Read The Man in the Black Suit Page 23

  Acacia shivered and pulled him closer.

  Her cell phone rang, but she ignored it. Eventually, the call went to voicemail.

  When her phone rang again, Nicholas stepped back. “I think you’d better check that.”

  She scowled at the interruption, and with a curse, hopped off the table. She retrieved her phone from her handbag and looked at the screen. Two missed calls from Luc. One voice message.

  One text from Kate, which read:

  Luc is looking for you.

  He’s worried, and so am I.

  Please keep checking in

  so I know you’re okay.

  “I need a moment.” Acacia crossed to the other end of the dining room as her thumbs tapped against the screen.

  At hotel in Dubai. I’m fine.

  I’ll let Luc know I’m okay,

  but I don’t want him to know where I am.


  She sent the text to Kate and checked her voicemail.

  Luc sounded agitated. “Acacia, where are you? Have you been getting my messages? Your colleague Marcel is dead. The Paris police are conducting a murder investigation. Call me.”

  Acacia lowered her phone and stared at it.

  “Something wrong?” Nicholas approached her.

  She tapped the screen and turned the phone off. She skirted Nicholas to return the item to her handbag. “Luc keeps calling me.”

  Nicholas followed. “What does he want?”

  “He wants to know where I am. He heard about Marcel. He said the Paris police are investigating the murder.”

  “As expected.” Nicholas drew near and looped his arm around her waist. “Luc needs to be told you’re seeing someone.”

  Acacia lifted her chin. “I’ll handle it.”

  Nicholas’s eyes searched hers. He released her and took a measured step back. His expression grew blank as he moved to the large, well-stocked bar. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “No, thank you.” Acacia watched him, confused. His reaction was subdued but the air between them was unaccountably tense.

  Slowly and meticulously, he poured himself a Grey Goose vodka and tonic. He sipped the drink thoughtfully. “We’ll need to vacate the suite while my team goes over everything. Would you like to visit the spa?”

  “With you?”

  “I’m sorry.” He gave her an apologetic look. “I have a conference call and a few other things. You could take a swim, if you like, and visit the steam room. Or have a massage?”

  Acacia looked down at her hands. His offer was thoughtful, but clearly he was still irritated about Luc. “I’m not with him. I haven’t been for years.”

  Nicholas inhaled. “I know.”

  “You know?” She lifted her head. “How long have you known?”

  “I knew you two had history. I wasn’t sure what your feelings were for him.”

  Acacia’s eyes narrowed. “How did you know we have history?”

  “It came up in my investigation.”

  She cursed in Portuguese. “Do you investigate everyone?”

  “I wanted to know if Luc was clean or on the take. When I met you, I was concerned you were involved in the same illegal activities as Marcel.”

  Despite her best efforts, Acacia felt the muscles in her shoulders grow tight. “What did you find when you investigated me?”

  Nicholas’s features softened, and he put his drink down. “That you were intelligent and industrious. That you were well respected and had won awards and commendations for your work, prior to joining Hotel Victoire. That you had a few friends but spent most of your time alone.”

  “This isn’t fair.” She crossed her arms.

  “It isn’t,” he admitted. “I began investigating you after our first interaction at the Victoire. I had no idea one day I’d have to look into those beautiful hazel eyes of yours and apologize for breaching your privacy.”

  “Are you apologizing?”

  “Absolutely, but only for investigating you. Luc looked into me; it was only fair for me to look into him.”

  “How do you know he looked into you?”

  “My people have put certain markers in place that indicate when someone, especially law enforcement, takes an interest in one of my identities. I knew a few minutes after he’d typed my name into the BRB database.”

  “That’s frightening.”

  Nicholas came a step closer and brought his chest in contact with hers. “Is it?”

  “Knowledge is power. But it comes with tremendous responsibility.”

  “I don’t disagree.” His expression grew thoughtful. “I’m sorry I can’t accompany you to the spa. But this evening, you’ll have my full attention.”

  She rubbed her eyes. “Maybe a visit to the spa is a good idea. I wasn’t able to practice my martial arts this morning. I’ll work out my frustrations in the pool.”

  “I’d rather you work them out with me.” Nicholas’s voice was close to a growl.

  Acacia jerked her chin toward the dining room table. “We’ve had that conversation.”

  Nicholas lowered his head and his eyes leveled with hers. “Please be patient with me. We’re new. We will both make mistakes. But we have something special, and I want to explore it.”

  “All right.”

  “Thank you for telling me about Luc.”

  “You could have asked.”

  He frowned. “I’ve been referring to him as your boyfriend. You never corrected me. You told me it was none of my business.”

  She set her chin defiantly. “It wasn’t. Things have changed.”

  He smiled. “Yes. Which reminds me, I have something for you.”

  He returned to the bar, where a large black box sat. He presented it to her.

  She gave him a questioning look. When she opened the box, she found folds of ivory silk. Nestled against the silk was a necklace, formed of large blue globes.

  “I wanted to give you something to commemorate our time in Santorini.” Nicholas carefully removed the necklace from the box. “This is lapis lazuli. It matches the blue from the buildings on the island.”

