Read The Mating Page 17

  Not being one to sit doing nothing, Elise knew she’d have to find something to keep herself occupied. Remembering her half-formed plan from the day she’d gone shopping with Zoe and Phoebe, Elise decided to raise the idea of getting a part-time job. She wasn’t sure how Kane would feel about the idea; did Alpha mates even work outside the home? She suspected that wasn’t done usually, and hoped she’d be able to talk Kane around to her way of thinking. Studying him for a moment longer, she decided, when he was finished his report, she’d broach the subject.

  Satisfied with her plan, Elise went back to reading her book.



  “Hmm?” Looking up, she was surprised to find the roles reversed and now Kane watching her. “Oh! Are you done your report already?”

  “Already? I’ve spent almost two hours on the damn thing! But yes, it’s done. Listen, I was just thinking that maybe tomorrow, when I go to drop this paperwork off, you’d like to come with me, and we could pick out a car for you to use.”

  “A car? For me?”

  “Yes. A car. For you.” He chuckled at her surprised expression. “We’re quite a ways out and you’ll want to get about on your own sometime.”

  “Kane—I don’t know what to say. That’s a great idea, but I really can’t afford a car right now.”

  “What do you mean you can’t afford a car? You’re my mate. I’ll buy you a car. As a matter of fact, I was going to set up an account in your name tomorrow, too. You’ll want to go shopping and get your hair done and… Well… Whatever else you ladies do.”

  She frowned a bit at his rather condescending view of how ‘ladies’ spent their time then realised that, to be fair, she hadn’t really done anything yet that showed great initiative. Well, now was the time to change that. “Um—that’s very generous of you, Kane. But actually I was going to talk to you about something. I was thinking that I’d like to get a part-time job.” Kane opened his mouth to speak but Elise powered on, giving him no chance to interrupt. “Back home, I helped out a bit in the office and around the house, and I earned a small wage from the pack’s general operating budget. I know you probably don’t need that kind of help here, so I was thinking I’d apply for a job waitressing in town.”

  “Elise, you don’t need to work. Despite the possible financial problems the oil spill will cause us, the pack isn’t destitute yet.” Kane leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. Inwardly Elise winced. That wasn’t a good sign.

  “I know, but I like the idea of having my own money and being a bit independent.”

  “Well, the Alpha’s wife has an allowance because of her position. You’ll be ‘earning your keep’ by hosting visitors and cooking, and helping with meetings.”

  “Not really. Those are Helen’s jobs.”

  “Because she was the Alpha female. Now, as my mate, it’s your job.”

  Elise had been afraid of this but continued on, putting forth her defence. “Helen’s done those jobs for years and she loves it. We can’t just take that from her. She looks so happy when she’s organising and cooking. I’m sure she’d step aside, if I said I wanted to take over, but I wouldn’t be nearly as good at it and she’d probably feel hurt and a bit lost.” Kane’s expression seemed to be wavering, so she pressed her advantage. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to avoid my responsibilities. Someday, when she wants to ‘retire’ I’ll take over, but until then I’d rather stay on the sidelines and help out now and then, sort of like being an understudy or an Alpha-female-in-training.”

  “Hmm, I see your point about Helen. But you still don’t have to work. I have more than enough for the two of us.”

  “But Kane, what will I do with my time? It was nice to just wander around this week, visiting and reading and napping but I can’t do that all the time. I’ll get bored with nothing to do. I’m not talking about anything full-time, just a few hours a day.”

  Kane looked at her for a few minutes, and then sighed. “All right. It’s highly irregular, but I can see your point. I’m still getting you a car though and setting up an account. A part-time job waitressing won’t earn you that much.”

  “Okay.” Elise conceded on the bank account, deciding it wasn’t worth arguing over and Kane was right. She would need a car, especially if she got a job. The account… Well, it could be opened and whether or not she ever used it, remained to be seen. Kane was her mate and if it made him feel good to think he was providing for her, then that was fine.

  “Do you have any idea where you might apply for a job?”

  “Actually, there’s a place in town called the Grey Goose. I was there with Helen and her girls the other day. It seemed like the sort of place where I’d feel comfortable working.”

  Kane nodded. “I know exactly where it is, and yes, it would be a good choice. I can drop you off there tomorrow morning; you can talk to the manager while I take care of my business. Then we can go hit the dealerships.”


  The next morning, they drove into town and Kane dropped her off outside the Grey Goose. “I’ll only be about half an hour. Wait for me here when you’re finished and then we’ll go find you a car.”

  Elise hopped out, waved as he left, then turned to face the entrance of the building. Chewing on her lip, she began to question the wisdom of trying to get a job. Sure she’d helped serve large meals at home when the whole pack got together, but her actual work experience was sadly lacking. It would be embarrassing if no one would hire her, especially after she’d insisted to Kane that she needed to work. Wiping her suddenly sweaty palms on her pants, she took a deep breath and entered the Grey Goose Tea House, determined to put her best foot forward and hoping a cheerful, willing attitude would compensate for her lack of formal training.

