Read The Love's Phenomena presents, LOVE CRUST: There is always more then the dejection. Page 4

  “Nothing special” he turned away, Kate caught his arm and turned him towards herself and looked at him inquiringly. He smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “I love you too much you know right?”


  Sam looked away for a moment and then looked straight in her deep blue eyes and replied “I was just thinking about what I would do if I ever lost you”

  Kate burst out laughing “You had me scared for a moment, you know I honestly thought you were going to confess to a murder or something. Sam I love you, you don’t have to worry about all that because you’ll never have to find out” she said warmly.

  They both smiled and then Kate said “you’ve got me all mellowed up I was going to tell you why I love October so much!”

  “Well, why do you?”

  “It’s like a new beginning, the life span is ending for some and beginning for others. Whether it is the ending or beginning it is the start of something beautiful. I believe October symbolizes life in general...”

  “Wow! That is some philosophy”

  “Don’t make fun of me, Sam!”

  “I’m not! I’m seriously surprised that you think like this”

  “Why can’t I?”

  “Sure you can I just didn’t expect you to be this philosophical, I thought that category was reserved for me….”

  Kate started laughing at that. Her reaction caught Sam off guard and he bent down and kissed her.

  “Why can’t you praise me like Daniel do, Sam?”

  The scene changed suddenly.

  “And why have you a different opinion in every opinion? Why can’t you just go with the flow?”

  “But I thought you like these little things, darling’”

  “I do. . . But Sam, it would be great if you could praise something verbally. And if you could improve your little strange habits. I mean, who can’t stir their own coffee? Grow up! How can someone spend their whole life with you?”

  Sam woke with a start and cursed himself and his stupid brain for bringing back the memories. As much as he tried to not think about her the more she came into his mind. The past was just a sweet memory and the reality was that Kate was gone, she was married to Daniel now. She had chosen that bastard over him.

  Sam glanced at the clock at his bedside table, he was running late again. He got up and took a bath hurriedly, shaved and changed his suit. “I need to get this job”, thought Sam.

  The memory of the last job suddenly came in his mind. He had been fired due to his colleague or so he used to think. He had been transferring drugs via the shipments of the company and when Sam confronted him he framed Sam for the crime. He had tried to plea his innocence but no one believed him and he had been kicked out of the firm. That really was a harsh case he faced. It was about one and half year after Kate left him. He was really broken at that moment considering the fact he had no one left for him except for his only friend, John. John instilled the will power in him and encouraged him to rise once again. He helped him bring back his Sam Broad’s attitude and self-esteem. He made him believe he is Sam, who is capable of doing anything in the best way possible and he can’t go down this way. He awakened the positive approach of Sam’s mind. And it worked, Sam took all of his past in his favour. It’s true he faced a heartbreak reality which made it very difficult for him to stand upright again. It’s also true that was the most major blow for him; bigger than the death of his mother. For a period of time, it was like the end of the world for him but his positive approach helped him a lot. Now he was the same Sam Broad again, like he was before Kate, but more emotionless, more of a cold hearted person. Now he knew the fact that money really is everything. He had accepted this fact though he couldn’t understand it as he considered money as to be the most unpredictable object in the world. He remembered the intense love of Kate, he remembered how pure it was, and how her I’ve everything in this world when I got you attitude was but still, it took her almost 14 days to place money above all that. Very often, he recalled back those memories, but not to mourn over them, but to make his mind firm that this society, and this society’s standards, it’s a bad joke.

  After the death of her mother and break up with Kate, his ignorance towards life cost him a lot. He was bankrupt and his business was closed. The only property now he had was his house and maybe he would have lost that too if that was not John, who helped him a lot getting stand up again. He even offered him a deal to start a business together on partnership basis which he easily agreed on. With great trust and no paperwork of partnership whatsoever, they started their business. It was going smooth but didn’t offer much revenue and he needed a job with that.

  Now here he was, with his mind on the track to do something such spectacular that his name would live on even after his death. He always feared oblivion. He now used to ask himself daily “Have you done something till now that people don’t forget you after you die?”

  He got up, instead of putting on his suit he decided to go for a simple dress; simple yet elegant with plain slim tie admiring his body shape. The next thing now was to go for the interview. Well, he reached there late, or you can say he reached there right on exact time. Receptionist was calling her name when he entered the room in a rush. It was an interview for a Manager vacancy of a big Mall of the city. Timing had stumbled a bit his confidence but he gathered himself. He entered the room displaying a confident smile on his face with his one hand adjusting the knot of his tie, and other on the handle of the door. Interview went in the most amazing possible way and he came out of the room with the job letter in his hand. He was delighted, everything was going in such a great way. Life seemed to be back on track and Sam seemed to be more solid than ever.

  Chapter 6

  “Here you go, Mr. Sam” said Gwen in a frank voice.

  “Thank you Ms. Gwen." smiled Sam.

  Gwen sat on the chair in front of him and they both started sharing thoughts on the football match from last night. Although Gwen was not much fond of football, but she didn’t hate to have a discussion about it.

