Read The MMG Page 24

  Chapter 23

  Aiah had spent months deciphering the Financial Control Run. He had arranged his organization so that he could profit from the Run once he started it. He had figured out the first part of the run so he could replace packets at strategic points, having others make trades at the correct time in his numerous accounts, at least in the best guess of Bettle. He was also including the other 6 MMG Ten; he figured making them wealthy would help buy their support, not that he needed it, of course. The packets instructed financial institutions to make trades as requested depending on market conditions, and these trades would happen without his direct involvement. Since he had predetermined what he wanted to do, and no one would believe anyone is powerful enough to sway the currency market, this would make him the richest man in the world and keep him audit proof! He was ready. The first of the actions would start today. He made a phone call to the number listed.

  “The soaring of an eagle is majestic”, he said, and hung up the phone. This, he thought would be fun to watch.

  Melanie & Jeremy were exhausted. They had moved every day at first, mostly at night, for seven days after seeing the drone. They had no idea if they were still being watched but nothing new had happened for months. Because they had no defense, and the group chasing them had unlimited resources, they kind of just stop worrying about being at risk. If death can come at any moment you start living every moment to the extreme. They were visible and they knew it, but they had nothing else to fall back on.

  They were just outside of Vail Colorado and had decided to come and go as they pleased. They had money, credit cards, and lots of time.

  Jeremy spent his days watching for any movement that may show the MMG was executing a Run, and watching for whoever may be following them. Melanie started reading novels, and had started a garden in the back yard, although it was more a way to use her time as opposed to a true garden. They had skied some, did some hiking, and had even ventured into Denver for concerts and an occasional night out. Jeremy watched closely as they traveled, looking for any sign of someone following them. If there was someone there, these guys were good!

  JingJing Meng could not believe she had received the call. She had just started as an intern at The Chinese Financial Review a few weeks prior. The Review was the leading on-line financial web site in China. She had been so lucky that her professor at business school had slated her for this opportunity. She would do anything to get ahead.

  She alerted her mentor that she had received the call. She watched as he pulled out a packet, pulled out a disk, and uploaded it to the web site. She was thanked and sent home for the day because of her great work.

  Within hours all Asian currencies were going crazy. With the previous blog, and subsequent Yen fluctuation, this was seen as another issue of currency price variance in the Asian Market. A Chinese web site had posted a new story that the Yen will greatly outpace the dollar over the next few months. This is the same web site that had hit on 4 of the last 5 major moves in the Asian currency markets. Trading was running at an almost all-time high. People were going strong on the Yen, trying to capitalize on the market. All but a few, that is. As the Yen grew stronger Aiah’s predetermined market actions started selling the Yen short, buying the stocks on Bettle’s list that will explode in value as the Yen dropped, and selling short the other investments that would lose value as the Yen values dropped. Tomorrow an intern in the UK would get a call that would create another story that would show the Chinese story incorrect. The Yen would plummet to a 5 year low over the next 24 hours. As the Yen plummets, Aiah’s holding will be liquidated at a projected point at about 90% of the total fall, and then held in cash until the buy/sell triggers are hit on the way back up. If this goes as planned he will create hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth. Once he does he can return the OPEC funds he borrowed to cover the moves he made, and he will be wealthy beyond believe. Then he will move to the next currency and do the same using his own money for security

  Jeremy saw the Yen rise and fall unexpectedly. He pulled the Financial Control packet and realized that this Run was in process. Who would start this now? Who would have the most to gain? He started searching for recent changes in the financial world that may lead to who is doing this. There must be a lead.

  The MMG leadership called another meeting. “Yes, yes, Eagleton and I are on it.” Aiah let them know, “The Financial Control Run appears to have started. We are monitoring and trying to ascertain who is responsible. We should know more in a few days.”

  Aiah couldn’t wait for this to be over. He would soon be the richest man in the world and he could ruin them all with the push of a button, if he wanted to. He would soon go from leader to commander! Then they would be his soldiers, letting the world know he should lead.

  As the Yen continued to rise and fall, Aiah was waiting for the right moment to start the next Run on the EURO. The Asian currencies would continue to yo-yo up and down for months. The instability in the area would continue for up to a year. With one currency fluctuating greatly it would not be a surprise to have another do the same. The Yen was not the only currency at risk in the East, all were feeling the affect. Articles, that he could only assume were driven by the Run, starting calling for the entire Asian continent to move to one common currency union, like the Euro, to put a halt to this confusion. In discussing the opportunity Aiah particularly like the article in the journal.

  A single currency union brings new strengths and opportunities arising from the integration and scale of the Asian-area economy, making a single market more efficient.

