Read The MMG Page 10

  Chapter 9


  Melanie felt the nerves grow as she got closer to the U.S. Bank location that Jonathan’s note had sent her to. A safe deposit box was located there in her name with copies of enough dirt on the MMG to keep them in line and her alive. There was also a file in some cloud on the Internet for her to access as well; so well hidden they will never find it, at least according to Jonathan’s note. She didn’t appreciate his note saying the “and her alive part”, she would not be at risk if he would not have brought her into this.

  Prior to coming to the bank she had bought some navy nursing scrubs, as he had instructed her; he noted that one of the best ways to disappear around the Mayo clinic area was to look like a nurse on lunch. She was not sure she believed anyone was really watching, but she was going to error on the side of caution until she saw the evidence. The safe deposit box was in her name; that made her feel better. If they were watching him they could know about her, and may think that he had passed information along, but hopefully they had not figured out who she was yet.

  As she got out of the cab she started looking around for people in cars reading newspapers, “seen to many movies, Melanie”, she said under her breath with a laugh. She gave the cabbie enough money to cover so he would wait for her. At the front desk she asked for the Safe Deposit Box area and was lead to the basement. The attendant took her back, helped her access the box, and left her alone. As she opened the box she fell back in amazement. There were piles of cash, a passport, cell phone, tablet/laptop, credit and debit cards, and a Minnesota driver’s license with her picture on it sporting a new identity. As she dug deeper she found a set of instructions on how to move forward, some envelopes calling out packet numbers, and folder after folder of what she assumed to be detailed information about the planning and results of world changes. She quickly opened a folder named 1973 Gas Crisis and it showed amazing detail on how it supposedly started and how the MMG prepared for and executed a plan to exploit the changes. Knowing when it would happen, and how the economy would change, they had an unfair advantage and had cleaned up. There was even an end report showing what they planned and how close they came to being right.

  She came back to reality and realized she needed to get out of there. There was a large duffle bag in the deposit box that she used to stuff everything into. She put her real ID and credit cards back into the Safe Deposit box, as instructed. She was not comfortable with this, but did as instructed.

  As she came out of the bank and was getting into her taxi she noticed that an empty dark blue GMC Canyon pickup was parked back a few blocks – boy, it’s amazing how you can have a run of seeing similar vehicles at times; she missed her husband very much.

  Once in the cab she pulled out Jonathan’s instruction sheet.

  Do not return to your hotel, go to The Abby at Viola Suites, you have a townhome rented in your new name, and they are expecting you. Register under the new identity and use the new credit card to confirm the room. Have the tailor listed in a future packet come and make you some new clothes. The kitchen is stocked with food, if you need something call the delivery service listed in a future packet - do not go out until you have completed the enclosed packets, or one of the packets tells you to go out. Do not do anything you would normally do as yourself, do not contact anyone, unless I tell you to, and do not return to your old hotel room. Once you get settled in the townhouse open the next packet. You are only in danger if you do not follow my instructions. Once you get through the next week you will be free to be yourself or carry on using the new identity.

  “The Abby at Viola Suites driver”, she said as she leafed through the bag. More money than she could even get close to counting, 10 – 12 packets, as Jonathan had called them. Each numbered, each calling out not to open them until she was ready for that number packet. “The Abby at Viola Suites,” said the driver, as they pulled up to the office at Viola Suites.

  She entered the office and noticed a display that explained that The Abby at Viola Suites furnished suites, townhomes and single family homes for short term rental only 2 miles from the Mayo Clinic system. She was thinking about how Jonathan planned all this for her, as she made her way to the front desk. “Can I help you?” the receptionist said, startling Melanie. “Yes thanks, my name is, ah, Heather Canon. I have a townhome rented here.” She looked around to make sure no one had followed her, or pulled in after her taxi had left. There was no sign of anyone following her; and there was no dark blue GMC Canyon Pickup; get a grip, she thought to herself, get a grip.

