Read The Minute Boys of York Town Page 4



  I had not counted that it would be possible for us to indulge in slumberafter Uncle 'Rasmus had carried off the blankets; but yet before he waswell on his way toward the village both of us were wrapped in sleep asprofound as even when our bed was softer.

  Neither the thought of poor Silver Heels in the hands of a brutalBritish officer, nor the possibility that we might come to grief when,on the morrow, we ventured into the town of York, prevented me fromgaining all the rest a lad needs, as may be judged by the fact that notuntil the sun was an hour high in the heavens, and Saul was shaking meinto consciousness, did I have knowledge of my surroundings.

  Then it was, with a feeling of shame, that I started to my feet, nonethe worse for having been stretched out so long on the bare ground; butdeep down in my heart was a painful sense of having shown myself achild, by thus indulging in repose when others stood ready to aid in thetask which should have been all my own.

  "Have you lads given over going into the village this morning, that yousleep so late and so soundly?" Saul asked with a note of scorn in histones, and I replied quickly, as if making apology for having been sucha laggard:

  "Even though we had risen as early as did you, it would not have beenwise for us to go forward, yet I am free to admit that it might havebeen more seemly had we opened our eyes before sunrise."

  "It is to my mind that we were wise to get all the sleep possible,"little Frenchie said with a shrug of the shoulders. "A good soldiershould be able to sleep anywhere and at any time, and it is his duty totake advantage of every opportunity to rest, in order that he may be thebetter able to undergo fatigue when it becomes necessary."

  "But you are not a soldier," Saul said sharply, as if offended by thewords; but Pierre, nothing daunted, replied cheerily:

  "Yet am I in a fair way to be one, having enrolled myself as a MinuteBoy. I am much the same as an apprentice, according to my way ofthinking, and, being so, should copy after my elders--"

  "Meaning that you ought to sleep like a laggard until the sun is high inthe heavens?" Saul cried and I, growing irritated because he persistedin harping upon our indolence, said, speaking quite as sharply as hadhe:

  "We have done no harm by being laggards. I would like for you to explainhow we might have been advantaged by awakening at daybreak and sittinghere waiting for you to come? It seems to me just as well that we shouldsleep, as sit around twiddling our thumbs."

  "I was astir a full hour before daybreak, attending to the work set me,else I would not be here thus early, ready to make the venture as agreedupon."

  One might have fancied Saul was eager to be praised for his earlyrising, and I might have said something calculated to irritate him, butthat Pierre cried with a laugh:

  "So you were, my brave Minute Boy; but remember that most like youcrawled into bed a good two hours before Fitz and I did, and it is alsoreasonable to suppose you were not awakened at midnight to give up yourblankets."

  This remark seemed to anger Saul instead of soothing him, and, fearingwe might have then and there a wordy battle between the excitable littleFrench boy and my quick tempered cousin, I broke in by saying:

  "Look you here, lads, there is no reason why you should squabble as towho turned out of bed first this morning. That is over and done with,and it strikes me we had best look forward rather than backward. Did youspeak with my mother, Saul?"

  "Ay, that I did."

  "And was she opposed to our going into York?"

  "I would not be willing to say quite as much as that; but certain it isher heart was troubled sorely when I told her what we counted on doing.I believe of a verity if Uncle 'Rasmus had not already left theplantation, she would have set her face against it. As it is, knowingthat now most like the old negro is housed up in the cabin, unless theBritishers, suspecting intended mischief, have given the poor fellowlodgings in a guard-house, she realizes that we can do no less thancontinue as we have begun, although her command is that we do not runour heads into danger unnecessarily. She says it is foolish for us toventure our liberty, and perhaps our lives, in the effort to reclaim twohorses, when it is possible to buy others that would serve us equallywell."

  "We could never find a colt that would be as dear to me as is SilverHeels," I interrupted hotly, all the grief which had come upon me theevening previous returning to my heart, and setting my pulse beating soloudly that it seemed as if the lads might hear the blood leapingthrough my veins.

  "What did you bring in the way of provisions?" Frenchie asked, and hisquestion reminded me that we had gone supperless to bed.

