Read The Love's Phenomena presents, LOVE CRUST: There is always more then the dejection. Page 5

  Chapter 7

  Kate’s condition was pitiful. She was sick and was pregnant for the third time in the consecutive third year. She was completely out of shape. No one could say she was same old stand straight and confident Ms. Katherine Swift.

  It was 1 o’ clock in the morning and she looked like a broken statue. Daniel wasn’t home. He was drunk. It was usual for him to come home late and then just make out with Kate and sleep. His attitude towards Kate was no more than a piece of flesh to fulfil his desires. Sky was covered with dark clouds; stormy weather with loud thunderbolts. She was sitting on a chair gazing at the lightning from the window. Her one hand was in grasp of a coffee and other was rubbing her swollen belly which was along her six months old second child.

  She heard a noise, a loud shutting noise. “Daniel”, she whispered. Just after a few seconds, Daniel appeared. He was drunk as usual and horny as hell with blood in his eyes. He looked at her like a wolf and advanced towards her like a prey. She knew what was going to happen but still she tried to resist.

  From behind, he wrapped his arms around her waist and touched his lips on her side of the neck. He sucked deeply and she exhaled heavily.

  She tried to mention that she was pregnant and he shouldn’t go any further but he was like a beast then. His fingers unlaced her dress while his lips were vigorously kissing her. He began to remove her clothes along with kisses; mouth, lips, neck, shoulders, her deep cleavage and those beautiful humps. Everything going naked.

  Tears rolled down from her eyes but he wasn’t going to care. He ripped off her undergarments with fury and there she was, all naked. He carried her and put her on the table rashly. Then he stopped for a second and looked at her crying face. He smiled, placed his both hands around her waist and scrambled with great zeal. She screamed too much higher pitch.

  He grasped her hair and said, “Scream louder”. Doing so, he removed his pants and before she could say anything, he was inside her. She moaned harder but that only made him to thrust harder. She could faintly hear his laughter as she was losing her senses. She was wasted and she fainted.

  A month passed by in such temptation. It was the seventh month of her pregnancy when she came up with labour pain. It was time of twilight, earliest moments of morning. Her dress was all rough, hair were messed up. Moaning with pain, she called out Daniel who was in his deep sleep due to being drunk. Pain was huge so she moved Daniel vigorously.

  “OMG KATE! WHAT THE HELL! Are you in your senses?” yelled Daniel.

  “Daniel! It’s hurting a lot.” Kate cried.

  “Oh come on… I’ve seen stronger women than you. And don’t you act like it’s labour pain. It’s too soon for that”

  “But Daniel… Oh my husband…”

  “Shut this up and let me sleep. You’ve always been a greedy lady. I’ve provided you with all the necessities of the world and still you can’t see me having some moments of peace”

  Kate didn’t reply to that. She was shattered completely. Pain was rising beyond her endurance and she got up from her bed and with some strange thoughts in her mind, she got out of the house.

  It was a long night for Sam. His business was going well and was climbing stages of progress. Sam who always had firm belief upon his capabilities, was standing up with honour once again although life has tried to knocked him down more than once.

  He was returning from a meeting where he tried to make a deal with some big entrepreneurs of the city. It was dark yet light had slowly started to spread now. Rain was falling heavily. Turning his car from the intersection, he saw a woman bended over her knees, with her dress all wet in the rain. When he reached near her, the lights of her car made her face visible and OMG! It was like lightening had struck Sam. He was stunned. “Is she Kate? Kate from Stanford University?” He asked himself. He got out of the car and advanced towards her. He held her by her arms, made her stand up and words came out of his mouth were “Oh dear Lord, what the heck happened to you Kate?” His feelings and emotions were all messed up. Looking at her physical condition, he understood the scenario. He decided to help her.

  “Sam, my angel. Help me, please” said Kate in deep voice and fell over him. She lost her senses. Sam grabbed her and lie her on the backseat of the card.

  “Hold on, Kate. Nothing is goanna hurt you” Sam said while he rushed his car as fast as he could towards nearby hospital.

