Read The Master of All Paths Page 9

The Path of Humility

  Captain G’Leo Rica gazed lovingly into the mirror at the handsome face smiling back at him.  As usual there was not a hair out of place.  “Good morning, gorgeous.”  G’Leo put on four of his nicest rings and grabbed his favorite gold necklace.   Going back to the mirror, he imagined what a thrill it was for his conquests to gaze upon his visage, kiss his sumptuous lips and know the honor of being loved by Captain G’Leo Rica.  

  A knock at his door rudely broke the magic of the moment.  He spun around quickly and tripped over a 2200 year old table he acquired on Vidla IX.   His vision blurred for a moment and he felt lightheaded.   Annoyed at the intrusion, he steadied himself and yelled at the door.  “What is it?!  I’m very busy.”

  “Sir,” came a voice from behind the still closed door.  “Marshall Nala would like to have a word with you.”

  “Very well.  Tell the Marshall I’ll be right with him.”   G’Leo straightened his shirt and smoothed his pants, combed his hair and headed to the bridge.   Upon entering, Captain Rica saw the wrinkled, fat face of Marshall SmitMar Nala on the view screen.  Captain Rica had no idea how someone of such obvious lower class could achieve such a position in the Conglomerate.  The Marshall was an ugly, stupid oaf who should have been forced to retire ages ago.

  “Captain, report.”  The Marshall sounded angry.  He always sounded angry.

  “Marshall Nala, I have completed our last mission - successfully of course. The very sight of the Reisik and knowledge of its captain was enough to persuade the savages of the Parnat Alliance to sign a trade agreement with the Tarzees.  We will get 10% of the gross and I’ll expect my commission in my account by the end of the day.”  He paused for a second, thinking about the extra 2% of the gross that he would get from the Parnat and another 5% from the Tarzees that he negotiated on the side.  “What is my next mission, sir?”

  “I will get back to you tomorrow with a new assignment.  Nala out.”

  As the view screen went dark, Captain Rica fell into his command chair and sighed deeply.  “The Marshall obviously doesn’t appreciate all I do for him.  Why if it weren’t for my superior abilities, he’d never meet his quotas.”  He turned his attention to his officers on the bridge.  “You gents fancy a game of cards?”  Grunts of approval circulated around.  “Wonderful.  You there, Lieutenant… uh” he pointed at one of the underlings.  

  “Wilrio, sir.”  

  “Yes, very well, Wilrio.  If anyone is looking for me, I am in a very important executive meeting.  You have the bridge.”

  “Yes, sir.”  As Lt. Wilrio watched the Captain and the others leave, he wondered why he had signed up with the Conglomerate at all.  The Captain and the officers took all the glory and all the money, while he and the others in the lower ranks did all the work.  He doubted the Captain would even know how pilot the ship or activate the shields in the face of an attack.  He probably wouldn’t recognize a dangerous situation in the first place if he thought there was enough money to be made.

  In the Officers’ Lounge, Captain Rica sat in his favorite antique chair, trying to discern what kind of cards his associates held.  “So PerCee, are you in or out?”

  Lieutenant Commander PerCee Jenka looked at his cards and knew he couldn’t win the hand.  He was already down a week’s pay and did not want to lose more tonight.   “Out,” he said with disgust and threw his cards down on the ornately inlaid table.  PerCee was a young officer with good looks and even better breeding.  The Captain was thrilled to have him as part of the crew since his family was exceedingly wealthy, owning several planets.  The Jenka’s were appalled at first at his decision to join the Fol Conglomerate but found his abilities to craft deals were well suited to negotiating with savage alien races.  Standing just over 2 meters tall, PerCee looked thin and often somewhat lanky, but he carried himself with a pride and dignity worthy of the Jenka family name.  

  To his left sat Commander BifNeo Roysa, a large man fond of wearing oversized lace cuffs on all his clothes.  With over 40 years served in the Conglomerate, he had done very well for himself.  The Captain’s chair never held any allure for Roysa, flying under the radar by keeping his greed in check and melting into the background, cuffs notwithstanding.  After his long career he had no enemies and most in the Conglomerate did not know his name.  The Captain was the perfect person to work for, because Rica constantly demanded the spotlight and BifNeo Roysa was more than happy to let him have it.  “I raise another 27.”

