Read The Love's Phenomena presents, LOVE CRUST: There is always more then the dejection. Page 1

The Love’s Phenomena




  A NOVEL BY: Adnan Chaudhry

  #LoveCrust #AskAdnan


  This book is dedicated to my father,

  As always my dad is my Hero.


  “Mum-ma? What a beautiful day it is.” Sam exclaimed, eyes gleaming with excitement. Calm cool autumn mornings had always been his favourite.

  “Hmmm” Nodded Mrs. Broad

  “Mum-ma? Haven’t dad been home?”

  Before she could answer, the phone rang. Mrs. Broad runs to the phone wishing its Mr. Broad calling.


  “Yes! This is Mr. Broad’s house”

  “I... I…I’m his wife….”

  “What is it officer?”

  Sam eared the conversation confused trying to know what it is.

  “Is he there?” sweat trickled down her forehead. Legs trembling.


  “This…this…this can’t be true officer…you…you…you must be lying” Mrs. Broad’s voice got stuck somewhere.

  Phone’s cradle fell from her hand and there she stood all numb. Sam felt someone sucked blood out of her mother. She got all pale, eyes wide open. All Sam could hear were whispers of no no no.

  Sam ran to her mother.


  “What happened?” he asked while holding his mother’s face.

  “Speak to me mum-ma, what is it?”

  “Is dad alright?” How he wished that it would be a yes.

  “Mum-ma please tell?”


  “No” Tears swept down the cheeks of Mrs. Broad

  The only NO he was not able to hear. The only NO he wished wasn’t true. He couldn’t absorb a NO at the time. The mid-teen hyper and extra pampered Sam couldn’t hold it. He didn’t know what to say, how to react. He lost all his words he ever used to present in an argument. Suddenly he stood up, moved out of the house and started running towards the forest. He couldn’t hear the river roaring while he was screaming, screaming and screaming.

  Heavy breathing, sobbing Sam kept on running until he had a fall….

  Chapter 1

  Rubbing his feet together, holding the pillow tightly, to alarm clock’s ring Sam woke up. The light peeped through the curtains. The chiffon covered satin deep blue curtains couldn’t help themselves to stop the light. It was a new day, a new beginning. Sam could smell the coffee left from last night. Finding a cold spot to lie his head, he wanted to get rid of the most dreadful reality. The flashback of the past he always had in his dreams.

  Dimly lit room was once a place he always hated but now there is no better escape than this. The messy kid he used to be is highly organized now, demanding everything to be at its place. He didn’t want to get up and get dressed for this new era of life. Sam doesn’t know where this new beginning will lead him.

  “Sammy?” Mrs. Broad entered the room.

  “Get up Sammy, It’s another day, a beautiful day”, since the autumn morning his father passed away Mrs. Broad was always telling him all about the beautiful days, which he didn’t want to hear about.

  “Hmmm…I am up already mum-ma” sleepy voice replied.

  Mrs. Broad swayed the curtains back letting the day show its glory. Sam’s pupils constricted as the room filled with warm oozy light. As Sam turned, the neatly pressed light blue checkered shirt along with a beautiful dark denim waited for him to wear.

  “Come for breakfast within 10 minutes”

  “It’s your first day at university and I’ll be waiting for you at the table” Mrs. Broad reminded him as she turned around and headed outside the room.


  Unwilling to get up, Sam stretched his legs and arms. Mind occupied with a sea of thoughts. Being the sole earner and the only bread earning man for a family of two he thought of all the moments where he so wanted to get into this university where anyone else could just dream of. He made up there on the hard work and struggle, the rise after fall.

  Gathering all the strength he had, he got out of bed. He knew now he is a better Sam, a person many out there wish to be as strong, good looking and ambitious like him but nobody knows what it took him to be Sam Broad.

  As he reached the table for the breakfast Mrs. Broad could smell freshly sprayed David Beckham Cologne, which he used only on very special occasions.

  “Ahhh! My handsome young son”, her hazel green eyes shined with the tears. What a proud moment it was for a single mother to see her only son being able to achieve what she always desired.

  Sam just smiled in return cause now he forgot how to react when someone, even his mother, praise him because all these flattering words weren’t something he always needed. He needed solitude, he wanted to be alone where no one could intrude in his privacy.

  Sam couldn’t resist the aroma of freshly baked bacon and eggs. He sat down silently and started to munch upon his breakfast.

  Mrs. Broad almost forgot eating while she deeply observed her son, how time changes people. What it teaches them and how it melds them in a person one never ever even dreamed of.

  Sam sensed his mother’s eyes searching his face.

  “Why aren’t you eating mum-ma?”, Sam inquired while chewing his last few bites of bacon.

  “I lost my appetite dear”

  “I’ll have something to eat at brunch don’t you worry”, Mrs. Broad answered in low husky voice.

  “I’ll leave for university now, mum-ma” Sam said while looking at his wrist watch.