  "Enough to keep us all from hunger a full week, I believe," Saul repliedwith an air of pride, as if he alone should have the credit, not onlyfor bringing, but for providing, the supplies.

  Then it was he opened the sack he carried, and displayed an ample storeof cold boiled ham, corn-bread, fried hominy and fried ham, saying as hedid so:

  "If so be we are allowed to remain with Uncle 'Rasmus, some of us shouldbe able to catch fish enough to add to this store until it will serve asa week's rations."

  Pierre and I at once set about making a hearty meal, giving no heed tothe possibility that we might come to short rations later, and evensulky Saul was not averse to joining us.

  Before we had satisfied our hunger my cousin was in a more pleasantframe of mind and condescended to explain to us all that had been saidand done on the plantation after we left. As nearly as I could make outit seemed that my mother was willing we should go our own pace, althoughas a matter of course she, like any other woman, was frightened at theidea of our venturing among enemies, for surely with my father in theso-called rebel army, we could count that these red-coated gentry wouldbe anything but friendly to those who came from the Hamilton plantation.

  It heartened me wonderfully, if indeed I had needed heartening afterremembering that poor little Silver Heels was awaiting my coming, toknow that mother had not really set her face against what we would do,and I contented myself so far as was possible, by saying that we wouldlet nothing stand in the way of carrying out the scheme that was afootunless having become convinced that we were venturing on too dangerousground.

  When breakfast had been eaten and we had divided Saul's burden into twoparcels for the more convenient carrying, came the question as to whenwe should make the attempt to gain speech with Uncle 'Rasmus in the oldcabin.

  Saul was for setting off at once, although the sun was no more than twohours' high, while Frenchie argued strongly that we should wait untilthe forenoon was half spent, when there would likely be many visitors inthe village, and we would attract less attention than if we were thefirst comers.

  This last seemed to me the wisest course, and despite Saul's grumbling,for he claimed that we were wilfully wasting time, even going so far asto hint that we were afraid to really make the trial, we remained withinshelter of the foliage near by the dead cottonwood until, I should sayten o'clock in the forenoon.

  "Are you ready now?" Saul cried impatiently, after having tried half adozen times in vain to force us forward. "Will you make the venture now,or shall we turn back to the plantation, and say that our hearts failedus at the last moment?"

  I looked at Pierre, who rose to his feet as if in answer to the questionhe saw in my eyes, and straightway we set off toward the town of York,little Frenchie insisting that we walk leisurely, as if having nothingof moment on our minds, and arguing that if we pressed forward at arapid pace we might come upon those who would suspect we had some otheraim than that of feeding an old slave.

  I am free to confess that my heart beat much more rapidly than it shouldhave done when we approached the guard stationed here and there atintervals along the entire line of entrenchments on which soldiers wereworking with pick and shovel.

  Until that moment I had not questioned whether we might be allowed toenter the town; but now it seemed certain that whoever accosted us couldread our purpose on our faces and mentally nerved myself either
fordisappointment or for disaster.

  "Who shall do the talking?" Saul asked when we were come near to abattery in which the guns were already mounted although theentrenchments on either side were far from being completed, and Ifancied the lad was eager to act as spokesman; but I dared not trust himbecause of his quick temper. Therefore it was I said, firmly believing Ispoke the truth:

  "Pierre is the one of us three who can best perform the part. If histongue fails us, then can we make certain, Saul, that either you or Iwould have brought disaster. The lad has a quicker wit, knows far moreabout military encampments, although he boasts not, and can hold histemper in check."

  I have an idea that my cousin was not well pleased at being thus putunder the command, as you might say, of little Frenchie; but there wasno time for him to have made protest even though he was so disposed,because we were come so near the outposts that all our conversationmight have been heard by the red-coated soldier who paced to and frowith a bayonet on his musket, looking as if ready to spit or strike anyof us rebels who dared approach him.

  I believe none of us, except little Frenchie, could have worked thetrick. He advanced within four or five paces of the sentinel, touchedhis hat in regular military salute, and asked if it might be possiblefor him to speak with the officer of the day.

