Read The Mirror Page 10

Our relationship with nature is vital to ensure that our planet can continue to support us and we in turn can support our Earth; and the relationship you can build with yourself, your inner life, and your soul is just as vital. If you knew yourself more and had more understanding and clarity about who you are and what you want and where you want to be, it could enable you to make more informed choices. But to build a relationship with ‘you’ can feel quite strange, and when I decided to build a relationship with myself, I found it quite difficult. I started by putting some time aside on a regular basis, as I needed to learn how to listen to my inner self in a way that was respectful and not dismissive. I needed to tune into my thoughts and begin a conversation with myself. I suppose it is a bit like meditating but instead of clearing your mind, you invite thought in. What I have found over a period of time is that I have become much more aware of my surroundings, my life, the way I am being, my reactions and my achievements. Whilst practising this, a change took place within me, leading me to having more control over who I am, what I would like to achieve in my life and what I would need to do to achieve my hopes and aspirations. This all came about because I began to understand myself, to see how my actions could either help me achieve my goals or not. I started to gain control over me: rather than just reacting to everything around me, I became more responsive. This has changed me. It has made me more reflective and accepting of where I am because I feel I can move myself forward now, if I work with the support of my inner self. Of course, I do not and cannot stand alone but I am able to make informed choices because I listen to my inner self.

  I wanted more control in how I came across to others; I wanted to feel calm in myself, and to feel at peace when interacting with others. I have found that by connecting to my inner self it has helped me to be where I am today. It doesn’t mean that you lose your spirit or your enthusiasm; it just gives you the ability to put your ideas and thoughts across in a more measured and assured way. It is not easy learning to listen to yourself: having conversations with yourself through your thoughts is a life long experience. We are not here to be fully-grown within a specific period of time. We need to learn that life is a continuous path and that we are always growing. How much we feed this growth depends how much we become our true self. Conversations with me are guided by my faith. The understandings I gain and the answers I get provide me with direction and encouragement to become who I am meant to be. If you don’t hold faith, that’s ok too; I don’t care where you think the words, thoughts, feelings or signs come from, just as long as you listen when they come.

  Everyone has the ability to have a relationship with his or her inner self; in fact, it is necessary for the future of our planet. If we can all begin to awaken our consciousness, it will guide us towards being more fulfilled, and we will develop a greater understanding of life and obtain the ability to embrace more fully the wonders of the world. We can and will build a collective consciousness, which will only be fully achieved by the development of the human soul in each and every one of us; a relationship with yourself forms the building blocks for your soul to grow. If we can begin to feel more at one with ourselves, then we may see more, feel more awake and fully embrace all that life has to offer us. I do not advocate that we become an individualistic world but in order to come together we first have to know ourselves as individuals before we can begin to link positively as a collective. This is enormous and will probably not happen in my lifetime but it has begun and needs to continue. So, take time, listen to your thoughts and see what they say and where they take you, start a relationship with yourself and see where it leads; you may just get a great surprise.

  This can start with one human being, just one individual and then another and then another, until there are more human beings with relationships with themselves than there ever have been before, leading to a level of true knowing that can be used and joined together as a collective consciousness to support our relationship with the Earth. By developing a relationship with yourself, it does not mean or imply that you stand-alone or do not need others; it actually means that you will develop an awareness as to who you are and this will enable you to meet others who are necessary for your future development. They will support you towards your destiny, as you will support others who you will meet. To know yourself is to release your true potential, which will guide you along your life path and build your tapestry of life.

  We live in a world ravaged by war, hunger, natural disasters and inequality of power. This will not disappear overnight but there must be a conscious move forward by the human race to re-look, re-evaluate and re-educate the powers of the world, the few who believe they can answer for the many. If we don’t begin to see how interrelated all things on this planet are, we will continue on the road to destruction. Everyone and everything can link to all things; nothing can stand in isolation, for it will not survive. The Earth also makes choices; it is a living entity. Its choices come from our actions, it reacts to us as a species and therefore we must change and show the Earth a new way forward.