  “Ms. Canon, we are so glad you finally made it”, said the lady behind the desk, “the townhome was reserved months ago but we have been expecting you for two weeks! The refrigerator and freezer have been filled as requested.”

  “Yes, yes”, Melanie said, trying to gain her composure, “I, ah, I have been delayed”. Months ago, two weeks late, thought Melanie, how long had Jonathan been planning this? “I wish the circumstance were different but I am so glad Viola Suites is here. The refrigerator has been filled? When did you get orders to fill the fridge and freezer?”

  “Your assistant called 3 days ago and ordered it”

  “Thank you”, said Melanie, trying to stay in the moment, “thank you very much.”

  There were a few people milling around outside but no one seemed to notice her. They all had the look of being in Rochester because they were sick, visiting someone that was, or business people that probably sold product to the clinic system. She felt bad for the little girl that had was getting into a car with a bandana on her head; cancer sure is an uncaring and cruel foe.

  The townhouse was a block away and, since the area was fairly remote, she decided to walk. As she came around the corner she saw the building and it looked fabulous. Inside there were 3 floors, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a fully stocked kitchen, and the cupboards in the bathroom and kitchen were full of daily need items. There was a big screen TV in the living area and in each bedroom. The freezer had meat, frozen pizza, and a bag of ice, and the refrigerator was stocked like someone was planning on cooking. There were 8 different types of pasta in the cupboards, all from a specialty store in Minneapolis. She would be able to stay here for a week, maybe two, if needed. It was then she remembered that this was not a vacation. She sighed deeply, sat down, and opened up the first packet from the safe deposit box.

  If you are following my instructions you are now in the townhome, thank you. Over the next week I will prove to you that what I have told you is true. You will be conducting a Run that will prove that I have been involved in controlling world events. A Run is a preplanned series of events that start with a single activity; that will cascade down different avenues without the participants being aware they are affecting world events. One call or activity normally starts the process. The rest is hypothesized down to the last detail, knowing how the world will react. There are people watching for the activity, like you watched for things during your internship. The knowledge of the activity starting will be picked up by members of the 60, who will start their own Run by following the preplanned instructions they have been given. They do not know what started the bigger Run, only that they are to watch for the signs and start theirs when the activity happens. More on this in a later packet.

  I am bringing in a second person to help you. His name is Jeremy Mist. He interned for me a couple years after you did. Jeremy and I have been in contact for about a year now and he currently knows about as much about this as you do. He has been on my personal payroll for that year and I have had him watching you since you came to Rochester to make sure you remained safe. During Jeremy’s internship, the MMG determined he was someone that was too idealistic to allow in to the 600. He has spent the last 20 years as an investigative lawyer/detective, working to help people that are victims of financial fraud. He helped expose some of the Ponzi schemes that were in place in 2008 and 2009 and came back into my view as he investigated some of the more recent market Runs I have put t

  Use the cell phone I supplied and call Jeremy at the number provided. He is close by and will come over to help you.

  Melanie was not so sure about this. She had no idea who this person was. Reluctantly, she called and he was on his way. As she looked out the window a dark blue GMC Canyon pickup pulled up.

  Jeremy was six foot, about 20 pounds overweight, and his hair was thinning up front. At 50 his look still commanded attention. He was handsome with look of a rich older man that golfed a lot. He walked like an athlete, bounded the steps and rang the bell.

  “Hi, my name is Melanie, er Heather, DAMN!”.

  “Hi”, he said with a smile, “my name is Jeremy Mist. John has told me a great deal about you, Melanie, er Heather. He cared for you very much.”

  “Yes, well, he has put me at risk, changed my identity, and has me in hiding. In addition, he has brought a total stranger into my life to help and protect me. I am not sure how much that shows caring. If he had just left me alone I would’ve been just fine.” She was upset that he had teased her; she was going through enough without his showing up and being an ass.

