Read The Minute Boys of Boston Page 16



  Even though I believed we had good proof that Master Lord was playing adouble game, his assertion of loyalty to the Cause, made so earnestlyand with such seeming good faith, staggered me.

  Was it possible, I asked myself, that we were mistaken? Had we allowedourselves to be blinded by suspicion, and was Job Lord all he professed?

  We knew from what the lieutenant at the battery had told us, that thisman whom we claimed to be in league with the Britishers, had been ofgreat service to the Cause, having sent much valuable information to ourpeople and aided many a man who otherwise might have fallen into theclutches of the enemy. Could it be that all these things had been doneas a blind, and we four the first who discovered his double dealings?

  I looked around at my comrades and saw mingled doubt and fear writtenupon the faces of Archie and Harvey, showing that they also werebeginning to question whether we had not made a grievous mistake. WithHiram, however, the matter was different. He had settled in his mindthat Job Lord would work us harm as soon as it suited his purpose, andthere was nothing the man might say which would convince him to thecontrary.

  "You talk well, Master Lord," he said, holding the coat ready to bethrust into the mouth of the villain if so be he attempted to make anyoutcry, "and I know full well that you could give proof of having servedthe Cause to a certain extent; but if you haven't worked greateradvantage to the king, I'll agree to crawl on all fours so long a timeas I may live."

  "If I had counted on playing false, why were you allowed to remain hereall this time, and why did I make you as comfortable as was in mypower?" Master Lord asked, now beginning to understand that soft wordswould be of but little avail with one like Hiram.

  "Those are questions which I cannot answer just now; but after we haveput you in such plight that it will be no longer possible to make anoutcry, I'm counting on doing what I may at finding out. It will go hardif there isn't something in the room above that will disprove yourwords."

  For the first time since we had fallen upon him did I see the man wince,and on the instant all my fears that we might have made a grievousmistake were dispelled, for I knew as well as if he had told me in somany words, that evidence would be found against him if the house wassearched.

  "You've hit it right, Hiram!" I cried; "but don't spend too much timetalking here, lest those who have visited him before should come againand discover that the trap-door is open."

  "Run up the ladder, lad, and see to it that doors and windows are barredsecurely," he said quickly, and I obeyed feverishly, fearing lest beforeI could do as he desired those men who had quarreled with Master Lordmight return.

  In addition to the locks on the side and rear doors, were stout bars,and after having assured myself that the bolts were shot, I put thetimbers securely in place; then examined carefully the fastenings ofevery shutter until having satisfied myself beyond peradventure thatnone could enter from the outside save by battering down the barriers.

  When I was come into the cellar again, Job Lord had been bound hand andfoot after much the same fashion as was Seth Jepson, and the lads musthave lifted him upon one of the beds, for he was lying there with a gag,formed from Hiram's coat, in his mouth, glaring at us fiercely.

  "We may as well bring the Tory lad out here to bear him company," Archiesuggested, and in a twinkling Hiram came from behind the casks with Sethin his arms.

  Even though up to this time we had had suspicions in our minds that awrong was being done Job Lord, they would have vanished when those twosaw each other.

  Seth Jepson gave vent to a cry of surprise, and on Master Lord's facecould be read that which told, so I fancied, of an acquaintance betweenthem.

  "Shall we gag Seth?" Harvey asked, and Hiram replied as if it was amatter of little moment:

  "There's no need of taking so much trouble. You and Archie are to stayhere while Luke and I have a look over the house, and if so be Sethunwisely attempts to make a disturbance, put your knife into him, for weshould be doing the Cause no little service by sending both thesefellows out of the world."

  Then, motioning to me, Hiram led the way up the ladder, and after somesearching in that room which served Job Lord as a kitchen we found astore of tallow dips, one of which we lighted, because, since theshutters had been closed, it was almost dark within the dwelling.

  Master Lord's home was not sumptuously furnished; but he was welloutfitted with chests of drawers and cupboards such as housewives fancy,and among these we began our search, taking first that piece offurniture which was at the same time a desk for writing and a receptaclefor books and papers.

  We had not long to search, if to prove that Job Lord had been acting asa tool for the Britishers was our only aim. On the top of the desk, asif it had been but lately placed there, was a folded paper, and whenHiram opened it eagerly I read these words across the top:

  "Information for Job Lord to send to the rebels."

  Then followed what I knew to be a false account of the doings of theBritishers; but neither Hiram nor I cared to read it entirely.

