Read The Minute Boys of Boston Page 17



  The other lads were equally disturbed in mind regarding what seemed tobe a foolish venturing forth on the part of Hiram. After matters hadcome about so mysteriously in our favor when we had given up all hope ofbeing able to succeed in the undertaking, it seemed much like flying inthe face of Providence to take any risks that were not absolutelynecessary.

  We would be bound to incur so much of danger in order to make an attemptat releasing Silas, that to put all this on the hazard, simply tosatisfy what I believed only a whim, was to my mind little less thancriminal folly.

  You can fancy we were not heartened after Job Lord had spoken sodecidedly regarding the certainty that Hiram would speedily come togrief, because the pass he believed to be of so much value could availnothing when he was come upon by the patrol.

  I fancied it was possible to see on that double-faced villain'scountenance joy because of what was being done, and there could be noquestion but that he firmly believed Hiram had, as people say,overturned his dish of porridge.

  It may be simply because I was in such a wretched frame of mind that Iimagined it; but for the time it was to me a fact that Seth had regaineda goodly portion of his courage on seeing Master Lord so well pleased,and even found his tongue once more, saying vindictively, even as hadthe man who hoped to have betrayed us, that we were about come to theend of our rope, when he would have his turn.

  That Archie was nearly as disturbed in mind as I, and had quite as manyfears regarding the future, I knew when he said angrily, leaning overthe bed as if to strike the Tory lad:

  "It is not well for you to crow yet a while, Seth Jepson. Up to thismoment you have been so cowardly as hardly to know what was going on,and therefore it is we will have no words from you."

  "It can do you no more harm to hear me speak, than when Master Lordtalks," he muttered, and Archie replied with no slight show of temper:

  "Job Lord has not shown himself to be the white-livered cur you have.One may take from him who gives proof of some little courage, more thanwould be listened to from a veritable coward."

  Seth glanced toward Master Lord as if thinking he would bear him out inhis insolence; but however traitorous the elder prisoner was, he hadneither love nor sympathy for such as Seth Jepson had shown himself tobe, therefore remained silent, and the Tory lad did not venture to speakagain.

  We could not talk of our plans for the future without being overheard byJob Lord, and this would have been, so I argued, in the highest degreedangerous, for there was yet the possibility he might succeed in makinghis escape before we could leave the town, in which case he would haveus at a disadvantage.

  Neither were we minded to speak of trifling matters. The situation wasall too full of peril, and there were so many chances we would come togrief, that it was well nigh impossible for us to do other than sitthere in gloomy silence, watching the prisoners even while we fearedeach instant to hear an outcry at the door, which would tell that thelobster backs had come to learn we from Cambridge were hiding there.

  As the moments passed, so slowly that it seemed as if each was near anhour in length, I came to believe beyond a question that Hiram would be,if he had not already been, taken into custody, and strove to form someplan of action, saying to myself that we would wait no longer than untilthe setting of the sun before taking to our heels, leaving the prisonersto be set free by whomsoever should visit the house.

  Now and again at short intervals I ascended the ladder, peering throughthe crevices of the shutters to learn how near to setting the sun mightbe, and thus succeeded in so working myself into a fever of anxiety andfear as to be like one who has lost his senses.

  It so chanced that I was in the upper room trying to gain some idea ofthe time, when there came two sharp raps on the shutter through which Iwas peering, and so nervous had I become that I cried aloud in fear,darting back to the trap-door, positive that none other than a lobsterback or a Tory could be thus striving to attract our attention.

  While one might have counted ten I entirely forgot what had been agreedupon between Hiram Griffin and me, and my feet were already upon therungs of the ladder to descend, when the cob-webs seemed suddenly tohave been blown from my brain, allowing me to realize that despite allthe dangers Hiram had succeeded in gratifying his whim without loss ofliberty.

  You may well fancy that I opened the door in a twinkling, for it wasdangerous to have him standing there in the broad light of day, and whenhe was come into the room, having closed and barred the door behind him,I flung my arms around his neck, clinging to him as if he was one latelyreturned from the very verge of the grave, as indeed I believe to thisday was the case.

  "Why, lad, what has come over you?" he asked in astonishment. "You areshaking like an old woman with the palsy, and your face is as white as Ihave heard it said ghosts' faces are."

  "I had brought myself to believe you were taken into custody, Hiram! JobLord was so certain the pass would not avail you, that it was almost thesame as if I had seen you in the clutches of the lobster backs. You werecruel to leave us at such a time, simply to show that you could roamabout the city at will, when the slightest mistake would have caused ourchances for escaping with Silas to fall to the ground."

  "Is it in your mind, lad, that I went out simply on a whim? That I am solight-headed as to take chances in this Tory town for the purpose ofshowing that it could be done?" he asked in a tone that was really oneof reproof.

  "Why else then did you go?" I cried, now grown angry, having recoveredfrom my timorousness.

  "There came into my mind the idea that it would be a brave act to carryJob Lord and Seth Jepson back to Cambridge, and so I said to you lads;but no one believed it might be done. Then I had what has turned out tobe a lucky thought, and said to myself if perchance it would be possibleto get possession of a skiff we could, without much trouble or danger,take those two curs with us as proof that, aside from releasing Silas,our coming here had not been without good results."