  “I don’t wanna get late for the class on very first day”

  Sam picked up keys from the very antique key hanger, placed very next to the main door.

  He pulled his silver Ford Taurus out of the house while Mrs. Broad waved at him from the door. With her white bony hands up in the air, deep down she wished her child all the very best.

  How this cool breeze no longer creates an impact on me? How much I used to love these lovely autumn mornings and now I feel nothing, nothing enough to call these mornings beautiful. The busy San Francisco suffocates me. Why no longer am I excited for Halloween? Do life plays this fair with everyone?

  Sam thought while radio played his favourite In The End by Linkin Park. The car kept on moving towards the Stanford University. He wanted everything to be in his favour. He wished to be able to be as firm as he is.

  As he parked his car in the parking lot of the Stanford university. The beautiful crimson leaves along with the mixture of golden and yellow leaves intensified the beauty of university. The almost bare trees gave a message of winters coming soon, how everything ends before a new beginning. This thought brought a cold wave in his spine, reminding him of all the struggles he did to reach where he is today.

  Sam pulled his black backpack from the backseat of the car, pulled out his phone and opened the map of the campus in order to see where he can get to the reception.

  He could see everyone in a rush, girls chattering, boys laughing and he wondered if he was the only one so serious.

  As he reached the reception he sensed the receptionist examining him head to toe.

  Sam took off his Ray ban and talked to the fat lady dressed in black suit, spectacles covering her brown eyes and red lips gave her so professional look who was busy filing her nails.

  “Excuse me, ma’am”

  “Hello I am Ms. Anna”, Receptionist gave her introduction.
br />   “How may I help you, young man”, Anna asked while admiring his perfections with a grin on her face.

  “Well, I am here for Graduation Program in Management Sciences”

  “Can you please guide me about the class and provide me with the timetable?” His voice was kind but firm.

  “Ms. Anna? Where will I find….”, Emma forgot what she was talking about when she saw Sam.

  “Miss. Emma West? What are you saying?” Anna inquired.

  Sam simply stared at the Van Gogh’s starry night, the painting hung behind Ms. Anna.

  “Umm, I was heading towards Management science class I thought I can help him there”, Emma changed the topic as she was truly impressed by Sam’s personality.

  “Mr. Sam Ms. Emma will lead you to the class”, Anna got busy again in filing her nails.

  “NO! Thanks”, Sam smiled with respect yet still kept his tone firm. “I’ll get there myself”.

  Sam threw his bag on his shoulder and made his way through the corridors. He could sense attention of the girls and deep sighs, (yes he was that hot). The chatters turned into whispers and whispers changed to silence as he entered in class every eye was focusing him.

  Sam placed his bag on the very front bench in the middle row. He always loves to sit on the first seat so he can have direct sort of communication with the professor and to avoid the distractions caused by various head moving in front of him.

  “Kate!” Emma whispered to his best friend sitting beside her

  “huunnh,” Kate answers while doodling upon her register like she was in some deep thoughts.

  “Look! This is the guy I told you”

  “The reception guy Sam I was talking about few moments ago,” Emma kept on telling her.

  “Isn’t he hot? OMG! Look at his height, jaw line, broad shoulders, well maintained hair,”

  “Emma! Shut up,”

  “I have already seen him there are a lot of others too,” Kate said in a bit rude accent while keeping an eye on Sam. Wondering how right Emma was. How can someone be so perfect but she didn’t want to show her approval of liking him on the first sight to Emma.

  Bell rang and Professor entered the class.

  “Pin-drop silence,” Professor ordered as he cleared his throat

  “Hello! I am Professor Mike o Mcdonald”

  “I welcome you all on the behalf of Stanford University”

  “I’ll be your class in charge for next 1.5 years,” Professor Mcdonald informed the class in welcoming tone.

  “I would like you people to introduce yourselves,” Professor smiled as he continued.

  Everyone in the class introduced themselves turn by turn.

  Once the right column was done it was Sam’s turn.

  “Hello! I am Sam Broad, I have done my Bachelor of Science in Management Sciences from community college and I am currently running the family business,” Sam introduced himself in a very professional tone that it won’t be a lie to say every person sitting there was impressed.

  Every student presented himself in order to create an impact on his fellow students. Suddenly Sam heard a familiar voice, voice he heard few minutes ago.

  He turned his head back to see who the girl was. It was the same girl who offered him help.

  “Class this is Emma West, I am missionary college New York undergraduate and yes I don’t work I am a princess,” A rough looking, middle height, ordinary faced blonde was presenting herself.

  The girl sitting next to her stood up. Without being a bit hesitant or nervous,

  “I am Ms. Katherine Swift, I am honoured to be a part of this Institute, I did my Graduation from Public Community College New York,” every word she spoke reflected how groomed she is.

  Sam could see a 5’7 tall girl, dressed in formal business suit, hair tied in a neat high ponytail, nails perfectly pedicured. She certainly was very different.

