Read The Mating Page 16

  “Elise, I can do that.” Kane began to walk away from the group, but Marla grabbed his arm.

  “Kane, I need to talk to you—” The curvaceous blonde pressed herself closer to Kane, but he stepped back and frowned.

  “Marla, I’m tired. Whatever you need to say, you can tell John.”

  “Oh, but I was hoping you’d be able to drive me home tonight. One of my headlights isn’t working and…”

  Kane cut her off. “Franz is heading into town, aren’t you Franz?” The man nodded. “I’m sure he’d be willing to give you a lift, or follow behind your car, to make sure you get home in one piece.” Pulling his arm free, Kane walked away and started to fold up chairs, failing to see the astonished look on Marla’s face, which was then followed by a pout. Abruptly the woman turned and stomped out of the room. John and Franz just shrugged and continued their conversation.

  Elise had watched the whole incident with interest. Helen was right. Kane was upset and Marla would have to do some fancy footwork to get back on his good side. The thought pleased her no end. Kane was her mate, and while she wasn’t sure exactly how she felt about him, she did know that she couldn’t tolerate the idea of Marla getting her claws into him.

  Between the two of them, they had the chairs put away in no time. John carried the coffee urn upstairs and Helen declared that the room was ‘good enough’ for the night. “We can vacuum, wipe the tables, and deal with the presents tomorrow. I don’t know about you young people, but my old body doesn’t appreciate being up until midnight anymore.” With that, Helen took her leave and John headed upstairs as well. Turning off the lights, Kane put his arm around Elise’s waist and led her to their suite.

  Once upstairs, he wearily began to pull his shirt off, stretching his neck as his tense muscles twinged. “What a day. I’m exhausted.” He dropped to the edge of the bed and pulled off his shoes and socks then rested his forearms on his knees. “I don’t know how it was for you, but the unease of the pack during that meeting was really noticeable to me. I’m not sure if John and I managed to reassure them sufficiently or not.” He exhaled gustily and rubbed the back of his neck.

  Remembering her thoughts during dinner, Elise sat down beside him and began to rub his shoulders. “I think you did the best that you could, given the circumstances. It seems to me that with so much happening all at once, there’s really no way to completely soothe everyone’s concerns. You presented the facts, stated what you were doing to deal with the issues, and now they just have to have faith that their Alpha will do his job.”

  “Thanks. I know that the pack is behind me and some just needed to air their concerns, but it’s really wearing trying to remain calm and reasonable. The Alphas of old would have just ripped the throat out of anyone who questioned them or gave them a hard time. It wasn’t the right way to do things, but in some ways it was easier.” Kane gave a rueful chuckle and then smiled gratefully at Elise. “Mmm, that shoulder massage feels good.” He leaned appreciatively into her hands.

  “Here, lie down.” Elise gave him a gentle push and Kane rolled onto his stomach. Straddling his hips, she began to work on the stiff muscles of his shoulders, neck, and back. “My goodness, I’ve felt concrete with more give than your back.”

  “That’s where my stress always goes; right into my back and shoulders.” Kane closed his eyes and gave a moan of pleasure as her efforts began to meet with some success. “I can’t believe the mess I’m facing. When I was Beta, there were never this many problems, but since Zack’s death it’s just been one thing after another.”

  “You do seem to have more than your fair share to deal with.” Elise agreed as she shifted a bit in order to apply more pressure to a particularly nasty knot in his shoulder.

  “Problems with hunters and trappers are common every fall, but this business with Ryne really has me down. I never would have thought he’d turn on his pack like this and, despite what I’m saying to the others, I’m beginning to have my doubts as to his innocence. It’s just too many coincidences.”

  “What was Ryne like?”

  “Well—he was always more impulsive than me. Quick to fly off the handle or jump to conclusions, but he was equally quick to apologise and admit he’d made a mistake. Ryne was hard working and loyal to the pack, but he fit into the human world quite well too. He had a promising career as a nature photographer and actually had a few exhibits of his work. They weren’t economically profitable, but there was quite a bit of critical praise for his pictures.”

  Elise suddenly remembered the picture she’d seen and admired in the mall. It had been one of Ryne’s. Opening her mouth to comment on it, Kane sighed and began talking again before she could speak.

  “In the weeks before Zack’s death, and the challenge, Ryne seemed to change. He’d usually been upbeat and sociable, but suddenly he was like a bear with a sore paw, keeping to himself and miserable with everyone. Something was bothering him, but he would never tell me what it was. Even so, it was a complete surprise when he issued the challenge for the leadership. He’d seemed happy as a co-Beta and more interested in pursuing photography. Being Alpha wouldn’t have left him time for that.”

  “Did you ever consider not accepting the challenge?”

