passion and told who I was, I might havebeen safe! O Sir Eric! Sir Eric! you will not let me be carried off toa French prison!"

  "Here, my child," said Dame Astrida, holding out her arms, "Sir Eric willdo all he can for you, but we are in God's hands!"

  Richard came and leant against her. "I wish I had not been in apassion!" said he, sadly, after a silence; then looking at her inwonder--"But how came you up all this way?"

  "It is a long way for my old limbs," said Fru Astrida, smiling, "but myson helped me, and he deems it the only safe place in the Castle."

  "The safest," said Sir Eric, "and that is not saying much for it."

  "Hark!" said Osmond, "what a tramping the Franks are making. They arebeginning to wonder where the Duke is."

  "To the stairs, Osmond," said Sir Eric. "On that narrow step one man maykeep them at bay a long time. You can speak their jargon too, and holdparley with them."

  "Perhaps they will think I am gone," whispered Richard, "if they cannotfind me, and go away."

  Osmond and two of the Normans were, as he spoke, taking their stand onthe narrow spiral stair, where there was just room for one man on thestep. Osmond was the lowest, the other two above him, and it would havebeen very hard for an enemy to force his way past them.

  Osmond could plainly hear the sounds of the steps and voices of theFrench as they consulted together, and sought for the Duke. A man atlength was heard clanking up these very stairs, till winding round, hesuddenly found himself close upon young de Centeville.

  "Ha! Norman!" he cried, starting back in amazement, "what are you doinghere?"

  "My duty," answered Osmond, shortly. "I am here to guard this stair;"and his drawn sword expressed the same intention.

  The Frenchman drew back, and presently a whispering below was heard, andsoon after a voice came up the stairs, saying, "Norman--good Norman--"

  "What would you say?" replied Osmond, and the head of another Frankappeared. "What means all this, my friend?" was the address. "Our Kingcomes as a guest to you, and you received him last evening as loyalvassals. Wherefore have you now drawn out of the way, and striven tobear off your young Duke into secret places? Truly it looks not wellthat you should thus strive to keep him apart, and therefore the Kingrequires to see him instantly."

  "Sir Frenchman," replied Osmond, "your King claims the Duke as his ward.How that may be my father knows not, but as he was committed to hischarge by the states of Normandy, he holds himself bound to keep him inhis own hands until further orders from them."

  "That means, insolent Norman, that you intend to shut the boy up and keephim in your own rebel hands. You had best yield--it will be the betterfor you and for him. The child is the King's ward, and he shall not beleft to be nurtured in rebellion by northern pirates."

  At this moment a cry from without arose, so loud as almost to drown thevoices of the speakers on the turret stair, a cry welcome to the ears ofOsmond, repeated by a multitude of voices, "Haro! Haro! our littleDuke!"

  It was well known as a Norman shout. So just and so ready to redress allgrievances had the old Duke Rollo been, that his very name was an appealagainst injustice, and whenever wrong was done, the Norman outcry againstthe injury was always "Ha Rollo!" or as it had become shortened, "Haro."And now Osmond knew that those whose affection had been won by theuprightness of Rollo, were gathering to protect his helpless grandchild.

  The cry was likewise heard by the little garrison in the turret chamber,bringing hope and joy. Richard thought himself already rescued, andspringing from Fru Astrida, danced about in ecstasy, only longing to seethe faithful Normans, whose voices he heard ringing out again and again,in calls for their little Duke, and outcries against the Franks. Thewindows were, however, so high, that nothing could be seen from them butthe sky; and, like Richard, the old Baron de Centeville was almost besidehimself with anxiety to know what force was gathered together, and whatmeasures were being taken. He opened the door, called to his son, andasked if he could tell what was passing, but Osmond knew as little--hecould see nothing but the black, cobwebbed, dusty steps winding above hishead, while the clamours outside, waxing fiercer and louder, drowned allthe sounds which might otherwise have come up to him from the Frenchwithin the Castle. At last, however, Osmond called out to his father, inNorse, "There is a Frank Baron come to entreat, and this time veryhumbly, that the Duke may come to the King."

  "Tell him," replied Sir Eric, "that save with consent of the council ofNormandy, the child leaves not my hands."