  Next to Roysa sat Lieutenant AliUlo Ruza.  The youngest officer ever to enter the Conglomerate and continually scoring highest on his aptitude tests, Lt. Ruza was rising through the ranks quickly.  Most people in the Conglomerate viewed him as a bright new star in the making; Captain Rica saw him as a threat.  “I’m almost positive you’re bluffing Commander, but still, I’ve to keep a watchful eye on my funds.”  He tossed his cards down.  “I’m out.”

  “Feeling brave tonight, eh Roysa?”  The comment was made by the last player in their group, Executive Officer WohlFeo Gelta.  The XO didn’t have his Captain’s youthful good looks, but he had excellent contacts throughout most of the quadrant.  His reputation for handling things discreetly and delicately afforded him entry into the elite’s most private gatherings, which proved very profitable for all concerned.  As Executive Officer, he was the perfect balance for the Captain’s showman style and also was G’Leo’s best friend, this latter post much more difficult than the former.  “Too rich for me.  I’m out.”

  “All right BifNeo, you can’t scam a scammer.”  G’Leo smiled a wide smile at his friend.  “I agree to your bet.  Show your hand.”

  “I’ve got an even szifta.”  Commander Roysa was about the press his button to transfer the credits to his position when Captain Rica spoke up.

  “Imperial szifta”, G’Leo proudly stated.  He pushed his button with a grand flourish and laughed.

  “I swear I don’t know how he does it.” said Roysa as he leaned back into his chair.  “You can’t win against him.”

  “And gentlemen, I think that’s an excellent point to end on.”  Captain Rica rose and the others quickly followed suit.  “We’ll be getting a new assignment from our esteemed Marshall tomorrow and we want to look our best for the old blowhard.”

  Muffled laughter came from the officers as they exited the lush quarters.  They exchanged evening pleasantries and each headed to off to their quarters, or in the case of Lt. Ruza, the quarters of a certain Lieutenant Commander.  After locking the door to his room, G’Leo removed the stack of cards he held in his sleeves and started to undress.  He would not retire for at least an hour as he still had to perform his nightly beautification rituals. 

  Captain Rica gently woke with the Soothing Sounds alarm and smiled at his reflection above his bed.  “Hello handsome” he said brightly.  G’Leo dressed quickly and headed for the bridge.  He was anxious for his next assignment.  He hoped for some new exotic port of call where he could sample the local cuisine and the local females.

  “Marshall Nala initiating contact sir.” said a subordinate who he didn’t immediately recognize.

  “Put him through.”  G’Leo gave a quick flip of his hair and the Marshall image came into view.  “Good morning Marshall.” He acted disinterested so as not to appear anxious at all to receive new orders.

  “Captain Rica, I have a new assignment for you but I am reluctant to present it.  It is very,” was the Marshall fumbling for words?  “Delicate.”

  What did that mean?  The old man’s up to something.  “Marshall, tell me your orders.  You know I’m up for any task.”

  “This is not an order.  You are free to decline this offer without repercussion.”  Though stated, declining an order or an offer was not an option.  He’s setting up something big.  “The Conglomerate needs a big contract in order to make its yearly quota.  I want to get a trade agreement with the Kersh.”  This last bit of information got everyone’s attentio

  “The Kersh sir?”  He tried not to sound shocked.   He hoped he didn’t look nervous in front of the Marshall.  Rica could detect a slight smile on the old man’s face.

  “Yes Captain.  The Kersh.”  The Captain quickly ran through several scenarios in his head regarding this ‘offer’.  “You know Captain, I am retiring very soon.  A contract with the Kersh would mean a great deal to the Conglomerate and a huge bonus for me.  For the one who brokers the deal, well, the rewards would be great.  Wealth for sure, fame – absolutely.  Perhaps even a promotion to fill the spot of a retired Marshall.”

  This was one scenario the Captain had not foreseen.  The Marshall obviously had ulterior motives and must have been expecting him to refuse or fail in some way.  However, the old coot had a point.  If he could cut a deal with Kersh, his name would go down as the greatest negotiator who ever lived.  He’d be rich beyond his wildest imaginings.

