Read The Minute Boys of York Town Page 3



  Plead though I might, little Frenchie would give us no hint as to theplan of which he had spoken; but when we were on our homeward way,walking well within the cover of the foliage lest we inadvertently comeupon Horry Sims, he turned the conversation upon such of thefortifications of the town of York as he had seen, and both by his toneand by his manner did I understand that he would give us no inklingwhatsoever of that which he had in mind concerning Silver Heels andSaul's mare.

  The lad must have seen more of military movements than we had fancied,for he knew full well all the names of the different kinds offortification, and could explain their construction, speaking at timesalmost as a veteran soldier might have spoken.

  Although Saul and I knew nothing whatsoever concerning such matters, weunderstood from Pierre's speech that he had not only taken note of eachhalf-completed redoubt or bastion; but knew full well what part eachmight be called to play in the defences of the town, if so be ourAmerican army made an attack.

  He told us that the British line extended on an irregular course fromthe river to the sloping grounds in the rear of the village near what isknown as the Pigeon Quarter, and was seemingly intended, when completed,to entirely surround York Town. Across the peninsula of Gloucester andjust in the rear of that settlement, he said that another line ofentrenchments was being thrown up.

  From what he had seen of the completed work, as well as that which washalf finished, or but just begun, he announced that there would be sevenredoubts and six batteries on the land side, all to be connected byentrenchments, and that on the river bank preparations were making for aline of batteries, the largest, or grand battery, being near the church.

  As for outworks, Pierre said there would be three redoubts on the marginof the ravine to the southwest of the town, another a little eastward ofthe road to Hampton, two on the extreme right near the river, and theFusileer's redoubt on the left.

  He also told us that my Lord Cornwallis had made his headquarters atGovernor Nelson's house, for it can well be understood that our governorof Virginia, noted for more than a leaning toward the cause of liberty,would not remain within the limits of York Town, or anywhere that it waslikely the Britishers could get hold of him, while General Cornwalliswas occupying this portion of our state of Virginia.

  More than this: Little Frenchie in his quiet way had learned that myLord Cornwallis's army numbered nearabout seven thousand men, meaningthat such number of British troops were encamped either at Gloucester orin the town of York.

  When I questioned him as to how he had gathered all this information,which it seemed to me none save an adroit man might gain, he put me offwith a laugh, declaring that while Englishmen and Frenchmen were naturalenemies, these red-coated soldiers seemed to take an especial likingfor a small French boy who had lived no nearer France than New Orleans.

  It came into my mind more than once that mayhap Pierre had found evenamong the king's troops an old friend, improbable though thispossibility might be; but if such was the case the lad never admittedit, and to this day it is impossible for me to say how he learned somuch concerning York Town and the enemy who occupied it, in that onevisit of four or five hours.

  The pain in my heart caused by the theft of Silver Heels was in nodegree lessened as we journeyed on, now listening to what littleFrenchie had to say regarding the situation of affairs at York Town, andagain, either Saul or I breaking out in some wild plan for regainingpossession of our horses, which, if put into execution, would have ledto our arrest, if not to our death.

  Then we were arrived home, and although I might have expected it, I wasthoroughly surprised at finding everything in confusion. The greatestexcitement prevailed everywhere among the people, and work was seeminglyat a stand-still.

  As a matter of course, my father was not at home, he being with theAmerican army somewhere in the North, and I wondered much that Dalton,the overseer, had not set matters straight, for many hours had elapsedsince the visit of the red-coated thieves.

  Uncle 'Rasmus was the only one among the slaves or the servants whoappeared to have regained possession of his senses, and he was sittingin the stable-yard as I had seen him almost every day of my life whenthe sun was shining, meditatively chewing a straw and looking straightahead as if he could see in the distance that which was not visible toother eyes.

  The old fellow was apparently unmoved by the bustle and confusioneverywhere around him, and I, certain of finding in him a sympathizer,went to speak with him even before visiting my mother.