  "But even though you found a boat, Hiram, how might we take passage inher, hampered by Job Lord and Seth Jepson?" I cried petulantly, for itexcited my anger yet more to have him thus speak of what seemed animpossibility, from whatever point you viewed it.

  "That was the question in my own mind, lad, when the matter first cameto me; but before coming back I settled it."

  "Settled it?" I repeated dumbly.

  "Aye, and what's more, every arrangement is made. Who, think you, I havebeen hob-nobbing with this last half hour?"

  "It would be of much the same piece with what you've already done, hadyou been so venturesome as to go even to the guard-house near Hill'swharf," I said angrily, and his laugh was as hearty and full of joy asif we were already come among our friends, having accomplished all thathad been in our minds.

  "You are a great guesser, Luke Wright. It is to the guard-house I havebeen, and if by this time those lobster backs do not believe that I amas simple minded and jolly a Tory as ever set foot in Boston town, thenhave I made the mistake of my life."

  "You at the guard-house?" I cried, not able even now to understand thatwhich I myself had guessed at.

  "Aye, and it was to have a quiet chat with the officer on duty there,who chances to be a blooming Britisher, thick-headed as are all of hiskidney, having the rank of sergeant, and believing himself to be thebest soldier that ever came to this benighted colony."

  "But why should you go there?" I cried, now grown yet more angry. "Whytake chances which were unnecessary?"

  "I am of the mind that it was the best stroke of work I have ever yetdone, for not only is the skiff nearby where we can walk out at ourleisure and step on board her; but that red-faced, beef-eating Britisherstands ready to help us put our prisoners over the rail."

  "What?" I exclaimed in bewilderment.

  "Aye, and even more, if you please, lad. The sergeant will send with meto the Bridewell one of his men, so that I shall have no difficulty inbringing back that raging reb
el whom I count to select on the strengthof General Gage's permit, or order, whichever you choose to call it."

  I could no longer speak, so perplexing was that which Hiram had said,and there came into my mind the belief that he was striving to make afool of me by telling a cock-and-bull story whereby, after I had shownfaith in it, he might laugh me to scorn.

  "It was like this, lad," he said in a grave tone, clapping both hands onmy shoulders as if it was needed he should hold me where my attentioncould not be distracted. "I was minded to try on some such lobster backas would be found in yonder guard-house, the effect of General Gage'sorder allowing Job Lord to select a prisoner. I said to myself that bystriving to make friends with one of the rank and file, I might getsome idea as to how such a yarn as must be put up at the Bridewell wouldbe taken, and with the pass also in my possession, I allowed that noofficer of less rank than a captain would dare interfere with mymovements. Therefore it was I went to the guard-house."

  "What excuse did you make for going there?" I contrived to ask.

  "It was simply a matter of business, lad. I told this sergeant howfinely Job Lord and myself had been tricking the rebels by giving upcertain information now and then, and aiding such of them as were oflittle importance in General Gage's eyes, in order to establish areputation as being true friends to the Cause. It was to him mightyfunny, and it seems that he already has had some traffic with ourfriend, Master Lord, having more than once received from his superiorofficer orders to aid our double-faced villain whenever it might benecessary. Therefore he was not surprised, save because of never havingcome across me. I explained this last by saying what you know to betrue, which was that I had been in the American camp looking about tosee what I could pick up."

  By this time I had come to understand that Hiram was speaking no morethan the truth, and could thoroughly enjoy the story which he wastelling with so much of pleasure.

  "I showed the sergeant General Gage's order for one of the Bridewellprisoners to be delivered, and then told him that we were counting toset a trap for some rebels who were of importance. That this prisonertaken at Breed's Hill was to be the cheese with which we should bait it,all of which amused him hugely. Then, in order to explain why MasterLord was not the head and front of this trick, I told him Job was notquite himself to-day; was suffering a little; could not move aboutwithout considerable difficulty, which was also true, and he swallowedit as a baby swallows fresh milk."

  "Yes, but how did you get the skiff?" I cried, now impatient to hear theresult of all this scheming.

  "That came in right naturally when I told him about the trap, and thatit must be set on the Roxbury shore. I simply asked him what boat JobLord used when he made an excursion among the rebels on General Gage'sbusiness, and he at once pointed out a craft that lay alongside thewharf, saying it was the property of Master Lord. Well, that seemed towork in very reasonably, and I told him I reckoned I would bring it downalong shore because it was necessary that what we did be kept secreteven from those who served the king. He quite agreed with me, so theboat is within five minutes' walk of this house, and our friend, thesergeant, stands ready to help us leave town, because of the pass wehave, at any time that may best suit our pleasure. Now do you think Iwent out to satisfy a whim, Luke Wright?"

  "Hiram, you have a longer head than any man I ever met, and save for youour company of Minute Boys would have played a mighty small part sincetheir enrollment. But I wonder that you dared attempt to hood-wink theBritisher."

  "I had to do it, lad, for it struck me that we were in about as delicatea position as any four could possibly get into, and I doubted whether,unless we could cook up some scheme like the one which has worked sosuccessfully, it would be possible for us to get away with whole skins."