  “I accept your offer Marshall.   Thank you for the opportunity.”

  “Very good Captain Rica.  I expect a report and a new contract shortly.  Nala out.”

  The view screen went blank as did the stares of the bridge crew.  “Officers please follow me to my conference room.”  Captain Rica stood up proud and tall and announced in a clear voice, “Helmsman set a course for the nearest Kersh planet.”  He did not wait for a reply as he and his officers filed off the bridge.

  “Gentlemen” he stated firmly as he handed out drinks to his men, “We have here an excellent opportunity.”

  “G’Leo, please.  The Kersh?” WohlFeo couldn’t believe Rica would actually engage the Kersh.  “Nala is crazy and so are you for accepting this assignment.”

  “I agree.  He must be expecting you to fail miserably on this one.  He’s looking for a way to discredit you.”  Said Commander Roysa calmly.

  “Really Captain, I hear the Kersh don’t take too kindly to strangers.”  AliUlo Ruza added as he lit an alabaster pipe.  “I’d say Nala wants you dead.”

  “Gentlemen, I agree with almost everything you’ve said, but all of you, and that idiot Nala, have overlooked one thing.”  He paused for a moment. “We will succeed at this.”  Thoughts, scenarios, and schemes raced through G’Leo’s mind as paced quickly from man to man explaining everything.  “Think about it.  No one has ever been able to craft a deal with the Kersh.  We succeed at this and we can force Nala to keep his word and retire.  With this success and our contacts, I’ll be sure to get the Marshall’s position.  That will allow me to bring all of my closest associates up with me.”  Ever word he spoke made his confidence in himself grow.  God, he was good.  “The money we can make from that position is staggering.  Not only do we get our deals but we get a piece of everyone underneath us.  We’ll be famous and gifts will be showered upon us by the Conglomerate for bringing in the Kersh.”  He stopped and sat in his favorite chair.  “It’s too big to pass up.”

  The four officers knew better than to try and talk their Captain down. Once he got so excited about a deal, no matter how much of a long shot, there was no reasoning with him.

  “So how do we do this?” asked Roysa.

  “What is it that the Kersh do not have but desperately want?”  Captain Rica looked at the blank stares of his men.  “Think guys.  From what we know of them, most of the Kersh never leave the planet they’ve settled on.  They work incredibly hard, never resting for a second.  They tend to their families and practice their little religion.  What’s missing?”

  “Sex”, said Lt. Commander Jenka.

  “No, they get plenty of that.  I think each one has 5 or 6 wives.” replied Commander Roysa.

  “It’s time” said Lt. Ruza.

  “Time for what?” asked the XO.

  “Exactly!”, G’Leo said excitedly. “Gentlemen.  AliUlo is correct.  Time is the one thing the Kersh don’t have enough of.  With all the work and chores they do, there is no free time for vacations.  Think about it.  We can strike a deal with Sternibrad’s Pleasure Planet and dozens of other resort planets.   Take four weeks or more and fill the place with Kersh and only Kersh guests.  They get guaranteed 100% occupancy and the Kersh get a little break from the monotony of their simple lives while still being around their own kind.”  He made an almost obscene grin and continued, “We of course, get fame and fortune for closing the deal and I get to be Marshall.”

  “I don’t mean to be a doubt you sir, but the Kersh are known to kill everyone who approaches them.”  The grin left G’Leo’s face and he glared at Lt. Ruza for ruining the mood with such a statement.  Smart-assed little peon.  The Captain quickly composed himself and smiled again, “Lt. Ruza, if you are having doubts about doing this, then please, feel free to leave and do business elsewhere.”  He raised his voice and spoke to all his officers.  “We know the rumors about the Kersh.  But this is the chance of a lifetime.  I am the best negotiator our people have.  We are the best team.  There have to be rational people among the Kersh and they will listen to our offer.  Once they listen, they will accept it.”

  The three older officers nodded affirmatively and raised their glasses for a toast to a very rich future with their Captain.  AliUlo Ruza did not.