  "Are all the horses gone, Uncle 'Rasmus?" I asked, seating myself by hisside, while Saul and Pierre followed my example.

  "All de saddle hosses, chile. De Britishers done took ebery las' hoofdat was wuff takin'."

  "And Silver Heels with them," I said in a tearful voice.

  "Yes, chile, Silber Heels is wid de res'. I kind'er 'lowed it was gwineter break your heart, honey, but dere was nuffin' ole 'Rasmus could doto stop it, kase it seemed like dis yere stable-yard was plum full obred-coats, all ob 'em swearin' an' laughin', till it seemed like dey wasjes' achin' to 'buse some ob us niggers scandalous, an' I 'low deywould, ef we'd giben 'em de least little word ob back talk."

  "Do you know who sent them here, Uncle 'Rasmus?" Saul asked suddenly,and the old negro nodded his head as he replied:

  "I'se done gone hab my 'spicions, chile. Dere's plenty ob plantationsnearer de town ob York dan dis yere, an' yet 'cordin' to what I heard desogermen say, dey haben't been anywhere else yet. So I was 'lowin' datsome ob de folks 'roun' here, dem as claim to hab a mighty big love forus, set 'em on."

  "Can't you guess who it was, Uncle 'Rasmus?" Saul continued, and theold man replied in a dreamy tone:

  "I done hab my 'spicions; but in dese yere times when you don' knowwho's your friend more'n half de time, dere ain' any sense in talkin'right out what you'se tinkin'. I'se 'lowin' I can guess who set dered-coats aflame."

  "You couldn't guess in a week," Saul interrupted, "because you'rethinking it might be some one of the planters, like Master Sims, insteadof which it was that worthless son of his--Horry."

  Watching Uncle 'Rasmus closely, I fancied that this information was notnew to him, and straightway fell awondering how it was that this oldnegro who seldom strayed out of the stable-yard, let alone going awayfrom the plantation, should have an inkling of what might be done so faraway as the Sims place.

  "Pierre has been to York Town, Uncle 'Rasmus, and he knows where SilverHeels and Saul's mare are quartered."

  "An' is dat all he knows, chile?"

  "It strikes me that's finding out considerable in one day," and then Iexplained how it was little Frenchie was able to move about York Town ashe had, after which Uncle 'Rasmus asked in a hopeful tone:

  "Did he fin' out, chile, which ossifer was gwine to ride Silber Heels,an' which one laid his mark on Saul's mare?"

  As a matter of course Pierre could not give the information; but heexplained with great minuteness where the horses were stabled, and I wasimpatient with him because of wasting so many words when it could do nogood.

  Much to my surprise Uncle 'Rasmus drank it all in, and when littleFrenchie had come to an end of his overly long story the old negro said,taking the straw from his mouth and holding it in the air as if toascertain from which direction came the wind:

  "I reckon I'se 'bleeged to be goin', chillun. For an ole man like Uncle'Rasmus it's quite a journey from here to de town ob York, an' ef Icounts on doin' it 'twixt now an' sunrise, I'd better get my ole legsamovin'."

  "York Town, Uncle 'Rasmus?" I cried in surprise, and well I might, forwithin the past three years I had never seen the old negro go as farfrom the house as the cotton fields.

  "Dat's what I said, chile, an' I'se 'bleeged to be amovin'."

  "But why are you going there, Uncle 'Rasmus?" I cried, catching him bythe arm to insure his attention, and he replied dreamily, but, as itseemed to me, with a certain air of decision:

sp; "I 'low it's time I was lookin' arter Marse Hamilton's house downyander, whar ole Mary libed when he done set her free."

  "There's no need of your looking after that old shanty, Uncle 'Rasmus,"I cried. "Surely father gives no heed to it now; it isn't worth half adozen shillings, except for firewood."

  "I know dat, honey; I'se done foun' all dat out, but sumfin's tellin' medat it's time I was lookin' arter Marse Hamilton's property what's beenlef dere in de town ob York, whar de Britishers am rampagin' an' rarin''roun' like dey was gone crazy."