  "He says," called back Osmond, after a moment, "that you shall guard himyourself, with as many as you choose to bring with you. He declares onthe faith of a free Baron, that the King has no thought of ill--he wantsto show him to the Rouennais without, who are calling for him, andthreaten to tear down the tower rather than not see their little Duke.Shall I bid him send a hostage?"

  "Answer him," returned the Baron, "that the Duke leaves not this chamberunless a pledge is put into our hands for his safety. There was anoily-tongued Count, who sat next the King at supper--let him come hither,and then perchance I may trust the Duke among them."

  Osmond gave the desired reply, which was carried to the King. Meantimethe uproar outside grew louder than ever, and there were new sounds, ahorn was winded, and there was a shout of "_Dieu aide_!" the Normanwar-cry, joined with "Notre Dame de Harcourt!"

  "There, there!" cried Sir Eric, with a long breath, as if relieved ofhalf his anxieties, "the boy has sped well. Bernard is here at last!Now his head and hand are there, I doubt no longer."

  "Here comes the Count," said Osmond, opening
the door, and admitting astout, burly man, who seemed sorely out of breath with the ascent of thesteep, broken stair, and very little pleased to find himself in such asituation. The Baron de Centeville augured well from the speed withwhich he had been sent, thinking it proved great perplexity and distresson the part of Louis. Without waiting to hear his hostage speak, hepointed to a chest on which he had been sitting, and bade two of hismen-at-arms stand on each side of the Count, saying at the same time toFru Astrida, "Now, mother, if aught of evil befalls the child, you knowyour part. Come, Lord Richard."

  Richard moved forward. Sir Eric held his hand. Osmond kept close behindhim, and with as many of the men-at-arms as could be spared from guardingFru Astrida and her hostage, he descended the stairs, not by any meanssorry to go, for he was weary of being besieged in that turret chamber,whence he could see nothing, and with those friendly cries in his ears,he could not be afraid.

  He was conducted to the large council-room which was above the hall.There, the King was walking up and down anxiously, looking paler than hiswont, and no wonder, for the uproar sounded tremendous there--and now andthen a stone dashed against the sides of the deep window.

  Nearly at the same moment as Richard entered by one door, Count Bernardde Harcourt came in from the other, and there was a slight lull in thetumult.

  "What means this, my Lords?" exclaimed the King. "Here am I come in allgood will, in memory of my warm friendship with Duke William, to take onme the care of his orphan, and hold council with you for avenging hisdeath, and is this the greeting you afford me? You steal away the child,and stir up the rascaille of Rouen against me. Is this the reception foryour King?"

  "Sir King," replied Bernard, "what your intentions may be, I know not.All I do know is, that the burghers of Rouen are fiercely incensedagainst you--so much so, that they were almost ready to tear me to piecesfor being absent at this juncture. They say that you are keeping thechild prisoner in his own Castle and that they will have him restored ifthey tear it down to the foundations."

  "You are a true man, a loyal man--you understand my good intentions,"said Louis, trembling, for the Normans were extremely dreaded. "Youwould not bring the shame of rebellion on your town and people. Adviseme--I will do just as you counsel me--how shall I appease them?"

  "Take the child, lead him to the window, swear that you mean him no evil,that you will not take him from us," said Bernard. "Swear it on thefaith of a King."

  "As a King--as a Christian, it is true!" said Louis. "Here, my boy!Wherefore shrink from me? What have I done, that you should fear me?You have been listening to evil tales of me, my child. Come hither."

  At a sign from the Count de Harcourt, Sir Eric led Richard forward, andput his hand into the King's. Louis took him to the window, lifted himupon the sill, and stood there with his arm round him, upon which theshout, "Long live Richard, our little Duke!" arose again. Meantime, thetwo Centevilles looked in wonder at the old Harcourt, who shook his headand muttered in his own tongue, "I will do all I may, but our force issmall, and the King has the best of it. We must not yet bring a war onourselves."

  "Hark! he is going to speak," said Osmond.

  "Fair Sirs!--excellent burgesses!" began the King, as the cries lulled alittle. {11} "I rejoice to see the love ye bear to our young Prince! Iwould all my subjects were equally loyal! But wherefore dread me, as ifI were come to injure him? I, who came but to take counsel how to avengethe death of his father, who brought me back from England when I was afriendless exile. Know ye not how deep is the debt of gratitude I owe toDuke William? He it was who made me King--it was he who gained me thelove of the King of Germany; he stood godfather for my son--to him I oweall my wealth and state, and all my care is to render guerdon for it tohis child, since, alas! I may not to himself. Duke William rests in hisbloody grave! It is for me to call his murderers to account, and tocherish his son, even as mine own!"

