Read The Love's Phenomena presents, LOVE CRUST: There is always more then the dejection. Page 2

  “Oh, Sorry”, Kate was bit embarrassed

  “I’ll be highly honoured if you come to meet me in main library”

  “Library?”, Sam was bit surprised.

  “Yes, we can easily conduct the interview without any distraction.” Kate cleared.

  “So tomorrow at 4pm main library”, Sam repeated the venue.

  “Done?” Looking for an agreement Sam asked

  “Done”, Kate smiled.

  “You were getting late to go somewhere” like Kate just remembered that Sam asked talked about getting late.

  “It’s okay now” Sam kept himself neutral

  “I am really very sorry I took at of your time”

  “No, no”

  “It’s okay”, Sam assured her that it was okay.

  “So may I go, Miss Katherine?”

  “For sure Sam, thank you for being cooperative” Kate smiled

  “See you tomorrow”

  Sam aligned his collar and headed towards the parking lot.

  While driving back to home he was recalling what happened all the day. He really hated Emma for no specific reasons but since the very first day he was kind of irritated it wasn’t only Emma in fact every girl who showed interest in him irritated him. Reasons undefined.

  Sam had almost the same routine every day. Getting up in the morning, going to university, coming back and asking for latest business updates regarding the small business left by his father, spend time reading and resting.

  Sam pulled car in the garage, but couldn’t see his mother anywhere. The day he started going to university Mrs. Broad waited for him at the door. As he would get to her she would kiss his cheek.

  Not seeing his mother in the garage disturbed Sam. First he thought she might have gone somewhere or she might be sleeping. He took out the duplicate key in his pocket and silently opened the door. As the door opened he knew why his mother wasn’t there in the garage today.

  He could smell freshly baked mocha cake refreshed him. The aroma of roasted coffee and vanilla was one of his favourite. As he entered the kitchen he saw his mother bending over the cake placed upon the cake stand above the grey stone shelf piping it with freshly made chocolate gnash.


  “Why weren’t you there at the door today” Sam asked lovingly.

  “Aww my dear I thought about surprising you with your favourite chocolate mocha cake.”

  “But mum-ma, you know I was very worried”, Sam complained.

  “Ohhhhooo... Sam you tell me about a time when you weren’t worried”, Mrs. Broad smiled.

  “So how long will it take for this cake to be fully done?”

  “…I am starving mum-ma”, Sam informed Mrs. Broad.

  “Soon”, replied Mrs. Broad

  Mrs. Broad got back to work carefully piping the swirled icing upon the cake.

  Sam went to his room changed his clothes relaxed himself but one thing he couldn’t get off his mind from was Katherine. He wanted to know her but also preferred if she does it herself.

  Sam went to university earlier next morning. There was something about interview that made him excited as well as tensed too. He didn’t know what kind of questions he’ll be asked and how he’ll answer them. This issue had a great impact on his life too. How? He never shared with anyone else before. The day in class went as usual. Neither Kate nor Sam acted unusually. They both acted as they don’t ever talk as the things were yesterday.

  But for Sam it wasn’t the usual day it was an unusual day as he was going to give an interview for one of his most HATED topics.

  After the last class Sam went to the library though he was half an hour early but he had no other place to go other than cafeteria where he wasn’t willing to eat.

  As it was decided Kate was there in the library sharp at 4pm and was astonished to see Sam already waiting. How responsible he is, thought Kate.

  “Hey”, smiled Kate

  “Hello”, Sam replied with a return smile.

  “How was your day?”, Kate asked courteously.

  “Great, as always”, Sam replied with an expressionless face.

  “Ahan”, that was all Kate could reply.

  “Should we start the interview?”, Sam asked

  “Certainly! Why not, Mr. Sam”.

  “Coming towards the topic and the issue I am going to ask you about is Black Tar heroin drug abuse”

  After a pause Kate continued.