  This puzzled me not a little, for I had no idea whatsoever who the"officer of the day" might be, or what his duties; but it appeared thatPierre knew what he was about, for straightway the sentinel, seeming tounderstand that this little lad was familiar with military usages,called up the officer of the guard, and, without waiting to bequestioned, Pierre addressed him, stating courteously but without toomany words, that there was an old slave in the town whom we feared stoodin need of food and care, therefore had we come to hunt him up.

  When the officer asked where we counted on finding this slave, I had witenough to step forward quickly and make reply, for Pierre, who had butlittle knowledge of the town of York, and none whatsoever as to thelocation of old Mary's cabin, could not have given answer.


  The whole matter was far more simple than I had hoped for. Pierre'sstory was so straight, he was so exceeding courteous, and apparently soready to tell everything about himself and us, that even the mostsuspicious person would have been disarmed, and within five minutesafter requesting permission, we were allowed to pass the sentinel, withno limit set as to the time we might remain in the lines.

  Saul, who I verily believed was disgruntled because little Frenchie hadbeen allowed to act the part of leader, now took upon himself thecommand of our company by marching in advance, for he knew as well asdid I where old Mary's cabin was located.

  You may be certain we kept our ears and eyes wide open as we walkedthrough the village toward the Pigeon Quarter, and I was greatlydisappointed because our way did not lead us past where the horses ofSimcoe's Rangers were stabled, although certain it is, it would havegiven me greatest pain to have seen Silver Heels roughly used.

  There were many visitors in York on this forenoon; people fromroundabout who had Tory inclinations, or who were ready to sell to theenemies of their country such of vegetables or farm produce as mightbring them in a few shillings. A number from Gloucester who had beenallowed to come across the river, and I even saw two lads whom I knewlived on Mobjack bay, roaming around with mouths wide open inastonishment at this vast encampment wherein, to their uneducated eyes,were soldiers enough to over-run all our colonies.

  Squads of Britishers were marching here and there; officers loungedthrough the narrow streets, most like making their way to theentrenchments. From every direction could be heard sounds telling ofpick and shovel, the shouts of teamsters as they hauled heavy guns intoposition, the beating of drums, the shrill cry of fifes, and, in fact,all that bustle, noise and confusion which I have since learned attendsa military encampment.

  As a matter of course we did not dare linger here or there, althoughvery much was going on which it would have pleased me to observe; but wetook good care to continue without hesitation toward the Pigeon Quarter,contenting ourselves with seeing what we might as we walked at areasonably rapid pace.

  Strange as it may seem, I had given no thought as to whether Uncle'Rasmus had succeeded in entering the village during the night; but tookit for granted that he must have done so, until we were come within astone's throw of old Mary's cabin, and then it was as if my heart stoodstill, for there were many chances that the old negro might have beenarrested while trying to pass the guard and we would find in the hovel asquad of red-coats waiting to make prisoners of those who presentedthemselves there.

  I had so worked up my fears as to feel certain the moment had arrivedwhen we were come to grief, that it was with difficulty I could check acry of mingled relief and triumph on seeing Uncle 'Rasmus's black faceat the window.

  I had never thought there was anything of beauty in the old negro'sfeatures, and, as a matter of fact, wrinkled and black as it was, onemight truly have said that at times it was almost repulsive, yet as Isaw him then it was as if I had never looked upon anything morebeautiful.

  I ran hurriedly, excitedly, into the cabin, throwing myself into the oldfellow's arms much as though welcoming him from the grave.

  "Fo' de Lawd's sake, honey, wha's gettin' on to you so pow'ful bad?" theold man cried in surprise, for probably this was the first time in allmy life when I had shown real affection for him. "Hab de Britishers bincuttin' up 'roun' de plantation since I done lef'?"

  "No; everything was quiet there when Saul set out this morning; but, oh,Uncle 'Rasmus! I had come to fancy you might have been taken prisoner,and that we were all in danger of being arrested for conspiring againstthe king."

  "Ho, ho!" the old negro laughed. "Why, honey, you don' 'spects Uncle'Rasmus is gwine ter git his brack head inter trubble arter all deseyere years, does yer?"

