Read The Little Mermaid Last Stand Page 2

I know he is!”

  “No he isn’t but I have a proposition for you.”

  “Go on.”

  “I will leave all your family and friends alone if you give me one thing in return.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “The satisfaction of knowing you died a long death.”


  “With this.” Morgona holds out a small, black pea shaped object. “A pea?”

  “This is much worse than a pea.”

  “What is it then?”

  “A leach.”

  “Come on Morgona you can do better than that.”

  “I have this is a death leach.”

  “A death leach, very inventive.” She laughs.

  “Oh shut up! This will suck the life out of you. In three hours the process will be complete. You will be dead and this little baby will be the size of my thumb. Do we have a deal?”

  “And you will leave them alone.”

  “You have my word.”

  “Yes, we have a deal.” Ariel sighs. Morgona walks over to her and puts the leach on Ariel’s neck. She sways and falls to the floor. Morgona lays her out neatly and waits.

  Half an hour later Eric and Melody run in followed by Attina and Flounder, Sebastian was busy. “Morgona!”

  “I knew it wouldn’t be long before you came.” Melody sees Ariel and runs over to her. “Mom!” She kneels down. “What did you do to her?”

  “We made a deal.”

  “No, you killed her!”

  “No my dear she is still very much alive but in two hours she will be dead.” Morgona laughs and turns away.

  “Wait!” She turns back around and Eric stands in front of her. “I challenge you to a fight, first to get the other on the floor wins.”

  “And what’s in it for me?”

  “My life as well as Ariel’s, but if I win you get neither.”


  “Stay out of this Mel!”

  Morgona thinks. “Alright.” She lunges at him, he moves out of the way. Melody pushes Ariel’s hair out of her face to reveal a second leach on her neck. “Dad hurry there’s two!”


  “It looks like you found my little twist.”

  “What twist?”

  “Half an hour left of her life Eric.” He pushes her over and holds his sword to her throat. “I win. Now get those things off of her!”

  “I can’t but the trident can. That means you’ll have to go to Atlantica and by the time you get back she’ll be dead anyway.”

  “I’d think again if I were you!” Attina gives Melody the trident. She zaps the leaches of Ariel. “Mom?”

  Morgona laughs. “You’re too late too much of her life has been taken.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s gone!”

  “No, she’ll pull through. I gave up on her once I won’t do it again.”

  Eric picks Ariel up and a necklace drops out of her hand. Melody picks it up. “It’s my Grandmother’s.” She puts in her pocket and they leave the cave.

  Two days later Ariel wakes up. Melody smiles at her and passes her the necklace. “What?” Ariel strokes the shell and gives it back to Melody. “I want you to have it now.”


  “Because I’ve used my two wishes.”


  “Yes I wasted mine.”

  “What did you wish for?”

  “I wished my flowers would grow in my garden and that Flounder and Sebastian would never die in my life time.”

  “So that’s why Sebastian...”


  “But if you knew that he was ok why did you pretend to be upset?”

  “Well I couldn’t tell anyone I needed to protect them.”

  “Ok.” Melody looks at the necklace. Ariel smiles and clips it round her neck. “Wear it always you never know when it might come in handy and don’t waste them. I don’t want you using them on me.” Melody looks at Ariel.

  “I can’t promise that.”

  “Mel, what’s wrong?”

  “I should have gone with you to that cave.”

  “I know but you did what I told you for once and that means more to me than anything.”


  Ariel nods. “Yes, where’s your father?”

  “He went to think.”

  “Right I’ll be back in an hour with or without him.”

  “Ok see you later.”

  Ariel runs up to the top of the cliff. “Eric?”

  “Mmmm?” He stares out to sea.

  “Eric what’s wrong?”

  “I almost lost you again.” Ariel sits next to him.

  “But you didn’t.”

  “I know, I just don’t understand why you keep on putting yourself in danger to save us.”

  “You’re my family Eric. I have to protect you both. That’s why I do what I do.”

  “Ok, let’s go home its freezing up here.”

  “You got that right.” They stand up and start to walk down the grass. “Come on Eric, race you to the beach.” She starts to run down to the beach. “Ariel, go steady!” Eric runs after her.

  When they get back Melody is not there. “I know where she’s gone.”


  “Think about it Eric.”

  “Oh right.” Ariel opens the door.