  A smile creased Jeremy’s lips, “yes, well, there is that, I guess. He asked me to watch you to be sure you were ok. Sorry for the secrecy but he wanted it that way until you called me. My watching you gave me the opportunity to come to the rescue if needed,” he said. “Can I come in?”

  Melanie let him in. Boy, she was steamed at Jonathan, how could he put her in this position?

  “Can I get you anything?” Melanie asked, not really wanting to be nice.

  “Actually, how about if I make you something as we get acquainted? I know you just got here and I love to cook. Come with me to the kitchen?”

  Melanie followed him in. She was glad he liked to cook. She could make most things but did not like cooking and was just as comfortable with a box of mac and cheese.

  Jeremy liked fine food and had spent a lifetime learning to cook. He believed in the cooking power of real butter, bacon, pork fat, assorted cheeses and top quality pasta. Many people wonder why everything tastes better at a good restaurant; Jeremy had done his research and knew why. As an investigative lawyer Jeremy had made a good living and spent it taking cooking lessons from some of the best chefs in the world. He pulled out some fresh vegetables and cheeses from the fridge. He knew what was there – he had called the office to order the food. He knew he was coming over and so he ordered what he needed to cook his favorites. If we are going to be locked in here together, he figured they just as well enjoy themselves. “Pasta ok” he asked.

  “Sure”, Melanie said, with her mind still going round and round.

  As Jeremy was juicing the tomatoes, eggplant, and other vegetables to make his signature pasta sauce, he asked, “so, you interned with John also?”

  “Yes, apparently a couple years before you did.”

  “I understand you actually found information on one of the things they had you watching for, is that true?” Jeremy asked.

  “Yes, yes I did. Do you know what is going on here?”

  “Some” Jeremy said. “but I am not sure I believe all John told me. He said he has been the lone person holding back a huge organized group that has control of many parts of the world. He called it the Mastermind Group, or MMG for short. Said it is made up of 600 of the world’s elite, the best of the best. All controlled by a few people with world domination on their mind. An organization so secret that the people that are helping them have no idea they are doing anything bad. He compared it to an assembly line where each person does a small amount of work to create a very large item. If they did not work side by side, but instead worked in cyber space, they could work to create something and have no idea of the end result. Apparently John has something on the group and has threatened to expose the whole thing if they continue to do assassinations or make large global change. He said he would prove it to me but that time never came.”

  “I think it’s here now,” said Melanie, “I emptied the contents of a safe deposit box at the bank today; it’s on the coffee table. Did he tell you they killed JFK? There is also a file in there about the 1987 Black Monday market crash. It started in Hong Kong, I was watching for information on it a year prior to it happening!”

  “Really! What else have you learned?”

  Meal preparation took a back seat to looking at the contents of the safe deposit box. Unlike Melanie, Jeremy enjoyed looking through the information and seeing what they were going to do. She did not want to admit it, but she was glad he was here. Maybe he could take care of this for her and she could return to her life again.

  “This is unbelievable!” Jeremy exclaimed, “there’s a packet in here about Nixon and Agnew. They were trying to stop Nixon from “Peace with Honor” but had to delay to get rid of Agnew first. They wanted the war to continue but were more afraid of Agnew as president. They created the Watergate incident, Nixon got caught covering it up because he was trying to figure out what was going on! They assassinated JFK, got LBJ to escalate the war and build “The great Society”, all things they could profit from, but then Johnson got out of control. They used their military and media connections to discredit him, to ruin him, and then sat back and watched as he told the nation "I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President."

  “Do you really believe any of this?” Melanie asked.

  Ignoring her, Jeremy went on. “The gas crisis, Black Monday in 1987, two Tech Bubbles, Iran Contra, even Japan’s lost decade. Could any of this be true? The John I knew wasn’t crazy, and who would write all this unless it were true?”

  “We need to look at the next packet” Melanie said. “Jonathan said we need to work through all of them this week.”