  Sam have never shown interest in any girl but after observing Kate he turned himself towards the front. Without knowing that he was being observed by Emma the girl sitting next to Kate on 4th bench towards Sam’s right.

  Chapter 2

  Weeks passed by, now Sam was popular guy, popular for his looks, behaviour and reserved personality.

  Despite belonging to a middle class family, Kate, had her own high standards. A girl who was brought up by struggling parents with moral values who instilled confidence in her.

  Kate worked for various NGO’s. She loved getting sponsorships and conducting awareness campaign for various issues under various NGO’s.

  Here Stanford University was one of the platforms where she could perform her social work by leading a team. One of the most arising social issue was Black Tar Heroin addictions.

  Kate needed to raise her voice against such issue as it was deteriorating many young and adult lives eventually leading to crime, prostitution, rape, incarceration, AIDS, overdoses and death.

  After getting the approval she wanted some volunteers to give their views on this drug abuse that can influence some minds for not going in this direction. An initial campaign was conducted to clearly show the fellow students to get an image of what Kate and Emma were about to do.

  While Kate and Emma were conducting the campaign, Emma was very interested in interviewing the most popular guy, Sam. Since the day she met her over the reception she was in deep urge to know him as he had such an influencing personality. On the other hand, Sam didn’t like Emma due to her looks and the way she behaved around him was very irritating.

  Emma somehow judged what kind of observation Sam made the very day when Kate introduced her so instead of going herself she asked Kate to go. Kate didn’t agree to Emma as she thought that’d be very childish to ask an egoistic person to assist them as he is definitely not going to agree.

  Life is worth taking risks, so Kate waited for Sam to come to the thesis and research class so that she could talk to him. Without knowing anything, Emma stopped Sam in the corridor,

  “Hey, Mr.”, the way she called Sam was not a bit sophisticated.

  Sam turned around, “Yes, Miss”.

  “You have to give me and Kate an interview for a campaign”, Emma ordered.

  Sam kept his tone and temper under control while ignoring what she said he moved on.

  Emma ran after him without realizing what she had done. As she went to the class she told everything to Kate. Kate heard everything silently, she knew this wasn’t a way to talk.

  Hence she decided that she won’t involve Emma in this interview thing and she will talk to Sam herself.

  Kate felt really guilty for what Emma did because she knew ethics don’t allow such a behaviour. First Kate had no intention to interview him like she was just considering it but now she needs to talk, to apologize. After reconsidering a lot of things Kate decided that she will talk to Sam after home time.

  Just after the marketing and media’s lecture Mr. Robbin, professor, moved out along with the students who weren’t able to submit their assignments including Emma. Kate was bold enough but this step made her think a thousand times.

  Sam packed his stuff and was about to leave when…

  “Excuse me?” Kate called politely

  Sam knew who it was, someone he never expected will ever talk to him

  “Umm, yes?” Sam made an eye contact but was expression less.

  “I need to talk to you about...” Kate wasn’t able to pick up the topic

  “About what, Ms. Katherine Swift?” Sam wondered what it was.

  Kate stunned at how Sam called her name, people usually preferred calling her Kate but it was Sam’s respectful manner, thought Kate.

  “Ms. Katherine you are free to ask anything, but you need to be quick as I need to leave”, Sam wanted to get out of the uncomfortable situation.

  “Actually I wanted to apologize on the behalf of Emma, she shouldn’t have talked to you like that”, Katherine stammered a little.

  Sam has never seen Kate this confused as he always s
ilently adored her confidence and her positive approach... Sam thought what could have happened today

  “Why are you apologizing, Ms. Katherine?” Sam inquired

  “She…umm…she was rude with you, actually we wanted your views on black tar heroin drug abuse.”

  Sam was trying to get rid of her as he never liked interacting with females but now after listening to what she was talking about, he unwillingly agreed.

  “What kind of views you want?”

  “Some facts some lifelong experiences anything you have to share about this issue as we want a person whom everyone will love to listen.”

  “And here in Stanford you are one of the most cherished and most popular guy, certainly every person will love to read you or even listen you,” Kate kept on speaking without knowing the amusement in Sam’s eyes. He never saw an interesting girl one like her before.

  Sam never was so much inspired by a girl but he always wanted the other person to step forward first so that the other person can be analysed that what kind of personality he possesses. But when talking about girls certainly Kate was first.

  “So will you give me the interview please?” asked Kate

  Sam indulged in some deep thoughts and didn’t replied


  “OHHH... yes?” Sam’s thoughts were disturbed.

  “Will you please give me an interview?” requested Kate.

  “Umm certainly Miss Katherine”

  “When I am supposed to be ready for this interview?” asked Sam without showing his interest.

  “Meet me tomorrow after university”, Kate was happy and that could easily be sensed from her tone and smile.

  “So shall I decide the venue or you’ll run a search operation to find me,” humour could easily be sensed in Sam’s voice.

  Kate clicked that she hasn’t mentioned where to meet her for the interview.