  "But you'll starve to death there, Uncle 'Rasmus. I don't fancy thereare very many of old Mary's goods left in the hovel, for if I rememberrightly young Dinah laid claim to the greater portion, and how will youget along for something to eat?"

  "I was kind'er 'lowin', chile, as how you an' Saul, an' maybe littlePierre as you call him, would tend out on de ole man, des enough tofetch now an' den what he was needin' to hol' de soul in his body."

  "But if, as Pierre says, the British entrenchments run back of the townas far as the Pigeon Quarter, then old Mary's cabin must be inside, andhow would we be able to get through the lines?"

  "Well, chile, I ain' got any great lub for de Britishers; but I'se'lowin' dey ain' so hard-hearted as to hold out a couple ob chillun whatwanted to feed a pore ole nigger. It kind'er seems as if dey'd be'shamed to let your Uncle 'Rasmus starbe, eben ef he is no 'count kaseob bein' so ole, specially ef all dey'd hab to do to keep him erlong,was to let a couple or three chillun in de lines."

  It was all blind to me, this sudden whim of Uncle 'Rasmus to take up hisquarters in old Mary's cabin, which was hardly more than the veriestshanty, and while I stood looking at the old man, trying to get someglimmer of truth out of what was fast becoming a mystery, littleFrenchie's face lighted up wondrously, as he leaped forward, seizing theold darkey by both hands while he cried joyously:

  "It's a great plan, Uncle 'Rasmus, it's a great plan! I'll go with you agood part of the way so's to help along, for of course you count oncarrying something."

  "I spects I'se boun' to hab a blanket, chile, an' sumfin in de way obfood, kase I ain' sich a foolish ole nigger as to tink I could get troua sogerman's lines in de night, an' so I'll be needin' sumfin for a bedef nothin' more."

  "But if you are foolish enough to go to York Town, what's the sense ofstarting to-night? Why not wait till morning? You say yourself you don'texpect to get through the lines after dark, therefore why sleep on theground when you could stay here in comfortable quarters?" Saul cried,whereupon Pierre, turning from Uncle 'Rasmus, said to the lad:

  "Can't you understand that this old negro is paving a way for you andFitz to get at your horses?"

  "I may be a thick-head; but I surely can't see how taking up hisquarters in old Mary's cabin, where we've got to carry food to him everyday or two, is helping us along very fast," Saul cried angrily, andlittle Frenchie, throwing back his shoulders, laughed heartily, findingsomething so comical in Saul's words that it was a full minute before hecould make reply.

  Then he said, his voice all atremble with mirth:

  "Don't you see that Uncle 'Rasmus is making a reasonable excuse for youto go into the town of York every day, if so be you're minded? Can't youunderstand that once he's in old Mary's cabin there's good reason why weshould spend the night with him now and then? Suppose we carried Uncle'Rasmus food three days running, it would become necessary to explainthat the old man had been intending to come out to the plantation; butsince we had lost our horses we were forced to feed him as best wemight, because he was too feeble to walk home. Can't you also see,"Pierre continued eagerly, "why the old man wants to get there in thenight? He counts on sneaking through the lines, instead of meekly lyingdown on the ground, as he has said, and intends, if so be it ispossible, to get into old Mary's cabin without making known to theBritishers that he has just come into the village; but rather counts onletting it be understood that he has been there ever since they enteredthe town."

  "It's amazin' how some ob dese yere chillun can pick up an idee whatoder folks am tryin' to hide," Uncle 'Rasmus said as he patted littleFrenchie on the head, and then hobbled toward his cabin as if he was sofeeble that only with the greatest exertion could he drag one foot afteranother.

  Surely I was thick-headed on that afternoon, for even after Pierre hadmade full explanation of Uncle 'Rasmus's intended movements, it was agood five minutes before the whole scheme came plain in my mind, andthen I realized that this old negro of ours was about to do more towardregaining possession of Silver Heels, if indeed she ever did come intomy possession again, than all of us lads with our noisy talk.

