Read The Man in the Black Suit Page 22

Nicholas gave her a pained look. “Wanting someone, needing someone, isn’t a vice.”

  “I never said it was.”

  He rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “I’d move heaven and earth to help her. She doesn’t want my help.”

  She reached up and kissed his chin. “You can help me by getting me to Paris. I have to find another job.”

  “All right.” He gave her a repentant look and reached down to kiss her deeply. “I have to stop. Otherwise I’ll be forced to show you how quick I can be.”

  She laughed. “If I wasn’t worried about our flight, I’d take you up on that.”

  “Soon,” he promised. “I’ll escort you to Paris, but we need to make a stopover.”


  His mouth widened. “Dubai.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “I CAN’T GO TO DUBAI.” Acacia pulled away.

  Nicholas followed. “It’s only for a few days. Three at most.”

  Acacia thought quickly. There were a number of reasons she shouldn’t go to Dubai, but she wasn’t in a position to share them. “I can’t afford to go. I have to find a job.”

  “Three days won’t make much of a difference,” he insisted. “Even Madame Bishop won’t be able to schedule an interview for you on such short notice.”

  “Why do you want me to go to Dubai?”

  He kissed her knuckles. “For at least two reasons. First, I want you with me because I enjoy your company. Second, I need an interpreter who can speak Arabic.”

  “If your contact is conservative, he won’t want to speak to a female interpreter.”

  “That’s his problem.”

  “I don’t have proper clothes for Dubai. They have a public dress code.”

  “Do you have something modest you can wear on the plane?”

  She looked at her suitcase and garment bag, mentally cataloguing the items she’d brought. “Yes.”

  “Then we can either pick up things at the hotel or I’ll take you shopping.” He grinned. “Or better yet, you could use your concierge skills to have items waiting for you in our suite. We’ll be spending much of our time at the hotel. Their dress code is more relaxed.”

  “You won’t be able to touch me in public.”

  “I can be discreet.”

  She took his hand. “I’m serious. There are rules in Dubai. If we break them, we could be arrested.”

  “The hotel is less restrictive. In public, I’ll be on my best behavior. I promise.”

  She sighed. “It’s only for a few days?”

  “That’s right. My company will pay you a consulting fee for acting as an interpreter.”

  She released his hand. “I can’t accept the money—not while we’re together.”

  He regarded her for a moment. “The information you provided about Yasmin is valuable. I was able to verify part of her story, but the identity of her ex-boyfriend remains elusive. I called Constantine and persuaded him to put me in touch with a contact of his in Dubai who’s done business with her ex.”

  “Isn’t Constantine worried about what might happen?”

  “He doesn’t know my true identity or the nature of my quest, but he has plausible deniability.”

  “Isn’t he worried the Russian will retaliate?”

  “He hasn’t given me a name, only an intermediary.” Nicholas smiled. “I’m now one degree of separation from the man who may hold my family’s treasures. A consulting fee is being transferred to your bank account to reward you.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “It’s because of you my search has taken a substantial leap forward. I’m paying Constantine handsomely for introducing me to his Dubai contact. It’s normal to pay for information.”

  “If we’re together, I can’t accept it.”

  “You earned it prior to us being together. I know you’ve paid a high opportunity cost by having your life and your job search disrupted. Justice requires you be compensated.”

  She bit her lip. What he said was true. But the true temptation of Dubai was to be found in Nicholas himself. Now that they were lovers, she was eager to stay with him.

  “All right. I’ll agree to be compensated for the work I did prior to my resignation, so long as the compensation is appropriate.”

  “Agreed.” With a grin, he shook her hand. “Now, we’d best be having brunch. I want to leave as soon as possible.”

  He kissed her again before he opened the door and followed her onto the deck.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  IN HER CAPACITY AS CONCIERGE, Acacia had previously spoken with her counterparts at the Hotel Dubai. The hotel was one of the finest in the world and stood like a gigantic ship made of steel and glass on the Arabian Gulf.

  Since she was no longer his assistant, Nicholas insisted on making the local arrangements himself. But Acacia called one of her contacts at the hotel to arrange for the delivery of a series of clothing items better suited to Dubai for Monsieur Breckman’s assistant, Andarta.

  Acacia texted Kate the name of the hotel in Dubai and her expected dates of travel. She begged her not to pass the information on to Luc.

  For travel, Acacia wore a very feminine black and white Chanel suit she’d purchased in Geneva. It was beautiful, but much too warm for Dubai, whose daily temperatures in summer reached forty degrees Celsius and above.

  On the flight from Santorini, Nicholas insisted they sit together rather than across from one another. Rick and Kurt sat at the rear of the private plane. Nicholas worked on his laptop, answering emails in French, English, and German, and reading reports.

  Acacia updated her resume to show her resignation from Hotel Victoire and her brief contract with one of Nicholas’s companies. Madame Bishop had agreed to help her. Truthfully, Acacia believed she would have to change fields and find another line of work once Monsieur Roy began to share his opinion of her with other hotels in Paris.

