Read The Mirror Page 13


  Trusting your inner voice can open up new doors to you that may show you where your destiny lies. I have read many different types of books throughout my life, at times it was if I was drawn to a certain book and meant to read the words written within. More often than not, my instinct proved to be correct and when I read the words written within its pages I found that they provided me with relevant guidance for that particular time in my life or gave me direction as where to go next or they helped me grow more as a person. I used to say ‘Wow, that was lucky, picking that book out of all others!’ but was it luck or was I guided by my subconscious thought, what I now call my intuition, that inner voice which I believe we all have in us which speaks to us when it needs to guide us in our life?

  In my experience, intuition can present itself in many different ways and only you can identify the signs, as it will be personal to you. You may sense an increase in body temperature when near something or someone: you may sense you should start a conversation with someone: you may see certain things more brightly than others. All of these I have experienced at times, but the last one happens to me especially when around books. Sometimes I have had books on my shelves for months or even years and never felt that I wanted to read them, not really knowing why I bought them. Suddenly one day the title will stand out from all the others and I will pick up the book and sometimes read it in a day and relate to the message it has for me in its pages. This never ceases to amaze me. It certainly fits the saying ‘When the student is ready, then the teacher will appear’ and at times these books are my teachers.

  I have found wisdom and depth of understanding through allowing myself to be ‘directed’ towards the reading of certain books: they have enabled me not only to grow but also to pass knowledge on to others that I have met along the way. I have not always felt this way. It has taken me a large part of my life to trust what I feel, trust the conversations I have with myself and trust the knowledge I have about a situation before it happens, but trust I do. I never get every detail right but I will say that my sense, my intuition has prepared me many times for situations I have found myself in. When I didn’t listen in the early years and ignored my inner guidance, things became difficult at times. It is your intuition that could help you understand the lessons that are being presented to you in your life experiences. Since I now acknowledge my inner voice I have to say my life has become more joyous because I have agreed to trust and listen. I have developed my intuition, the ability to have a knowing within and I have faith in this and believe that it is spiritual and comes from the universe or from God. It depends which one you feel more comfortable in adopting. For me, it comes from God and my spirit family but it doesn’t matter where you think it comes from, as long as you listen. It cannot, however, stand alone: it can guide you and give you support but ultimately it is you who makes the final decision. None of us are perfect and we will make mistakes. Your intuition can support your life path but it does not control you: it can give you only guidance, if you let it, for the final decisions about who you are, where you will go and who you will become are yours.

  In my understanding and experience, listening to your intuition offers you guidance so that you can experience fully the life you have been given here on Earth. When you have awareness of self you can begin to understand your impact on others, both those you know and those you have not met yet. Having this ability will support you in seeing the opportunities presented to you to enhance your life and in turn you will support the future development of the collective consciousness, which is what is needed for the earth to maintain the human race for generations to come.