  So saying, Louis tenderly embraced the little boy, and the Rouennaisbelow broke out into another cry, in which "Long live King Louis," wasjoined with "Long live Richard!"

  "You will not let the child go?" said Eric, meanwhile, to Harcourt.

  "Not without provision for his safety, but we are not fit for war as yet,and to let him go is the only means of warding it off."

  Eric groaned and shook his head; but the Count de Harcourt's judgment wasof such weight with him, that he never dreamt of disputing it.

  "Bring me here," said the King, "all that you deem most holy, and youshall see me pledge myself to be your Duke's most faithful friend."

  There was some delay, during which the Norman Nobles had time for furthercounsel together, and Richard looked wistfully at them, wondering whatwas to happen to him, and wishing he could venture to ask for Alberic.

  Several of the Clergy of the Cathedral presently appeared in procession,bringing with them the book of the Gospels on which Richard had taken hisinstallation oath, with others of the sacred treasures of the Church,preserved in gold cases. The Priests were followed by a few of theNorman Knights and Nobles, some of the burgesses of Rouen, and, toRichard's great joy, by Alberic de Montemar himself. The two boys stoodlooking eagerly at each other, while preparation was made for theceremony of the King's oath.

  The stone table in the middle of the room was cleared, and arranged so asin some degree to resemble the Altar in the Cathedral; then the Count deHarcourt, standing before it, and holding the King's hand, demanded ofhim whether he would undertake to be the friend, protector, and good Lordof Richard, Duke of Normandy, guarding him from all his enemies, and everseeking his welfare. Louis, with his hand on the Gospels, "swore that sohe would."

  "Amen!" returned Bernard the Dane, solemnly, "and as thou keepest thatoath to the fatherless child, so may the Lord do unto thine house!"

  Then followed the ceremony, which had been interrupted the night before,of the homage and oath of allegiance which Richard owed to the King, and,on the other hand, the King's formal reception of him as a vassal,holding, under him, the two dukedoms of Normandy and Brittany. "And,"said the King, raising him in his arms and kissing him, "no dearer vassaldo I hold in all my realm than this fair child, son of my murdered friendand benefactor--precious to me as my own children, as so on my Queen andI hope to testify."

  Richard did not much like all this embracing; but he was sure the Kingreally meant him no ill, and he wondered at all the distrust theCentevilles had shown.

  "Now, brave Normans," said the King, "be ye ready speedily, for an onseton the traitor Fleming. The cause of my ward is my own cause. Soonshall the trumpet be sounded, the ban and arriere ban of the realm becalled forth, and Arnulf, in the flames of his cities, and the blood ofhis vassals, shall learn to rue the day when his foot trod the Isle ofPecquigny! How many Normans can you bring to the muster, Sir Count?"

  "I cannot say, within a few hundreds of lances," replied the old Dane,cautiously; "it depends on the numbers that may be engaged in the Italianwar with the Saracens, but of this be sure, Sir King, that every man inNormandy and Brittany who can draw a sword or bend a bow, will standforth in the cause of our little Duke; ay, and that his blessed father'smemory is held so dear in our northern home, that it needs but a messageto King Harold Blue-tooth to bring a fleet of long keels into the Seine,with stout Danes enough to carry fire and sword, not merely throughFlanders, but through all France. We of the North are not apt to forgetold friendships and favours, Sir King."

  "Yes, yes, I know the Norman faith of old," returned Louis, uneasily,"but we should scarcely need such wild allies as you propose; the Countof Paris, and Hubert of Senlis may be reckoned on, I suppose."

  "No truer friend to Normandy than gallant and wise old Hugh the White!"said Bernard, "and as to Senlis, he is uncle to the boy, and doubly boundto us."

  "I rejoice to see your confidence," said Louis. "You shall soon hearfrom me. In the meantime I must return to gather my force together, andsummon my great vassals, and I will, with your leave, brave Normans, takew
ith me my dear young ward. His presence will plead better in his causethan the finest words; moreover, he will grow up in love and friendshipwith my two boys, and shall be nurtured with them in all good learningand chivalry, nor shall he ever be reminded that he is an orphan whileunder the care of Queen Gerberge and myself."

