Read The MMG Page 25

  Chapter 24

  A few months later an on-air reporter discussed the results of the OPETRO Accord. “The report out of the oil producers meeting is that an outline for a deal has been struck! It is being called the OPETRO Accord, in reference to the OPEC currency OPETRO, and has the members using the OPETRO going forward. The members are calling themselves OPETRO-EZ, for the currency that will be used to trade, the OPETRO, and the Economic Zone (EZ) that they have established.

  Here are a few seconds of an interview with a Saudi sheik. “We are so excited about this accord. The oil producers of the East have come together to become one force. We are creating an economic zone, with the intention of raising the quality of living for members of all of our countries.”

  “There will be a small tax placed on the production of each barrel of oil and the money will go towards drilling water wells for our people, so no one in the member states goes thirsty. We will also create new farming zones and invest in everything necessary to increase the acres being farmed, and the yield per acre.”

  “Well done today, Shahid!” Shouted another member, interrupting the interview, “you were exceptional today!”

  The sheik waved, and then continued. “Thank you my friend, thank you!”

  “We will be establishing a Medical program in the economic zone that will be second to none. We are actively seeking our best and brightest to send to medical school. Doctors, nurses, other medical people are needed. We will build a series of hospitals in each country.”

  “This all sounds well and good,” said the reporter, “but where will the money come for all of this?”

  “Were will the money come from you ask?” mimicked the sheik, “from the production of oil and precious minerals from all areas of the EZ. The great thing about all of this is…Hey, Aiah! Come here!”

  “I will introduce to our EZ architect! Aiah, come say a few words.”

  Aiah looked tentative, like he did not deserve credit. “Well thank you Shahid, but I only served at the request of the membership. Each member deserves all of the credit.”

  “Aiah was elected to run the EZ, his knowledge of business and ability to speak most of the languages makes him most qualified,” rambled the Sheik.

  The reporter turned as Aiah spoke, “The generosity of the many world governments that make up our EZ is what is making this all happen. They have money, power, even fame; but their willingness to share with all people is so inspiring. The new cartel will most certainly raise prices some to help cover the tax, but they could have done all of this without the investment in the people.” Said Aiah, new Supreme Leader of the OPETRO-EZ.

  “New hospitals, doctors, nurses, wells, farms - all to help a people that have been forgotten, downtrodden, and have gone sick or hungry. We will also develop new medicines, vaccines, and cures, all which will be available to member citizens for free.”

  “What will be done with the individual military’s for each country?” the reporter asked as a lead in.

  “OPETRO-EZ will not have a global military, but instead will invest in the military programs each country current has. We will be expanding each current military, and better equipping them also. OPETRO-EZ will pull needed military personnel resources as needed from member countries; much like a reserve force would be used.”

  “Where will OPETRO-EZ be based?” asked the reporter.

  “Well,” said Aiah, “I and my team are currently in Kuala Lumpur, and I do not see us moving at this time. There will be an eventual creation of a governing group as we go forward. This could be located wherever the leadership group determines. Thank you.”

  “Well ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first! The base points are set for what may be the greatest agreement in world history, and with it, the creation of possibly the largest empire of aligned states in the world.”

  The call came on the 17th green to the hot phone of the President of the United States. Robert (Bob) Antwan Tanderson had been elected Vice President a few years back and had looked forward to the status and trips abroad. If he would have known that the President would be diagnosed with brain cancer and need to step down, he never would have said yes. He had been serving as president for about 4-months now, and was just starting to learn everybody’s name. Tanderson had found that being a 2 time governor from Idaho, with no Federal Government experience prior to the Vice-Presidency, did not lend itself well in working with the people of power in DC.

  Sneaking off to the other side of the golf cart, the president answered with a tone of unhappiness,” what is it Jake?”

  “WHAT? They came to a base agreement without us even being invited? What the h… Get everyone together in the Situation Room – 1 hour!”

  The United States Cabinet and other government leaders were called into a high-level strategy meeting in the large 5,000 square foot Situation Room in the basement of the White House. The room doubled as a conference room and intelligence management facility. The Situation Room is equipped with secure, advanced communications equipment for the President to maintain command and control of U.S. forces around the world. This was the room shown when America’s leaders watched as a seal team killed Osama Bin Laden.

  This meeting had members that were experienced in national security level clearance, and it was not often that this group would be visibly shaken. There was an overall feeling of doom, with some even appearing to be actually scared. Half the world had just come together against the West in a way that was unprecedented, and very unnerving.

  “How in the HELL did they get this put together? None of those leaders trust each other. Russia, China, India - the Russia and China I know would never agree to this!” yelled Sam Dixon, a senator from New Jersey that sits on the Committee of Foreign Affairs.

  “I agree with Sam, this has to be some type of coercion,” said Sara Fenton, a Deputy Director in the State Department, “this was not projected to be a possible outcome, not by a long ways.”

  “Well it HAS happened,” pointed out Skip Sellers, a congressman from Texas, “the question is what are we gonna do about it? Seems to me we better organize the rest of the world. The fire power of this group will overpower us inside a few years.”

