Read The MMG Page 26

  Chapter 25

  The MMG team watching Melanie and Jeremy had been waiting forever. These month-long surveillance jobs were killers. Even with a decent rotation, it seemed like you were doing it all yourself. Always watching, always listening. Besides the sex, these two were boring!

  But now the call had come down. They were all in and at full attention. Word had come down to go get them.

  “Listen up!” said Mark Woods, extraction team leader. “We have a go, we have prepped for this, and you all know what to do. We take them alive with as little damage as possible. Our leaders want them clean.”

  “About time, man. I am so tired a sittin’ around.”

  Eagleton and Aiah watched via satellite feed from Aiah’s apartment overlooking Kuala Lumpur as the team prepared to move. There are multiple monitors on the electronic wall, each showing different action. A large overhead shot of the extraction point was supplied by two drones, which were flying high in the air, watching the front and the back of the house. There was also a personal view, with audio, of each operative, there was audio from a wall mounted bug as well, that had been placed on the house earlier.

  The team consisted of 10 operatives with four vehicles, all black Suburban’s. As the team rolled into position the six non-drivers exited to take positions. The expectation was that the 2 would not have much fire power, but the guy was a PI, and would certainly know how to handle himself.

  Once all were in place, operative #3 moved to the front door. Gas was sent into the house via a tube under the front door and the two inside were asleep within minutes.

  “Op 3, we are a go.”

  Woods responded, “Very good, let’s go get them. Just like we rehearsed, bring to my vehicle. Well done.”

  “Like clockwork!” Eagleton said, looking at Aiah. “Soon they will be on a plane and be here tomorrow.”

  “Yes,” said Aiah. “I will enjoy talking to them prior to you executing them.”

  The team had named the vehicles Sub 1 through 4 and Woods was driving Sub 2 with the captures in the back. The plan was to move to Denver International and get the captures, and Woods, to Kuala Lumpur. The drive was about 120 miles and should be no problem. The airplane was waiting at a private hanger and MMG personnel would make sure the team got on the plan with no problems.

  The cabin was located in the mountains, and the initial part of the trip would be through small resort style roads, and then Interstate the rest of the way. The only oddity was the Eisenhower Tunnel about 45 minutes into the 2 hour trip.

  Sub 1 was in the lead. The pace was slow, due to winding roads, but they were making ok time. As Sub 1 came around a corner a man was standing beyond the turn with a bazooka. There was no chance to turn, or do anything, before the rocket was upon them. The explosion threw sub 1 into the air and it careened off the curve, over the shoulder, into the underbrush just prior to the surrounding forest.

  “Sub 2 to Sub 3 & 4, Sub 1 is down; I repeat Sub 1 has taken a hit.” Woods relayed, knowing very well they could see what had happened. “Sub 3 take the lead. Hostiles are here.”

  Aiah jumped about 3 inches out of his chair. “WHAT THE HELL? Eagleton, what is going on?”

  “I have no idea who would know of the extraction, sir.” Said Eagleton, “We will need to watch this play out. These men are the best. Now that we know there are hostiles they will be on alert.”

  The pace had picked up some and the suburbans were almost coming off the ground as they took small hills. The team in Sub 3 was on high alert looking for other potential attacks. Team 4 now had operatives in the back with machine guns at the ready watching for any attack from the rear. The whole team attitude changed, they were under attack.

  The next corner had a side road on the inside bend that was hidden from view. The Mercedes did not look out of place sitting at the stop sign until it drove straight into Sub 4.

  “WHO ARE THESE GUYS!” Aiah yelled, as the cameras for the operatives in Sub 4 showed the accident. “Who is doing this!”

  “Sub 3, Sub 3,” said Woods, “Sub 4 has been taken out. Get me to the Interstate! Go!”

  “Roger,” was the response from Sub 3.

  The road opened up as they came into Vail, the Interstate was in sight. Speed increased as the teams could see the safety of no side roads once they reached the Interstate. There would still be danger, but the issues so far came partially because of lack of vision.

  As the vehicles sped up to gain access to the Interstate via the onramp the speeds were reaching 75 mile per hour. The sniper bullet that took out Sub 3’s right front tire made the vehicle drop on that side. The driver tried to correct but it was too late. The Suburban did a right flip over and off the road. Sub 2 was on its own.

  “Woods, are you ok?” asked Eagleton.

  “Affirmative sir, not sure what this is all about but I and the packages are ok. We will continue to the Denver airport. Do we have any assistance in the area that we can call in?”

  “I have people on it; they will be coming from the Denver area and will catch up with you as they can. Be careful for now. Help will be there soon.”

  “Thank you sir,” was Woods’ response. “I will look for them shortly after the Eisenhower tunnel.”

  The Eisenhower Tunnel, officially the Eisenhower-Johnson Memorial Tunnel is named for Dwight Eisenhower, for whom the Interstate system is named, and Edwin Johnson, who lobbied to get the Interstate system built in Colorado.

  The tunnel is a dual-bore tunnel with two lanes on each side. The tunnel allows Interstate 70 to cross under the Continental Divide, which separates waters that drain to the west coast or the east coast. The tunnels are about 2 miles long at an elevation of about 11,000 feet above sea level.

  “Approaching the tunnel sir,” said Woods.

  “Yes, I can see that. Have you considered the alternate route? The tunnel could be a trap.”

  “Either way could be a trap sir. This is the area where I would strike.”


  Aiah and Eagleton watched as the vehicle entered the tunnel. All communication was lost. The wait was excruciating. After about two minutes the vehicle exited the other side with no adverse effects.