  Kate opened her eyes in a room lit up with white light. She was weak, as weak as an insect. She was lying on her bed in the hospital. Nurse came by, saw her, and checked all the machines connected to her. She told Kate she had come to her senses after three weeks.

  “Where’s Sa… ughhh... Daniel? Was Daniel here?”

  “No mam. I’m sorry to say there’s is not any checking in by the name Daniel” Nurse informed her.

  “Who’s my guardian here? Who is paying for all this?”

  “It’s your cousin Sam, Sam Broad. You know him, right?”

  This line was enough for Kate to break into tears. She had understood what Sam has done and she knew he was not going to come here again. She knew he’ll not come back as soon as he came to know she has awoken but deep down, she wished heavily that he should.

  Time passed by and Kate recovered to her full and was discharged from the hospital. The first thing on her ‘to do list’ was to get rid of Daniel. She filed a case for divorce to do that. It didn’t take her much difficulty to win the case and she moved to her parental house.

  It seemed for Kate that life was fair now. But she wasn’t at peace. What Sam did for her left deep marks on her heart. She remembered all the moments from the past with him and how everything was. And how she dumped him, how she knowingly that Sam wasn’t at fault, dumped him. Now there was permanent pain for Kate.

  Chapter 8

  Opening his drowsy eyes to his iphone’s ringtone, Sam grasped the mobile and answered the call.

  “Hello! Is this Sam Broad?” a voice came in a professional manner.

  “Yes?” said Sam in his sleepy voice using interrogatory tone.

  “I’m Mr. Smith. I’m speaking on behalf of Weeco Transformers Engineering, Sir. I would like to inform you that the quotation and samples you presented in the meeting last week impressed us. And we’d like to make contract with you.”

  Sam was shocked. Shocked with pleasure of course but still that failed to steal his sleepy tone.

  “That’s a great news actually. But don’t you think calling at midnight…”

  “Oh so sorry, Sir” Smith didn’t let him finish his sentence. “I’m here in California. Sorry about the difference of time zones. I hope you don’t mind it.” He explained further with apologetic voice.

  “Never mind, I’m wide awake now. Awaiting further specifications from you.”

  “Of course, Sir. Our representor will meet tomorrow at 13:00 GST to take care of paperwork. Initially we would like you to supply for our first 10,000 productions. Await further instructions.”

  “Alright then!” Sam rejoiced.

  “Welcome to WTE, Sir. I hope you’ll enjoy our company. Have a good day” Smith wished him luck and disconnected.

  Sam just couldn’t believe what has happened right now. He yelled “yeehaw” with joy although he was alone. He had done it. If everything goes right, he’d become the permanent supplier for the company and that would mean JACKPOT! He felt like the luckiest man alive. “Oh dear Lord, thanks for not giving up on me. And thanks for giving me power and not letting me give up on life either.”

  Obviously he tried to sleep again but couldn’t. He was excited as hell.

  At that time of the night, he got up in his night shorts. Opened the fridge and took his favourite bottle of beer. The next thing he did was involuntary. He went to his room, opened his cupboard, reached out for the perfume Kate once gifted him, and inhaled he scent affectionately.

  Why was he still in possession of that perfume? Only he could answer that. Maybe that was his way to show that he had succe
eded. Maybe in his mind, he was showing her he was this close to being exceptionally wealthy. Or maybe, deep inside… deep inside in his heart, he still missed her. Maybe he still used to think that their relation wasn’t broken, just bent. Whatever it was, one thing was obvious by this act that the scar she left on Sam’s heart, he wasn’t able to heal it.

  After thinking about it the thousand times, Kate picked up the phone to call Sam. She didn’t know what she was going to say to him but still, she also wanted to call him. She dialled his number and heard those the ringing beeps.

  “Hello!” a familiar voice came.

  “Sam!” said Kate in her husky voice.

  “Yes, who is it?” Sam inquired.

  “It’s Kate, Sam.”

  “Oh!” and after some silence, Sam asked a bit sarcastically “So why do I owe you the pleasure of this call, Ms. Katherine Swift?”