  “No—there was something inside me that wouldn’t let me back down. Call it instinct or ego, but I just knew that I had to step forward, that the pack needed me and I was the best man for the job. That’s not to say that on days like this, I don’t wish that I had just stayed a Beta.” He chuckled into the pillow.

  “So what do you think Ryne’s doing right now? Is he really going around trying to hurt members of the pack as some sort of twisted revenge against you?”

  “It’s the only reason I can think of; though any vendetta should just be against me, not the whole pack.” Kane shifted under her and rolled over, folding his hands behind his head. Elise’s palm rested against his chest and their eyes locked. “I’ve had enough work for one day. Let’s talk about something more pleasant.” Reaching up, Kane twirled a lock of her hair around his finger. “Did you enjoy the party?”

  “Well, it was certainly a surprise—I honestly had no idea—and it was very nice of everyone to be so welcoming.”

  “Helen and Carrie approached me with the idea the first day you were here. Initially, I thought it was just a welcoming party for you, but somewhere along the line it became the next best thing to a wedding reception. Both of them felt a public acknowledgement of our union was needed.” He shrugged then tugged gently on her hair so that she was lying on top of him. The steady beat of his heart thudded under her ear and he wrapped an arm around her waist while trailing his other hand up and down her back.

  “Elise, are you happy here? I know it’s only been a few days and I’ve been so caught up in business, that I haven’t given you the attention you deserve but… Is it okay? Is this working for you?”

  Feeling the warmth of his body spreading through hers and the play of his muscles beneath her, Elise could only think of how right it felt to be pressed against him, to feel such closeness. She nodded. “Yeah—so far it’s been okay.”

  “Good.” Kane rubbed his hand leisurely up and down her back. “You know, I was a bit nervous about this whole being mated business. I’ve never really had a family—a long boring story that I’ll tell you some day—but it’s something I’ve always wanted. I’ll give you fair warning, I’m not sure exactly how to be part of a small family unit. I know how to belong to a pack, but being close to just one person is a bit foreign to me. I promise I will do my best by you, though.”

  Elise lifted her head and looked down at Kane. He seemed vulnerable at that moment, not the self-assured Alpha that had faced a large crowd just a few hours earlier. “I know you will,” she whispered softly, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

  “I think I’m going to like this.” He replied half teasing, but she could see the sincerity in his eyes. “It will be nice to just be myself around someone and not always the stern
, oh-so-wise Alpha.”

  “Somehow, I think the Alpha part isn’t going to disappear, just because we’re alone.” She chuckled softly as she tried to picture Kane just being an ordinary, run of the mill person.

  Kane seemed to consider the point. “You’re probably right. When I became Alpha, I could almost sense a change within myself, like a set of extra dominant chemicals or genes were suddenly set free within me. I’m trying to remain calm and impartial, but I find myself having to rein in my temper when someone opposes me. I guess the old instincts will always be there.”

  “It’s who we are. Yes, we’ve evolved and become more civilized over the years, but on some level the wolf mentality will always be a part of us; it’s our heritage.” Elise said simply.

  “You’re pretty wise for one so young.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

  “I’ve always thought so!” Smiling smugly, Elise rested her head on his chest again, gently tracing patterns on his upper arm with her fingertips. This was nice, being together like this, just talking. There was a level of comfort developing between them and it made her feel good inside.

  Kane’s breathing was slowing, she suddenly realised, and his arms around her waist were loose. Lifting her head, she saw that his eyes had shut and he was sound asleep. Carefully, she climbed off him and he frowned, but didn’t wake up. Elise changed into her nightgown, removed Kane’s belt and pulled off his pants so he’d be more comfortable. Settling a blanket over him, she crawled into bed beside him. “Good night, Kane,” she whispered and then turned out the lights, soon falling into a deep sleep with her head against the shoulder of her mate.

  Chapter 16

  Kane was gone when Elise woke up the next morning. She stretched luxuriously and smiled. Last night had been nice. They hadn’t had sex; they’d just talked and then slept beside each other yet she felt so much closer to him. Knowing that he really wanted to build a future with her, made her feel more confident. Let the Marlas of the world do what they would!

  Rolling out of bed, she showered and wandered downstairs. Kane didn’t show up for breakfast but he’d left a her a note stating that he had a meeting with the pack’s lawyers, over the Northern Oil issue, and would be back for lunch. Elise smiled, pleased that he’d informed her himself, rather than just having someone else pass the word along. She felt it showed he was really trying to build a relationship with her.

  After breakfast, Elise went downstairs to the recreation room where they’d had the meeting and party last night, to begin the task of taking the bonding presents up to their suite. There were picture frames and vases, gift certificates and even an intricate carving of a wolf guarding his mate. She wasn’t sure where to put everything, but thought maybe she and Kane could decide that together. Her morning was busy running up and down the stairs and by noon, she was ready to sit and rest for a while.