  Half an hour later she met Kane in the parking lot, beaming with excitement. “I’ve got a job! It’s only a few hours a week, until he sees how I work out, but at least that’s a start. At first I didn’t think he’d hire me, given that I had no experience, but then he got called away to answer the phone and when he came back, he said he’d thought it over and would give me a try. Isn’t that great, Kane?”

  Taking in her glowing face, Kane nodded. “If it makes you this happy, then it is. When do you start?”

  “Tomorrow I go in for some training and then after that, he’ll put me on the schedule.”

  “Well, I guess we’d better get you some transportation then, hadn’t we?”


  The car lot was just down the road and soon Elise was walking up and down the rows of vehicles, her head spinning as Kane and the salesman engaged in deep conversation about engine size and fuel consumption. As long as it was an automatic, not too big, and a decent colour, Elise really didn’t care what she got. They finally selected a burgundy four door with a sporty grill and automatic everything.

  “You can pick it up tomorrow.” Kane told her as they climbed back in his vehicle. “I’m having my mechanic go over it and check all the fluid levels, belts, tires, and brakes. Once he gives the go ahead, we’ll come back in and get it.”

  Impulsively, Elise leaned over and kissed Kane on the cheek. “Thanks. I really appreciate you getting me that car.”

  “I just want you to be happy here.” He put his hand behind her head and drew her close for a deeper kiss, then started the engine and headed for home.


  That evening, the others disappeared as usual, so the newlyweds would have some time alone. Helen was going to a friend’s for a card party while John and Carrie were meeting with another couple to see a production put on by the local theatre group. Elise and Kane watched a movie together; Kane complaining because it was a ‘chick flick’ and Elise defending the story. When it was over, Kane stood and put the DVD back in its case, then set it on the table so they’d remember to return it in the morning.

  Stretching and yawning, he looked at Elise expectantly. “I think I might make an early night of it. Want to join me?”
  “Well, I’m really not that tired—I did have a nap this afternoon.”

  Kane walked over and pulled her up out of the chair. “That’s not exactly what I meant.” He nibbled on her throat and ran his hands up and down her back.

  “Oh! Well, in that case, you might be able to persuade me to head upstairs.”

  “Persuade? In the old days, an Alpha just chose his mate and carried her off.” Kane leered at her.

  “Well, this isn’t the old days.” Elise replied smugly.

  “Possibly not, but as you pointed out the other night, on some level the wolf mentality is always there.” With that, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her out of the room. Elise gave a shriek and tried to struggle—but not too hard. It was rather…exciting…to be carried off, after all!

  Kane had almost reached the stairs, when the phone rang. He hesitated and then shook his head. “No—I’ll let the answering machine get it.” Shifting Elise in his grip, he reached over to turn the machine on before continuing on his way. Unfortunately, he wasn’t watching carefully and turned the phone onto speaker instead. Suddenly Marla’s panic-stricken voice could be heard.

  “Kane? Elise? Oh God, let someone be there! I need help. It’s—” A scream filled the room, then the sound of wood cracking as if a door was being broken down. Footsteps and angry voices could be detected.

  Momentarily, Kane stood with one foot on the bottom step, digging his fingers into Elise’s body, and then he let her slide from his arms. They both took a step towards the phone, only to freeze when Marla’s voice could be heard again. “Please, please, Ryne! Don’t hurt me! I—” The sound of flesh hitting flesh and Marla’s cry of pain had Kane leaping into action.

  Kane grabbed the phone and growled down the receiver. “Marla? Marla! Don’t worry, I’m coming. Ryne if you can hear this, you keep your fucking hands off her or this time, I will kill you!” He turned to Elise, the look on his face causing her to step back in fear. “I’ve got to go to her! Elise, do you have a cell phone?” She nodded. “Good, keep listening on this line, so we have an idea of what’s going on. Call John on your cell phone—here’s his number.” Kane shoved a hastily scribbled number into her hand. “He’s in town and can probably get there before I do.”

  As he turned to go, Elise caught his arm to stop him from leaving. Quickly she kissed him. “Good luck and be careful. I’ll be waiting here.” With the briefest of nods, Kane ran out the door.

  Chapter 17

  Elise called John several times before she finally got a response. Apparently he’d been in the theatre and his cell phone was set on vibrate, so he hadn’t noticed it right away. Quickly, she explained the situation and he said he’d be at Marla’s as soon as possible.