  He would take up his abode in the town of York, sneaking through thelines, if so be it was possible, to the end that the British might notknow he had just come in from the outside, and once there the way wasopen for all three of us lads to wander at least so far through the townas old Mary's cottage. It would be strange indeed, after the red-coatswere accustomed to seeing us come and go, for there could be no questionbut that we would get permission to minister to the poor old negro, ifwe could not venture further and further inside the lines until, shouldfortune favor us, we might be able to go whithersoever we desired.

  At all events, with Uncle 'Rasmus dwelling in the town--with Uncle'Rasmus ill and needing our attention, we would be enabled to spend ourtime in York without arousing even the suspicions of that miserablesnake whom people call Horry Sims.

  Of course, so far as the little scoundrel was concerned, he might wellwonder how it chanced that Uncle 'Rasmus had gone into the town of York,for whenever any of the lads had come around the Hamilton plantationthey had been accustomed to seeing the old negro sitting in his favoriteplace in the stable-yard; but I could see now as the scheme came home tome, that it would be possible, in case Horry Sims made inquiries, to letit be understood that Uncle 'Rasmus had gone there some days before myLord Cornwallis's army entered the town, being stricken so ill he couldnot be safely moved.

  In fact, I saw nothing but brightness in the future, and all throughthis old negro whom I had seen sitting in the stable-yard chewing strawday after day until he had come to seem much like one of the dogs or thehorses, having no mind of his own; but implicitly obeying the will ofhis master.

  Having come to fully understand all of benefit which might accrue to usin this move of Uncle 'Rasmus, I would have aided the old negro to thebest of my ability, and insisted that he wait until I go to thisplantation or that where I might borrow a horse to carry him; but hewould have none of it.

  He was bent on entering the town of York in his own way, and alone. Theonly assistance he would agree to, was that we might carry his blanketsand scanty store of provisions a certain portion of the distance, andwhen I would have insisted on bringing out some delicacies from thehouse, he positively refused to accept them, whereupon I urged almostangrily to be allowed to do as I pleased, until little Frenchie, whosehead is ever clear, said to me laughingly:

  "Can't you understand, you thick-headed Fitz, that it would be strangeif Uncle 'Rasmus was disabled in old Mary's cabin with all sorts ofdelicacies in the way of food? If the Britishers should grow suspiciousand look into the matter, wouldn't they think it odd the old man hadbeen allowed to remain in that hovel while there were yet horses in thestables of the Hamilton plantation to bring him back where he belonged?"

  Surely there was good reason why I should be called thick-headed, forthis was not the only time since morning that I had shown myself to be astupid; yet I was not so simple but I could readily understand that eventhough we might have the advantage of being able to go and come from thetown of York to the plantation at will, we would not be so far advancedtoward the recovery of the stolen horses as to be able to say that ourwork was in a fair way of being performed.

  It was one thing, and I grant you an important one, to enter the townwithout giving rise to suspicions; but quite another and more serious totake from the quarters of the British army horses which would be guardedby soldiers, and get aw
ay with them through the lines of sentinels outover the entrenchments.

  "Then this Minute-Boy business that you talked about Fitz, is to bedropped?" Saul asked a few moments after Uncle 'Rasmus had left us, andI turned upon him in astonishment, whereupon he, reading the questionwhich must have been plainly written on my face, added:

  "It would seem as if we were turning all our attention to getting backthe mare and Silver Heels, in which case, as a matter of course, therecan be no other work for us. If we should be so fortunate as to succeed,it would become necessary to scurry out of this part of the country,lest my Lord Cornwallis lay us by the heels, for I suppose they wouldset it down as stealing if we should reclaim our own."

  "And why might it not be that you would continue the work of MinuteBoys, even while striving to get back the horses which were taken fromyou?" little Frenchie asked as if in wonderment. "It is not to besupposed we can go into the town of York, and, without delay, take fromthe stables where Simcoe's Rangers keep their horses, two of the best;but many days will pass, yea _must_ pass, before the work can beaccomplished. In the meanwhile, if we are free to go in and out of thetown, why might it not be possible for us to carry much of informationto the Americans? It would seem as if our work as Minute Boys was butjust beginning."