  Gwen, who offered her services as an accountant in the Mall, was close to Sam. Or at least as much close anyone could be with Sam.

  Months passed by in much busy routine. Business with John was going great. In fact, it made incredible progress and they didn’t face any gestation period. His job was good too. He had made name of himself among senior authorities and rumour was there that are discussions being made for his promotion.

  “Hello!” Sam entered his office with a smile on his face.

  “Hello Mr. Sam” Gwen’s tone was a bit serious than usual.

  “There has been a problem here, Sam”

  “What on Earth has happened that stole your charm young lady?”

  “It’s you, Sam. You’ve been framed… Well, not everyone seems to think the same way. Everyone believes you are the victim.”

  Sam stared at her with questioning sight.

  “It’s about Bruce, Sam. You know your competitor from other branch who wants the same promotion you deserve. People are talking Sam. I reached to you as soon as I heard it. It’s being said that you stole the massive amount from the company, bit by bit, from shipments. Difference has been shown in account books and I can’t help it. But I know it’s he who has framed you. I know you, and you are a man of honour.”

  Sam heard all this quietly, sat on his chair while loosening the knot of his tie. And then he went into some deep thoughts. He couldn’t accept that this was happening again when all was going well. After few moments, he took a deep breath and gave Gwen a smile like there’s nothing to worry about.

  “Thank you Miss Gwen. I appreciate the trust you’ve placed in me and I’m honored by your kindness that you’ve informed me about it”

  “But Sam. I don’t want all this to happen to you. You’re a good guy”

  “Don’t you worry Miss. Gwen. It’s not first time I’m going to face all this and I’m pretty sure as long
as I’m successful, it won’t be the last time.”

  “I wish you luck…” Gwen smiled sympathetically and left.

  Now Sam was in state of some depression. He had given so much to this firm but he knew the overall situation and he knew it was some serious scenario. He looked outside through the see-through mirror of his office’s walls and he could see all the employees working. He felt like everyone’s looking at him with suspicious sight. He could hear “thief… thief” in his ears from everywhere. “Let it come and beat it.” He whispered to himself “I’m not goanna let this happen to me again”

  Later, he and John had their dinner together. Sam shared this problem with him and explained the situation. John comforted him and told him not to worry a bit about it and ensured him his help to last limit.

  “Oh Sam. Everyone knows what capabilities you acquire. I’m sure your company will show trust in you” said John while picking up meat pieces with fork.

  “It’s not like that mine brother.” Sam exclaimed. “This is some serious problem and if Gwen is right, all the evidences will be against me. Moral support will not help me there”

  “Oh Sam!” Sam chewed his bite. “Even if what you’re saying is right, you’ve my full support. If things go wrong, we’ll hire a kick-a** lawyer and beat the shit out of them, Savvy?”

  Sam didn’t answer. He just smiled.

  John continued “And even if we consider that they fire you. Still there’s nothing bad in that. We have our business and it’s growing spectacularly. And I’m pretty sure when you’ll be fully focused here, we’ll make some remarkable progress. So basically what I’m trying to say is no pressure. There’s no losing down this road. Now get up and buy me a soda”

  They got up and had their drinks. Sam sensed something irrational in John’s tone. He didn’t understand why he was feeling so.

  Next day, earlier in the morning Sam received a call from assistant of DG of the company informing him about the meeting after 2 hours from now. Sam was frustrated at this as it was the weekend.

  “Oh, what a fresh hell!” He said to himself, got up unwillingly and began to get ready for that meeting.

  It was obvious he had understood what this meeting was about, thanks to Gwen. He decided to go for full black, black pants with black plain shirt tucked in, emphasized by an erect black coat with double vents. He looked tall in such suit and he thought this dress make him display his will power.

  He reached the auditorium and it seemed like everyone was already waiting for him. He took his seat with confidence.

  “It’s an honour to have you all gentlemen with us today. We should proceed now” Sam heard the professional flat voice of speaker.

  “During the last few weeks, a matter of serious significance has come to our attention. This young gentleman we have here with us today, is being accused of…”

  The speaker continued. Although Sam was prepared for all this but still he swallowed hardly with a bit of tension on his mind. Words reached his ears in echoes like he was sitting in a large hall. He looked towards the speaker and other meeting attendants and it seemed to him like every eye was focusing on him. Every word the speaker said, he could hear only one word, in repetition, “Thief… Thief”. He hardly made it till the end of the meeting. He was sued by the company of theft and robbery and they had placed a huge penalty upon him.

  He came back and shared everything with John. “It’s very tough to go against their plea” He said.

  “Don’t you worry my friend. I’m always here for you. We will hire the best lawyer in town.”

  “Yeah but… I’m a bit terrified. I’ve seen what they have so I know exactly what they can do.” Sam explained.