  "I reckon here's enough to hang Master Lord, if so be we had him inCambridge," my companion said grimly, and then, his appetite forevidence being whetted by that which had come so conveniently to hand,he continued the search, finding four or five documents proving that ourhost was in friendly communication with the Britishers.

  Then we came upon that which caused Hiram to cry aloud in triumph andsatisfaction, for it was neither more nor less than a pass from GeneralGage himself, permitting the bearer _and friends_ to leave the city byany route whatsoever.

  "I'm allowing we won't have to swim from here to Cambridge!" Hiram saidexultantly, as he carefully folded and placed the precious documentinside his stocking.

  I believed this would be the end of our search, because we had found allfor which we came, and more. To people in our situation a safeguard fromthe king's governor was something of more value than can well beunderstood by those who did not live in the days when British might maderight.

  "Now we can go when we please, and the sooner we set off the better, forsurely it would be folly to make any attempt at aiding Silas while he isso closely guarded," I cried, and Hiram replied grimly:

  "Even though we decide to leave without making any effort towardaccomplishing that for which we came, I'm allowing there's no need foroverly much haste, more especially since we can pass ourselves off asJob Lord and friends easier after night has fully come."

  Then Hiram began searching once more among the papers, this time doingit in a methodical manner, and I, who feared each instant lest thereshould come a summons at the door, or we hear tokens of trouble from theroom below, had half-turned to go toward the trap-door when Hiram causedme to wheel about suddenly as he leaped to his feet, waving above hishead a slip of paper as if having taken leave of his senses.

  "I'm allowing there's still a chance left for us to lend Silas Brownrigga hand!" he cried, speaking so loudly that I leaped upon him, coveringhis mouth with my hand lest peradventure some one from the outside mighthear and be so inquisitive as to make an attempt at entering.

  "Read this, lad! Read this!" Hiram cried as soon as he could free hismouth from my hand, and at the same time he laid upon the desk, wherethe flickering light of the tallow dip might fall upon it, the paperwhich had caused him so much of excitement.

  During a full minute I stood gazing at the document, not daring tobelieve the evidence of my own eyes, and saying to myself over and overagain that it must be impossible such an order could have come into ourhands.

  This is what I read, and you may see whether a lad in my situation wouldnot have doubted even the written words:

  "The bearer, Job Lord, is hereby authorized to take from the Bridewellany one of the prisoners captured at Charlestown, which he may select.The officer on duty will follow the bearer's instructions in everyparticular, and retain this order as receipt for the prisoner."

  It was signed by t
he governor's aide-de-camp as secretary, and bore theking's seal. In other words, it was a direct command from General Gageto the officer at the Bridewell to deliver over any one of the prisonerstaken at Breed's hill which Job Lord might point out, and, what is more,was dated the very day before we made a prisoner of this double-dyedvillain!

  "If we had a key to all the plots in that scoundrel's head, then wouldyou find that this permit to take away a prisoner is part and parcel ofsome scheme concerning us," Hiram said emphatically, and I was quite ofthe same mind, being convinced thereto because the document had been solately written.

  In some way, and I hoped it might be made clear before many days hadpassed, the delivery of a prisoner to Job Lord was, together with theholding of us, a trap for more important ends; but what those endsmight be my mind failed totally in the grasping.

  Hiram, like me, no longer had any interest in Master Lord's belongings.We had found sufficient to brand him the vilest of traitors, and, whatwas more to our purpose, had obtained at the very moment when wedespaired of being able to aid our comrade in any way, that which wouldeffect his release, unless it so chanced that the worthy Master Lord wasparticularly well known at the Bridewell. This last thought came into mymind, darkening all hope, at the moment Hiram turned to go into thecellar that he might acquaint the other lads with our good fortune, and,clutching him nervously by the arm, I reminded him of the disagreeablefact that whosoever presented himself with that order from GovernorGage, might speedily find himself a prisoner with the tables turnedcompletely in favor of Job Lord.

  "Aye, lad, I have already reckoned on that, yet at the same time whennight has come it is my purpose to go to the Bridewell as boldly as thatdouble-faced villain would have done, trusting I can get my nose out ofthe scrape if so be the officer on duty chances to know the scoundrel wehave got tied up below."

  "It is a desperate chance," I said with an inward tremor that was muchlike faint-heartedness, and he replied laughingly:

  "Tell me, Luke Wright, how much more desperate is it to go out armedwith a safeguard from the king's governor, and due authority to takecharge of a prisoner, than was your act in capturing Seth Jepson at thevery time when we ourselves were captives?"

