Read The Mirror Page 9


  Relationships exist between humans and nature; they are complex and can change the course of your life. They can influence, they can harm, they can subdue, and they can bring joy and love. There are so many elements to them, it is easy to think that they just happen; that there is no plan, you just meet the people you meet, you are in the places you are just because you are, and you have what you have in your life, just because you do. I believe that we go where we are meant to go and meet whom we need to meet. Sometimes people stay in our lives for a long time, others just come and go. There has been much written on synchronicity, serendipity and coincidences: you can read the texts that are available on these subjects, as I have done; I have linked some of what I read to my life, which led me to have more insight and understanding about my life so far and how it may have been influenced by such circumstances. Sometimes, though, you may have to go back a long way before you understand why a certain person entered your life, why a particular relationship formed and how that supported you in getting where you are today. Reflections on past relationships, people you have met and places you have been enable you to look at the outcomes of these and what influence they may or may not have had on what you do, where you are now and who you are. There is a power to relationships, which we don’t often acknowledge; we just accept them as part of our everyday existence.