  “Woods, any problems?”

  There was no response, but the video was showing the vehicle moving down the road.

  “Woods?” said Eagleton, “Woods, are you there?”

  “Sorry sir, I am here. We took a hit and Jamison is dead, but we made it through the tunnel.” was the slightly quivering response from Woods.

  “Jamison? How was he hit?”

  “Sniper sir, they missed me, but he is dead.”

  “Very good, help will be there soon!”

  “Thank you sir.”

  Woods, however, was no longer in Sub 2. As they entered the tunnel a like vehicle with the exact same equipment began moving and took the place of Sub 2. Woods shot Jamison, stopped Sub 2, and then he and a team that was in place in the tunnel, moved Melanie and Jeremy through connecting tunnels to the other tunnel bore to a waiting repair vehicle that was headed back to Vail.

  The exchange had to happen early in the tunnel to get Woods back on the radio. Sub 2 was now controlled via remote-control by an operator that was in the tunnel and following in a separate vehicle. Explosives are set on the gas tank to create a massive explosion as Sub 2 takes an apparent bazooka hit from the rear. There are bodies inside to throw off the team coming from Denver. At autopsy it will be discovered that the bodies are not who they think they are, but by then the extraction would be complete

  “Someone get Woods’ file up on the screen please. NOW!” shouted Eagleton.

  “What’s up?” Aiah asked.

  “Only man left in a failed mission has to be suspect, sir. Who knew of the operation besides his team and a few people here? We can address the few people here in a few minutes, but if my guess is correct we have a rouge agent driving that only remaining vehicle, and he has our cargo.”

; “Where is my picture?”

  A dossier came up on Mark Alexander Woods. Born in Little Rock Arkansas, high school track and baseball star. Enlisted in the marines and joined the Marines Special Operations Raiders Regiment. Raiders are tasked with direct action, counter-terrorism, special reconnaissance, and informational operations.

  “Is there anything here to show him as a mole in our group?” asked Aiah.

  “Nothing, sir, he looks clean.”

  The explosion that was recorded prior to Woods’ camera and mike cutting out showed the suburban blowing the backend over frontend and then careen off the road.

  “Explosion sir!” said the man to Eagleton’s immediate left. “The explosion appeared to come from behind. Before the camera cut out the vehicle had the back end coming over the front. The explosion was large, sir. Probably a projectile from the rear that hit the gas tank.”

  Aiah came unglued, “how is this possible! We are the greatest organization in the world. Who could possibly foresee what happened, here, today. Aiah paused for a moment, and then turned to his left. “Mr. Eagleton, do we have Bettle’s body?”

  “No sir, it was taken away by the two we’re chasing. Why would you ask that n…? Wait, you don’t think…”

  “Yes,” said Aiah, “at this time it is the only plausible explanation that I can think of. We must pick up the pace on our world domination; we need to be too big to stop very soon.

  Chapter 26

  Melanie awoke to a strange feeling. She had just been standing in the kitchen at the cabin outside of Vail, but now, she felt like she was flying. She was in a seat; she was in an airplane! She nudged Jeremy who was sitting beside her.

  Jeremy awoke and instantly knew something had happened. He looked over and Melanie whispered, “We’re on a plane.”

  “So I see,” he whispered back, noticing that they were not restrained.

  “Excuse me!” Jeremy said, looking to their captors.

  “Ah, you are finally awake!” said Woods. “Melanie and Jeremy, my name is Mark Woods. I was sent to rescue you. Welcome to the Anti-MMG witness protection program!”

  “What?” Melanie said, “You mean we’re safe?”

  Jeremy looked over at her, amazed at how quickly she adapts.

  “Yes, we are all safe. I have been part of the team that was following you. I will need to tell you that story, but first you need to watch a video. I would recommend that you stay in your seats to watch it. Do either of you need to go to the bathroom prior to watching.

  Both said yes, they had been out of it for 4 hours.

  As the video started both were shocked to see John Bettle on the screen. The first shot was of him with a paper from the day before beside his face.

  “Jeremy, Melanie, I so hope you are watching this video. That would mean you are alive and safe. You have been on quite a journey, and I apologize for having to get you involved, but things have gone according to plans, with a few exceptions.”

  Jeremy and Melanie looked at each other “John’s alive?” Jeremy said at the same time Melanie said “Jonathan’s still alive – that son of a bitch! I’ll kill him myself!”

  “I am sure my being alive is a shock to you, and that Melanie, you are probably cussing me right now, but the world is in danger and this course of action was needed to remove me from the MMG vision. There is a very dangerous shifting of power happening and I have been under “against me and I needed to fake my death so I could watch without being watched.

  Mr. Woods has been watching you all along, since the first days in Rochester. While it appeared to be true, you were never truly in danger. The extraction today officially resulted in your deaths, as the vehicle you were in was blown up by a bazooka blast, or so it seems. By the time they figure out you were not in the vehicles you will be long gone and untraceable.

  There is much to do, I will see you all soon.

  As the plan prepared for landing at Mercedita Airport, a few miles west of Ponce, Puerto Rico, the man sitting at the outdoor beach bar turned and waved as the plan went over his head. Things had not gone exactly as he expected, but then, that is why you plan for every conceivable option – that is what he does.


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  Mike Damm

  Mike Damm is a business man that has spent a life in customer service and just-in-time distribution. He is an avid Minnesota Viking fan and lives in Iowa, where he is working on the sequel. He may be contacted at [email protected].

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