  "But while talking with us lads you allowed it would be an easy matterto carry the plan through as we had formed it," I said irritably, and hereplied laughingly:

  "Aye, true for you, lad; but of what avail would it have been had I setforth all the dangers of the enterprise as they presented themselves tomy mind? Would it have given you courage had I allowed that there was agreat doubt in my mind whether we might not be taken into the custodyimmediately on showing ourselves at the Bridewell?"

  "Well," I interrupted, "have you done away with all danger? Is there anyless chance now that you will be detected, simply because of havingconvinced some thick-headed sergeant?"

  "Aye, lad, it strikes me the danger is very much less, because I counton going there with a lobster back as guard and assistant. The officeron duty at the Bridewell will never stop to ask who sent the soldierwith me; but seeing the governor's order, will, unless he is a rankidiot, conclude that General Gage himself showed me such delicateattention, and I'm counting that by having a red-coated escort I'vewiped out more than half the chances that the order will be questioned."

  The very fact of his having made such a venture frightened me, eventhough it was all happily come to an end, and to our advantage, as itseemed. Once more I trembled with fear, and then, realizing that Archieand Harvey must be burning with impatience to know why we delayed cominginto the cellar, I said to Hiram that he should remain where he waswhile I sent our comrades up that they might hear the wonderful story.

  He was perfectly willing to do as I suggested, for it pleased him torepeat the tale of having tricked the lobster backs, and I wondered notthat he should feel a pride in what had been done, therefore I went intothe cellar, telling the lads that there was one in the room above whowould have speech with them.

  "I thought I heard Hiram's voice," Archie said, wheeling about to faceme, for he had understood that I would have him believe a stranger hadcome.

  "So it was Hiram's voice," I replied, "and you will not be saddened bythat which he has to tell."

  "So he had the good luck to get back, did he?" Job Lord asked grimly,and it must have been a grievous disappointment to the man who hadbelieved firmly that Hiram could not remain at liberty ten minutes whileon the street.

  "Aye, he has come back," I said, "and now there is little question butthat you and Seth will go with us to Cambridge," I replied in a tone oftriumph, for the longer I had time to realize what arrangements mycomrade had made, the stronger was my belief that we would carry theenterprise through in safety.

  The pallor of fear came over Seth Jepson's face at these words; but JobLord gave no token of being disturbed in mind, and for the very goodreason, as I afterward came to know, that he did not believe we couldwork such a scheme.

  "When you show that it is possible to take this lad and me through thestreets of Boston as prisoners, then I will be willing to believe Istand in danger of seeing the rebel army in Cambridge; but not before.You are putting all your faith in that safeguard and the order fromGeneral Gage, which were stolen from me; but you are like to be in moredanger with, than without them, for the king's officers in this townknow me full well, and your man Griffin cannot pass himself off in mystead."

  Master Lord spoke in a tone of conviction, and this seemed to give Setha little courage, for straightway the color came into his face again,and he looked up at me with a sickly smile, as if to say that he was notto be taken in by any threats I might make.

  It would have pleased me hugely had it been safe to tell thedouble-faced scoundrel how thoroughly well Hiram had laid his plans, andhow readily some of the king's people could be made to swallow the storyhe told. But I refrained from doing so because it was yet possiblesomething might occur which would give the man an opportunity to revealour plans to those who might thwart them.

  While I sat by the bedside leaning over the prisoners in a menacingattitude, ready to carry out the threats we had made in case they shouldattempt to raise an outcry, we could hear shouts of laughter from Archieand Harvey as Hiram told of tricking the Britisher, and I was of theopinion that those sounds of mirth went further toward convincing MasterLord that we were in shape to do as I had said, than any words of minecould have done, for he began to look seriously disturbed, tur
ning hishead first one way and then the other as if striving to catch a word nowand then to get an inkling of what was being said.

  Those in the room above did not return to the cellar for a long time,as it seemed to me; but when they were come below Hiram went to thetable and began eating heartily, for we had not taken the trouble to putthe food away after our last meal was ended, and said to me in abusiness-like tone as he ate hurriedly:

  "It is close to sunset, lad, and I count on setting forth about my workwithout delay, for it strikes me we had better leave here as near tonine of the clock as may be. While I am gone you three shall fill yourstomachs, and it won't be a bad idea to share the food with theprisoners, for they have a reasonably long journey before them."

  Although I had been waiting impatiently for this time to come, his wordssent a chill through my heart, and it was as if I had not been preparedto hear them. The knowledge that we were come to the very moment ofmaking as desperate a venture as I dare say had ever been made inBoston, frightened me, and my breath came thick and fast as I asked,much as though I would delay the fateful moment:

  "Would it not be better that you wait until night has fully come?"

  "When I have work on hand that isn't as pleasant as it might be, it's awhim of mine to set about it without delay, and, besides, I'd rathertake my chances at the Bridewell before nine of the clock thanafterward."

  "It makes little difference what time you set out, for you'll spend theremainder of the night, whether you go late or early, in prison," MasterLord growled, and Hiram made answer with a laugh:

  "I shall be back within an hour, my two-faced friend, and my coming willbe the signal for your setting out to visit in Cambridge those overwhose eyes you have pulled the wool this many a day."