  Without a currency union, the need to exchange currencies means extra costs, risks, and a lack of transparency in cross-border transactions. With the currency union, doing business in the Asian area would be more cost-effective and less risky.

  Meanwhile, being able to compare prices easily encourages cross-border trade and investment of all types, from individual consumers searching for the lowest cost product, through businesses purchasing the best value service, to large institutional investors who can invest more efficiently throughout the Asian area without the risks of fluctuating exchange rates. Within the Asian area, there would be one large integrated market using the same currency.

  The smaller countries were starting to show agreement but China and Japan had no interest. The discussion, however, was on the table.

  The EURO Run was similar and Aiah was prepared. All was in place and all he needed to do was make the call. This would cement his world power; the richest man in the world, the power would come soon!

  A man answered on the other end, “g’day!”

  “The tide is rising,” Aiah said, and hung up the phone.

  Jeremy went to the web site John had passed on to them and noticed he no longer had access. He became frantic - The web site that gave them all of their security was gone! He could not expose anyone, even if he wanted to. What were they going to do now? How can he spin this to Melanie as a good thing?

  Why were they still alive, he thought? If the MMG cracked the only bargaining chip they had, why have they not been eliminated? Then another question came into his mind - if they are no longer a threat, they would not need to be eliminated. He needed time to think this through before he discussed it with Melanie.

  As he looked over financial news it appeared that Shem Aiah had become the poster boy for making money in the current market swings. Shem Aiah, he recognized, was part of the 10.

  They were either hidden from view, no longer a mark, or it was just a matter of time. He had chased criminals his whole life but he never gave a thought to how they felt in hiding. Now he was the one in hiding and he didn’t like it.

  The MMG leadership was not sure what to think, they had been called to a meeting at Shem Aiah’s penthouse at Elite Estates in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Offering a magnificent view of Kuala Lumpur’s Twin Towers and the city skyline. The penthouse was newly acquired.

  “Come in, come in, my friends,” Aiah said, ?
??we have much great news to discuss!”

  The conference room was outstanding, a vision of a home field advantage. The room was done in old world mahogany, with two walls made into book cases holding some of the world’s rarest works, and a third covered with some of the world’s most renowned paintings. The final long side of the room overlooked Kuala Lumpur from 75 floors up. The conference table was 1 ½” thick solid mahogany polished to a luster. The table legs were hand carved 5” solid mahogany columns with antique claw feet. It was said to be a gift from a Saudi sheik and dates back over 150 years old. The 21 chairs matched the tables.

  The room corners had large black marble pillars holding huge Chinese vases incased in glass. The ceiling was covered with a bright multicolored antique Chinese Temple pattern with a large ornate yellow Chinese lantern in the middle.

  Aiah appeared to be almost dancing as he shuffled people around. Everyone was to sit looking out over Kuala Lumpur. Eagleton stood in the corner, on alert as always. As people finished marveling at the room and the view, Aiah called the meeting to order. Two panels unfolded in front of the windows. As they unfolded they showed a digital image of the outside view. After all was unfolded, the screen went to black. A bold wall-size 3D image of MMG appeared to project out of the wall a few inches.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I want to show you a dream, a vision, which I have had. A few years back I was asked to join the MMG and I was thrilled. After a few meetings I came to realize that I had been a member most of my life, I just did not realize it. My step-father, whom you all know, helped me in ways I was not even aware of.”

  As he continued he paced around in front of the monitors, “After a while I recognized the overall concept of the MMG. Assist, grow, and mentor the world’s best. Get them to high levels of power in their chosen field and plant ideas and lead the acquisition of supplies; learn of growing trends from one part of the group and supply it to another. Kind of the world’s best insider trading firm.”

  As he took a sip Aiah watched the group, they looked interested but confused. He could not help but wonder of their thoughts, who was he to school them; he bet they were thinking, who was he indeed! “I made it my life’s work to figure out how it all worked. I watched as Runs played out, who won, who lost. I researched who did what by having a group of people talk to the people who had been involved. How did they know what to do, who did they call, what happened later? I even found out it was John Bettle who planned it all.”

  Several members now were sitting up; concerned with the direction this was going. Aiah pressed on, “I have been tracking John Bettle for 2 years now and the reason the MMG could not find him was because those following him did not tell you we knew where he was. Mr. Eagleton and I have been working on a special project and it is time to let you in on it.”

  Aiah continued for almost an hour talking about trailing Bettle and the two he passed things to. He let them know he had procured the files held by the two and had removed their access to the web site that could discredit them all. He gave them a sense of relief, the threat was removed! They could relax again!

  “Now,” said Aiah, “about the Runs that are in progress in regards to world currency; I have started them.”