  Nicholas moved his left arm to the armrest between them and discreetly placed his hand over hers. She looked over at him and smiled.

  On instinct, she peered over her shoulder and found Rick staring at her. She turned back around as her face heated.

  Nicholas had kept his promise to speak to Rick and Kurt about the change in her employment status. But Acacia knew how things appeared.

  She’d loved Luc when they were together. Their intimacy had grown and deepened over time. But she’d ended things with him when he decided to enter law enforcement.

  She had no illusions about her relationship with Nicholas. They were attracted to one another. They were affectionate. But Acacia believed it would be short-lived—perhaps a month or two at most.

  “You look unhappy.” Nicholas’s dark eyes radiated concern.

  “Just lost in thought.” She squeezed his hand.

  He turned to look at Rick and Kurt before leaning toward her. “Forget about them.”

  “Theoretically, I’m sure that’s possible. Not in practice.”

  Nicholas’s lips twitched. “Theoretically, it’s possible to be near you and not touch you.” He touched her chin and angled her face toward him. “Not in practice.”

  He brushed his lips against hers. When he pulled back, she was smiling again.

  “Forget about them,” he repeated. “We’ll have privacy at the hotel. We should arrive at five o’clock local time, which means you have time for a nap.” He traced a line down her neck. “You need to conserve your strength.”

  “Oh, really?”

  His tongue peeked out from between his perfect lips. “Now that I know how you taste, I’m eager for more.”

  Acacia felt her face flame.

  He kissed her shoulder. “Rest up.”

  She chuckled and closed her laptop. She felt the sudden urge to nap.

  When Acacia awoke, they were preparing for landin
g. She’d fallen asleep against Nicholas’s shoulder. Remarkably, he’d been able to work without the use of his left arm.

  After they landed at Dubai International Airport and taxied to the area that catered to private aircraft, they deplaned. As she stepped down the staircase to the tarmac, the heat hit Acacia like a wave. The sun was bright in the sky, and the temperature hovered at forty-six degrees Celsius, which was one hundred fifteen degrees Fahrenheit.

  “Are you all right?” Nicholas looked up at her as she descended the stairs. He’d deplaned first, and she’d played the role of the dutiful assistant and trailed behind.

  She nodded and smiled brightly at the uniformed staff from Hotel Dubai who waited a few feet away.

  The staff escorted Nicholas and his entourage into a private lounge where they spoke with customs and had their passports stamped. While Nicholas exchanged pleasantries in English with the government officials, Acacia noticed a large, flat crate had joined their luggage. Two men in uniform accompanied the crate, along with an airport official.

  The government official pulled Nicholas aside, and the two men approached the crate.

  “Of course you can examine it.” Nicholas reached into the interior of his jacket and withdrew an envelope. He handed it to the official. “All the particulars are there. Can one of my staff oversee the examination?”

  The government official nodded.

  Nicholas gestured to Kurt, and the bodyguard stood next to the crate. The uniformed men, Kurt, and the government official accompanied the crate behind a set of doors.

  When Nicholas returned to her side, Acacia resisted the urge to ask questions. There would be time for that conversation at the hotel.

  One of the hotel staff piloted the rest of the luggage out a side door, while the other staff member led Nicholas and Acacia outside. A helicopter and its pilot stood nearby.

  “Sir?” Acacia gave Nicholas a questioning look.

  “The hotel sits on the Arabian Gulf. Although you can book a car service, I thought it would be more interesting to fly. We’ll have a brilliant view of the city as well as the water.” Nicholas stood a few feet away and clutched his briefcase tightly. It appeared his fingers were itching to touch her.

  She gave him an appreciative look. “I’ve never flown in a helicopter before.”

  “Prepare to be impressed.” He gestured for her to precede him.

  One of the staff members escorted her to the helicopter, helped her inside, and closed the door firmly. Nicholas entered the helicopter on the other side.

  Acacia’s heart raced as the helicopter lifted into the sky. Although the flight to the hotel was only ten minutes, it seemed longer. In the late afternoon heat, a kind of haze hung over the sprawling city and its skyscrapers. The blue-green water of the gulf dazzled her. Then she saw the hotel.

  Hotel Dubai reminded her of part of a ship. It was a magnificent structure that rose high out of the water, linked to land by a palm-tree-lined causeway.

  The helicopter circled the hotel once before it landed on a helipad on top of the building. Within minutes, they were met by more hotel staff who guided them into an elevator and down to their suite.

  “Magnificent,” Acacia said as they exited the elevator. A large central atrium ascended to the highest point of the hotel. Glass allowed the sunlight to pour in, reflected by the white balconies that ringed every floor. Aegean blue and an abundance of gold, black, and red were featured in the décor.

  When they arrived at their suite, the door stood open. Six staff members, some of whom wore national dress, formed a receiving line in the entryway. Acacia accepted a hot towel to wash her hands before she retrieved a glass of champagne from a silver platter.

  “They pride themselves on seven star service,” Nicholas murmured as he saluted Acacia with his drink.