  "I did that because there was nothing else to be done," I cried.

  "And so shall I go to the Bridewell, because there is nothing else to bedone if we would aid Silas Brownrigg."

  It was not my intention to say aught which might discourage him fromtaking advantage of the document so strangely come into our possession.As a matter of course I burned to have him do it; but I could not forthe life of me refrain from considering all the chances against us.

  Snuffing out the tallow dip, we two went into the cellar, Hiram holding'twixt his thumb and finger the precious order from Governor Gage, andwhen we were come to where Job Lord lay, Griffin took up the lanternthat the scoundrel might see what we had found.

  There was no change of expression on his face. The villain knew fullwell that we would come upon evidence against him after ever so carelessa search of his belongings, and therefore counted on our having thispaper through which he hoped to work some wild scheme.

  "What is it? What are you showing him?" Archie asked eagerly, and Hiram,disappointed because the prisoner had failed to show any signs ofsurprise or distress, held it up for the lad to read.

  "But that cannot be!" Archie cried in amazement. "Governor Gage wouldnever issue any such order!"

  "But he has done so, else another must have stolen the king's seal,"and Hiram pointed triumphantly to the impression in wax which wasfastened to a short length of blue ribbon.

  "But how could it be that Job Lord would be allowed to choose a prisonerfrom among those taken at Breed's hill?" Archie continued inbewilderment, and I cried, eyeing the prisoner sharply all the while:

  "He got it for some purpose which General Gage understood and approved,and that purpose was all of a piece with our being held here! Some daywe shall learn the secret, and then I hope most earnestly that this sameMaster Lord, who has claimed to be devoted body and soul to the Cause,may be given over to my mercy even as he is at this moment."

  They were high sounding words, perhaps, for a lad like me to use, andyet Master Lord shrank under them as if in fear, which was the firstexhibition of feeling he had given since we came from the room above.

  It can well be understood that after Archie and Harvey had recoveredfrom the amazement caused by reading the order from Governor Gage, ourtongues were loosened, and during a certain time we gave ourselves overto rejoicing, as if already the task we had set ourselves wasaccomplished. But even while we indulged in words of triumph, there wasin my heart a certain undefined fear because all this had come about insuch a mysterious way, having really been gained by that blunder of minein making a prisoner of Seth Jepson, when it had seemed as if such anact on my part would lead to direst results.

  Hiram still held to it that when nightfall was come he would presenthimself at the Bridewell, and with that as a starting point we setabout laying plans for the future.

  They were simple enough, if so be everything worked as we would have it,because once with Silas in our company we could, thanks to the pass inHiram's stocking, march out over Boston Neck as bold as lions. Thestumbling block was, a possibility that the officer at the Bridewellmight be sufficiently well acquainted with Master Lord to take intocustody whoever presented the governor's order, and the greater part ofour discussion had to do with that chance.

  Hiram claimed that we should allow no more than an hour to elapse fromthe time he set off for the Bridewell, before taking to our heels if sobe he failed to return, because, as he said, within that time he wouldeither be returned to Cow lane with Silas by his side, or lie in one ofthe cells of the jail.

  "You shall take this pass, Luke Wright," he said, pulling the paper fromhis stocking, "and see to it that if I'm held in custody you make allspeed out of the town, leaving me to my fate."

  "Indeed I will do nothing of the kind," was my reply, and I refused totake the paper from his hand. "If you are held at the Bridewell, all themore reason why we three should strain every nerve to do whatsoever maybe in our power to aid you."

  "The only thing within your power, lad, will be to save your own skins,for once this trick of ours is discovered, you may rest assured theBritishers will pay a visit to Job Lord's house in order to learn whathas become of him, and if peradventure you delay after there is reasonto believe I am a prisoner, you will have effected nothing save a lossto the Cause of three stout-hearted lads."

  Well, we chewed over this question as to whether it would not becowardly to desert Hiram if he was taken, until a full two hours hadpassed, when Archie very wisely said:

  "If no move is to be made until nightfall, will some one tell me whatprevents our breaking fast? My stomach cries out for food, and ifperadventure all goes this night as we would have it, then is itnecessary we put our bodies in fair condition, for there are many milesto be traveled before we again see the encampment at Cambridge."