  "But we knew you were counting on slipping through the lines, and ifyou'd been caught in anything of the kind--"

  "Did you eber try fo' to ketch a 'possum, honey, when he kind'er had ainklin' you was arter him? I 'lows Uncle 'Rasmus is gettin' mighty ole;but he ain' so feeble yet but he kin hol' his own agin dese yerered-coated sogers. Why bress yer soul, honey, I des walked right in likeI was comin' home, an' don' 'low one o' 'em knowed dat a wuffless olenigger was anywhar nigh him."

  Little Frenchie had taken the precaution to close the door immediatelyafter our entrance, and while Uncle 'Rasmus and I were talking with nolittle show of excitement, the lad moved here and there, pulling aragged curtain in front of one window, or closing the shutter ofanother, so that we might not attract attention from any passers-by,although this cabin of old Mary's was in what might well be called theoutskirts of the village, where was little danger many people would comeour way.

  "Tell us how you got in here, Uncle 'Rasmus?" I asked, for after seeingthe long line of sentinels which guarded the half-formed entrenchments,it seemed to me little less than marvelous that one could have made hisway through without being challenged.

  "I des walked right trou, honey. Course I wasn' no ways tryin' to 'tract'tention; but kind'er waited for a chance when dere wasn' too man sogers'round. It was easy, chillun, an' I'd bin out ob dis yere house long agohuntin' for Silber Heels, ef it hadn' been dat I was tryin' to wait tillyou done come."

  Then Uncle 'Rasmus insisted on knowing how my mother had received thenews that we were bent on making a visit to York Town.

  When Saul had told him all that had been said and done on the plantationafter his departure, the old negro suggested that we lounge around thevillage, following the example of the curious visitors, lest some onenote the fact that we were apparently taking council together, and itwould not seem reasonable we would willingly remain with an old negroshut up in such a wretched cabin, when there was so much to be seen onthe outside.

  In view of all that occurred before this day was come to a close, it maybe well that I describe the hovel which we called
old Mary's cabin, eventhough there was nothing in or around it worthy of particular noticeunder ordinary circumstances. The fact that later it served us much as acitadel in the midst of our enemies, who were in turn surrounded bytheir foes, renders it necessary I go into detail concerning it for thebetter understanding of what happened later.

  An ordinary hut built of logs, perhaps twenty feet square, with a doormade of puncheon planks, by which I mean planks that have been hewn outof the log with an axe rather than cut by a saw, and two windows, in oneof which four panes of glass were broken, but both protected by shutterswhich swung from the outside. The building consisted of one room on thefloor where the occupants were supposed to eat, sleep and live, whileabove was a loft formed by the roof, and approached through a scuttlesituated directly opposite the door, at the rear of the hovel.

  To gain access to this scuttle one was forced to climb a sort of ladderwhich had been formed by nailing strips of wood against the logs, and,as I learned before we were come to an end of using this cabin as aplace of refuge, it was by no means a simple task to ascend, even forlads who were accustomed to swarming up trees, or shinning the slendermasts of our river craft.

  The loft was, as I have said, formed by the roof, and its floor, likethe one below, was made of puncheon planks, yet not so closely laidtogether but that there were crevices through which one's foot mightslip if he walked carelessly. At either end small holes had been cutbetween the logs, perhaps four or five inches square, which served aswindows, although there was nothing to prevent the wind or the rain fromentering.

  I judged that when old Mary lived in the place these apertures wereclosed, most like with boards, or perhaps with cloth, but now they stoodnaked, and the wind, coming in across the river, found direct ventthrough the attic, thus insuring good ventilation if not comfort.

  On the outside, and at the rear, was a chimney built of sticks and clay,with a hole cut through the logs near the floor of the lower room, wherewas a fireplace of stones laid up with mortar, and the inside of thisrude chimney was plentifully bedaubed with mud to the depth of two orthree inches, as a safeguard against fire.

  Just outside the front door, not more than ten feet away, was a smallwell, which had once been stoned up properly, but was now fallen intosuch a state of decay that I questioned whether the water in it could bewholesome. At the time this seemed of but little moment, for it wouldnot be a great task to bring from the river all the water one would needto drink, and I failed to give heed to the fact that if we were ever touse this cabin as a place of refuge the hour might come when we wouldsuffer from thirst.