  The world we live in is fast, furious and sometimes it can turn on us through the power of nature. The planet does have a way of placing us back in situations where it hopes we will begin to re-think our strategies. It wants us to re-think our relationship with it. Some do: there are movements that see what is needed but the shift needs to come from more people. We need to ask ourselves what do we want, where do we see our children in the future, what do we want for them and what do we want for ourselves? The human race was not born bad, there is goodness in our souls and most people want a safe planet, with opportunities and peace in the future but to achieve this you need to ask yourself what you can do to make a difference? You will answer yourself but will you truly hear the answer? It is my belief that we must all develop our ability to listen. We have to want to truly know; if we do, then the answer will be given to us and, if you feel like I did when I truly heard, then you could begin the journey towards freedom and control towards your destiny. Your one voice will touch others and the collective spirit will begin to be re-charged. You will begin to make a difference, not only to the future of the world, but also to you. For you will begin to experience life as it was meant, one of compassion, enlightenment and peace. I know this sounds idealistic, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t believe that this can be achieved. What I do question is; does the human race want to achieve it?

  Relationships in this world come in many forms. When we are empty inside, angry and sad, we can develop unhealthy relationships where violence, substance misuse, obsessiveness and hatefulness can grow. We look to belong in places where there is anger, sadness and sorrow: these relationships hold souls in a place where they can’t function and exist. For these inner lives to shine through again takes courage to be able to confront and look inwards, rather than outwards for a solution. I have experienced such times and have been to places I should not have gone and understand the courage that is needed to start such journeys. I believe that help is all around and listening to your inner self can lead you to those that can show you the path to reach a different place than where you are now, if that is what you want. Everyone has choices, some more than others; we can only make a difference in others’ lives; for we can’t change them. It takes them to change, as it is their path, not ours to walk. Developing a sense of self through building a relationship with yourself enables you to accept yourself for who you are and it can help you find your reason for being. For me, the ultimate reason for being here is not complicated but simply to know love, to know happiness and to know life. Building that relationship with yourself, looking inward and listening to what you hear from within can be quite amazing.

  Our relationship with the earth needs to change, we need to understand it more, respect it more and learn to use its resources more effectively. If we continue to need technological advancements, faster cars, bigger houses, higher paid jobs etc., then our planet will continue to fail; this is not radical science, this is just fact.
You can only get so many apples from an apple tree in its lifetime before it will stop producing, if it is not fed, watered and cared for appropriately. It will not be easy to give up on our lifestyles or our wants or our needs, because this is our culture, a culture where the need for more, for the newest as well as the need to have it now, is paramount. But to change this culture, is one of the enormous challenges of the 21st century.

  I know that I am not able or virtuous enough to give up all of my luxuries, my wants, my needs and I still aspire to be more successful in my life. But I am slowly developing and choosing those things that can make a difference, realising what is important to my life, my relationships, my future and my love for those around me. This understanding has come through the development of my relationship with me, my growing understanding of my impact on others and the planet. Acknowledge the power of relationships; the power of love; the impact positive and negative influences can have, not only on individuals but the planet and the whole human race. See who you are, listen to what you already know within your soul, let it rise up within you and see the difference that can be achieved! You will be surprised, you will be amazed and as always the main difference you will feel will be with you. But just imagine if a difference of thought and mind was made by many; what could the collective change make to the world in which we live?

  There is responsibility in all relationships: be mindful of who you are: be mindful of what you bring to a relationship. Do not underestimate the influence you can have or the change of course you could support, for both individuals and our planet. But, mostly, be mindful of your relationship with yourself and never underestimate the power that the development of this relationship can have to change your life and who you are.

  We now stood on the summit; the mountain range expanded as far as the eye could see and the beauty before me took my breath away. We stood in our usual silence that followed after I had told Miriam my understandings. I heard dogs in the distance Miriam sensed my discomfort, “Don’t worry, they are for the next part of our journey,” and with that we set off across the snowy plain to reach our shelter for the night.