  Hiram immediately acted upon this suggestion, insisting that he wasbetter fitted to play the part of cook than any other, and as he setabout the task I saw Job Lord writhing in pain, which caused me torealize how much of bodily suffering must be his, therefore said to mycomrades:

  "Don't let it be thought that there is any softness in my heart for suchas him; but it does not become us to cause another unnecessarysuffering, therefore it is I propose we take the gag out of MasterLord's mouth for a time, since he must be in great pain."

  "I never saw any good come of favoring a snake," Hiram grumbled; but yethe did not make any protest against my proposition, and I pulled the gagfrom the mouth of the man who had worked us so much injury, saying atthe same time as I seated myself near the bed, holding the knife whichhad been taken from its sheath:

  "You can well understand that we would not stick at doing you harm, andit may be our fingers itch to pay you for your treachery, thereforeshould any one approac
h this building and you attempt to make an outcry,I shall consider that I have done the Cause a service by taking yourlife."

  It was nearly a minute before the man could speak, so cramped were hisjaws, and then, with a look which had in it, if such a thing can bepossible, a mingling of gratitude and hatred, he said softly:

  "I'm not such an idiot as to kick when I'm fairly downed; but you needfear no visitors before sunset."

  "We'll keep our ears open for them just the same, seeing's how it don'tstand to reason we can put overly much faith in your words," Hiramcried, and added to me, "Have your knife ready, lad, and don't hesitateto use it at the first show of a disturbance. He may speak you fairlynow; but once there was a decent chance of taking your life withoutlosing his, you'd be in the next world in a twinkling."

  "All of which is true," Master Lord replied quietly, and I could not butgive him credit for such show of courage under the circumstances. "If Iheld you at the same disadvantage, would you hesitate to strike on thefirst opportunity?"

  "Faith, no," Hiram replied laughingly. "And now you are talking like adecent man, although far from being one. Once we get you in Cambridge,where there's no fear your friends may come, I shall breathe freely; butuntil then I'm watching every move you make."

  "Surely you are not so foolish as to think you can take me toCambridge?" the man cried quickly, and Hiram asked as he continued histask of cooking:

  "Why not? We've got your pass, and I'm allowing that you and Seth Jepsoncan be counted as among our friends during such time as we are under theeyes of the lobster backs."

  "That pass does not allow of your taking two prisoners out," Master Lordsaid with a snarl which was much like that of an angry cat's.

  "Why not? If you were leading a party of friends, and had just madeselection of one of the prisoners taken at Breed's hill, how would youaccount for him?"

  Master Lord refused to answer, and I asked myself if Hiram could be soventuresome as to think it possible we might carry these two Tories outof the town. If so, then our wondrous fortune must have turned his head,for verily none but a madman would, after having gotten out of such atangle as we had been in, take yet more desperate chances.

  Now for the first time did Seth Jepson come out from the fever of terrorwhich had assailed him since I thrust him into the tunnel, and began toplead most earnestly, like the coward that he was, for us to show himwhat he called mercy. Having heard our conversation with Master Lord,and understanding that we were in fair position to work our will, herealized, perhaps better than ever before, how wholly he was in ourpower.

  Had the lad shown the slightest token of courage I might have had somesympathy for him, for surely it was hard to thus suddenly find himselfat the mercy of those whom he had wronged, at the very moment he musthave believed everything was going his way; but the fellow was such averitable coward that even the softest-hearted could not feel aught savecontempt for him.

  He whined and whimpered, declaring it had never been in his mind to dous wrong, and swearing to that which we knew was absolutely false,until Hiram cried angrily:

  "Put a stopper on that fellow's jaw! It makes me sick to hear hishowling. I have some respect for a lad or man who can take as well asgive; but when it comes to working all the harm he may, and then showingthe white feather so completely, my patience is soon gone."

  Seth shut his mouth like a clam. I believe the coward would have triedto stand on his head, had Hiram given any such command, so eager was heto show his willingness to obey, and I said to myself that of the two,Job Lord, who had meditated worse treachery against the Cause than Sethcould ever have hoped to work, was the better.

  In due time Hiram had as appetizing a meal as could be prepared from allthe stores to be found in the building, for once he had set about thework of a cook he did not scruple at overhauling the provisions in theroom above, finding there many a toothsome dainty which had beensupplied this miserable double-faced spy by his British friends.

  We ate heartily, and with greater relish than at any time since thisventure in aid of Silas had been proposed, for now was the greaterportion of the burden removed from our hearts, and we could see our wayout, where before all had been darkness with a British prison at theend.