  Kane was back for lunch just as he’d promised, and afterwards they went to visit with Julia and Thomas, Kane holding her hand as they strolled along. Thomas was chafing at having been confined inside for so long and Julia rolled her eyes as he expressed his frustration. Grabbing Elise’s hand, she pulled her out the door, calling over her shoulder to Kane. “You listen to him complain for awhile. I’m going for a walk with Elise while I still have my sanity!”

  Once they were outside, Julia stopped and rubbed her temples. “I know being stuck inside for an extended period is hard on any wolf, but to listen to Thomas tell it, he’s the only man to have ever been subjected to such inhumane treatment. I’ll tell you Elise, I love him dearly, but if he complains one more time today, I won’t be responsible for my actions!”

  “It can’t be that bad, can it?” Elise looked doubtfully at her friend.

  “Just you wait. One of these days, Kane will get a head cold or something and he’ll turn into the biggest baby you’ve ever seen. I swear, the tougher they are when they’re healthy, the worse they are when they get sick!”

  “Gee, I can hardly wait.” The two women looked at each other and then laughed, before heading into the woods for a run. By the time they returned, Thomas was napping and Kane had left to inspect the site of the oil spill.

  With the remainder of the afternoon looming ahead of her, Elise wandered upstairs to their sitting room. She searched through the stack of books that Julia had lent her, and finding one that looked suitably interesting, settled back to become lost in a romantic suspense set several centuries earlier.

  Kane found her sleeping there several hours later and after a rather satisfactory interlude, they went down for dinner. As usual, it was a good meal with friendly conversation but Carrie and John got up immediately afterwards explaining that they were meeting Franz and Gisele at the local theatre. Helen also headed off to her room, insisting there was marathon of old TV shows on that she didn’t want to miss. As the room suddenly emptied, Elise and Kane looked at each other.

  “Alone at last?” Kane raised his eye-brows.

  “So it would appear.”

  “Hmm—I wonder if they purposely cleared out so we’d have some alone time.”

  Elise felt herself blushing at the idea, but wouldn’t put it past Carrie and Helen. She had a sinking feeling that those two were unrepentant matchmakers, who wouldn’t let up until she and Kane blood bonded.


  That day established a pattern for the rest of the week. Elise would get up, poke about the house, have lunch with Kane, visit Julia, read, and eat dinner. The others seemed to find various reasons to leave them alone each evening and Elise found that becoming her favourite time of the day. She would read while Kane finished up any urgent business or they’d watch TV together until bedtime. Then the rest of the night would be spent cuddling or having sex; Elise readily admitted to herself that her mate was a skilled lover and she was becoming addicted to his touch.

  Helen pointedly looked at her neck each morning but never mentioned the blood bond again, though Elise could sense the woman was getting impatient with them. Elise paid her no mind though. It was between her and Kane and since he hadn’t brought it up, she wouldn’t either. At times, she did watch John and Carrie with envy. They often slipped an “I love you” into their greetings or departures and seemed to seek each other out, holding hands or brushing against each other. Would she and Kane ever become that close? A hollow feeling would sometimes appear inside her when she thought too much about it, so she firmly pushed the idea away.

  Thoughts of Bryan also passed through her mind, especially in the mornings since she’d taken to writing in her diary again. She was trying to analyse her feelings for him and Kane, and found that writing them down seemed to help. To be sure, she missed Bryan and the good times they’d had together, but was coming to suspect that her feelings for him were more that of deep friendship based on years of togetherness, rather than an all consuming passionate love.

  Her new existence was pleasant and on the one-week anniversary of her mating, Elise found herself in Kane’s office again, reading as he worked. It was a companionable way to spend the evening, the scratching of Kane’s pen and the occasional rustle caused by the turning of a page, keeping the room from being totally silent.

  Despite her claims that her book was engrossing, Elise found her gaze wandering from the text and staring at Kane’s back as he bent over his work. It had been a good week, she reflected. The time spent with Kane had been nice, but she knew that he wouldn’t always be home for lunch nor have time for late afternoon romps. At this point in time, they were experiencing an unusual lull in pack business; the oil company negotiations were in the hands of the lawyers, they were still waiting for lab results on the oil spill and no further problems with Ryne had occurred. Somehow, she knew that a rush of activity must be just around the corner.

  Yes, it had been a pleasant week, but a trifle long with nothing in particular to do. She couldn’t begin to imagine what she’d do once Kane became really busy again. The idea of spending the rest of her life just wandering around and readi
ng held little appeal. Helen had the house thoroughly under control and, while Elise had helped with the various meals and cleanup afterwards, she knew her assistance wasn’t crucial.