  “Sam I… I don’t know I… Sam… I just wanted to say thank you.” Kate’s voice shivered.

  “Why?” said Sam in cold voice.

  “For… For helping me out that day, Sam”

  “It was out of humanity. Nothing else”


  “Yes Mrs. Daniel! Can you explain your purpose of calling a bit quicker? I’m really not fond of beating around the bush”

  “I want to meet you Sam.” Kate totally ignored his word ‘Mrs. Daniel’.

  “Sorry, not available today. And don’t bother mentioning my name in your every sentence cause whatever you’re trying to impose, it isn’t working.”

  “SAM! Don’t do this please. I beg you. For old time’s sake Sam, please.” Kate burst into tears.

  Sam took a deep breath and got lost into some deep thoughts.

  “Sam… Sam… Reply to me Sam… SAM!”

  Sam made a quick decision… to meet her.

  “Today is my meeting at 1 a.m. It may go down to several hours or maybe for some moments. Any day apart from today is fine.”

  “Thank you Sam. So tomorrow 8 pm at CuHo?”

  “Done” said Sam and disconnected.


  Chapter 9

  The meeting went very well. All Sam had to do now as to arrange his schedule to cover up his busy upcoming routine. But he was Sam Broad, it was sure that he will rise. He made some calls and made sure he’ll do well with the company. His mood was relaxing. He felt no pressure on him of the increased upcoming working routine. He celebrated his success alone having his favourite beer.

  All the paperwork was done now. This time, Sam did all the formalities to their 100%. This was a full proof deal. And there were huge chances he would become their permanent supplier.

  The next thing of significance was the meeting with Kate. Although, he had complete idea what this meeting was going to be about. Sam was a strong person, very much strong than most of us. But his heart and mind were having a war among them. He used to miss her mother a lot in such complexions. “Have mercy on me, my God’ he whispered.

  His phone rang,

  “Hey Sam. I heard about your deal. I can’t say how much I feel happy for you. Congratulations to you. Though I feel a bit disappointed that you didn’t bothered to call me.” Gwen said all that in one breath with some anger and cherish in her voice.

  “Oh oh oh… Hold on Miss Gwen. Let me do the talking” Sam said in trembling voice.

  “Nope… No holding on. You owe me a celebration now”

  “Yeah, sure. Will clear off the debt soon”

  It was the time. It was almost 7:45 pm and Sam was advancing towards CuHo. Dressed in black t-shirt and skin jeans, hair nicely done with a side way comb, Sam entered CuHo. He looked at all the tables and spotted Kate sitting on a two seater table in the privacy corner. He advanced towards her and Kate noticed the scent of Beckham perfume which was Sam’s favourite. She looked at him and smiled as she recognized it was the same outfit that Sam wore many years ago, when they first met here at the same place. Sam took the seat sophistically,

  “So… Ms. Katherine. What do I…”

  “Please call me Kate, Sam. Stop this Ms. Katherine thing” Kate said in husky voice.

  Sam smiled, nothing else. Kate began to tell her all the events that took place the last few years and how Daniel treated her, and how many hardships she had suffered. Sam listened to all what she had to say with a neutral face. But it’s true that deep down, Sam’s heart was in deep pain. Yes, he knew she was the girl who dumped him. He knew she was the girl who wasted what was pure as a crystal. But that is also true, that Sam loved her soul. He loved her without any boundaries and limits. His mind was reminding him to keep away from but his heart… his heart was involuntary showing deep affection towards her. His heart was yelling at him to pick her up and hug her for her comfort.

  Kate completed her story, words ran dry and her eyes got wet. She looked at Sam and tried to place her hand above Sam’s. Sam first attempted to move away his hand but then made no movement. A huge complex of thoughts was forming in his brain. What he did next was beyond imagination. What he did was like trying to cut the paper with an eraser, which will not cut it of course, but leave deep marks on it or eat it.