  She sipped champagne as she followed Nicholas and the private butlers assigned to the suite. There was a dining room, a private kitchen and pantry, a sitting room, and an entertainment room in addition to the bedrooms.

  Rick and Kurt’s bedrooms were on the first floor. Acacia’s room was situated across a wide hallway from Nicholas’s on the second story.

  The butlers unpacked Nicholas first before they moved to Acacia’s room. They hung her clothes in a large dressing room and showed her the items she’d ordered through the concierge.

  Nicholas dismissed the hotel staff as soon as possible and stood with Acacia in the front hall.

  Before she could say anything, Nicholas placed a finger to his lips and crossed to the dining room.

  Wen emerged from the doorway. He gave Acacia a wide smile and a wave.

  She smiled and waved in return.

  He scanned her with a metal wand and paused at her left arm. He opened his silver briefcase, removed a pair of magnifying glasses, and stared at her elbow. Then he used tweezers to remove something from the fabric of her jacket.

  He placed the item, which looked like lint, in a small box. Then he finished scanning her from head to foot, along with the contents of her handbag, before he repeated the process on Nicholas.

  Acacia observed the procedure anxiously.

  After he finished, Wen pointed to the room he’d just vacated and gave Nicholas the thumbs-up.

  Nicholas piloted Acacia into the dining room and closed the door. “Wen has already scanned in here, so we can talk now.”

  He placed his hands on her forearms and rubbed gently. “My advance team scanned the suite before we arrived, but then the hotel staff came in to deliver your clothes and a few other items. They’re re-scanning everything.”

  “What did he remove from my elbow?”

  “A surveillance device.”

  “From where?”

  Nicholas shrugged. “It could be from one of the staff. It could have been placed in the helicopter and you brushed up against it.” He pulled her into his arms. “You’re safe. Don’t worry about it.”

  Acacia’s forehead creased.

  He brushed his lips against the creases. “I’m sorry to say this is a way of life for me.”

  “I don’t know what people hope to accomplish by eavesdropping.” She touched his jaw, underneath his scar. “Please be careful.”

  “I am always careful, mon trésor. Now that you’re with me, I’ll be careful with you, too. I swear it.”

  He kissed her hungrily and lifted her arms so they wrapped around his neck.

  When they parted, he pushed a few curls away from her face. “What do you think of the suite?”

  “It’s incredible. Do you always stay here?”

  “No.” He grinned sheepishly. “I wanted to impress you.”

  His confession took her aback. He looked boyish and eager to please at that moment. She found his expression endearing.

  “The suite is beautiful. Thank you.” She touched his chest. “But I was impressed first by your character.”

  “Would that I would find myself worthy of you,” he whispered.

  She frowned. “I’m as good as anyone, but not better.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” His thumb stroked her lifeline.

  She tugged his head down and kissed him. Nicholas responded by bending her backward and pressing his body against hers.

  “Your guest room is only for appearances.” His mouth moved to her neck. “Tonight, you’ll be in my bed.”

  “I hope so.” She clung to his shoulders as his lips slid to her jaw.

  “The dining room table looks sturdy.” He nipped her ear and pulled her upright.

  Acacia looked over her shoulder at the large, gleaming mahogany table. “It’s about the right height.”

  Nicholas laughed.

  He gave the closed door a baleful look. “I wouldn’t want you to feel embarrassed.”

  Acacia followed his gaze. She thought of the staff on t
he other side of the door. At the moment, at least, she didn’t care.

  She removed her jacket and draped it over one of the chairs. Then she hopped up on the edge of the table and grabbed his tie. She pulled him between her knees.

  “Brazilians are incredible,” he whispered.

  She kissed him intensely and teased his tongue with hers. But when she loosened his tie, he caught her wrists with his hands.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “This isn’t…” He halted, his gaze on her hands.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  He lifted his head. “No, you’re magnificent. And I’m hard and wanting.”

  “Good.” She tugged, and he released her hands.

  “This isn’t what I want for us—hiding from the staff, a brief liaison on a table.”

  “We were just being playful,” she said quietly.

  “Of course.”

  He touched her cheek, and Acacia was sure he could feel her blush through his fingertips.

  “I want to be playful. But I’m concerned about the timing.”

  Acacia caught the edge of her tongue with her teeth. She shifted forward to move off the table, but he stopped her.

  He placed his palms flat on the table on either side of her hips. “You’re insulted.”

  She maintained eye contact. “Maybe you can explain what just happened.”

  “I’m trying to tell you I brought you here because I enjoy your company. I don’t want you to think you’re here simply for sex.”

  Her puzzlement lessened somewhat. “I was under the impression we’d become friends, as well as lovers. A spontaneous encounter on a table could be considered friendly.” She pressed down on the table experimentally.

  “Then I’ll make sure it happens. But later.” He moved the back of his fingers across her jaw. “I’m supposed to have a conference call in about ten minutes. You deserve far more attention and far more time than that.”

  He kissed the corner of her mouth, then the other corner. Finally, he kissed the center of her lips and tugged her lower lip into his mouth.

  “Your wish, your pleasure,” he whispered.