  "Let the child come to me, so please you, my Lord the King," answeredHarcourt, bluntly. "I must hold some converse with him, ere I canreply."

  "Go then, Richard," said Louis, "go to your trusty vassal--happy are youin possessing such a friend; I hope you know his value."

  "Here then, young Sir," said the Count, in his native tongue, whenRichard had crossed from the King's side, and stood beside him, "what sayyou to this proposal?"

  "The King is very kind," said Richard. "I am sure he is kind; but I donot like to go from Rouen, or from Dame Astrida."

  "Listen, my Lord," said the Dane, stooping down and speaking low. "TheKing is resolved to have you away; he has with him the best of hisFranks, and has so taken us at unawares, that though I might yet rescueyou from his hands, it would not be without a fierce struggle, whereinyou might be harmed, and this castle and town certainly burnt, andwrested from us. A few weeks or months, and we shall have time to drawour force together, so that Normandy need fear no man, and for that timeyou must tarry with him."

  "Must I--and all alone?"

  "No, not alone, not without the most trusty guardian that can be foundfor you. Friend Eric, what say you?" and he laid his hand on the oldBaron's shoulder. "Yet, I know not; true thou art, as a Norwegianmountain, but I doubt me if thy brains are not too dull to see throughthe French wiles and disguises, sharp as thou didst show thyself lastnight."

  "That was Osmond, not I," said Sir Eric. "He knows their mincing tonguebetter than I. He were the best to go with the poor child, if go hemust."

  "Bethink you, Eric," said the Count, in an undertone, "Osmond is the onlyhope of your good old house--if there is foul play, the guardian will bethe first to suffer."

  "Since you think fit to peril the only hope of all Normandy, I am not theman to hold back my son where he may aid him," said old Eric, sadly."The poor child will be lonely and uncared-for there, and it were hard heshould not have one faithful comrade and friend with him."

  "It is well," said Bernard: "young as he is, I had rather trust Osmondwith the child than any one else, for he is ready of counsel, and quickof hand."

  "Ay, and a pretty pass it is come to," muttered old Centeville, "that we,whose business it is to guard the boy, should send him where you scarcelylike to trust my son."

  Bernard paid no further attention to him, but, coming forward, requiredanother oath from the King, that Richard should be as safe and free athis court as at Rouen, and that on no pretence whatsoever should he betaken from under the immediate care of his Esquire, Osmond Fitz Eric,heir of Centeville.

  After this, the King was impatient to depart, and all was preparation.Bernard called Osmond aside to give full instructions on his conduct, andthe means of communicating with Normandy, and Richard was taking leave ofFru Astrida, who had now descended from her turret, bringing her hostagewith her. She wept much over her little Duke, praying that he mightsafely be restored to Normandy, even though she might not live to see it;she exhorted him not to forget the good and holy learning in which he hadbeen brought up, to rule his temper, and, above all, to say his prayersconstantly, never leaving out one, as the beads of his rosary remindedhim of their order. As to her own grandson, anxiety for him seemedalmost lost in her fears for Richard, and the chief things she said tohim, when he came to take leave of her, were directions as to the care hewas to take of the child, telling him the honour he now received was onewhich would make his name forever esteemed if he did but fulfil histrust, the most precious that Norman had ever yet received.

  "I will, grandmother, to the very best of my power," said Osmond; "I maydie in his cause, but never will I be faithless!"

  "Alberic!" said Richard, "are you glad to be going back to Montemar?"

  "Yes, my Lord," answered Alberic, sturdily, "as glad as you will be tocome back to Rouen."

  "Then I shall send for you directly, Alberic, for I shall never love thePrinces Carloman and Lothaire half as well as you!"

  "My Lord the King is waiting for the Duke," said a Frenchman, comingforward.

  "Farewell then, Fru Astrida. Do not weep. I shall soon come back.Farewell, Alberic. Take the bar-tailed falcon back to Montemar, and keephim for my sake. Farewell, Sir Eric--Farewell, Count Bernard. When theNormans come to conquer Arnulf you will lead them. O dear, dear FruAstrida, farewell again."

  "Farewell, my own darling. The blessing of Heaven go with you, and bringyou safe home! Farewell, Osmond. Heaven guard you and strengthen you tobe his shield and his defence!"