  "What between your plans and those of Uncle 'Rasmus's, I confess tobeing thoroughly mixed," Saul muttered impatiently. "In the first place,even though you deem it of so much importance, I fail to see how beingable to go in and out of the town will add to the possibility of gettingour horses. Unless I am much mistaken in regard to military matters, itwill not be a simple affair to steal either the mare or Silver Heelsfrom the soldiers. Then, if we are bending all our efforts to that onepurpose, how are we to serve the colony? What we could learn in the townof York that would be of importance to the Americans, passes myunderstanding."

  "We shall see," Pierre said laughingly, with a shrug of the shouldersand a wave of his hand. "It shall be for a little French boy from NewOrleans, who never saw the land where his father and mother were born,to teach you Virginians how it may be possible to bear a hand in thisbusiness, which is like to grow exceeding warm when our French generalcloses in on Cornwallis's army, for now has come the time to hold theking's men as a strong man holds a child in his grasp, if so be yourGeneral Washington is minded to give him the authority."

  "To hear you talk, Pierre, one might suppose you had served withsoldiers all your short life," Saul cried irritably, and again littleFrenchie laughed as he replied:

  "My father was a soldier, and fought bravely. I have heard him and hiscomrades conversing; I have seen them draw plans for a campaign, anddiscuss the strength of fortifications, until it seemed to me, eventhough I have had no experience in such matters, that I knew muchconcerning them."

  Then the conversation ceased, Saul seemingly giving himself up to asulky mood, while I had so much food for reflection with dwelling uponwhat we might do and the possibilities of running our necks into aBritish noose, that I was not minded to give play to my tongue.

  Uncle 'Rasmus remained within his cabin a good half hour, while we ladsawaited him, having no inclination to meet our mothers just at thistime lest we be ordered to keep within the bounds of the plantation,and thereby prevented from carrying out our plans, foolhardy though theymight be.

  When the old negro did appear among us again he was ready for thejourney; that is to say, he had with him two blankets and a smallbundle, or package, which I doubted not contained the store of food hewas minded to carry with him to York Town. In addition to this outfit Inoticed that he had his heaviest cane, which was fashioned with a handlemuch like a crutch, and I dimly wondered, hardly knowing that I did so,whether he had taken this particular stick just at this time as aweapon, or simply to guide his faltering steps.

  "I reckon I'se done put ole 'Rasmus's business on dis yere plantation inshape, an' now, chillun, I'se gwine ter be moseyin' erlong, an' efyou'se countin' to help de ole man, it won't be out ob de way ef yercarry dese yere blankets an' de little bundle, kase I ain' been muchused to totin' stuff dese las' years."

  "Of course we're going to help you, Uncle 'Rasmus," I said quickly,taking the blankets from his hands. "We count on keeping right by yourside from here until you come within sight of the town of York."

  "I'se 'lowin', chile, dat our roads don' come together till we get to adead cottonwood tree, whar you say you an' Saul lay hid while de littleFrench boy went on inter de town."

  "But which way are you going, Uncle?" Saul cried. "There's no other roadthan the nearest course from here to York."

  "I'se 'lowin' your ole Uncle 'Rasmus knows better'n dat," he cried."He's libed on dis yere plantation nigh to forty years, an' it wouldseem kind'er strange ef he didn't know all de rabbit an' de coon pathstrou dis yere growth. Ef it won't tucker you chillun out to carry deblankets an' de bundle, an' leabe 'em at de ole cottonwood, I'll get 'em'twixt now an' mornin'. Ef so be you'se feelin' kind'er trubbled 'boutde ole man, come to see him wheneber you gets ready. He's gwine ter beright dar in ole Mary's cabin, sure's you're bawn."

