Read The Master of All Paths Page 10

The Master of All Paths

  For many moments, all he heard was the sound of his hearts beating.  Then, almost in rhythm with those beats, was a voice in the distance. “Va broosh na-kah lin kor eenor.  Na vor pra teen la neesh la kin va broor lich-nar.”  The blackness in front of him began to lighten and he could feel within him something stirring and moving,  He had felt this before, when he first inhaled the vapors from the sacred chalice, but this time, the snake-like movements in his spine were comforting, even familiar.  His breath was labored and his body felt incredibly heavy, almost foreign to him.

  As if of their own volition, his eyes sprang open.  He saw a pair of shining purple eyes in front of him.  “You have done well, Dee-Kam.”  The Nah-kell had an odd look on his face that seemed to be a mix of pride and annoyance.  “You have now completed the Vashteek sleep.”

  Dee-Kam sat up and had to steady himself on the altar on which he rested.  He could see the shadow of an imposing figure cast in the yellowy glow from the single light.  

  “Vash nek vish na kotz.  You have done well indeed, Dee-Kam.”  A face lined with age and wisdom appeared before him.  He recognized the man instantly.

  “J’esh Nah-kell!” exclaimed Dee-Kam as he bowed his head and averted his eyes.  “I am deeply honored and humbled by your presence.”

  “No, Dee-Kam.  I am honored and humbled by yours.”  He approached Dee-Kam with a big smile on his face.  “Do you know how long I have been J’esh Nah-kell?”

  Dee-Kam looked at his people’s spiritual leader and was simply too overcome to speak at first.  The J’esh Nah-kell was dressed in bright purple robes.  His long yellow hair was braided down the left side of his head while the hair on the right side flowed freely to the ground.  His eyes were a bright golden color which shone with an intensity that seemed to permeate the room.  After a moment Dee-Kam replied, “It is the 74th year of the 10th cycle of your Dynasty, J’esh Nah-kell Yesh-Am.”

  “Actually it is the 79th year, Dee-Kam."  He had slept for 5 years?!  This stunned him more than the fact he was having a private audience with the J'esh Nah-kell.  "That’s a very long time.  I am tired and old now.  I have been proud to lead the Kersh people and watch them prosper.  The Grinlach have been very pleased and it is time for me to ascend.”

  Five years!  After a moment the words just spoken registered within him.  “Oh wise J’esh Nah-kell, the Kersh will be lost without you.”  Dee-Kam jumped off the altar and took a position kneeling at the feet of his spiritual leader.

  “No, Dee-Kam.  They will not.”  There was a look of pure love in his eyes.  It was the unconditional love of a parent to his child.  “Arise Dee-Kam.  We have much to discuss.”

  Dee-Kam did as he was instructed and could not help but feel comfortable in this man's presence.  The J’esh Nah-kell began to walk and Dee-Kam followed.  This was the first time Dee-Kam noticed the planetary Nah-kell was no longer with them.  “What did you learn in the Vashteek sleep?”

  “The experience was unlike anything I could have imagined.  I remember the lives of each Lam-gol and understand each life-path.  The scenario that was arranged by the Grinlach was very enriching.”

  “You still have not answered my question.”

  “I learned that within every person lies perfection.  That perfection manifests itself in different ways depending upon the path the person takes.”

  “Go on.”

  “Every being plays a vital part in the universe whether farmer, warrior, or spiritual leader.  Without all of the players, life’s experiences would not be fulfilling.”  He amazed himself at these realizations but was confident this was true and correct.

  “And what of the animals and the pompous aliens?  How do they fit in to this universal play?”  The old man was smiling. 

  “J’esh Nah-kell, the spirit of the Grinlach is everywhere.  Now that I have completed the Vashteek sleep, I know this to be an unshakeable truth.  While we are here to lead the Kersh to ascension, other races and species also are imbued with the spirit of the Grinlach. The universe is made up of only two things -- the Grinlach and that which the Grinlach have created. All Kersh are equal.  All beings are equal.  All life-paths are equal for they are all creations of the Grinlach.”

  The wise man nodded in agreement.  “What happens when you ascend?”

  “You merge with the Grinlach.”  He answered quickly and confidently.

  The J'esh Nah-kell gave a disapproving look.  “That is a textbook answer from your school days.  What does it mean?”

  “It means that all parts of you become aware of the spirit of the Grinlach within you.”  There was a sense of knowing within Dee-Kam.  While could feel that knowing was always there, it was the act of questioning which brought forth the answer. "Since everything in the universe is either the Grinlach or their creations, that spirit is the only thing that is real.  Once the awareness of that truth becomes apparent, there is no longer a need for a body, for paths or anything else because at that point you realize that you are in fact, the Grinlach themselves.”  

  “Excellent.  You have truly become the Master of All Paths."  He took Dee-Kam's hand lovingly in his.  "Why would someone who is aware of this choose to delay ascension?”

  “To help lead the way for our people.  The awareness comes through experience.  The people gain their experiences by choosing life-paths.  The Nah-kells help people stay on their path.”

  “Yes, Dee-Kam, very good."  The mood in the room changed.  The J'esh Nah-kell took 3 paces back and continued.  "The few Kersh who enter Vashteek sleep must understand this by experiencing the eight life-paths through Lam-gols.  Most do not fully grasp the nature of the universe but all come away with a better understanding of things.  Those people who awaken from the Vashteek sleep without full awareness become planetary Nah-kells.  They are equipped to guide individuals down their life-paths but not the Kersh as a whole.”

  The planetary Nah-kell stepped into view.  “I entered the Vashteek sleep back in the 32nd year of the 4th cycle of Yesh-Am.  When I awoke, I had gained great knowledge but could not integrate it fully, as you have.”

  “The one who becomes fully aware is able to guide the entire species”, added the J’esh Nah-kell.

  Dee-Kam’s eyes widened as this phrase repeated in his head.

  “You will make a fine J’esh Nah-kell.  The Kersh will thrive under your guidance.  Welcome to the 1st year of the 1st cycle of the Dynasty of Dee-Kam.”

  Note from the Author

  THANK YOU!!!!!

  If you’ve read the entire story, thank you again!

  As this is my first ebook, I welcome your feedback. I’ve got a number of other stories in the works and hope to publish them soon. I’ll also be producing an audiobook version of The Master of All Paths in the (hopefully) near future.

  Please feel free to contact me with comments or questions.

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  About the Author

  Steve Rimpici is an American voice actor, sales professional, writer and stand-up philosopher, who has worked for Rockstar Games and the Discovery Health Channel. He is best known as the voice of Dr. Wolfgang Wagner in the independent film, The Puppet Monster Massacre. Additionally, Steve has voiced over 100 different characters for Strobie Studios’ productions of The Watson Files, The Ark of Time and The Horror of Poe.

  Steve also portrayed Dr. Avery Frank in Pioneer One, the first television series ever to be launched and distributed over torrent sites, and was the voice of Oma in Project London, the first feature-length live action film produced with over 700 visual e
ffects and animations created almost solely with the open source software Blender and worldwide volunteers. He is a big supporter of independent films and filmmakers.

  Steve lives in New York with his way-out-of-his-league fiancée, Jamie, a woman with the mind of Albert Einstein and the body of Marilyn Monroe, and his dog, Sofie, who is also smart and cute. Steve also has two beautiful children: Kayla, a nationally ranked gymnast, and Jeremy, a nationally ranked Lego and Minecraft maniac (well he would be ranked if they did such a thing).

  Steve is looking forward to publishing more stories and eventually adding his voice to a cartoon character that gets his own action figure.

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