  “I’ll be back soon.” She closes the door and runs down the beach. Eric runs out after her. He stands on the beach and watches her swim off. “Be careful!” Eric turns and goes inside.

  Ariel walks into the cave. “Morgona where is my daughter!?”

  “How am I supposed to know?”

  “Well you took her! I know you did!”

  “You’re clever Ariel but not clever enough!”

  “What?” A man grabs her and chains her to the wall. “Morgona let me go!”

  “I can’t do that Ariel.” She turns to a teenage boy in the corner. “Bring me the girl!” He walks over to a cell and brings Melody out. “I thought you loved me Rick!”

  “I do but your mother killed my aunty and mother.”

  “What?” Morgona grabs Melody’s arm. “Marina and Coral!” Melody looks up. “Mom!”

  “Melody!” Morgona smiles at Ariel and puts a knife to Melody’s throat. “No! Let her go!”

  “You or her Ariel, your decision.”

  “Me, kill me leave her alone!”

  “As you wish.”

  “Mom, don’t!”

  “Sorry Mel.”

  “Morgona at least let me say good bye.”

  “Fine.” Melody walks over to Ariel.

  “I’ll come back with Dad.”

  “Melody only the trident can kill her and only your necklace can protect you.”

  “Ok mom, I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Rick pulls Melody away.

  When they get out of the cave, he lets her go. “Melody go and get your grandfather. I’ll try and save your mother.”


  “Look Morgona is trying to kill her. I don’t want you to lose your mother too.”

  “So you’re helping me?”

  “Yes, as much as I can.”

  “Thank you.” Melody runs off and Rick goes back into the cave. “The girl got away.”

  “You were supposed to kill her!”

  Ariel smiles. “What are you smiling at?” Morgona walks over to Ariel. “Well?”

  “Melody will get the trident and kill you once and for all.”

  “You under estimate what I am capable of.” She punches Ariel in the stomach. “Umph.” Ariel looks her in the eye. “You will die.”

  “Not before you.” She turns to the man. “Let her down!” He undoes the chains and Ariel falls to the floor. Morgona bends down. “Not before you.”

  On the beach Melody runs up to Eric. “Dad!” He looks up. “Melody!” He hugs her. “Are you ok, where’s your mother?”

  “I’m fine but mom isn’t,
Morgona has her. Dad we need the trident to help her.”

  “Ok you go and get the trident and I’ll try and get Morgona to give herself up.”

  “Ok.” Melody jumps into the sea and swims towards Atlantica. Eric heads for the cave.

  When he gets there, Morgona has hold of Ariel’s arm. “Ariel!” Morgona turns and smiles at him. She stabs Ariel. Ariel looks at Eric and staggers backwards. “No!” He runs towards her. She drops to her knees. “Ariel!” He slides across the ice. “Ariel.” He lifts her hands away from her stomach. “Oh my god. Hold on you’re real strong you’ll make it.”

  “Sorry Eric.”

  “What do I do Ariel?”

  “Make sure Melody is safe.”

  “No, sweetheart, no Ariel!”

  “I love you.” She closes her eyes as Melody runs into the cave. Morgona has disappeared into a side chamber. “Mom?”

  “Sorry Mel.” Eric stands up. Flounder, Sebastian and King Triton swim in. melody has the trident. “Oh no.”

  “Melody what happened?” King Triton looks at her.

  “Mom’s dead.”

  “Oh no.”

  “Mel stay here.” Eric takes the trident and Melody kneels down next to Ariel. “Wait I know what to do.” She holds the shell on her necklace. “I wish my mother will be alive my whole life.” A pink glow forms around Ariel and she starts to breathe again. “It worked!” She turns to Triton. “Grandfather stay here I’m going to help my dad.” Melody runs after Eric.

  When she finds him, he is unconscious and Morgona has the trident. “Morgona what did you do to him!?”


  “Give me the trident.”

  “Come and get it!” Melody begins to run to Morgona but she fires the trident and Melody’s legs turn to a tail. She face plants the floor and Morgona tears her necklace off her neck. “Hey!” Melody pushes herself up to the wall. “Give it back!”

  “I don’t think so. This is the only thing that protects you and you deserve to die you little brat!” she smashes the necklace and points the trident at Melody. Ariel grabs her arm. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?”

  “That’s impossible I just stabbed you.”


  “Nothing is impossible.” She turns the trident on Morgona. “Check