  It was a surprise to me that Uncle 'Rasmus should be able to find hisway anywhere between the two rivers, for I hardly remembered of seeinghim stray from the bounds of the plantation; but certain it was, atleast to my mind, that he should go his gait, for now had we come to putall our dependence upon him, so far as making any move toward recoveringthe stolen horses was concerned.

  In fact it now began to seem to me, so far as proving ourselves MinuteBoys, that unless we could get within the British entrenchments we coulddo naught of good for those men who, I doubted not, were slowly makingtheir way toward the town of York to hold my Lord Cornwallis prisoneruntil the time should come when they might lay their hands heavily uponhim.

  Thus it was that Uncle 'Rasmus went off by himself, going down past theline of grape-vines across the creek, as I supposed, while we threestruck out along the road until we had traveled perhaps a quarter of amile, when little Frenchie suddenly halted and said as he turned uponus:

  "Why is it that all three shall travel twelve miles or more this day,and repeat the same journey to-morrow forenoon?"

  "You know why it is," Saul cried angrily. "You claimed to understandall that Uncle 'Rasmus had in his crazy head."

  "I did understand, and it is because of seeing what we may do with hishelp, I am asking why the three of us should go from here to York andback this night, simply to retrace our steps to-morrow morning?"

  "What else may we do?" I asked impatiently.

  "Two might go on with the blankets and the bundle, and, arriving at thedead cottonwood, remain there all night, while the third, staying behindnow, can set off from the plantation at break of day, bringing with himsuch an amount of food as will explain why we wish to visit old Mary'scabin."

  "Then those who went on to-night would sleep on the ground, whereas theone who remained here would take his rest in bed," Saul said grimly, andwith that shrug of the shoulders which sometimes irritated and sometimespleased me, Pierre replied:

  "Yes, that is true, and if you have not yet slept on the ground, youcould be the one to stay here. It makes no difference which two of us goon; but it seems important that one remain here in order to bring freshfood in the morning, thus making a pretext for entering the Britishlines."

  I was not so thick-headed but that I could understand what the lad wasdriving at and straightway said to Saul:

  "Suppose you go back home? Make such excuses for Pierre and me as seemsto you best. Perhaps it would be as well if you confided our secret inmother, for we must have some one on the plantation who will work withus, else we shall not be able to get provisions in sufficient quantityto keep all of us from hunger."

  "And suppose she demands that you return, and I take her command toyou?"

  "She cannot call us back before to-morrow night in case only one stayson the plantation now," Pierre said, "and by that time we will have beenable to get a look around the town--mayhap be so fortu
nate as to seesome way by which we can work our will. At all events, it seems bestthat we do as I have said, although I am willing to fall in withwhatsoever other plan you lads may propose."

  "Turn you back, Saul. It is not well we should stand here quibblingabout a trifle when there is a possibility that such sneaks as HorrySims may come along and wonder why we are carrying blankets toward thetown of York at this hour of the day."

  I spoke impatiently because I was growing anxious, and had begun to fearthat some one might come who would suspect that we were plottingmischief against the red-coated trespassers.

  My cousin wheeled sharply around as if angry, and under othercircumstances I would have held him back lest we part in unfriendlyfashion; but at this moment there was so much of fear in my heart lestwe be prevented from carrying out the half-formed plan, that I could notparley with my kinsman as I should have done. Rather was it a relief tome when he turned about to retrace his steps, and, clutching littleFrenchie by the arm, I said curtly:

  "Now step out, lad, and if so be we hear any one approaching either fromthe front or rear, it is for us to seek cover amid the foliage, even asrabbits do, for we must not be seen 'twixt now and the time we makeready to enter the town bearing provisions for Uncle 'Rasmus."

  Pierre did as he was bidden, making no protest at my rough handling ofhim, and from that time until we were come to the dead cottonwoodneither of us spoke. I fancy that his heart, like mine, was filled withforebodings of the future, and with questions as to whether he was noton a road which would lead to the gallows.

  It was not yet dark when we arrived at our destination without havingseen man or woman on the road, all of which caused me yet more anxiety,for I failed to understand why it was that on this day when the curiouspeople of Virginia should have been going to and fro to see the king'ssoldiers, none save ourselves were abroad.

