Read The MMG Page 11

  Chapter 10

  John Bettle sat in his oversized leather chair in his home office in Chicago crying. The day was June 7, 1968. Robert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy had been shot shortly after midnight June 5th in Los Angeles California, after winning the California primary election for President of the United States. Kennedy was shot shortly after a late night victory speech at the Ambassador Hotel. He would die 26 hours later. The person arrested was Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian immigrant.

  There were not a lot of other details at the time but Bettle was sick with grief. He believed Bobby Kennedy would have righted a country that was seeing the incumbent president, Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) stepping down due to social unrest, riots, and widespread protests against the Military action in Vietnam; along with the entrance of Kennedy into the race. Kennedy, LBJs nemesis, had declared his candidacy on March 16, 1968 and LBJ backed out March 31st of the same year.

  Bettle worked for an organization that had turned ugly. While he was not directly involved on the black ops side, he was told that the organization had orchestrated the killing of President John F Kennedy (JFK) on November 23, 1963. JFK was Bobby’s older brother. While Bettle had no proof of their involvement in Bobby’s death, this certainly looked like something the organization could have done.

  Bettle was a lead strategist of a Think Tank for an organization that called themselves The MMG. A Mastermind Group established in the 50’s to make the world a better place; at least that was the original goal. Bettle’s job was to devise plans to take advantage of, and profit from, world events prior to them happening. To see what would be needed as the exploration of space took off, to seek new innovations in the arms race, the cold war, and to predict the growing needs of oil and other precious metals. He had a team of the worlds-best; hand-picked by professors across the globe, to assist him and provide him intelligence in their personal fields of expertise.

  As his responsibility grew in the early 60’s, his group was tasked with creating scenarios to show how the world would respond to fictitious world events as training exercises. What would happen if there was a coup in the Soviet Union, if Israel was attacked, if OPEC would stop selling oil, if the North Vietnamese conducted a raid on a US Navy craft, and, one of the many exercises was, what would happen if President Kennedy was assassinated? All of these were exercises for his team, they were not meant to be taken as real potential events.

  As some of the fictitious events started to happen across the globe he became suspicious about whether the MMG was actually making some of these scenarios come to be. Most of his projections were about profiting from the world events. If this happened, how would the market react? Who would step in and what changes could they expect.

  After the JFK assassination he had exploded with anger! He would not be a part of an organization that would kill a president! He quit, but was picked up and taken into a meeting with the leadership. They showed him the research he had done prior to the assassination, calling out how the world would change – proof, they said, that he had been involved in all of it. He remembered the sinking feeling he had as they blackmailed him. He had no recourse except to continue his duties or die, they said.

  They explained that they recruited the killers, drugged them, and brainwashed them. They controlled the investigation team, had insiders in government agencies that made evidence disappear, and they controlled the access to the media. Killers! he remembered thinking, killers – plural. The leadership explained they had created a mind altering drug that would make a person hyper-sensitive to suggestion. Allowing them to brain-wash people to do what they wanted.

  The few days after Bobby Kennedy had died Bettle was wondering about life; maybe it was time for his to end. He had bought a gun and it was in his desk drawer. He planned detailed step-by step events every day, why could he not figure out now what to do with his own life? He felt like he was disconnected from his former self, almost like watching things happen from the outside. Inside he felt hollow, listless, and empty, as if all the joy in his life had been removed.

  He would spend months deliberating what he was going to do. A plan was developing where he would compile enough evidence to turn the tables on the leadership. He would get proof they killed Kennedy, details of how it was done, and then blackmail them right back. He could not go to the cops with his information so he needed another vehicle to make it happen.

  He came up with a way to usher in world change without anyone knowing how it happened; a domino effect of activity, one event driven by the previous, then the one affecting the next. Manufacturing firms were using a similar concept with the assembly line. With Bettle’s invention, one phone call to one person would set off activity to a few, then the few would call many, and the many would act per instruction. To get people to blindly take action without ever mentioning what happened was his next issue. How do you get people to do something without questioning, understanding they cannot tell anyone, ever, and to have them endeared to you at the same time?

  “So you can see,” Bettle would explain to the MMG leadership, “by creating avenues for the members to grow in their respected fields, and providing them with market tips to make them wealthy, we can create a situation where they will help us as needed. In addition, we will let it be known that they cannot discuss any of it because they have been given a special gift that no one else needs to be aware of.”

  “This next slide represents a basic Run. Once in place, the Run is started by making one phone call. The call recipient will alert others to open their packets of instructions and process the needed action. The Run would start with one action, cascading down though multiple connections to people who create the needed actions. No one on the Run would know what they affected; just that they did what they were told.”

  Bettle turned to the leaders and said, “there are hundreds, if not thousands of MMG people across the globe. To make this happen I needed access to all of them.” As he explained the Run process to the leadership group they liked it and he was granted access to the members.

  The plan continued to grow, revenge was in sight. Bettle devised a few Runs, using some people he knew might have information on some of the MMG’s most notorious actions, including the John Kennedy assassination. His goal was to tell them to buy into something that would skyrocket in value, and then later come back for information as a payback. As he furthered his plan he decided to get the MMG leadership involved as well. He would document everything, who was involved, who did what, and who profited. They would put plans in place to manipulate the markets in ways no one could trace, let people in on it prior to it happening, and then start the Run. The leadership would get detail to the Run, but not all of it. Bettle would create Runs inside the Runs to further his own cause. Once he got the needed proof of the involvement of the leadership team he would blackmail them to stop the black ops group from any further assassinations. This would also keep him alive.