  Acacia touched her hamsa pendant. As she looked at Nicholas holding the beautiful necklace, she unfastened it and wound it around her wrist, turning it into a bracelet.

  “You don’t have to take off your pendant,” he whispered. “You could wear both.”

  She reached out and touched the large lapis beads. “I wouldn’t want them to get scratched.”

  He indicated she should turn around. Carefully, he placed the necklace around her throat and fastened the large, gold clasp. The globes were cool and heavy against her skin.

  Her fingers coasted over the smooth beads. “It’s exquisite.”

  Nicholas turned her and took a step back. He smiled. “It looks wonderful.”

  “Thank you.” She touched the necklace again. “I love it.”

  His smile widened. “Good.”

  She reached up and moved her lips to his, gently stroking the back of his neck. “Do I have to go to the spa? I’d rather stay here.”

  He touched the curve of her cheek. “I need you to work out some frustration. But save some for me.”

  “I’ll try.” She winked.

  “Rick will go with you.”

  “That’s hardly comforting.”

  Nicholas chuckled. “Poor Rick.”

  With one final kiss, Nicholas pulled away. “Enjoy yourself. I’ll meet you here before dinner.”

  He opened the door. Rick stood in the entryway to the suite.

  Nicholas followed Acacia into the hall. “Rick, please escort Miss Silva to the spa.”

  Rick grunted and opened the door to the suite. He checked the hallway before he stood to one side, waiting for Acacia.

  She smiled over her shoulder at Nicholas befo
re she followed Rick into the hall.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  THE TWO-STORY HOTEL SPA was lavishly decorated, with windows that looked out over the gulf. Acacia enjoyed a swim and a visit to the steam room before her massage treatment.

  Although Rick haunted her like a distant ghost, Acacia spent most of her time by herself. She enjoyed the solitude, for it gave her time to think.

  The angry and exacting Monsieur Breckman had turned into the noble and passionate Nicholas Cassirer. He was jealous of Luc. Acacia was certain of that. She had to smile at the odd symmetry of the two men investigating one another while trying to protect her.

  She was attracted to Nicholas and cared for him. But as always, she was conscious of the fact that she must conceal things from him. If he were to uncover the truth, their relationship would be over.

  But Acacia was determined to live in the present, enjoy Nicholas, and not worry about the future.

  Two hours later, she returned to the suite, escorted by Rick. The spa had been incredible, and she was undeniably relaxed. But Rick had not spoken a word to her.

  Wen scanned Rick and Acacia as they re-entered the suite, finding nothing.

  Acacia turned to Rick as Wen retreated into the room that had become a command center.

  “Thank you,” she said in English.

  Rick’s face was impassive. Then, to her surprise, he spoke. “I don’t care who he fucks.”

  Acacia reared back.

  Rick’s expression remained unchanged, as if giving further weight to his words.

  She took a moment to count to ten. “That’s good, Rick, because it’s none of your business.”

  “My job is to protect him. Even from his women.” Rick’s American accent grew more pronounced. His expression was unchanged, but something glinted in his eyes.

  She refused to take the bait.

  “Thank you for protecting him.”

  Rick’s carefully controlled expression slipped. He looked shocked.

  “We both want the same thing.” Her voice was low but firm. “We want him to be safe. I’d like to see him happy as well. I doubt that signifies for you.”

  When Rick didn’t respond, she continued. “It would be better if we could co-exist peacefully and professionally. But I don’t want or need your approval.”

  She took a step forward, and her body relaxed, arms slack at her side.

  Rick glanced down at her arms, as if assessing a threat.

  She made eye contact. “Just to be clear, I know you carry a weapon. I’m still not afraid of you.

  “Thank you for escorting me to the spa. Have a good evening.”

  She turned and ascended the staircase, feeling Rick’s gaze follow her.

  It was after nine o’clock before Acacia and Nicholas went to dinner. Nicholas dressed in a bespoke suit he’d purchased during a previous visit to Paris. He paired the black suit with a crisp white shirt, gold cufflinks, and a pale blue silk tie.

  Acacia wore a crimson silk suit. The jacket fastened with a black satin bow and had notched collars. Both the jacket and matching skirt were covered with a subdued black floral pattern. She was grateful the hotel was well air-conditioned.

  They dined at an intimate table in one of the hotel’s lavish restaurants, with an incredible view of the water. Then they returned to the suite, where he escorted her to the second floor.

  It had been a very long day, but Acacia’s nerves tingled with anticipation. She noticed that the crate she’d seen earlier at the airport was now leaning against the wall between her room and Nicholas’s. “What’s in the crate?”

  Nicholas scratched his chin. “It’s something that might come in handy when we meet Constantine’s contact tomorrow. You’ve seen it before.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “I have?”

  “It’s the Matisse reproduction you saw back in Paris.”

  Acacia’s eyes widened. “Why is it here?”

  “I use it as a way of moving art through customs. I bring it into a country, such as Dubai, and ensure that it’s declared when I arrive and that the papers are stamped. Then, if I happen to purchase a stolen painting during my visit, I hide it in a secret compartment at the back of the crate. When I return to Europe, customs sees that I declared the painting on arrival in Dubai and waves it through.”