  “I’m sorry Captain Rica, but I can not accompany you on this mission.  While I am looking forward to fame and fortune and I am also looking forward to having a long life.  As soon as the Reisik goes into orbit around a Kersh planet, it will be vaporized.  If for some reason you do make it to the surface, the Kersh will not welcome you.  You’ll be tortured and killed for sure.”

  Lt. Commander Jenka looked slightly nervous, but Rica, Roysa and Gelta simply laughed.  Captain Rica spoke slowly and deliberately as if to a small child.  “Lt. Ruza, I’m surprised at you.  I thought you were a smart man who had a great future ahead of him.  I can see now that that isn’t the case.”

  “Sir, if I may continue?”  The Captain nodded and he continued, “Since no one, absolutely no one, engages the Kersh, would it not be more prudent to approach the Kersh planet but not enter orbit, have a friendly ship meet us with whom we strike a small deal of our own making?  In this manner, we can still produce a contract for the Marshall, you will still be given credit for crafting the first deal with the “Kersh”, and we all stay alive.”

  G’Leo could see his officers shifting to their support behind this little punk who was too smart for his own good.  G’Leo had to put a stop to this immediately.   “Lt. Ruza, I have no interest in small deals nor do I wish to play the schoolyard game of ‘Let’s not but say we did’ with the Conglomerate.”  He put his arm on the Lieutenant’s shoulder, “This is your last chance to join us and blaze a place in history for yourself.  The alternative is to transfer to the space dock and wait for someone to pick you up.  I’ll have an open transfer order with you so you can join whatever crew wants you.  Alas, after this show of cowardice, I doubt you’ll get anything more than a garbage scow.”  He snickered slightly at the thought.

  “With all due respect, I think your luck has run out Captain.  I’ll take my chances on the space dock.  When this is over, I’ll be the one remembered as making a sound decision and will be rewarded handsomely for standing up to you.”  AliUlo Ruza left the room as several of the officers sat in stunned silence.

  Captain Rica was the first to speak.  “Well it turns out he’s not so smart after all, doesn’t it?”   His casual tone instantly put the other at ease.  “Stupid kid.  His career is over.  I guess he’ll run back home to Mommy and Daddy.”  He raised his glass high and called to all, “To fame and fortune!”

  He woke up the next morning to someone knocking loudly on his door.  “Sir, we’re one hour out from the Kersh planet.” The voice beyond the door said.  “Waking you up as requested.”

  “Wha?” he shook his head to wake himself up.  “Oh right, the Kersh.  Be right there.”  He got out of bed and put on his fuzzy slippers.  G’Leo Rica got himself properly primped and put on his dress unifor
m.  At first meetings, G’Leo always wanted to look his very best, so with that in mind he placed a ring on each finger and wore his finest platinum necklace.  He only brought it out for special occasions as it cost a small fortune (although he was able to strike a good deal on it).  The necklace was encrusted with rubies and emeralds and had a stunning blue diamond in the center.  He smiled at himself in the mirror next to the door and headed off to the bridge.  He arrived and saw a tiny greenish planet in the distance.

  “Five minutes to orbit around the planet Geeshna, sir.” Said Lt. Wilrio.

  “Very good.  Gelta, have Roysa and Jenka meet us in the shuttle launch bay.”

  “Should we contact the Kersh authorities from the bridge and arrange a meeting site first?” asked the XO.

  “WohlFeo, we want to look like we understand the Kersh already and we don’t want to give them an opportunity to say no that quickly.”  He turned to the helmsman.  “Lieutenant uh… .”

  “Wilrio, sir.”

  “Yes, Wilrio.  Transfer the coordinates of the largest city to the shuttle.  Once you’re in orbit, contact the planetary leader and let them know we’re on our way to discuss an exciting opportunity with them.”

  “Yes, sir.  Coordinates of a Central City have been sent to the shuttle.”

  “You have the bridge Lt. Rilweo.”

  “Wilrio, sir.”

  “Yes, of course.”  He stood up proudly.  “Gelta, join me on this historic mission.  Lieutenant, you have the bridge.”  Captain Rica and his Executive Officer quickly headed to the shuttle launch bay.  PerCee Jenka and BifNeo Roysa were waiting for them.  G’Leo shook each of their hands and headed into the shuttle.