  “Here, have these shots of whiskey. We’ll surely come up with something”

  Sam had some drinks with John and he returned home. Something urged him and he went inside her mother’s room. He was awfully missing her. It was for his mother he never felt dull in his life as she always used to knock some power in him. He opened her drawer and picked her favourite perfume. The perfume Sam always admired whenever her mom wore it. He took deep breath and the scent entered his lungs through lungs. “I love you Mom” he said in much sad voice to himself and tears started to roll down his cheeks. After taking some wet breaths, he started to cry out loud. God knows why he started to miss her so intensely suddenly. He became desperate.

  After few moments, he gathered himself and stopped crying. He felt a bit relaxed now. He was not even feeling comfortable towards John. Yes, he was his childhood friend but he was having some bad senses towards him.

  Time flew constantly at its uniform speed. But the time was going adverse for Sam. Getting fired was not a problem for him. It was the huge penalty that would come with it if found guilty. And today was the day when he was sentenced guilty. Today was the day of an unfortunate moment once again for Sam Broad. Sam who had risen once again after much tough experiences, was broken once again. But it was not least! What happened after that completely took off his faith towards humanity.

  He went straight to John from the court but he wasn’t available. He tried to call but couldn’t reach him. His heart was shivering with fear. He was thinking of some situation which he never wanted to happen. “No, John can’t do that to me” He consoled himself.

  After continuous struggle for two weeks, he reached John. And Alas! With the news that was like a hammer blow on his head. John has undertaken all the business and had done all the paperwork. He had completely isolated Sam and Sam wasn’t able to do a thing about it. He had lost all of his hope and he was totally on his own, completely alone in this world with no one to sympathize with. He couldn’t believe a man can deny a friendship of almost 25 years for some currency, just to quench his thirst for money. His heart was shattered. His faith was lifted from love, friendship, or you can say, from all human relations. His thought became more firm that money is the only medium of relation between two human beings.

  “I’ll find some strong platform and sue you!” said Sam in an aggressive tone and left.

  Later that day, he received a call from Gwen. She showed her sympathies and told him she had trust upon him.

  “I just want to say… I know accepting help from someone is difficult for a guy like you but… If there’s anything you think I can do for you, I’m here available for you” She said while sobering.

  “Not at all Ms. Gwen” Sam just couldn’t ignore the word ‘Miss’. “I’m doing fine. I appreciate your offer though”

  “Listen… If you are need of any money... Look! I know your condition is pity nowadays and you’re going through hell. Everyone can see you’re going through hell. So if you need anything, you don’t need to be shy with me”

  “Believe me Ms. Gwen” Sam smile a bit sarcastically. “I’ve been through worse! Don’t you worry. I’m doing great”

  “I’ll come by your place today Sam”

  “You really don’t need to do that Miss. And now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got something up my sleeves. Have a good day dear lady” Sam disconnected the line while leaving a compliment.

  He consulted the whole matter with his lawyer who helped him find a legal ground for a case against John. John was not sitting there drinking milk shake. He was well aware of the situation. He offered Sam a deal. He offered him that he’ll clear off all his debts he owes to the company and in return, he’ll have to drop the case. This deal was hard to digest for a guy like Sam but with the consultancy of his lawyer, they agreed on terms as his lawyer also showed him the path that this was the best way possible. Now John was completely harm proof and Sam was free from company’s debts. But only “free” from company’s debts. He was now broken as hell. He had no job, no business, no source of income whatsoever. Only assets he had now was the house, his mother’s memorial, and some very little of his savings.

  Days passed by and Sam was getting worse and worse. His savings were only going to survive a few more days he still had nothing to ear
n from. Main problem was he had lost all his hope towards life. He had no desire for worldly material whatsoever. That was the time of high depression. And such times are exactly when suicidal thoughts enter the mind of a man. And that is what exactly happened with Sam. He thought this thorough and accepted this term that suicide was an easy way to escape from all this. He made his mind. He thought, “Maybe I should call someone to say good bye” but then, laughed to himself. “Who’s left there for me, huh? Gwen? Don’t know will she responds to me now or no!”

  With all this going on, Sam still wasn’t able to make up his mind. There was a barrier in his thought. There was a temptation, an urge. Suicide would he has failed. Suicide would mean he has fallen to his knees. And he couldn’t accept that. Sam Broad couldn’t accept he had failed his life. His self-esteem wasn’t letting him to take such step.

  “Have you failed, Sam Broad? How will you face your mother above there?” He asked himself. This little question filled him with will power. “When all the life has failed you, are you still up for the challenge? Are you ready to do something from now on, from this point, to do something such spectacular that people will remember you after ages?”

  He asked that same question to himself again.

  Sam made the riskiest decision of his life. He decided to sale out his beloved home and go for some sole business. He arranged everything and yes, as we all need someone to tell about our ongoing, he called Gwen and told her all about the situation. Gwen again assured him that she’s there for him. If he needs anything, he just needs to ask.

  During a period of two weeks, it was all done. Sam had sold his house and that high fi Sam Broad had started a small hardware tools store in the market. For living, he rented an apartment. Although Gwen offered him her place to live till he’s settled, but as usual, his self-esteem couldn’t allow him. Time began to pass and Sam was doing fine. Well, not starving if you put it that way.