  Chewing on her lip, Elise listened to the sounds of the argument at Marla’s apartment. There’d been no more screams, just yelling and angry voices, but she couldn’t make out what was being said, except once she was sure she’d heard Kane’s name. At that, her stomach clenched in fear. What if Ryne was trying to lure Kane over to Marla’s so he could attack him? After tense moments, a door slammed and glass broke, then all was silent. Tentatively, she called into the receiver. “Marla? Marla? Can you hear me? It’s Elise. Kane’s on his way. Marla?”

  There was a scuttling sound and then Marla spoke, sniffling and obviously crying. “Elise? Is that you?”

  “Yes, it’s me. Marla, are you all right? What happened?”

  “It…it was Ryne. He broke in and…and…he was just crazy, yelling at me and hitting me.” Marla’s voice cracked and she started to sob.

  “Marla, shh, it’s okay. John and Kane should be there any minute.” Elise felt her own eyes filling with tears at the sound of the other woman’s grief. While Marla wasn’t her favourite person, she didn’t deserve to be treated that way. Eventually, Elise heard Marla’s doorbell ring and then John’s voice was on the phone.

  “Elise? I’m here. Marla’s pretty upset and it looks like Ryne slapped her, but I think she’ll be okay. I’m staying with her until Kane arrives and then I’ll go look around to see if Ryne left a trail. If you don’t mind, I think we’ll be bringing Marla back with us. She’s in no state to be left by herself.”

  “Of course! She can’t stay there. I’ll make sure the guest room is ready.”

  “Good, we’ll see you in while.”

  “Okay— and John?”


  “Make sure Kane doesn’t do something crazy like going after Ryne on his own tonight. He was really upset when he left here and—”

  “Don’t worry, Elise. I’ll keep our Alpha in line.”

  “Thanks.” Elise hung up the phone and leaned against wall, slowly sinking to the floor. She hadn’t realised how tense she’d been holding herself, until now. Her arms and legs felt rubbery and she was a bit light headed. Thank heavens Ryne had left before Kane arrived. While she knew Kane could take care of himself—he’d defeated the other man before, hadn’t he?—still, she didn’t want the two meeting. What if Ryne had a gun or a knife? Kane could be seriously hurt, and the very idea of that happening caused an ache in the centre of her chest. Forcing her mind away from that possibility, she focused her thoughts on Marla. The poor thing; Ryne had been her boyfriend. How could he turn on her like that? What real or imagined action on Marla’s part had sparked the man’s fury? There could be no doubt about it now; he was definitely unstable and extremely dangerous.

  Elise shook her head. Just last night, Kane had been telling everyone that there was no hard evidence against Ryne; that he might not be guilty of shooting at Thomas, but now… Well, there was no doubt in Elise’s mind about the man, and she certainly hoped she’d never come face-to-face with him. Frowning, she realised that she had no idea what Ryne even looked like. Possibly there was a picture of him somewhere; she’d have to ask Helen tomorrow.

  Gathering her energy, Elise stood and went upstairs to prepare a room for Marla.


  It was late by the time they got back to the house. Marla’s face was bruised on one side where Ryne had hit her and her wrist sported a bracelet of bruises from being grabbed. Elise got ice and salve to apply to the injuries and then helped Marla into a nightgown. The woman shook with fear and kept bursting into tears. Holding her hand, Elise offered what little comfort she could, finally getting a mild sedative down her so that she could rest.

  Once Marla was asleep, Elise convinced Kane that he needed to go to bed as well. He and John had done a cursory look around Marla’s apartment and were planning on a more thorough search in the morning. Ryne had definitely been there—his scent was strong around the apartment, but he’d travelled by car and the smell of exhaust and fuel obliterated the trail once they reached the main highway.

  “I should have listened to Marla last night,” Kane muttered as he prepared for bed, his movements angry and abrupt. “She told me tonight that Ryne had left a threatening message on her answering machine. That’s what she wanted to say after the meeting yesterday, but I wouldn’t listen. I was too mad at her for even thinking that we should sell out to Northern Oil. If I’d paid attention to her, this wouldn’t have happened.” He balled up his shirt and threw it in the corner, then flopped back on the bed, his dark brows set in a scowl.

  Elise hesitated and then climbed in beside him, sliding up against his side, and laying her hand on his arm in a comforting gesture. “Hindsight is always twenty-twenty. And from what you’ve told me about Ryne, this type of behaviour is totally out of character. Even if you’d known about the message, you probably wouldn’t have suspected he’d actually carry it out.”

  “But I should have, especially after the incident with Thomas. Despite what I said at the meeting, Ryne is my half brother and I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Now, he’s obviously becoming increasingly unstable and we have to find a way to catch him before he really hurts someone or does something that could expose the pack to the humans.” He scrubbed h
is face with his hands. “Tomorrow, I’m going to personally head up the hunt for Ryne. We’ll put even more men on it and if he’s still in the area, we’ll find him.”