  “What!” was the joint response from the group, “how could you, who do you think you are?”

  Well,” said Aiah calmly, “actually, I am now the richest, most powerful man in the world. I have placed trades prior to all the fluctuation and have created billions in wealth. In addition I am in process of buying up property, inventory, and businesses at huge dicounts because the market swings created panic and loss. I am taking advantage of fear in certain regions, people are selling everything. The trades I have made will allow us to take over control of most of the world.”

  “US!” said one of the leadership team “sounds like this is all about you.”

  “Well, as I said, I am the richest man in the world, but I share this room with seven of the world’s richest people. I have taken the liberty to make trades for all of you, buying property, businesses, and trading the currency market all in your names. Each of you now owns much of the area of the world you are from. We will rule the world together!”

  “Seven,” said one the Ten, “how can you share this with seven, there are only six of us now, not including you. The only other person in the room is Eagleton. You are NOT including Eagleton?”

  “Yes,” said Aiah, “Eagleton is now a member of this group. Not only a member, but a person that will have controlling interested with me.”

  All eyes turned from Aiah to Eagleton, and back. The room was quiet. Each member looked down at the table top in shock. Each started to wonder about Eagleton’s involvement but also about how much they had made. Why would Aiah do this? “So what’s the catch?” asked one of the members.

  “Well,” said Aiah, “since you asked. I am now in charge of this team. This team is now in my possession. I will determine our future actions.”

  Pandemonium took over the room as all of these powerful people felt scared, put down; and by someone who had just joined the group. They shouted, huddled, and finally turned on Aiah.

  “QUIET, STOP!” yelled Aiah. “There is more. I am now in possession of the information and the web site that John Bettle had on all of you. Yes, he did have some information on me but I was not even aware of most of it, since my adopted father did most of the work. I have a button I can push for each one of you, or all of you, that would expose your involvement or knowledge of the Kennedy assassinations, the market manipulations, and the world chaos that you caused. Undeniable proof! Pictures, charts, hand written notes, letters, e-mails, and a trail that will take no time to prove that you made it happen!”

  The energy in the room was sucked out. All the members fell back on their chairs. But, Aiah was not done.

  “I have uncovered something else we must discuss, and I want all of you to know that I am aware of your involvement. All of you were in a leadership role when the call went down to try to kill the creation of OPEC by killing the lead negotiator, who was my father! I am not sure who all was involved so I must assume all of you had a hand in his death.” Aiah took a deep breath, “I will cast you to the WOLVES,” as he pounded the table, “all I need is one indication that you MAY cross me.” His finger now was moving back and forth pointing at each member as he drove his point home, “DO NOT! tempt me, on this issue. I hold the key to your VERY LIVES, I am in charge!” A twitch under his right eye gave a tell of his anger. This was not a man to be pushed.

  After calming down Aiah called Eagleton over, “Zero, please pass out everyone’s packet. Let’s show them what they’ve won!”

  Aiah continued, “Ladies and Gentlemen, over the next few weeks I, and a company I have acquired that controls all the money for OPEC, will be buying currency to help stabilize the current market fluctuations. This will be met with great accolades from all of you, and the MMG controlled media. I, and the unwavering value of the OPEC currency, OPETRO, will become a world-wide sensation! We will see to it that I will be on the cover of all the financial magazines and newspapers, I will receive honorary degrees, massive Internet articles going viral, and I will become a social media hero!”

  “It will be reported that I lost a great deal of my fortune saving the world, and it will be well documented, even if not true. The world will love me, trust me, and I will put on a show of great compassion for the world. All of you will sing my praises. At the same time we will be driving currency and market fluctuations and buy everything in sight at bargain prices. In a few months we will own most of the world outside of the United States.”

  Aiah continued, “The rise in use of the OPEC currency will start a trend to reduce the number of currencies worldwide.”

  “I have started a dialog of all the major world oil producers, outside of the United States. As I am sure you are aware, OPEC includes the major oil producers of the Middle East. Also included in OPEC are Venezuela, Brazil, and Columbia in Sou
th America, and Nigeria and Algeria in Africa.”

  “In addition to OPEC, we have solicited the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) plus 3. There are many small oil producers in the area with some big ones including China, Indonesia, and I am adding India with this group as well.”

  “The final partner being wooed is Russia and the prior Soviet States.”

  “Excuse me Aiah,” said Lourdes Mendoza, “geography is not my thing, what countries make up OPEC and ASEAN?”

  “Certainly Lourdes, the plan makes little sense without an understanding of the players! I will put the countries up on the screen so we can look at them. The world map beside them is most impressive also.”