  "I shall believe in going to Cambridge when I get there, and notbefore," Job Lord said surlily; but I could detect a tone of anxietysuch as he had never shown before, which was not to be wondered at, forHiram acted and spoke like a man who knows beyond a peradventure thatmatters will go exactly as he has arranged.

  I followed Griffin up the ladder when, his hurried repast at an end, heascended to the room above, and there, while he unbarred the door Iasked tremulously:

  "What shall we do in case Master Lord's Tory friends come while you aregone?"

  "Pay no attention to them, lad; that is the only course. If youremember, Lord said there was no danger of any one's coming until aftersunset, which was much the same as telling us that then he expectedvisitors, therefore it is I am pushing matters forward sooner than wouldotherwise be the case. Of course there's a chance they may make troublefor us; but if I am not delayed at the Bridewell, we will be on our roadto Cambridge before they arrive."

  "But suppose you, coming back with Silas, having compassed his releasewithout trouble, find here two or three demanding admittance?"

  "Then it will be a case of waiting a short time, and if they persist inhanging around we must take the chances of a fight. I will knock on theshutter as has been agreed upon, and if when Silas and I come in thereare others who follow us, we must be ready to do by them as we have byJob Lord: but I'm hoping we won't be put to that trouble."

  Hiram laughed as he spoke these last words, yet I could not believe thatit was from mirth, but rather a desire to hearten me by letting itappear he had no fear as to the final result, when all the while I knewthere must be in his mind many a question as to whether he could playhis part before the officers of the Bridewell, as he had with thethick-headed sergeant.

  Then he went out with never a word of farewell, and strode off into thegloom, walking steadily with head upright like the true man he had evershown himself to be, and I closed and barred the door while a ferventbut unspoken prayer went up from my heart that it might be permitted himto pass unscathed through the danger which menaced, because of thejustness of the Cause for which he labored.

  Again we three lads sat near the prisoners in what was very like fear. Iknow for my part that I was trembling so violently that I failed inattempting to take up a bit of meat in order to carry out Hiram'sinstructions, and I know full well that any one close by might haveheard the beating of my heart.

  "We are not filling our stomachs as Hiram commanded," Archie cried,striving to appear light-hearted as he rose to his feet and set aboutarranging the provisions on the table so they might look more palatable."Everything must be in readiness for a quick start when he comes back,and eating is the first of the duties to be performed."

  "You'll have plenty of time to eat 'twixt now and his return," MasterLord growled. "The next person who enters this house will be one of hismajesty's officers, come to learn how General Gage's order passed frommy possession into that of the rebels'."

  We made no reply to this remark, not being in a mood to bandy wordswith the villain, for all our thoughts and hearts had gone out withHiram, while in fancy we could see him meeting with suspicion when hewas come to the Bridewell, and finally clapped into a cell withouthaving been so near Silas as to have speech with him.

  I had no desire for food, and doubtless my comrades felt much the same;but yet we ate because of having been told so to do, and forced the meatdown our throats when it was like to choke us.

  Seth Jepson was not as averse to filling his stomach as were we, and ategreedily when Harvey fed him, while Master Lord positively refused toaccept a mouthful of anything save water, of which he drank eagerly atshort intervals, thus telling me that there was, despite all his bravewords, a fear in his heart which parched his tongue.

  Now because it was past sunset, when, according to what Job Lord hadsaid some time before, there might be danger of Tory visitors, we tookall precautions to prevent our prisoners from crying out. In fact,Archie proposed that we gag them then and there; but I, believing Hiram,even though he succeeded in all his purpose, would be long delayed, hadno heart to cause them suffering which might be avoided. I proposed thatwe pull the bed out from the wall so that he could sit with bare knifeby the side of Seth, while I looked after the man who had deceived ourpeople so many days, and once more we promised to take their worthlesslives without compunction if they raised their voices ever so slightly.

  The time passed slowly, wearingly, painfully on, and there we sat by theside of the prisoners ready to take their lives if need be, while Harveypaced to and fro, or ascended the ladder to the upper room only todescend, until the noise of his footsteps well nigh drove me todistraction, and I cried out that unless he remained quiet I should losemy senses.

  "You lost them when you embarked in such an enterprise as this of makingme prisoner," Job Lord snarled. "But what could be expected of threeboys, led on by a crazy man? I would have set your comrade free, andsent you on your way in safety; but that you must needs upset all myplans."

  "The setting of Silas free and sending us back to our friends was not apart of your plan, Job Lord," I said in a low tone, fearing lest eventhen some one might be approaching the house; but determined to thrashthe matter out with the double-faced villain, if for no other purposethan to occupy the time which was dragging so painfully.

  "How else could it be, since I failed to deliver you up to the British?"he asked with an air of innocence. "Had I been so minded, you would havebeen made prisoners within an hour after coming into this house, and thefact that you were not taken into custody shows that I was playinghonestly with you."

  "Which proves that you had some plan in mind which could be made to workmore of harm to the Cause if we were held here," I said, and then therecame into my mind Hiram's words when he was telling the story of theBritish sergeant, and I added sharply, as if having discovered all hisscheming, "We were to be held here as bait in a trap for some of ourpeople whom you hoped to catch, and who would be more of value toGeneral Gage than we three lads."