  “It is one of the most arising issue since last 10 years and here in San Francisco we have seen that people are not aware of this issue so we decided to conduct a campaign.”

  Sam shook his head to ensure that he got the basic motto of this campaign.

  “Let’s start the interview Miss. Katherine”

  For the next thirty minutes Kate and Sam discussed upon the topic.

  Kate kept on asking questions and Sam answered her questions selectively.

  While Kate was conducting the interview she sensed that Sam was acting awkwardly and was really uncomfortable upon her questions regarding how families suffer when a person uses drugs. After completing the interview, they both were about to leave library when Kate asked Sam:

  “Sam will you like to have cup of coffee with me?”

  “Miss. Katherine I don’t usually have coffee with ladies”

  “It’s not my thing”, Sam answered abruptly.

  “Well, I was just...”

  Sam interrupted, “well if u really insist then for sure, Miss Katherine”.

  “Call me Kate,” Kate corrected with an impish smile.

  “Tonight at 8 CuHo?” mentioned Kate

  “Consider it fix, Miss. Kate”.


  Sam all dress in black t-shirt and skin jeans, hair nicely done with a side way comb, was there at CuHo. The dimly lit Coffee House with dim warm yellow light creating a really cosy atmosphere just the way Sam liked.

  He saw Katherine sitting at a far end.

  A diva dressed in black sleeveless top, hair loosely falling upon her shoulder all straight and raven black complimented with red lipstick. She was the most beautiful girl Sam came across. Probably it won’t be wrong to say that he never noticed any girl the way he noticed Kate.

  Kate saw Sam and waved at him with a grin.

  “Hello, Miss. Katherine”, Sam realized he called her Katherine again.

  “Miss. Kate”, Sam corrected

  “Hello, have a seat Sam”, Kate welcomed him.

  Kate called the waiter

  “What would you like to have ma’am?”, waiter was at his service.

  “One black cappuccino please,” Sam and Kate order together.

  “Jinx,” Kate laughed at how they both spoke together.

  Was there anything much musical than the sound of her laughter. But Sam never expressed himself.

  “Sam? Talk something,” Kate got worried as Sam became silent.

  “You jinxed me and now I’m free to speak though I am not very talkative” laughed Sam.

  “Your laughter and your smile is just so mesmerizing Sam,” Kate complimented Sam.

  They exchanged few words while coffee arrived.

  “Sam, let’s have coffee in the terrace”.

  Sam accompanied Kate to the terrace, still thinking what the purpose of this coffee date was.

  They both had coffee, while talking over random topics until both had empty cups.


  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Yes?” Sam was confused.

  “Have you ever fell in love?”

  Sam was not expecting that here at this coffee house.

  “No, why are you asking Katherine?’ Sam inquired

  “If someone loves you Sam?”

  “And she doubts that you will accept her or not?”

  “What will you do?” Kate kept on talking while making a clear eye contact.

  For Sam it was such an intimate moment like a dream come true but lack of being express
ive was ruining the moment.

  “What do you really wanna say Katherine?” questioned Sam.

  “Nothing,’ Kates voice echoed like she almost was at verge of shattering.

  Sam held her by the shoulders. The cold soft skin and few locks of hair tingled under hand. She was the softest most delicate thing he ever touched.

  “What is it Kate?”

  “You can share it with me?” Sam wasn’t expressive but still deep down he couldn’t see someone shattering, somethings holding themselves back and keep those things in their minds that might not let them live happily, things those can change the entire lifestyle.

  Kate took a step forward and what happened next was another first in Sam’s life,

  Kate hugged him and cried like she was just pretending to be strong.


  “It’s you, Sam, I love you” Kate kept on crying

  “I know it’s so abrupt and early but I can explain everything, I really need you” Kate spoke while her head still placed on his chest, t-shirt in contact with her cheeks was all wet.