  “You have grown to know yourself well, Angela”, said Miriam “Thanks.” “It has not been an easy journey and I have yet much to learn, but it is funny, the more I talk to you, the more I feel that I am growing and learning more myself”. Miriam turned to me and we embraced. We stood for a while and then moved on. “That’s because you are refuelling your soul with the knowledge you have gained and it is preparing to show you more, so you may indeed begin to undertake the task you were sent to earth to fulfil” said Miriam. “And that is”? I replied, she looked at me and gently chuckled, her eyes sparkling and her silver hair catching the sun, “Whatever you choose it to be” was her reply.

  At this point I felt agitated and was confused. “You said I had been chosen, I had a purpose to fulfil and that when we met and I talked to you about my understanding of life you said ‘We’, whoever that is, had chosen well”. In a soft voice Miriam said, “That is correct, my dear, but you still have choice. It is for you to decide what you do with your insight and knowledge. You could fulfil your destiny but only you can find that. When I talked about choosing well, I meant you are someone who wants to find the answers. At no time did I say that I will give you them, let’s get to our shelter for the night and we can talk more, but please do not distress yourself my dear, all is well”. With that she put her hand out to me and we walked together towards our home for the night.

  That night we were to stay in a cave in the side of the mountain. Outside was a sledge and, in a compound nearby, a set of husky dogs. Miriam went over to the dogs and they quietened down and she fed them, whilst I went a started campfire. It was a welcome rest place and I prepared some tea for us.

  I lit some torches, which were around the cave, and they provided us with light for the oncoming darkness. We ate a basic meal and stood looking at the stars which seemed to be putting on a special show for us tonight. You couldn't help but feel your soul was being re-charged and new possibilities being opened up for you. It was a magical site to behold. Miriam took my hand and said, “See all those stars: each an individual one doing the best they can to shine in such a vast sky with so many other stars. Every one of them wanting to be noticed, to be special, little do they know that they are all special”. She turned to me and smiled, “Earlier you felt distressed: you wanted to have the answer given to you for what you should do with your life, what your purpose and destiny is. No one has the right to tell you this, as you were born with freedom of choice, the most special gift that can have been bestowed on you. It is up to you what choices you make. You have chosen to come with me on a journey and share with me the lessons you have learnt in your life so far. From this may come new understandings for you, opening up new pathways, not only for you but for others whose paths you may cross as you travel through your life.” “So, when you said that you were right to have chosen me, what you really meant was that I have taken all the experiences afforded to me and decided to understand their place in my life, which has given me the ability to grow my soul, enabling me to move nearer to reaching my destiny, my purpose in life. Therefore it will be me who finds my destiny and my purpose here on earth, by using all the understandings I have gained and by opening myself up to more that may be coming to me in the future” I replied. Miriam nodded with an approving smile and then continued to say “Like the stars, everyone is special and has the ability to shine, and for those that want more, then if they look close enough they will see they are given all that they need to reach their destiny if they choose too.”

  Miriam looked thoughtful, so I left her at the cave entrance and sat by the fire, reflecting on her words whilst watching the flames dance. “Your destiny can be anything”. This voice announced in my head. “It could be as small as loving your neighbour or growing flowers for beauty or becoming an influential leader. Whatever destiny, big or small, each is connected and all have equal value to the world in which you live. It’s when no one wants to listen or to grow his or her soul to reach their destiny, that is when the world will struggle to survive.”

  When I woke, the fire had been stoked and the tea made but Miriam was nowhere to be seen. I moved to the entrance of the cave and saw her getting the dogs ready to pull the sledge. We waved; “Tea” I shouted and a ‘thumbs’ up came from Miriam. After tea and a breakfast of warm porridge to help us on our way, we put the fire out, loaded our bags and headed out of the cave. Miriam gestured for me to get in the seat and she headed towards the place she could drive the dogs that were very eager to get started. Miriam then shouted to me “Angela, tell me your understandings of moments”: with that golden dust fell before me and settled in the air to reveal the following verse;

  Moments make a difference

  Embrace them day-by-day

  Notice just the simple ones

  And your soul will start to play.

  There was a crack of the whip, the golden dust flew behind me and we started off on our next journey. I wondered how I could talk to Miriam so that she could hear. “Think your understandings and I will hear”. Came into my head. I had learnt to embrace all new experiences since I walked through the mirror, so I just started to think rather, than speak.