  He turned his eyes toward me quickly, as a deep flush overspread hisface, and I knew full well that I had hit the mark while repeating muchthe same as Hiram had invented for the benefit of the sergeant.

  I continued t
o dwell upon the matter, hoping he might be provoked intotelling me for what purpose he counted on taking from the Bridewell oneof our people who had been captured at Breed's hill; but the scoundrelwas sharp enough to hold his peace regardless of what I said, neverletting out a word that could serve as an inkling to that portion of theplan.

  As I sat there by his side, my ears strained to catch the first soundwhich should tell of Tory visitors or of Hiram's return, I believed Iknew it was Silas Brownrigg whom he would have selected from among theprisoners, and that he had been trying to keep us quiet, not daring tobring the lad down from the Bridewell until the last moment lest weshould insist on leaving Boston immediately afterward.

  Once such a thought came into my mind, I repeated it to him, catchingagain a glimpse of the dark flush which told, to my mind at least, thatthe blow had struck home.

  Archie must have been in much the same frame of mind as was I beforebeginning this conversation with Job Lord, for now he cried out sharply,as if the sound of my voice jarred upon his quivering nerves:

  "In the name of all that's good, Luke Wright, hold your peace! We can'tbetter ourselves by bandying words with such as Master Lord, and it maybe some one from the outside will hear you."

  Even as he spoke there came to our ears distinctly three smart raps onthe outer door, and I leaned over Master Lord with my knife upraised,for I knew that now was come our time of greatest peril.



  Archie glanced up at me with a look of fear on his face, as he whisperedin a tremulous voice:

  "Don't take any chances!" and, softly making his way to the center ofthe room, he took from the floor Harvey's coat, which had been thrownthere when we were minded to gag Seth Jepson. This he gave to menervously, and, holding the knife between my teeth, I rolled one end ofit into a wad such as would fit snugly into the mouth of that man whohad counted on delivering us over to the Britishers.

  Master Lord opened his jaws without waiting to be bidden, for he musthave seen on my face a determination to put an end to his career oftreachery at the lightest token of making an outcry.

  While I was doing this, Harvey, understanding the need of securing boththe prisoners beyond any possibility they could do us a mischief byraising their voices, tore off the sleeve of his shirt, and Archiespeedily thrust it into Seth Jepson's mouth.

  When this had been done there seemed little chance either of thecaptives could do more than give utterance to moans; but, lest theymight succeed in loosening their bonds, I whispered to Harvey:

  "You must stay here and keep sharp watch over them, while Archie and Igo to the room above."

  "To what end?" he asked in surprise, and I replied hurriedly:

  "Hiram may return at any moment, and we must be ready to open the doorfor him."

  Just then the summons was repeated more sharply than before, and I darednot linger to explain to Harvey what had been agreed upon between Hiramand myself, therefore, motioning for Archie to follow, I went up theladder with all possible speed, yet at the same time taking extra goodcare, as may be supposed, not to make so much of noise as could be heardby those on the outside.

  Once on the floor above I halted to whisper in Archie's ear that whichwas to be done in case Hiram returned before these unwelcome visitorshad departed, and meanwhile we could hear voices on the outside, as ifthose who awaited the opening of the door were discussing amongthemselves the cause of Master Lord's delay in giving them entrance.

  Involuntarily Archie looked around hurriedly for something which wouldserve him as a weapon in case we should be obliged to give battle, and,thus reminded that we would be at a disadvantage unless having otherthan our bare fists with which to strike a blow, I followed his example.

  Nothing fitting met my gaze save a three-legged stool which had beenthrown in one corner, the top shattered, and this I seized hastily,finding it possible to pull out one of the legs without making any noiseworth mentioning.

  Archie armed himself with a second leg, and I laid the third up where itmight be come at conveniently in case, by any mischance, one of usshould need a spare weapon.

  Verily it seemed as if a kind Providence was watching over us, for nosooner were we thus prepared to meet Job Lord's Tory friends, ifperchance it became necessary to give them entrance, when we heard loudvoices, as if other visitors had come up, and Archie took me by the handto hearten himself as well as me, for now did it seem certain a conflictwas near at hand.

  One can the better understand what a long head was Hiram Griffin's, whenI set it down that before leaving the house he had lighted a tallow dip,leaving it in one corner of the room where the feeble rays of lightcould not be seen through the crevices of the shutter, and but for hisforethought in this regard we would have been in darkness, which is thesame as saying we must find ourselves at a great disadvantage in eventof a fight with Master Lord's friends.

  Archie and I stood within three paces of the door, still clasping eachother by the hand and striving to hear what was being said on theoutside to the end that we might have some inkling of how many had come,when two loud, deliberate knocks on the shutter told that Hiram Griffinwas returned.

  My heart literally ceased beating for the instant, and it seemed as if Iwas in danger of suffocation, so great was my excitement and anxiety.Hiram had come back from the Bridewell; but had he brought with himSilas Brownrigg?

  Whether he had or no, it was necessary we open the door without delay,and at the same time stand ready for a rough and tumble fight, becausethere was no question but that those who first demanded admittance werestill there, while it was also positive Hiram had decided upon carryinginto execution the plan agreed upon before he set out.