  “Listen to me Kate,”

  “Stop crying we’ll talk”

  Sam took her face in his hand. Before he could say anything Kate got on to her toes and seized his mouth with her lips. Silence drew around them Sam wasn’t able to hear the surrounding but he kissed her back because deep down him he wanted this, he exactly wanted this to happen. It happened and hence it was proved that sometimes it is destined for two to be together. If you really love someone, everything on this planet unites to bring two of you closer. Don’t wait for the perfect moment as the other might also be waiting for you to be the first, first to express yourself.


  Since the magical evening, the evening they both met everything changed in Sam’s life.

  He no longer hated love songs. He no longer wanted a reason to wake up in the morning and pull himself to the university as it was Kate, the ultimate pulling force that automatically pulled himself towards her.

  At the moment whatever was happening is his life was a series of firsts, first girl, first relationship, first love, first kiss and no doubt it was a lifelong experience. Sam loved the feeling of being in love.

  Mrs. Broad was very astonished to see Sam so positive towards the life and maybe it was the first time for Mrs. Broad too as she had not seen Sam happier than this before since the death of his husband and Sam’s father. After the death of his father Sam took life too seriously he hated parties, he hated the concept of families he hated almost everything, things which now he had begun to love.

  Everything was going smooth. There wasn’t a morning Sam won’t dress himself up for Kate. Though he wasn’t very expressive but now he tried his level best to make Kate feel special just the way she made him feel special by cherishing every moment they spent together.

  From afternoon brunch to late night talks along the roadside, everything there was perfect as Kate knew how to make every moment perfect. Perfect enough to make it most memorable one.

  They started taking lectures together while sitting on the same bench where Kate would write short love notes on his books and notepads or she’ll constantly tingle him and he couldn’t help stop laughing.

  On the other hand, it was a completely different experience for Kate. She never came across such a guy who finds it hard to express himself. She couldn’t guess the reason behind this lack.

  She would bake mocha cupcake with his initials on them and surprise him with it. Kate knew how to spoil his man.

  Sam being the most handsome guy, after getting into the relationship everyone highlighted the couple. Kate and Sam was one hell of an ideal couple; always found together. Everyone knew they both are committed to each other and no one ever dared to ask anyone of them about it.

  From the first kiss at CuHo’s terrace to the Halloween party where they both dressed up like vampires and Dracula and were the spotlight couple. Sam was never into such parties but just for Kate’s happiness he agreed and dressed up the way Kate wanted him. Kate painted his face and went on shopping with him to get his costume.

  Kate could easily remember how Sam held her hand throughout the shopping and party scene though he expressed his feelings verbally very rarely but few of his gestures assured Kate how possessive is he for her.

  Whenever Sam held her hand she always got butterflies in her stomach. At such moments Kate really wished May it lasts forever on the other hand it was a certainly forever kind of relation for Sam.

  A year and half was gone in a blink of eye. Sam considered him the happiest person alive on the Earth not because he had Kate but he was experiencing the best feelings of loving someone and being loved in return; it was a perfect Redundancy. Certainly there are many people out there who wish to be loved by their loved ones. People who are imprisoned in the feeling for loving someone and not being loved back. People who experience a love triangle that the person they love, loves someone else. We need to believe that not loving back is one of the most hurting experience.

  They say if you want to die every second love someone who doesn’t loves you back. For Sam he was very lucky in this matter he loves someone who showers her unlimited love back upon him. With few weeks before the graduation they both had already made a lot of memories together, many to cherish and many more to come.

  For Kate and Sam New Year eve was one of the last informal event before they leave for their professional lives and before Kate moves in with Sam as they already have decided that Kate would move in with Sam after their graduation. With New Year around the corner and Christmas just 1 day away. University announced a week long Christmas break. After the last class the boys called Sam to wish Christmas and girls except Emma came over to Kate. Since Sam and Kate’s relationship got publicly known Emma isolated her from Kate thinking Kate betrayed her by taking what she wished for, Sam. Emma forgot maybe that it wasn’t only her but every single girl in the campus also wished like her and Kate was fortunate enough to have him.