  Pierre and I sought the same resting place as had Saul and I earlier inthe day. The little French lad spread out the blankets as if makingready to spend the night, and I asked if he did not count on seeingUncle 'Rasmus very soon, whereupon he said with a laugh and a shrug,that it made no difference to him when the old negro arrived at therendezvous, although it would please him better did the old man comelater rather than earlier; but he was intending to get what rest hecould while he had at his command such an apology for a bed.

  "We needn't expect him before midnight at the soonest," Pierre said ashe nestled down on the blankets, motioning for me to follow his example,"and 'twixt now and then we may get a fairly good night's rest if we donot spend too much time in talking."

  We were where it would be impossible for any passers-by on the highwayto see us, unless peradventure they were so curiously inclined as tomake their way through the underbrush, which was thick at this point,and I understood, as little Frenchie had intimated, that it was betterfor us to hold our peace, because the sound of our voices would carryfar on the night air, and no one could say when such as Horry Sims mightcome sneaking around.

  Excited and anxious though I was, slumber came to my eyelids within avery few moments after I had stretched myself out to rest, and I was allunconscious of what might be happening around me until a light pressureon my shoulder caused me to spring to a sitting posture very suddenly.

  Then it was I could distinguish, even in the gloom of the night, Uncle'Rasmus's form, and I cried out to know how long he had been there,whereupon the old negro put his hand upon my lips in token that I shouldspeak with more of caution, whispering at the same time he arousedPierre:

  "I des come up, honey, an' can't 'ford to lose any mo' time. Yere po'ole uncle des hobbles 'roun' like er toad, an' it takes him a mightylong while to get ober much ob de groun'. I'se pow'ful sorry to 'sturbyou chillun; but allow it's time for me to be toddlin' erlong, ef Icounts on gettin' whar de Britishers are before sunrise. I'll be needin'dese yere blankets, and it sure am a pity to turn two likely babies outin de cold."

  "Don't fret yourself about us, Uncle 'Rasmus," I said quickly, leapingto my feet, followed by Pierre.

  Then we two lads rolled the blankets into as small a compass aspossible, putting inside them the package of food, and fastening thewhole upon the old man's shoulders according to his directions, in sucha manner that it would not impede him in his movements.

  "I'se surely gwine to 'spect you chillun 'fore anudder night-fall," theold man said after we had explained to him why Saul was not with us. "Iclean forgot to tell ole Missey dat I was 'bleeged to go erway, an' amcountin' on your doin' it, honey," he added, turning to me.

  Before I could make reply the old man was striding off in the directionof the village, walking as spritely, so it seemed to me, as I myselfmight have done.

  "Be careful, uncle! Don't run your woolly pate into danger when there'sno necessity for it!" I cried after him, and back to me on the night aircame the quavering voice:

  "De ole fox allers looks arter hisself when de houn's are 'roun'; butit's de cubs what are mos' likely fo' to get inter trubble."

  Then little Frenchie and I were alone. Standing within the shelter ofthe foliage at the foot of the dead cottonwood, and placing my hands onhis shoulders, for just then I literally ached to come into close touchwith a friend, I said, striving to hold my voice steady:

  "It may be, Pierre, that Saul and I had no right to drag you into thismad scheme of ours, for even since Uncle 'Rasmus has set off does itcome to me that it is reckless for us to risk our lives in the hope ofgetting back the horses. I have little faith that we shall be able toaccomplish anything as Minute Boys, therefore we must set it down in allhonesty to ourselves that we are pressing forward simply to recoverthat which has been stolen, and we have no right to lead you intodanger."

  "Do not think I am boasting, Fitz Hamilton," and Pierre shrugged hisshoulders in a way that caused me to laugh despite the heaviness of myheart; "but yet there comes in upon me the thought that mayhap it is I,the French lad from New Orleans, who is dragging you and Saul, ratherthan that you are dragging him."