  When Kate placed her hand on Sam’s, Sam turned it down against the table and gripped her hand tightly. Kate, feeling the sensation of Sam’s touch in her body, exhaled heavily. Sam looked in her eyes which were soaking wet with continuous flow of tears. He stood up, reached near Kate and pull her up, then he kissed her on her lips deeply. It was a short kiss but deep, both felt each other’s heat, touch of their tongue, warmth that was exchanged mouth to mouth, saliva on the surface of lips and most of all, Kate felt the same affection from many years ago. And that was exactly what Sam wanted her to experience.

  After this act, Sam left her abruptly, placed some currency notes on her hand and said “Try to wipe away your tears now with this 100 dollar bill” and he left… he left her while she cried heavily behind him. She understood there is no coming back from Sam now. Sam left the bar without looking back. He had successfully hit her right in the cracking spot. Now he knew she was going to suffer all her life. Maybe Kate would have succeeded in forgetting him but Sam’s kiss sealed the fate of pain in her destiny. There was no forgetting him now. He had made sure now that she suffers the same depressing pain all her life.

  He was feeling too mixed up on his way back to his apartment. Thoughts were too messed up. It was true that deep inside he had sympathies for Kate but he was satisfied with his act. His sense of revenge was satisfied, even though he had never thought of taking revenge. But it was sure he felt good after giving Kate what she deserved, according to his thinking. Although he had to kill his affectionate feelings for her to what he did.

  Sam was driving without any final destination in mind but then something struck up his mind. He took the next turn and now he knew where he was going. Reaching a tall building of red bricks, he parked the car beside main door. He came out of his car, settled his wrist watch firmly and entered the building. Going up the stairs he was looking for room no 213 and found it. He was standing right at the door of that room and thought again for a moment, then after a pause he knocked at the door.

  “Whose?” a lovely female voice came.

  “It’s me Ms. Gwen. Sam Broad” Sam kind of yelled.

  “OH!” a voice came with the sound of opening of locks.

  “What a shocking surprise” she said in astonishing voice. “Also the pleasure along with it is same as the intensity.”

  “Ahhh… you should invite me inside Gwen, don’t you think?” Sam’s tone was a bit funny.

  “Holy mother of love, MY LORD! Am I dreaming? You haven’t added Miss to my name such cheering mood, I haven’t watched you in such mood ever”

  “Well, you sound so awkward. Doesn’t it seem good?” Sam said with a naughty smile.

  “Oh my dear, not at all. I pray may you always be in such mood. What’s the occasion by the way? I know your ego can’t allow you to be such cheering on the basi
s of the deal of the life you just made.”

  “I’m going to propose a girl, Gwen. I came looking for advice”

  “Holy mother of puzzles! Sam are you serious? It’s kind of amazing… Who’s the lucky girl?”

  Sam stared at her.

  “What?” Gwen was confused.

  Sam again stared with a meaningful smile on his face.

  “OMG SAM! ARE YOU?” Gwen was shocked.

  “Yes” said Sam in a neutral voice with an expressionless face, but with a constant smile.

  “YES” she yelled. “But Sam, howwwww? I never accepted that. I’ve a lot of questions in…”

  “Will you marry me, Gwen?” Sam was looking in her eyes.

  Gwen had covered her face with her hands. She was acting so shy. And it was the case. No one could’ve guessed it. The all the time serious and professional looking Sam Broad coming in full cherish and funny mood and suddenly proposing a girl. IT WAS A BIG DEAL!

  “OMG OMG OMG! I never thought of this Sam.”

  “Does that mean…?” Sam’s voice was interrogatory.

  “Oh no no no no no…. I mean yes yes yes! Oh I’m so confused. Who could refuse you Sam. You’ve always been my…. Well, I’ve always admired you Sam”

  “You cared for me when the whole world was against me. You put your trust in me when no one seemed to believe me. You offered your help in every tough stage when everyone was busy leaving me. And I want to do a return of all that by taking care of you with my life, for the lifetime.”

  Gwen was smiling. Her eyes were wet with pleasure. She slowly came near Sam, combed his hair that were falling on his head, removed some dust from his shoulders, and then placed her hand on his heart.

  “I think it’s time we should hu