  After Uncle 'Rasmus had taken care of the provisions we brought, bystowing them in a poor apology for a cupboard near the side of thefireplace, he insisted that we lads go out and look about the town,claiming that the time might come when it would be much to our advantageto know where this regiment or that legion was quartered, and insistingalso that we must show ourselves as curious, rather than hugging thehovel so closely.

  I was eager to make my way toward that part of the village where thehorses of Simcoe's Rangers were stabled, hoping I might get a glimpse ofpoor little Silver Heels, and, therefore, not averse to following theold negro's advice.

  Uncle 'Rasmus announced that it was his intention to remain closewithin the building, as if it was not possible for him to move around,and this was necessary if we lads counted on making his helplessness anexcuse for coming frequently to the town of York.

  It was as if Saul had determined on this day to be as disagreeable aspossible. As I have already set down, he reproached us with indolencewhen he first came up in the early morning, and grumbled as we cametoward the village because little Frenchie insisted on walkingleisurely, lest suspicion might be aroused. While we remained in oldMary's cabin with Uncle 'Rasmus, he cried out loudly at our wasting timewhen we might accomplish something, although the lad knew full well thatmuch time must be spent, and many plans made, before we could hope evento set about our purpose.

  He was the first to leave the cabin when Uncle 'Rasmus insisted that weplay the part of curious ones, and pressed on ahead as if he would gohis own way, leaving us behind, until Pierre said to me in a whisper:

  "It is not well that we separate--at least, not until we have made someagreement as to a rendezvous later."

  Then it was that I quickened my pace to overtake Saul, who had justdisappeared around the corner of that shop wherein a man named Bemis,who had lately come from Baltimore, displayed stuffs for dresses andgewgaws of all kinds intended to attract the attention of the women andgirls.

  I was for going directly to where the Rangers were quartered, andtherefore felt not a bit hurt that my cousin should start off by himselfwithout giving heed to our wishes, and, finding it was impossible toovertake him at any ordinary pace, I quickened to a run. In consequenceI turned the corner of the shop rapidly, coming directly upon, andalmost over-running, a lad who had halted Saul, and was engaged with himin angry altercation.

  While one might have counted ten I was too nearly dazed with having comeinto violent contact with the fellow, to fully realize the situation,and then a cry of mingled surprise and dismay burst from my lips, for Ifound myself clutching and being clutched by none other than Horry Sims.

  Even then no great harm might have been done had it not been for Saul'sill temper. Little Frenchie, seeing that we had thus inadvertently comeupon the lad whom we knew to be an enemy to us as well as a traitor tohis country, would have treated the matter as a pleasing incident, andbegan by saying with a friendly shrug of his shoulders and a wave of thehands, that he was glad we had found a friend in the town because wewere feeling like cats in a strange garret, when Saul interrupted him ashe cried angrily:

  "There is no reason, Pierre Laurens, why you should put on a false face.You know full well, after all that happened yesterday when this littlevillain sent the Britishers to take Fitzroy's horse and mine, that weare not pleased at seeing him, and that we count on dealing out to himthe punishment he deserves."

  I was well nigh paralyzed at thus hearing my cousin make public thatwhich we had agreed should be held a secret. It alarmed me more than Ican well say, for I had come to believe it was in the highest degreenecessary, if we would succeed in regaining possession of the horses, toprevent this Tory scoundrel from suspecting we knew of all hisvillainy, and I held up my hand warningly, whereat Saul cried hoarsely,being unable to keep the slightest check over his temper:

  "It is not for you, Fitzroy Hamilton, to play a double part! After whatI saw on the road yester morning, we know all this little scoundrel hasdone, and have already agreed that he shall pay the penalty for histreachery."

  There was no longer opportunity to check my cousin. The cat was out ofthe bag, so to speak. We had, at the very moment when we were countingon beginning our work, shown Horry Sims that we knew of his treachery,and thereby made of him an open enemy, one who would do all he mightagainst us, which promised to be no little, for after having giveninformation as to where the best horses in the vicinity could be found,it was reasonable to suppose he stood on friendly terms with the king'sofficers.