  The voice of Lt. Wilrio came over the intercom, “We are now in orbit over Geeshna.”

  “Excellent, we’re off then.”  The shuttle bay doors opened and they immediately headed through the atmosphere towards the Central City.  “Gentlemen, we’re going to make history today and a fortune tonight.”  Captain Rica smiled and leaned back in the chair.  

  “Captain!” came a frantic voice from the intercom.

  “What is it Lieutenant?  We’ve literally been gone about 15 seconds.  Can’t you handle things?”

  “Captain!  The Kersh have locked orbital weapons on us!  Our shields are no match for … .” The line went silent and a shock wave hit the shuttle from behind.

  “G’Leo, our port thruster has been hit by debris!  We’re going off course!”  The XO looked panicked.  

  “My god.  The Reisik is gone.”  Lt. Jenka said stunned.  “We’re going to die!”

  “My pretty ship and all my beautiful antiques.  Gone.” said G’Leo Rica quietly.

  “I can still land the shuttle.” Said Lt. Commander Roysa.  “We’re not going to die!”, he yelled.

  Captain Rica snapped back to the here and now.  “That’s right.  We’re not going to die.”  We’ve gotten out of some pretty tough situations.  Once we land, we’ll meet with the planetary leaders and clear up this misunderstanding.”

  “Misunderstanding?!!” cried Lt. Jenka.  “They destroyed the ship!”

  “PerCee, calm down.  When this is over and we’ve negotiated a deal with them you can buy your own ship.”  He ran his fingers through his hair. “BifNeo, set us down where you can.”

  The shuttle landed with a great thump and the four men emerged, blinking their eyes in the harsh light of the twin suns and already sweating from the heat.  “We better make our way to the main city.  Anyone we find working these fields is bound to have no real authority.  We’ve got to find the leaders of this planet now.”  G’Leo’s voice was strangely calm in the face of everything that had happened.  He and his men started running.  A warm breeze hit their faces and only made them sweat more.  

  PerCee stopped running. “What was that?”  They all stopped and listened.  In the background they could hear some sort of a horn blowing.  “It’s an alarm!”  The men were not used to the heat of this planet, or exercising in general, but their pace quickened when they heard swift movement behind them.

  “Split up!”, yelled WohlFeo Gelta.

  G’Leo Rica couldn’t run anymore.  He heard the barking of dogs - big dogs – and he knew there was no way to outrun them.  The dogs were off in the distance a bit but it sounded like they were after the others. Good.  Perhaps they realized his status as leader and understood he was above such treatment.  He hid behind some obscenely large crops and tried to catch his breath, listening and watching intently to every sound, including that of a small animal that jumped into a path.  Near the animal, G’Leo could see PerCee wiping sweat from his brow.  The animal’s motion must have also caught the attention of others, including the two huge men dressed in heavy armor approaching that position.   Several knives hung from their leather belts and they looked like some ancient warriors come to life.   One was definitely older than the other but both looked equally dangerous.  The animal must have attracted their attention because they looked in PerCee’s direction.  The situation felt surreal to G’Leo. Here he was on the surface of a strange and ugly world running for his life and he was calmly watching his friend about to die at the hands of these two barbarians.  Suddenly he noticed a glint of light.  PerCee had a pulse pistol!  “Where’d he get that?”, he thought as PerCee took aim and fired.  The younger one must have seen him because he pushed the older warrior out of the way.  The pulse hit him square in the back.  The older man cradled his fallen comrade like a father would a son.  Was he his son?  He pushed the questions from his mind and tried to steady his stomach as the smell of burnt flesh assaulted his nostrils.  PerCee had killed someone and he knew he'd never done that before.  Strange emotions washed over him as a combination of excitement and fear filled him.  His comrade was in shock and looking at the pulse weapon in his hand.  It seemed foreign to him.  PerCee Jenka seemed hypnotized by the pistol and stared blankly at it.  As he watched the strange spectacle play out, G’Leo felt a surge of pride that he had been able to remain so calm in the face of such a scene.