  In a minute,” Jeremy said. “I just want to get some detail on the 2010 Market Flash Crash. I investigated this for 3 years after it happened, trying to pin the losses on someone. Unbelievable! The knowledge to create one small instance that cascades throughout the whole market, and then knowledge to exploit it, this stuff is genius.”

  “We need to look at the next packet!” Melanie yelled.

  “OK, ok, I’ll open it.”

  The packet contained a letter from Jonathan.

  You are now together, ready to assist each other as I prove what I have told you and supplied to you is real. Many of the case study overviews you may have read have been assembled by me over the years. Early on I was involved in what I thought was a hypothetical Think Tank that worked to prepare for changes in world events. We worked on hundreds of projects about some of the craziest things you could imagine. By the time I realized some of my plans were coming true I was too deeply involved to do anything about it. When I brought my concerns to my professor I was shown evidence that would have convicted me of multiple crimes where I had worked on what I thought were hypothetical projects but the evidence would appear to show me with knowledge of the coming events, including pre-knowledge of the Kennedy assassination. I did not know of the assassination prior to it happening, but one of our projects was to calculate the world change to such an event. With no way to prove the reasoning behind it, my work would appear to have been done with knowledge of the coming event. It was also explained to me that they controlled the Warren Commission, the Dallas Police Department and the media. My options were to stay and continue, or to die. I was a coward and decided to live.

  The death of Bobby Kennedy changed my life. I personally believed in him and what he could have done with this great country. He had been to the top, as attorney general for his brother, had lost everything, even his conviction that they were doing the right thing, and had fought back to become a new and better person. He appeared to be the right person at the right time in history. There are many moments were the world needs a leader, but the times are scarce where the true needed leader is available. The murder of Bobby Kennedy made me realize that I needed to stop the group from ever doing anything like this agai
n. I did not have prior knowledge, nor do I have proof the MMG killed him, but it sure looked and sounded like what we had become.

  I doubled my efforts to gain responsibility so I could have enough power to limit the scope of the MMG black ops division. I became the lead Run planner in 1969. I planned and started most Runs from that moment on. I was one of only a handful of people that knew of the plan, and the only one to have full knowledge of all involved. Our Dubuque location was set up as the world planning center. We had all the best communications equipment but we stayed out of sight and away from any investigators. The first big Run that I used to cement my hold on the MMG, so I could keep a lid on their black ops group, was the 1973 gas crisis. As I planned the gas crisis, I planned a Run on the MMG as well. My plan was to document MMG involvement to such a level that they would be totally exposed down to the smallest member, devastating the group and putting at least 150 people in jail. Much like they did to me, I would creatively work to get proof of senior leadership involvement, true or not.

  I tell the both of you this because the control of the group is something I need to be alive to do. I had multiple delivery vehicles that would spread the news if I met with some type of accident. As I came close to death I realized that if I died the Run would start causing worldwide chaos; or, I could stop the Run, but then the hold I had would no longer be in place. I needed to transfer the control to someone I could trust, or in this case two people I trust. I have brought you together to keep the world safe in my absence.

  Your next step is to get the attention of the MMG, and confirm the transfer of the information from me to you. This will be accomplished by a Run you will start today and monitor over the next three days. You will start this run by posting a social media message that is being watched for by an intern in India. The intern will pass the information on to her boss and she will open a packet that has been provided. In the packet are instructions for her to blog a story about a bubble on the Japanese Yen appearing to be near its peak, which will cause the collapse of the Japanese Yen. This story will be picked up by 6 other interns in the financial industry, who will tell their bosses and create a sell off, making the blog true. I am estimating that you should see a 6 - 8% drop in the value of the Yen over the next 2 days. This will be driven by the MMG members selling off Yen and then rebuying 48 hours later. By the end of the week the Yen will be up 4 to 6% over where it was when this started. This should prove to you that what I am telling you is real. The place to watch all of this unfold is The site will give you up to the minute news about the fluctuations and show the trading volume. The volume will blip up at the beginning, you will then see an explosion in trading as market stop losses are breached. There will be a short period of inactivity, then a small gain in volume, as the individual investors sell off, which will continue to the end of the second day. Then the pattern will reverse as MMG starts buying, creating a frenzy of activity as everyone tries to take advantage of the increase. The lady that wrote the blog, which I wrote for her, will be heralded as the next world currency guru and will get TV time from the MMG media. She will explain how she saw this coming, which helps cover the fact it was planned and execute. There will be an outcry of concern that will last a few days but since an expert predicted it, and our media will explain it, the outcry will be short lived.