  Motioning Archie to take station on one side of the door where he mightbe ready to strike a blow at the first opportunity, I whispered in atremulous voice:

  "Be careful not to miss your aim, and put sufficient of strength intothe blow to bring down your man. Hiram will send the Tories in first, asa matter of course."

  Then, with all the blood in my body seemingly surging into my head, Iopened the door, and on the instant heard Hiram say in an exceedinglyfriendly tone:

  "Enter, good sirs. Master Lord will return within a short time toconclude the business concerning which you squabbled the other night."

  These words were spoken, no doubt, to warn Archie and me that therecould be no question as to the character of those to whom they wereaddressed, and I raised the leg of the stool high above my head,understanding full well that if we failed of overcoming them at theonset, our race in Boston town had come to a speedy end.

  Unfortunately it so chanced that both Archie and I struck at the man whowas in the lead, and the fellow had no more than got well across thethreshold when he pitched headlong, as an ox falls under the axe of thebutcher.

  Even as this was done I could see that the second man attempted to leapbackward, a cry of fear escaping his lips, and my heart grew cold, forit needed not any one should tell me that if he succeeded in giving usthe slip the lobster backs would soon learn what kind of a trick we hadstriven to play.

  I might have understood, however, that Hiram Griffin stood in readinessto guard against any such danger, and even as the fear came into myheart he had leaped upon the shoulders of the fellow who strove to turnback, the weight of his body sending both himself and his captive intothe room.

  A fourth figure leaped nimbly in and aided me in closing the door,therefore I understood that the game at the Bridewell had been playedwithout an error, for it could be none other than Silas Brownrigg whofollowed Hiram so closely.

  There was no time for greetings or rejoicing; but I did delaysufficiently long to ask in a low tone:

  "Were there only two?"

  "No more," Silas cried quickly as he leaped to aid Hiram, who wasstruggling with the fellow he had thrust into the room, and verily theTory was putting up a stout fight.

  "Gag him!" Hiram cried even while the two were rolling here a
nd there sorapidly that it was with difficulty we could, in that faint light,distinguish friend from foe, and Archie sacrificed a sleeve of hisshirt, rolling it into a wad as he stood ready to thrust it into theTory's mouth at the first opportunity.

  The fellow whom Archie and I had stricken down was sprawled out on thefloor upon his face, like one dead, and I knew we had nothing to fearfrom him for some time to come, even if the life yet remained in hisbody, therefore I took a hand in the battle Hiram was waging sodesperately.

  With us three lads to lend a hand, the struggle was soon brought to anend, and when we had bound and gagged the stranger so securely that hecould not have made the slightest sound had his life depended on it, Iturned to Silas, crushing his hands in mine as I cried, giving no heedto the possibility that there might be more enemies on the outside:

  "We have got you, lad, from out the lion's jaws! How was it done?"

  "I am yet bewildered," Silas replied as if in a maze. "Hiram had withhim a lobster back, who walked with us to the corner of the lane, andtherefore we had no opportunity for conversation."

  "You can do your tongue wagging when we are clear of this bloomingtown," Hiram cried sharply. "Stories will keep; but there's no tellinghow soon the wind may shift against us, for we are sailing mightilyclose-hauled. What about this lover of the king's?" and he stooped overthe man whose head had received Archie's blow as well as mine.

  There was little need to spend much time in the examination. It wascertain he yet breathed; but more than that could not be said, and Hiramcried as he rose to his feet:

  "Now then, lads, move lively, for we must be under way within the nextfive minutes, or take the chances of stopping here longer than will bepleasant."

  "Are any of the lobster backs suspicious?" I asked in a fever of fear,and he replied in a grim tone:

  "The lieutenant at the Bridewell failed to understand why Job Lord didnot come in person for the prisoner, and save that he feared to set awrysome plan of General Gage's, he would have held me there till word couldbe sent to headquarters. There's no telling how soon he may get word tothose who will come to find out if everything is as it should be."

  Even while speaking Hiram was descending the ladder, at the foot ofwhich Harvey stood white-faced, with staring eyes, for he had no meansof knowing how the battle was going, and I could understand full well inwhat a turmoil must have been his mind.

  "It's all right, lad," Hiram said reassuringly as he laid his hand onHarvey's shoulder. "Pull yourself together, for we must make a quickflitting. Best carry Seth up stairs, so he may have company while we aregone."

  "I thought it was agreed he would go with us," I cried hotly, not of themind to lose one of our prisoners even though we yet stood in so much ofdanger.

  "We can't take the chances of two, as matters stand now, and Job Lord isthe more valuable to our friends in Cambridge," Hiram said, speakinghurriedly as he began to cast off the bonds from the man's feet. "Thelobster back who went with me to the Bridewell knows I was given butone, and he is to aid us in embarking, therefore to have two would causea suspicion to enter even his thick head."

  Hiram had Master Lord in shape for walking by this time; but the fellowflatly refused to rise from the bed, declaring that his limbs were socramped he had no control over them.