  The sound of a large dog barking got louder and closer and snapped him back to the present.  He looked up to see a huge black dog baring its teeth, ready to lunge at him.  Before he could react, he felt the dog’s teeth bite into his arm.  Like a vise tightening around him, he could feel the teeth drive further through his flesh.  His warm blood spilled out over his hand leaving his palms sticky with it.  He screamed at the intensity of the pain.  This hurt more than he anything he had ever experienced in his life.  Instinct took over for G’Leo.  Grabbing a rock from the ground, he slammed it over and over into the dog’s head.  The first 2 blows forced the dog’s teeth further into his arm increasing the pain and loss of blood.  Finally on the third blow, the dog released him and fell to the ground.  G’Leo ran as fast as his legs could carry him into a clearing.  What he saw made him stop in his tracks.

  Kersh warriors held both Commander Roysa and XO Gelta.  Each of his comrades was bloodied and bruised, but alive.  The dire nature of the situation finally hit Captain Rica.  He looked at his friends and saw their ripped clothes and faces caked with blood, sweat and dirt.   He looked at his own arm as the blood turned the fine white fabric a deep blue.

  A wave of depression hit him hard.  He would not get the deal.  He would never be Marshall.  He would die with no ship and no possessions on an alien world.   With that thought G’Leo fell to the ground, curled up into a ball, and wept.

  After what seemed like many minutes, he saw PerCee being carried by the old Kersh warrior.  He held PerCee at the back of his neck and Captain Rica watched the blood drip onto the ground from where the warrior’s fingers had pierced his skin.

  The Kersh warrior spoke to PerCee but Captain Rica could not hear him.  G’Leo Rica, BifNeo Roysa and WohlFeo Gelta all stared as the Kersh warrior turned PerCee Jenka around to face him.  The warrior poked his long fingers into PerCee’s left eye and plucked it out of his skull a
s if he had just taken a truffle from a bowl.  He held the eye in front of PerCee’s remaining one and crushed it in his fist.  Lt. Jenka screamed loudly and had a look of terror in his right eye that scared Captain Rica to his soul.

  The warrior then unsheathed a large knife and grabbed PerCee’s right hand.   It looked as if the warrior could have torn PerCee’s arm off from the force he exerted on it.  With one strong wave of the blade, PerCee’s hand was severed at the wrist.  Blood spurted from the stump.  The screams were almost unbearable. Before PerCee hit the ground his Kersh captor grabbed his left hand and repeated the gruesome act.  Blood was everywhere.  Captain Rica desperately wanted to run to escape from the screams, but even though he was not being held, his legs would not move. The warrior had a look of contempt on his face as he grabbed PerCee by the throat.  Mercifully the screams stopped but only because Lt. Jenka’s windpipe was being crushed, but the warrior wasn't finished.  He used his long fingers and grasped onto PerCee’s tongue, pulled hard and stretched it to an obscene length.  Again the blade struck and PerCee’s tongue was cut out.  The screams were replaced with a sickening gurgling sound.  PerCee Jenka crumpled to the ground, spitting blood and after an eternity, fell silent.

  The world was spinning around Captain Rica.  All his plans and all his dreams were being violently taken away from him.  Jenka was the lowest ranking officer.  Maybe they recognized this.  Perhaps these Kersh could still be dealt with.  Captain Rica started to gather his strength and courage when he noticed Commander Roysa grabbing a diamond brooch from his uniform which he received from a very successful mission to Ceftaxine VI.  While the Kersh warrior holding him watched poor Lt. Jenka meet his fate, BifNeo plunged the sharp pointy end into the huge man’s forearm.  The warrior released his grip and BifNeo ran.  For a moment, G’Leo thought he might escape but Commander Roysa made it only about 5 steps before his Kersh captor caught him.  The warrior brandished a huge sword of some type and with one fell swoop severed both Roysa’s legs at the knees.

  Captain Rica watched in horror as Roysa fell to the ground, his legs literally cut out from under him. BifNeo Roysa wildly grabbed for his legs trying to somehow reattach them.  Even with the horror in front of him, Rica felt removed from the scene as if he were watching a holostream.   The sound of Roysa’s voice brought him back to reality.