  The list was put up on the screen

  OPEC has twelve member countries:

  Six in the Middle East,




  Saudi Arabia

  United Arab Emirates


  Four in Africa, and





  Two in South America.



  ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asia Nations) Plus 3 consists of the ASEAN countries of









  Myanmar (Burma)


  The Plus 3



  South Korea

  Also to be included



  New Zealand

  Eagleton stepped up to a world map and took over as the leaders shared quick glances, “once we get everyone involved we would control 70% of the world’s oil production. The balance falls to the United States (14%), Europe (8%), Mexico (3%) and then some minor producers.”

  “Consider this; if we could get Russia, China, the ASEAN states, and the Middle East to create an oil alliance, this would change the face of the world, much like OPEC did when it started. We could also create embargos to throw non-alliance countries into severe recessions.”

  “Because all areas outside of OPEC use different currency, the drive would be to put the oil producing countries all on the OPETRO, creating the world’s greatest currency, which would be backed by oil. In the past, money was backed by gold reserves at the issuing country, or The Gold Standard, OPETRO will usher in The Oil Standard. Currencies around the world would be compared to OPETRO. They would have to make it the world standard currency; otherwise they would get no oil!”

  Aiah then took back leadership of the meeting. “The plan is to get the leaders of each country to agree to come to a meeting. OPEC, plus Russia, will send out invites. All will come, since we have high level contacts in all the governments already.”

  “An alliance of the world’s largest oil producers, except for the United States, will come together at the conference. One of the companies I own has developed a drug that instills an atmosphere of mind altering acceptance, if done properly. We will pipe in the drug, explain the plan, literally brain washing all present, and then have an agreement signed.”

  “The agreement will call for a small tax from each country to go to the central coordinating board, us, in exchange for massive investments in infrastructure, equipment to mine precious metals, farm equipment to feed the world, and to manufacture military equipment to preserve the safety of all.”

  “All of the transactions will take place with the OPETRO as the currency. Anyone wanting to trade with the new organization will need to do so with the OPETRO. Since the OPETRO is secured by The Oil Standard, it will command a power position in the world currency market.”

  “There will be loans and grants provided for any board approved capital expenditure, as long as it meets the goals outlined. As the alliance grows stronger we will reduce the supply of oil, raise the price to 5-times current value, and then use the funds to continue to achieve our needed goals of food, material extraction, and eventual military superiority.”

  “I am sorry Aiah,” said Kord Baumann from Germany, “but this does not seem to include Europe, or the United States. On top of that, I can’t imagine you can get all these people to agree on anything.”

  “Yes, thank you for bring up the West,” Aiah said. “It is time to discuss where all of this is headed.”

  “This initial step will be to get the oil producers in our smaller nations together to create a bargaining unit. Europe does have oil production but they have shown themselves to not be interested in this project. The United States is NOT invited. We do not need THEM telling US what to DO!”

  “OPEC is already on board. They are tired of the United States being THE world power. The US may have earned it years back, but they will no longer have power over us if we all act together. Their inconsistent message to the world is very disconcerting.”

  “President Volkov of Russia has agreed in principal and will be at the meeting when it is held. We are playing to their need for structure, food, and the dream of putting the old USSR back together, although that will never happen.”

  “The ASEAN plus 3 countries are all in except to China and Japan. China is a must and I have plans to go there next week. They want to use their currency but I will come away with agreement for them to come to the meeting. There they will succumb to the drugs like all the others.”

  “If Japan does not want to play we will SQUASH THEM like a BUG!” Aiah pounded open handed on the desk with great exuberance.

  “Once the alliance is set we will build an army to protect our team. We will weaken the West with an oil embargo, sweep into Africa, taking control of their vast resources, and we will use the African population as soldiers to further our cause.”

  “Our army would include China, Russia, India, and Africa. Our numbers would be 10 times that of the West. We would work quickly to train our soldiers but we could defeat the West just in throwing great numbers at them. We will have the nuclear power of Russia and India. We will have submarines, destroyers, and the manufacturing expertise of China, Russia and India.”

  “When we are ready, or when it is necessary, we will cripple the USA, invade Europe, and wipe Israel from the face of the earth!”

  “How do you intend to cripple a power like the United States?” questioned Lourdes.

  “That is a plan I will not share at this time. There is more to prepare. But let me just say that America will no longer be threat to our plans when we are ready to remove them. Much of the plan is in place, waiting for someone to call the right numbers – then boom!” Aiah smiled and turned and left the room.

  Eagleton instructed the group to not allow any of this information to leak out. People were watching for any discussions and the group had no idea what the MMG had bugged. If any word leaked, the guilty party would be dealt with without mercy.

  The group retired to a private bar adjacent to the restaurant located at the top of the tower.