  "It will be well that you get them into shape in short order, for wecount on taking you with us, or leaving you here dead, and there islittle time in which to make a choice," Hiram said in a tone which gaveproof that his were no idle words. "Carry the boy up the ladder, andleave him on the floor," he added to me, and this Harvey and I did withall speed, while Archie and Silas stood by to lend our leader a hand ifso be he might need it.

  I had no opportunity of hearing whether Master Lord made further protestagainst doing as he had been commanded; but it seemed to me that Harveyand I had no sooner laid Seth Jepson by the side of the Tory who hadbeen so severely injured, than Hiram appeared at the top of the ladderwith the double-faced scoundrel by his side.

  "Do you know where the ship-yard that is owned by a man named Edes maybe located?" Hiram asked immediately he had come up into the room, andwe lads soon gave him to understand that the place was familiar to us.

  "Then lead the way, stepping out lively, for I am not minded to lingerhere many minutes," he said sharply, turning to seize Master Lord by thecollar.

  "But what about these fellows?" I asked, pointing to Seth and the twomen. "Are they to be left helpless and gagged?"

  "There is no other way out of it, and I dare venture to say they wouldnot have any heart-ache to leave us in even a worse plight."

  "But the wretches will starve to death!" I cried in horror, and Hiramreplied grimly:

  "I would leave them to such a fate rather than miss taking Job Lord tothose whom he has deceived so long; but there is little danger, though Iwon't say but they'll be mighty uncomfortable for a time. 'Twixt now andmorning one or more of this scoundrel's friends will come to concoct yetfurther harm to the Cause, and, if we leave the door unlocked, they'llbe released sooner than is deserved."

  Archie would have lingered to make Seth a bit more comfortable byloosening the gag ever so little; but Hiram literally drove him towardthe door as he cried in an angry tone, which I dare say was assumed tocover his nervousness:

  "Look after yourself, lad, and give over being soft-hearted about suchcurs. We've got no easy job before us, and are needing every moment oftime." Then to Master Lord he added, "If you are minded to make anynoise as we walk through the streets, remember what I have threatened todo, and understand that it's my belief I'd be doing a good deed to putyou out of the world!"

  It seemed to me there was little need for such caution. The traitor wasyet gagged, and strive as he might could not have done other than moanever so softly.

  We left the house which had been our prison, in haste, as if already thepursuers were at our heels, and when we stepped into the open air Irecalled that which Hiram had said regarding the lobster back who was toaid us in embarking, therefore whispered to our leader as we went at aswift pace in the direction of the ship-yard:

  "Is there not danger the Britisher who went with you to the Bridewellwill come to understand that you have made a change of prisoners?"

  "That is one of the chances we are taking, lad. I strove to keep himfrom having a fair look at Silas, and hope the effort was successful. Ifnot, it will be a case of fighting another battle with all the oddsagainst us, for the guard-house is so near at hand that we could notmake much of a disturbance without being overheard by those on duty.Push forward, and do not try to find fresh cause for fear, since we haveall of danger before us that I care to think about."

  Acting in accordance with Hiram's instructions, we lads pressed closelyaround Job Lord for the double purpose of hiding him from view as muchas possible while at the same time we forced him to a rapid pace, and insilence, save for the heavy breathing of the prisoner caused by the gag,and the sound of our footsteps, we advanced unchallenged to where theskiff was found.

  But for the fact that I believed death lurked very closely in our rear,I could have found something comical in the fact that we were beingaided in our flight by one of the king's men, who believed he was havinga finger in the pie to be baked for the "rebels," and even though Itrembled with fear and anxiety, it was impossible to check a smile whenI saw the thick-headed Britisher waiting patiently by the water's edgefor us to come up.

  In order that we might get away the more quickly, he had the skiffafloat, holding her by the painter, and as we approached Hiram thrustJob Lord on board in advance, following so closely as to screen him fromview. If the lobster back had previously had any suspicions, he mighthave noted something strange in the manner of our clustering around theprisoner even after we had taken our places in the boat; but the dullfellow believed he was aiding in what would work injury to those whom hehad come across the ocean to kill, and gave heed to nothing save his ownpart in the enterprise.

  As I think of the matter
now, it seems almost like a fairy tale, thisstory of being aided to escape by one of the king's men, with a squad ofsoldiers at the guard-house nearby ready to lend a hand in case weneeded it; but such was the case, and had it not been so I believe of averity we had never gone out of Boston town alive, for if the tables hadbeen turned, Master Lord and his friends would have seen to it that wewere hanged on one pretext or another.

  Whatever the dangers we had encountered, or however narrow the escape,we were free at last, for even though one of the guard-boats overhauledus, the pass signed by General Gage himself would have been enough toinsure safe conduct, and when the skiff had been pulled by Harvey andSilas so far from the shore that we could see behind us nothing save thelights that twinkled here and there, it was with difficulty I represseda shout of triumph.

  As it was I could not hold my peace; but, leaning toward Hiram as he satby Master Lord's side in the stern-sheets, said gleefully:

  "We have come out from among the Britishers without a scratch, and inaddition to releasing one of our own who was in prison, are taking toCambridge a spy who might have worked the Cause fatal harm, thereforewho shall say that the Minute Boys, if so be you still count yourselfone, have not shown themselves able to do the work of men?"