  When the meal was ready I would have put the gag back into Job Lord'smouth; but before it was possible to do so he said with the air of onewho speaks the truth:

  "I'm not minded to take so much of punishment as that involves, if itcan in any way be avoided, therefore it is I give you my solemn wordnot to raise my voice above a whisper from now till sunset."

  I looked at Hiram to see what he thought of the proposition, for therewas in my mind a suspicion that Master Lord might have some scheme inhis head to do us harm; but our comrade said decidedly:

  "As a rule I wouldn't take the word of such as he for the value of abutton; but since he knows full well that we could fall upon him beforehe had time to let out more than one yell, and also understands thatthat one yell would be his last, I'm thinking it is safe enough to lethim have the use of his jaws."

  Therefore it was that while we feasted Master Lord asked in what youmight call a manly fashion, if, when the meal was come to an end, wewould give him so much of food as might serve to satisfy his hunger,claiming that he had not broken fast that day.

  "Neither have I," whined Seth, "and I'm nearly dead with having beenmauled about so much."

  "It wouldn't do a little bit of harm if you were wholly dead; but we'renot counting on starving either of you, so depend upon it that yourstomachs shall be filled, for when we once set out, having SilasBrownrigg in our company, you will be called on to step mighty lively."

  I looked at Hiram questioningly, asking, so far as was possible with myeyes, whether he was wild enough to think of hampering us with theseprisoners, and he nodded in a way to show that he was not minded to haveany argument regarding it.

  "Aye, lad, if I read your face aright, that's exactly what I do counton doing. There is no better place for hatching a scheme than over acook-stove when you have plenty with which to work, as I had thisafternoon, and I've got an idea that it won't be such a terrible hardmatter to land these fellows in Cambridge. If so be everything goes tomy liking, you will soon understand that it is as easy to take theprisoners, as to go alone."

  I knew that Hiram did not care to discuss whatsoever plan he might havein mind while the prisoners might hear him, and therefore held my peace;but when we were done with feasting because it was impossible to eat anymore, I beckoned him to follow me into the room above, where I askedwhat mad scheme he had hit upon.

  "It may come to naught, lad, therefore we won't discuss it; but I'mgoing out around the town a bit, and you can bar the door after me. I'llknock twice on the window shutter when I come back."

  "Going out in the daytime?" I cried sharply. "Show yourself in this townwhere you are like to be taken into custody? Don't, Hiram, don't takefoolish risks now when, by being careful, we have plain sailing beforeus!"

  "I'm not taking chances," he replied doggedly. "You must remember thatmy face is not known here as yours is, and with what I have in my pocketwho will dare put aught of hindrance in my way?"

  "The first officer you come across may know Job Lord well, and, findingyou in possession of a document which belongs to him, will come herewithout delay."

  "Since when have officers taken a hand in such matters, save after a manwas already in the custody of the watch or the patrol?" Hiram askedscornfully. "You know, lad, that all I have to fear is the possibilityof coming in contact with a squad of lobster backs in charge of acorporal or a sergeant, and if I can't shut their eyes it is high time Iwas taken to the Bridewell."

  It was useless for me to argue against his purpose, whatever that mightbe, for the fellow was determined, and even though I had gone down on myknees to him he would have done that which he said.

  He was not sparing of strength when he thrust me back from him as hebegan to unbar the door and I would have hindered him; but s
aid as Istaggered against the wall almost overthrown:

  "Have no fear for me, lad. I know what I'm about, and take my word forit that I'm not running into the least little bit of danger. Listen fortwo raps on the shutter when I come back, which will be within an hour."

  He was gone even as he spoke, and all I could do toward repairing what Ibelieved to be serious mischief, was to lock and bar the door after him,saying to myself that if he failed to come back as he had promised, andaught suspicious was heard, I would insist that Archie and Harvey joinme in flight, for then would Master Lord's house be the one place inBoston town where lurked the greatest danger for us.

  "Where is Hiram?" Archie asked when I descended the ladder alone.

  "Gone out of doors," was my sulky reply.

  "Out of doors!" both lads cried as with one voice. "In the daytime?"

  "Aye, that he has, and verily it seems as if good fortune has turned hishead."

  "If he depends upon that pass in my name as a safeguard while he wandersthe streets, I'll answer for it the tables will be turned before youhave time to choose among the prisoners at the Bridewell," Job Lord saidvindictively, and his words were not needed to make my heart heavy, foralready had I come to believe that after all the good work he had done,our imprisonment, perhaps our death, could be laid directly at hisdoor.