  “Please do not kill me!  We did not mean to tread on your land!  We came only to help!  Please, I beg you!  Let us leave and you’ll never see us again!”  Roysa was crying now and hugging the leg of the Kersh warrior.  While he was disgusted that Commander Roysa would beg like a commoner, he watched with a sense of awe as the warrior simply sighed.  No explanations.  No pity.  Just a sigh.  At that moment, Rica recognized the look in the warrior’s expression.  It was his own while looking down at an annoying animal or dirty, simpering urchin begging for money.  But where Rica ignored such annoyances, the Kersh warrior removed a short sword from a scabbard and quickly beheaded Roysa.  It was a smooth move.  No hesitation.  No remorse.  No thought at all.  Just like swatting an insect.  

  Rica saw the blank stare in the eyes of his friend’s head which landed near one of his legs.  Roysa’s torso was leaning to one side on top of his other severed leg.  Blood spurted in several directions and Rica found himself laughing at the sight of it.  While what these Kersh were doing was incredibly cruel, he had to respect the consistent and even-handed way the dealt with everyone.  Perhaps he could still deal with these people.

  The cries of his XO, WohFeo Gelta now attracted his attention.  It was obvious that Gelta had vomited and soiled himself at some point.  The sight of his officer and friend disgusted him.  G’Leo knew he could not escape but perhaps he could still complete his mission.  He picked himself up off the ground, stood up proudly and watched the events unfold.

  Gelta pointed directly at him.  “He’s our Captain!  Don’t kill me!  He ordered us to come here!  We told him we shouldn’t attempt to land but he ordered us!  I was only following orders!!! I can’t stand the screaming anymore!  I can still hear PerCee and Roysa in my head!  Stop it!  Stop it!! STOP IT!!”  He was screaming like a hysterical child.  “I don’t want to die!  Kill him instead!!!”   G’Leo stood his ground and made no attempt to reply or run away.  

  The Kersh warrior looked at Gelta with the same disgust as Rica.  “Hao-Le!” he said as he removed a knife from the forearm of his uniform.  “De Baesh-ok.”  The blade was in his right hand.  One quick smooth motion later, Gelta’s left ear bounced off his shoulder and hit the dirt.  Rica watched the warrior spin the blade in his palm with a flourish. Another half turn and a quick swipe and Gelta’s right ear fell off and joined its twin.  Finally the warrior pulled a second, identical knife from the other forearm and spun both in his palms.  Before the shrieking Gelta hit the ground, the warrior plunged both knives into the bloody sides of the XO’s head and the shrieks began to subside.  The warrior grabbed Gelta by the neck and completely lifted him from the ground with one hand.  His free hand unsheathed another knife which was quickly plunged into Gelta’s chest.  Rica could hear his friend gasp as the knife pierced the flesh and ripped through bone.  The warrior opened Gelta’s chest and ripped out his still beating heart.  He dropped the XO’s body like a rag doll and walked over to Rica.

  G’Leo wasn't horrified by what he witnessed.  Oddly enough he felt more alive than he had in years.  The Kersh warrior placed WohlFeo’s heart at his feet.  Captain Rica normally would have retched at the sight of such a spectacle, but instead asked himself what a Kersh warrior would do in this situation.  Looking at the heart of his friend in disgust, knew what he must do.  While he thought for a second about how his ornate boots would be ruined, Rica spat upon the heart and stamped down heavily on it.   The warrior seemed to give a look of approval and walked away.  The three warriors now surrounded G’Leo but made no further attempt to approach him.  Two dogs were eating the flesh of his fallen comrades while one stood by his master and barked loudly.  Perhaps, after all, he would be able to craft a deal.

  After a moment another warrior entered the clearing.  It was obvious this was their leader.  He stood proud and tall as the other warriors bowed their heads slightly to him as he approached.

  G’Leo Rica heard the leader bark some orders in the Kersh language and each warrior spoke in turn.  Captain Rica guessed the leader was getting a full report from his men.  The Kersh leader walked towards Rica with hatred in his eyes but he held his ground.  If he wanted to deal with these Kersh, he would have to prove himself not to be a coward.  The leader seemed to scan every inch of his body in a single glance.  Perhaps he was admiring his rings and jewel encrusted necklace.  This Kersh leader had good taste apparently.