  As all of this is happening, an intern in San Diego will see the blog and will alert his boss. The boss will open a packet that has 2 mailers to be mailed out. One will go to the current leaders of the MMG, the other will be sent to you at your current location. The MMG will receive detailed information about the run you will have started along with confirmation that the incriminating evidence has been passed to you, and they will be informed of my impending death. You will receive a packet to confirm the run worked. The packet will contain information on where all the incriminating evidence is held, and instruction on how to manage the MMG. The control you will have over the MMG will keep the world from the chaos the black ops group could create.

  Please open the small envelope that was in this packet and go to the listed web page, sign in using the enclosed password. Find an article titled RAGBRI, biking across Iowa 2018, forward the article to the addresses supplied with the login you use. This is the beginning of the Run. Then sit back and be amazed at the power of the MMG. A power you now have the reins to.

  Jeremy got on the computer that had been supplied, logged into the Internet, and followed the orders that had been laid out. They looked at each other with overwhelmed eyes, scared that what they were doing was real, that their lives would change forever.

  “I am still not sure I believe all if this” Jeremy said. “John did not seem like the kind of person that would have been involved in all of this. We shall see what happens” he said, as he walked off to the kitchen to finish the pasta he had started.

  On the other side of the world Xylia Rupesh couldn’t believe it! She had been searching for information for months and had found nothing. She had wondered why the company she worked for was even paying her, since she could not seem to find any of the information they were looking for, but now here it was. She had received a social media message about RAGBRAI, the Registers Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. She had no idea why she was waiting for information about some bicycle ride in a place called Iowa in the United States, but she needed to pass it along immediately. She ran down the hall to her boss’s office.

  Arora Buatti held a corner office in the Bandra-Kurla Complex in a Mumbai suburb. Mumbai, also known as Bombay, is the capital city in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The area is the second most populous area in India and fifth most populous in the world. Mumbai lies on the west coast of India and, because of the deep natural harbors, is a major seaport on the Arabian Sea. Mumbai is the wealthiest city in India and has a higher gross domestic product of any city in South, West, or Central Asia.

  Arora Buatti was an up-and-coming investment banker that had made a name for herself by always being on the leading edge of Asian emerging markets. In addition, she had been lucky enough to find a mentor that seemed to be able to foresee changes in regards to world manufacturing, supply chain management, as well as precious metals. This specialized knowledge had made her wealthy and highly respected. Her mentor had her attend a networking event once a year and the leads she got from networking at the event had made her business grow exponentially. She had a blog that was followed by some of the world’s biggest investors and when she discussed Asian emerging markets there were discussions in boardrooms all over the world.

  Her mentor had recently enlisted her in a special project. She had been instructed to hire an intern and have that intern watch for news of certain world events. If one of the things happened she had written instructions on what she needed to do. Not only had she been asked to bring on the intern but she was being compensated well for doing it. As the business owner she was able to bring on the intern to repay her mentor for the help she had received.

  Buatti had spent days working on an investment opportunity that was just down the street from her location. Mumbai was a great place to be an investment banker, there was so much happening. She was deep in thought when she was startled as her door flew open.

  “RAGBRAI!” shouted Xylia, “RAGBRAI!”