  “Does that work?”

  “Every time. However, I’m cautious about where I travel. With the support of the French Minister of the Interior, landing in France is preferable to other locations. If customs were to detain me, the Minister would intervene.”

  Acacia stared at the crate. “It’s so simple.”

  “The simplest solutions are usually the best solutions.” He crooked a finger and moved to the open doorway of his bedroom. “Come here.”

  Acacia glanced down the staircase to the front hall, where Kurt stood sentry. He didn’t make eye contact.

  “Come here,” Nicholas repeated. He drew her attention away from the bodyguard.

  She pushed aside any twinges of embarrassment and smiled as her high heels clicked across the beautifully tiled floor.

  Nicholas waited for her to enter his room before he closed and locked the door behind him. “Are you tired?”

  “No.” She examined the four-poster bed. It was very large and sat on a raised, purple velvet platform. A circular, tasseled canopy hung over it, and heavy red and gold silk curtains draped the sides. It was the bed of a king.

  Nicholas stood between her and the bed. “It’s interesting, isn’t it?”


  “Would you mind if we delayed our enjoyment of it?”

  At the tone of his voice, Acacia’s mouth went dry. “All right.”

  He kissed her hand and led her to the opulent marble bathroom. “I’ve had the bath butler draw a bath in the Jacuzzi.”

  “Bath butler?” Acacia repeated.

  She took in the low, cushioned benches stacked with white towels that flanked the raised Jacuzzi. She noted the generous assortment of Hermès amenities on the vanity. The Hotel Victoire offered a bath butler service, but only by request. Acacia had never experienced such luxury herself.

  Nicholas watched her eagerly. “Take your time getting in. I’ll join you shortly.”

  He kissed her and returned to the bedroom.

  Acacia touched her mouth with her fingertips. Nicholas was a gentleman, but he was certainly skilled in the erotic arts. His manners and thoughtfulness made him even more attractive.

  He’d seen her naked and had entered her body. Yet he still offered her privacy while getting into the bath. She found herself strangely appreciative of it.

  Nicholas certainly knew how to feed desire.

  The music of Miles Davis wafted from speakers set into the ceiling. Acacia recalled from the Hotel Victoire’s records that Nicholas enjoyed jazz.

  She surveyed the room. The bath butler had been busy. The lights were dimmed, and pillar candles had been placed artfully around the space. The scent of roses and sandalwood hung in the air. The Jacuzzi’s bubbling water echoed in the large space.

  Acacia carefully unfastened the necklace Nicholas had given her and arranged it on top of a folded towel. The smooth blue globes gleamed in the candlelight. She slipped out of her suit and hung it on an obliging hanger.

  She stood in her underwear in front of the several mirrors that lined the bathroom. She tossed her undergarments aside, climbed up to the Jacuzzi, and carefully stepped into the steaming water.

  She sat on one of the benches inside the tub and leaned against a cushioned headrest. It was heavenly.

  As she watched rose petals dance across the surface of the water, images from the night before crowded her mind. Nicholas had suggested she use the Jacuzzi early that morning because she was tender from their activities. Now, with the aid of the bath butler, N
icholas was insisting.

  Men like him were rare. She wondered at Silke letting him go.

  The thought that he’d brought Silke to similar places and wooed her in similar fashion rankled her. He deserved to be with someone who cared for him and wouldn’t run off and humiliate him in front of tabloids and the world.

  A few minutes later, the door to the bathroom opened and closed. Nicholas approached the Jacuzzi, clad in a white bathrobe.

  He stared, his gaze drawn to her bare shoulders. “May I join you?”

  “Of course.”

  Nicholas undid his bathrobe and set it aside. This gave Acacia a moment to appreciate his form.

  As he leaned against one of the marble pillars that flanked the Jacuzzi, his bicep flexed. He was in very good shape. Everywhere.

  He stepped into the Jacuzzi, and Acacia found herself hungry for him.

  She drew him onto the seat next to her and looped her arms around his neck, bringing her breasts to his chest.

  His hands slid down to cup her backside as their mouths fused.

  “That’s quite a welcome.” He tucked one of her long curls behind her ear.

  “I wanted to thank you.”

  He slid his nose along hers. “You don’t need to thank me with your body, although it’s a welcome gift.”

  “You care about my comfort. That means something to me.”

  He pushed another disobedient curl aside. “How do you feel?”

  “Relaxed. I enjoyed my visit to the spa. Thank you.”

  His thumb traced the crease between her hip and thigh. “And here?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Perfectly fine.”

  “Certainly perfect.” He touched her chin. “You don’t know how you appear with those eyes of yours, surprised that someone would want to spoil you.” He looked at her resolutely. “I’m eager to do more.”

  She gave him a half smile. “I just want your company.”

  Nicholas sat back on one of the benches and pulled her to straddle him. He spanned her hips with his hands, under the water. “Kiss me.”

  She tilted her head to take his mouth and tasted his lips leisurely before she pushed her tongue inside.