  The leader spoke in a booming voice in perfect Standard. “Before I complete the work of my men, you may speak and try to have honor in death.”

  “I do not think you wish to kill me.  My name is G’Leo Rica from the Fol Conglomerate.  I am the leader of this delegation.  We meant no harm but only wished to spread the joyous word of our community.  I bring you something that you need.”

  “Enough!  You worthless Kus-Umak!”  He grabbed G’Leo Rica by the chest and drew him up to his height.  “Peace had reigned for many dynasties on our worlds.  Most outsiders recognize their inferiority and do not engage the Kersh.  Unfortunately there are always a few like you who feel they are equal to or even better than the Kersh and dare to tread on our soil!!  All we need is to be left free of vermin like you.”

  The wind had been knocked out of Captain Rica but he found the strength to speak.  “What you need sir, is more time to enjoy with your families.  I can help open your worlds to the rest of the Coalition.  I can set up entire planets with Kersh only vacations where you can relax and be free from work yet still be with your own people.   I know the Kersh wish to have no contact with outsiders.  My crew has already lost limb and life to come here."  He hoped the little p
lay on words was not lost on the warrior.  "It is obvious that the Kersh work incredibly hard.  I understand that you all have very large and strong bonded families.  I would imagine that a few weeks away from the fields of crops and fields of battle to enjoy and pursue other interests would be something of value to the Kersh.  I can provide that for you.”  The Kersh leader seemed to be somewhat dumbfounded by the idea.  Perhaps he was just a smooth negotiator.  Rica would expect to take about 7% from this deal.  “Because this would be the first of many deals between our cultures, if funding is an issue, I would even cut my fees in half from my normal 20% for you enter into contract with the Fol Conglomerate.  If we can go to your Central City, I can receive new copies of the documents for you to sign.  Shall we go?”  Rica still staring into the eyes of the Kersh leader and suspended half a meter off the ground, quickly became silent.  He knew whoever spoke next would lose the deal.

  The Kersh leader let out a rather evil sounding laugh.  “You are strong willed, Hao-Le, yet you know nothing of the Kersh way.”  His raised his voice and threw G’Leo Rica to the ground.  “You have one redeeming quality in that you have given me an idea.  We shall go to the Central City as you suggest.”

  A broad smile erupted on Captain Rica’s face.  He had done it.  In the face of certain death, Captain - no - Marshall G’Leo Rica had closed the deal with the Kersh.  “You will not regret this.  This will be an historic contract that will ripple throughout the galaxy.”

  “I know I will not regret this.  You have agreed to cut your fees in half.  I accept those terms and will do it for you.”  The Kersh leader unsheathed his blade with his right hand and held G’Leo Rica with his left.  

  Captain Rica assumed this was some sort of Kersh pre-contract ritual celebration but then he felt a strange sensation between his legs.  A nervous laugh escaped from his lips as he saw the look of intense enjoyment in the leader’s eyes.  Intense pain shot up from his groin.  He could feel his blood running down his legs.  The blade sliced through his flesh and bone with a machine-like precision and rhythm.  G’Leo Rica screamed like he had never done before.  The pain was agonizing and the blade slowly ripped through him. All the while the Kersh leader had a look of evil satisfaction in his eyes.   The pain continued but G’Leo soon found he had grown numb to it.  He looked down to see his intestines hanging beneath him.  Half of the leader’s arm was covered with his blood and entrails.  G’Leo screamed even louder at the sight.  Though the Kersh leader never quickened his pace, G’Leo mercifully began to pass out.  The pain and shock of it all began to overtake him and blood gurgled from his mouth.  He heard a voice that seemed to be in the distance. “You will be humbled before me, Kus-Umak.  See the face of your master before you die.”  The Kersh leader gripped his neck tighter and began to crush his windpipe. Their eyes met as he ripped out G’Leo’s heart.  As the last breath escaped G’Leo Rica’s mouth, the light of the twin suns of an alien world glinted off his finest jewel encrusted, platinum necklace.