  “Ladies, gentlemen,” said the President as calmly as he could, “we need to meet this new alliance with hope. Who would have believed all of this could happen to improve the lives of people around the world. Certainly we need to analyze this and prepare for this coalition to potentially become a world power, but this is an Economic Zone, not a military merger.”

  “The point is – how is this possible!” yelled Dixon, “nobody would have believed this was even possible prior to this meeting. Somethin’ is going on and we need to figure out what before they take over everything. Do you realize this group controls 70% of the world’s oil production? What if they quadruple prices or just stop selling all together? China, Russia, India; my God! Billions of people; money, oil, weapons, natural resources to build anything; and top that off with many of them having a lack of trust in the United States, or they just down right hate us. Most of them feel we have run the show long enough. If we do not figure out how to diminish this, we will be weakened!”

  The Russian president, Bogdan Volkov, return to Moscow to a riot at the Kremlin. Their inclusion in this group was unacceptable!

  “How can you sign for all of us on something like this? We have power, money; we have rights!”

  “Gentlemen,” said a calm, powerful president Volkov, “as we discussed prior to the conference, this is the greatest opportunity in history! We are part of a group that will soon be a world-wide power, greater even than the old USSR, and it is coming together now and will soon need leadership. Who will supply it? Aiah? He has never run a country. The Saudi’s? They do not want the burden. We will allow this to happen, get China on our side, and then make our move. If we get China to back us, no one can stop us.”

  “Aiah is on his way here and should be arriving shortly. He had some loose e
nds to clean up but I received word that he is in route. Let’s listen to him; think about what I said, and see if you do not see the same future that I do! This is being given to us; we are the main player in this field!”

  Outside of the OPETRO EZ alliance members the world was showing fear. Europe, Africa, South America, and the leaders for many other countries were meeting, calling. Calls were being made to pull in allies, seek help from friends, and call in markers. The list of call backs for the President of the United States was growing by the minute.

  Nathan Oborny, a highly respected Senator from Alaska, finally got the floor. “Listen to me!” yelled Oborny, “I think we need to discuss why we were not part of the conference! The United States, including the great state of Alaska, are a leading oil producer and it would seem logical that we would be included. I believe this could be a sign of bigger problems. What if the intent is to hold the world ransom with oil and diminish the role of Western powers? What if an attack on the United States is imminent?”

  “An attack?” laughed Gwendelina, call me Winnie, Hackney, a congresswoman from Mississippi, “an attack? How do we go from an accord that will almost eliminate poverty in over half the world, to it being a staging ground for war? I suppose you are going to tell us all that this Aiah person is the anti-Christ as well?”

  “I was not going to bring that up today, but since the subject has been breached,” said Mason Petrie, a Senator from Nebraska.

  “Oh, SHUT UP Petrie”, yelled Sam Dixon, “everybody knows you religious types try to make everything sound like the end of the world, to try to capture new believers. Let’s leave the anti-whatever out of this for now. You can create your sound bites for the media, but let’s stay on the real issues here and now.”


  The Grand Kremlin Palace was home to the Russian president and today was the meeting place for Aiah to address the parliament of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of Russia. The Assembly consists of two bodies, the State Duma and the Federation Council. Also in attendance were members of the government and the judicial courts, chairpersons of regional legislative assemblies, public figures, and executives of major media outlets.

  Walking through the arched hallway, Aiah could feel the tension. He could hear and feel the emotion of the crowd even prior to getting into the room where the party leaders were waiting for him. He had a few people loyal to what he was trying to do, and by the end of the meeting he would have them all!

  The brief case he carried held a special compartment that held a gas canister that he could active at any time. The parts per million in the air needed to make the drug affective was so small that the tiny canister in his brief case was all that was needed. The drug would take about 5 minutes to deploy and would affect everyone in the room. They would be ultra-susceptible to auto-suggestion for about 30 minutes. Not everyone could use the power of the drug; the drug required someone with a grand charisma, which could sway the crowds.

  As Aiah walked into St George Hall the crown went eerily silent. All eyes shifted to this small man that had apparently captured the imagination of over half the world’s oil producers.

  Bogdan Volkov called the meeting of the Russian Federation to order. “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special visitor today. I would like to present to you a man that has facilitated bringing together 70% of the world’s oil production under one alliance. A man with a dream to assist all people of the alliance countries, by offering work, medical assistance, food, and an overall increased quality of life. Aiah would like to address the assembly and then he and I will take questions. Without further ado, Aiah, please,” said Bogdan, as he introduced Aiah with his left arm extended, quickly waiving at the wrist; motioning for Aiah to move to the microphone.

  Aiah released the gas as he headed to the podium. “Thank you, President Bogdan. Hello everyone, I must tell you it is an honor to be here. I have always marveled at your architecture, it is an honor to be in this building, and addressing this great assembly.”

  Aiah continued for about 10 minutes and then ramped up the power. With the drug at full effect it was time to make things happen. “So comrades, we can increase our prices on oil, take part of the increase as a tax to take care of our people, and hurt the United States and Europe at the same time!”