  "I sure do count myself one of the Minute Boys, lad, and shall do sotill our little muss with the king has come to an end, leaving uscolonists on the top of the heap. But say, Luke Wright, this last trickover which we have the right to do a good bit of crowing, has been aclose shave. Unless everything had worked according to our desires, wewould have been undone, and I'm thinking the shadow of the gallows wasdark over us in that hour when I set off for the Bridewell."

  "Tell me what happened there?"

  "It isn't much of a story, for the plan worked as if it had beengreased, though I'm free to confess that I had but little hope ofpulling through when I left you. My heart was thumping fit to burst whenI called for the officer on duty, holding my head high as if GeneralGage had been my brother. The lieutenant who gave me a hearing was by nomeans the dullard you might have expected him to be, and eyed me in away that wasn't comforting. Of course I had to explain that Master Lordwasn't quite in condition to venture out, and that I was helping him insetting a trap for the rebels. While you might have counted twenty Ifelt certain he was minded to send to headquarters to learn if the orderwas all right, and I made bold to urge that a delay of half an hourwould set all our plans awry, which you'll agree was nothing more thansolemn truth."

  "Then he allowed you to take Silas?" I asked eagerly.

  "Yes, after considerable humming and hawing; but I'm of the belief thatif the lobster back hadn't been with me it would have been a differentmatter. The lieutenant couldn't fail of being impressed by the fact thatI had come with one of his own kidney as escort, and from this out Ishall have a kindly feeling for a red coat, even though I fail to lovethe one that wears it."

  "And now we'll give the officer at the battery the surprise of his life,when we show him Job Lord as prisoner after he sent us to him with suchrecommendations as to his loyalty," I cried with a laugh, whereuponHiram replied gravely:

  "If I have my way, we'll give the battery a wide berth, lad, and for tworeasons. The first is that I'm not minded to be delayed on the journeyto Cambridge, and who can say that the lieutenant wouldn't insist ontaking charge of our prisoner, which would be depriving us of the creditwe deserve. The second reason is more serious. Because the officer atthe battery vouched so strongly for Job Lord, it is barely possible thathe may be as great a traitor as our captive, and I'll give him no chanceto set his partner free."

  "Of course you'll have your way, so far as leading us lads isconcerned," I said quickly. "Surely you have earned the right an hundredtimes over, even though we were disposed to contest it, which we arenot. How do you count on getting to Cambridge?"

  "We'll pull up the creek as far as is possible to take the skiff, givingour battery as wide a berth as we give those fortifications manned bythe Britishers, and, once forced to abandon the craft, set off on thehighway, stopping for nothing this side of Cambridge, for the sooner JobLord's treachery is made known to our people there, the more easy inmind I'll be concerning his being held securely."

  * * * * *

  And now because of the fact that within the past hour it has beenwhispered around the encampment that we of the American army are aboutto strike another blow against the Britishers, and preparations arebeing made for the march, I must bring this poor yarn of mine to aspeedy close lest I find myself unable to finish it.

  As Hiram had said so we did, and before another day was come we were inthe American encampment, telling to General Ward all we had learned.

  There is little need to say that Job Lord was cared for securely, andHiram believes that after this movement which seems to be on foot, hasbeen made, the double-faced villain will be hanged for his crimes, moreespecially since it is now known how much of harm he succeeded inworking to the Cause while professing to be devoted to it.

  Our people have learned to a certainty that this same Master Lord hadbeen paid regularly by General Gage for his services as traitor; but wecan only guess as to why he wanted to hold us prisoners in his house,and at the same time get possession of Silas, for it seems positive thelad was the prisoner whom he counted on taking when he presented theorder which Hiram used to such good effect.

  My father believes it was Job Lord's aim to hold us lads as a bait toentice some of our prominent people into making a try at succoring us,and thus succeed in delivering to General Gage one or more of theAmerican officers. Hiram declares that if we had made thorough search ofthe villain's house, it is likely we might have found that which wouldgive us a clue to the whole plot as he had schemed it.

  I am of the mind that we remained in the building on Cow lane quite aslong as was safe, and it makes little difference what he counted ondoing, since we blocked his game and at the same time brought him togrief.

  Archie is confident that the day must come when, by getting hold of SethJepson once more, as all of us lads believe will be our good fortune, weshall be able to learn no little of Master Lord's villainy which as yetis a secret between himself and his Tory cronies. It is certain that ifwe ever get the treacherous little traitor in our hands again, he can bemade to turn himself inside out, because of being so cowardly that inorder to save himself from punishment he will not hesitate to betray hisfriends.

  When we have discovered what Job Lord would have done with us had hiscareer not been cut so short, then shall we most likely learn the causeof what was much the same as a fight between himself and his visitorswhen we were prisoners in the cellar; but I have very little curiosityregarding this last matter, now that we have come to be members of thearmy, holding as honorable a position as if we were men grown.

  Yes, after the venture into Boston town, and the taking of Job Lord asprisoner, it was allowed that we had the right to be regularly enrolled,and to-day, when we are making ready to give the king another slap inthe face, there is no company of soldiers in the encampment who areseemingly held in higher esteem by our commanders, than the Minute Boysof Boston.


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