  While making her way through the crowd of classmates she reached Sam who was standing with Daniel, one of the classmate who was popular for being the Rich Guy. Sam never liked Daniel to be around when Kate was with him. Daniel used to praise her a lot and Sam disliked that someone other than himself praises his girl. YES, he called Kate his girl and unlike Sam, Kate enjoyed being praised by others.

  “Ummm… Sam?” Kate called him while he was with Daniel.


  “What is it?” Sam replied lovingly while Daniel threw an approving stare at Kate.

  “Let’s go I need to talk”, Kate certainly wanted some privacy with Sam.

  Both Sam and Kate left the campus towards the parking lot where the Sam’s car was parked and Kate was going towards that.

  Sam pulled the car out of the parking lot accompanied by Kate who was sitting next to him.

  Bryan Adam’s Have you ever loved a woman played on the radio. There was pin drop silence in the car. Sam broke the silence.

  “Kate”, Sam looked at Kate.

  Kate who was thinking something while staring out of the window.

  “Darling?” Sam bended a little.

  Kate smiled and turned towards him.

  “Yes, my dear?” replied Kate while smiling.

  “Are you okay?’, Sam was worried.

  “umm yeah”

  “What were you thinking about?” questioned Sam.

  “Nothing”, Kate smiled.


  “Yeah, babe?”

  “Daddy wants to meet you”, Kate was confused.

  “Ohh really?”, Sam smiled at what he heard.

  “Yes, I... I thought…umm if you…”, Kate got silent

  “If I am okay…Isn’t it this that is bugging you that if I am okay to see your family or not?”, Sam almost broke into laughter.

  Kate was speechless on Sam’s behaviour. She wasn’t expecting it at all as Sam is a reserved guy who doesn’t l
ike being social.

  “So you are okay with seeing my family?” Kate stared straight into his eyes.

  “Obviously why would I not see your family, when I am looking forward to asking them for your hand” Sam smiled.

  Kate was over whelmed after listening to what Sam said. But she kept her emotions under control.

  “Kate I was thinking to take you home after the New Year’s party. My mom would be really happy to see you”, Sam spoke while keeping his eyes on the road.

  “Sure, Sam I would love to meet Mrs. Broad”.

  “So when Mr. and Mrs. Swift are expecting me?”, asked Sam

  “They have invited you over the Christmas dinner”, Kate told while grinning.

  Car engine stopped roaring. As Sam stopped the car outside Kate’s Farmhouse.

  “Sure young lady, I’ll be honored to be at your farmhouse”,

  “Ahaa… Mr. Sam it will be a pleasure seeing you there”.

  “Miss Kate I think we are outside your farmhouse for the last 5 mins”.

  Kate leaned over Sam gave him a swift kiss as always. Sam used to love it when Kate used to give abrupt and un expected kisses.

  Kate moved out of the car.

  “Don’t forget to be here at 7 pm Christmas eve”, Kate waved back at Sam.

  “Sure Madam”, Sam smiled.


  Getting back home he told Mrs. Broad everything about Kate.

  “So how does she look like?”, asked Mrs. Broad excitedly.

  “Is she fair?”

  “Is she tall?”

  “Brown or hazel eyes?”

  “Hold on… hold on… hold on… mum-ma”, Sam loved the reaction.

  “Believe me you’ll love her once you meet her” Sam assured.

  “When are you goanna bring her home?”

  “After New year’s party.”


  “Kate’s parents called me tomorrow they wanna meet me,” Sam’s happiness could easily be seen through his eyes.

  Mrs. Broad smiled back moving her head in agreement.

  Mrs. Broad was very happy to see his son happy. She always wanted to see him happy. She knew his son was never involved in any girl, he never was impressed by any girl neither liked anyone. But when it comes to Kate Mrs. Broad knew she was special she was lucky and she will be the only one.