  “We will lead the world! Moscow will again be the most powerful place on earth! You will rule! All we need to move in that direction is your support, and for us to grow the alliance, assist the people, merge and increase the combined military power, and dominate the West like we used to!”

  The hall exploded with excitement. Everyone that could stand rose to their feet with thunderous applause.

  “We must unite the non-western oil producers. We will use existing Russian resources to build new Russian factories, and will produce needed materials to build hospitals, roads, and bridges. We will use Russian land to feed the world; at least the parts that are important to OPETRO EZ!”

  Laughter filled the hall. “Russia is in the best position to lead the new alliance. China will grow quickly as well. They have great manufacturing capabilities and natural resources that will further our cause. We will have them stop making products for the West, and instead help us clothe, feed, and improve the quality of life for all EZ people!”

  “Today is a day we will all remember as the turning point in world history. The day Russia said “We will no longer be pushed around by the west – WE, are the new world alliance – and WE, will decide!”

  The emotion in the room was overwhelming. People were hugging each other, jumping for joy; and everyone believed. Aiah smiled as he shut of the gas, and closed his briefcase, and left the podium. Russia was in his hind pocket; the world was not far behind.

  As the news came out about OPETRO EZ, with Shem Aiah as the leader, Jeremy could not believe a member of the 10 was now in control of over ½ of the world. Jeremy noted that Aiah was leading the MMG, had created OPETRO EZ, and had recently been extremely lucky in the trading of world currencies. It now seemed obvious that he also was the one that stole their information and web site.

  The packet on Aiah did not have a lot in it since he had just recently risen inside the MMG. There was not enough information on him to make the world take notice. At this point, if he exposed anyone else it would probably just give Aiah more control.

  He and Melanie had set up a home of sorts, in the outskirts of Vale, Colorado. They had stopped worrying and started living. But in the back of his mind he knew that the end could come at any time. He wondered if cancer survivors would feel the same way; the knowledge that the cancer was in remission but could return at any time, unannounced.

  The announcement that the Russian leadership had agreed unanimously to endorse the OPETRO Accord threw the West into convulsions. A group of countries not included in the Accord; the United States, most of Europe, Israel, and Africa, called a meeting of their own. Unofficially called NO Petro, they met in New York City. They were meeting to discuss options on how to stop the OPETRO Accord, and how to adapt to it if they could not.

  Aiah was home after a tour of the Kremlin in Moscow and The Great Hall of the Chinese people, which is on the west side of Tiananmen Square in Beijing China. With Russia and China on-board nothing could stop him now. The only real concern he had were the paper documents held by the 2 people Bettle had passed his information to, MJ as Eagleton like to refer to them. They did not have much on him personally, but now that he had changed this mind about ruining the other members of the 10, he felt it was time to close MJ down.

  As he looked out over Kuala Lumpur he could not help but smile. He had singlehandedly just taken over leadership of half the world; and they were glad he did! At this time he was seen as a facilitator moving everyone together, but soon he would move to Supreme Commander!

  As he headed off to bed Aiah could not help being amazed at this own accomplishments.

  He had scheduled the extraction of MJ to be tomorrow. He and Eagleton would obs
erve from Kuala Lumpur via video. Eagleton had set up the multiple feeds to the big screen in the conference room to show a visual of each extraction member’s video. Capturing MJ and bringing them to see Aiah was the final piece to close this out. Once complete, no one would be able to stop him or his team.

  “Isn’t life glorious!” Aiah said out loud to no one. “It is good to be god!”


  As President Tanderson walked back into the Oval office the room was like a bee hive with activity. Oh, how he hated when everyone had a reason to get on their own personal high-horse. This would obviously be the defining moment in his presidency and he had no idea what was really going on or what his reaction should be. He passionately believed in the reduction of hunger around the world, as well as providing clean water for all. The need for hospitals in the poorer parts of the world is something that is hard to fight against; he would not fight against it. A small tax on oil production in these nations would not greatly affect the United States Gross Domestic Product or change the balance in the world; but this accord, as they were calling it, made him uncomfortable.

  “Janice,” the president called to his personal assistant.

  “Yes sir”

  “Get me everything we have on this Aiah fellow. And I want the number one expert on him, and OPEC, in my office in one hour. Tell ‘em I want to know what Aiah ate for breakfast and I need to understand this OPETRO stuff!”

  “Yes sir, Mister President”

  One of the other bees scurrying around his office was Sara Fenton. “Sara, we need to call in everyone on this. Can you do that? I need intel into everything that just happened. We need our spies in all affected countries to tell us how any of this could have happened.”

  “I will take care of it sir; I will expect answers in the next 24 hours.

  “This does not seem possible, Sara. I feel like I should wake up from this nightmare. If they complete this and things go badly we could lose our dominant position in the world. Life would change forever. America is about to lose our world power and become Europe. Not that being Europe is bad, just that they used to be…, oh never mind.”

  “Yes sir, thank you Mr. President.”