  "Who says I told where the soldiers could find your horses?" Horry askedwith a pretense of ignorance, and Saul cried fiercely:

  "No one says so. All three of us lads saw you on the road when youhalted the squad of Rangers, and pointed out the direction of theHamilton plantation, after which they rode straight away there and tookpossession of the horses, as you know full well."

  "If you are so wise as to what happened yesterday, why was it youtreated me in friendly fashion last night?" Horry screamed, growingangry now that his surprise at being thus accused had passed away in ameasure, and no doubt feeling safe in his position because he wassurrounded by those whom he believed would stand his friends, and whowere all powerful in that town of York.

  "It was because we counted on using you to serve our own ends," Saulreplied, seizing Horry Sims by the coat-collar, as if fancying the youngTory was eager to make hi
s escape. "It was a foolish scheme, hatched byFitz and Pierre; but I will have none of it! When a lad proves himselfan enemy to me, as you have since yesterday morning, I count on standingup manfully, accusing him of his crime instead of crawling around like ared Indian, hiding my own feelings with the hope of getting theadvantage of him in some way."

  "Well, now that you have stood up, as you call it, what do you count ondoing?" Horry asked with a sneer, and Saul, shaking him vigorously,replied threateningly:

  "I count on flogging you until it is a question whether you can leavethis town without assistance."

  "It may not be safe to venture anything of the kind," and Horry lookedaround in the hope that some of the Britishers might be near at hand."Of course when there are three to one, I cannot expect to hold myground; but let me warn you of this, Saul Ogden: Whatever you do to mewhile the odds are in your favor, shall be paid back an hundred foldbefore you are outside these lines! Now I know why that little Frenchsneak claimed that there was a short cut through the woods from the Yorkroad to the Hamilton plantation. You fellows were hiding somewherenearabout, and he counted on joining you without my knowledge."

  "Well, is it necessary we shall explain to you what we do, or where weare going?" Saul shrieked, anger now having so far gotten the better ofhim that he was hardly responsible for the words which came from hismouth.

  Pierre and I looked at each other in dismay which amounted almost tofear. We had but just succeeded in paving a way for ourselves to enterthe town at will, and through Saul's hasty temper all the fat was in thefire!

  I could see no other course than to warn Uncle 'Rasmus as soon as mightbe possible. Then take to our heels, trusting to the poor chance that wemight gain the plantation without being laid by the heels, and allthrough an unthinking lad who had agreed, equally with us, that we mustnot let Horry Sims know we were aware of his treachery.

  "It's a case of getting away from here as soon as may be," I whisperedto Pierre, while Saul stood shaking Horry Sims and uttering threatswhich might have been heard fifty yards away. "My cousin must pay thepenalty for thus losing his temper and destroying all our chances ofregaining the horses, for in order to save Uncle 'Rasmus, as well asourselves, we must leave him here to fight his battles with the Tory."

  "I am not so certain that we should leave either of them," littleFrenchie said thoughtfully, and seemingly forgetting to shrug hisshoulders. "It is true the fat is all in the fire so far as our playingfriendly with Horry Sims is concerned; but it seems to me possible thatwe can yet prevent that scoundrel from upsetting all our plans, eventhough it may be a dangerous venture."

  "Of what are you talking?" I cried in amazement. "The mischief hasalready been done. It is no longer possible for us to hold the lad incheck, because he will go straight away to such officers as he knows,giving information that we are here. Once it is learned we claimed thatUncle 'Rasmus had been held in the cabin through his helplessness, andwe were come to aid him, all our scheming will be made public, and wecalled upon to pay the penalty, whatever it may be."

  "But Horry Sims has not yet laid information," Pierre whisperedhurriedly. "If it be possible for you to call Saul off and make himunderstand now, on the instant, before any come nearer, that he musthold himself in check, we, meaning you and I, may be able to deal withthe Tory by such methods that he can not do us one whit of harm until weare ready to give him the opportunity."

  I looked at the little French lad in amazement, too much bewildered tobe able to make reply, for it seemed to me he was talking veriest folly,and yet there was on his face an expression of determination in which Icould see no token of fear, or even uneasiness of mind.