  As Bettle detailed out the 1960’s he created a file. This file would be the beginning of his hold on the MMG. The future additions would be easier; he would have first-hand knowledge from now on.

  The 1960s ushered in unprecedented change in the United States, and the MMG was at the forefront, good and bad. Advances needed for the development of space travel created innovation in electronics, engineering, transportation, and led to a man on the moon by the end of the decade.

  The first wave of the baby boom generation was coming of age. The baby boomers were not willing to “follow the rules” like their parents and openly rebelled against authority. Instead of accepting life as it was, they went searching for more. Illegal drugs, Rock and Roll, protesting, all became a normal part of life. The vastness of the baby boom generation and the need for drugs created a huge demand that drew thousands of people, and the MMG, into the drug trade. The MMG would give away marijuana, LSD, and mushrooms at parties and events. Hundreds of MMG people all over the country chasing the next great party to give away free drugs. The goal
was to lock people in, create a network, and supply the illegal drugs for profit.

  The fear of nuclear war was allowed to grow into a frenzy. The cold war was intentionally made uglier by the MMG so they could capitalize on their control of the bomb making industries. The MMG also created many items that would be used in a nuclear fallout shelter.

  While these items would be driven in part by the MMG, they would be seen as signs of the times and very hard to prove. The list that Bettle put together that follows, however, shows some of the major events of the 60’s that the MMG was involved in. The list was created by research Bettle had conducted by using bribes, blackmail, and luck. With the items on the list he had established detailed, undeniable proof of MMG involvement, including names.


  On October 11th 1963 John Kennedy signs National Security Memorandum No. 263 to start the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam by 1965. After his assassination, this order would be rescinded by LBJ, as LBJ moved to escalate the war.

  Bettle includes proof of MMG activity in supplying arms to both sides of the conflict. This order signed by Kennedy would cripple sales, which created motivation for his next item.

  He had personally been told that the MMG had killed JFK. They recruited the killers, brainwashed them, had them execute the act, and then they had one of the assassins killed, in public, on TV. No one could find any evidence, since it had been removed, except for what was found about Lee Harvey Oswald. Ruby was blackmailed and told when to show up at the Dallas Police station, where to locate, and a diversion was created to allow him in. Ruby actually had been contacted multiple times, and made multiple trips to the police station, looking for the opportunity, before shooting Oswald in the basement.

  Ruby said he was on a drug for his nervous system. Bettle’s research shows it was laced with an MMG brainwashing drug.

  Ruby later said “Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred, my motives. The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world." When asked by a reporter, "Are these people in very high positions, Jack?" he responded "Yes.

  Ruby was injected with an MMG created drug that would cause massive cancer growth and he was dead within a few years.

  Kennedy was killed because he considered backing down in Vietnam. LBJ moves into the White House, his advisors, associated with the MMG, get him to move in directions the MMG wants. It would not take long for the MMG to regret putting him in power. A campaign was begun to discredit his presidency; he must not be reelected. A Republican named Nixon would be their guy.


  In an effort to escalate the Vietnam War, the MMG had operatives attack the U.S.S Turner Joy using mocked up North Vietnamese PT boats. On August 5th LBJ orders Seventh Fleet carrier aircraft to attack military targets in North Vietnam in retaliation. On August 7th LBJ and Congress approve the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which prepares the way for massive buildup of US involvement and gives LBJ unlimited power to conduct war.


  February 21, 1965, Malcom X is assassinated. Exactly who shot Malcom X, and why, was being publicly debated, but Bettle knew who it actually was.

  August – U.S. sends ground troops to Da Nang Vietnam.


  Australian Prime Minister disappears while swimming. This is MMG driven as he was not the person the MMG thought he was when they helped get him elected to office. He had only been Prime Minister for 22 months.

  June 5 -10 The Six-Day War. The MMG had worked to create instability in and around Israel; hoping things would escalate so they could sell arms. Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq finally joined forces and staged for an attack on Israel. The MMG alerted Israel and Israel attacked the air forces of all 3 countries, incapacitating them. Israel was then able to defeat the army ground forces, prior to a UN cease fire being put into effect.

  The MMG created rioting, protests, anti-war media campaigns and had their media cover it; LBJ didn’t have a chance.


  Bettle’s ongoing investigation never did come up with anything on Robert Kennedy’s death. The Bobby Kennedy file showed some interesting facts. The fact that Sirhan Sirhan claimed he had been framed, there appeared to be too many gun shots on the audio tape for the number of bullets in his gun, that he never seemed to be close enough to Kennedy to have shot him from an inch away, leaving powder marks, were just the beginning.

  Kennedy had been diverted through the kitchen at the last second; anyone looking for him would have been elsewhere. He appeared to have been lead to his execution.

  Sirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian with Jordanian citizenship, born in Jerusalem. He killed Bobby Kennedy on the one year anniversary of the Six Day War. Killing Bobby Kennedy had become an obsession as indicated in a diary found in Sirhan’s home. It called for the killing prior to June 5, 1968. Sirhan hated Kennedy for his support of Israel and had planned the killing for some time. After his conviction, Sirhan is said to have had no memory of the crime.

  There is also evidence that there were others involved. A young woman, wearing a polka-dot skirt, was seen running with a man calling out “we shot Kennedy!” The police reports dismissed this evidence.

  As 1968 ended Bettle was about ready to blackmail the MMG leadership. He needed to get it out prior to the leadership discovering his actions. Just a few more details were needed.