Read The Mirror Page 14

Not all that we think and feel relates directly to our intuition or specific events or future plans, as we have so much external information being given to us on a daily basis, that our minds are absorbing all the time (facts, knowledge, emotional, social and environmental experiences). It is my belief that it takes time to learn to separate life knowledge in all its forms, from intuitive thoughts. This is where becoming more awake and building a relationship with yourself supports your ability to hear from within, so as to grow your inner self. For clarity of thought and mind opens the doors to intuition.

  Beginning to develop an understanding of how your intuition presents itself to you is one of the most important things that you can do in order to expand your unseen self. You need to develop filters that enable you to hear the truth. This can be achieved in many different ways; some sit in silence with their thoughts and slowly focus on what words they hear that appear more important than others. For others intuition involves the senses and the knowing comes from inner feelings or physical responses. We all have the ability to harness our intuition, by listening to that voice within you can connect to your soul and to God, the universe or what ever your faith has you call that which is greater than all of us.

  I have found though that this does not always provide answer or direction for immediate use: sometimes I have had a gut feeling for a year or more before actually what I thought was going to happen happened. It was as if I had time to prepare, to understand and also to grow trust in what I felt. The only way that this trust grew was by recalling my past initial feeling and the thoughts and conversations I had had previously within my self and linking them to the present. It is quite an amazing time when you can link an actual event to something that has been telling you from within that this will happen. It does not of course mean you do not feel pain if it is a traumatic or sad event, or happiness in abundance if it is a joyous event or an expected opportunity, say at work or with your family. For pain is necessary for us to grow, just as much as happiness is necessary, they both have the same vital role. Life is all a balance, a ying and yang, and it is my belief that your intuition, that inner voice, is there to assist you in maintaining your balance.

  There have been times when I have stated a fact either to myself or to others, which really seems to me to have come from nowhere but, when said, felt so right, so true and comfortable. It may be forgotten, but eventually a situation will occur and it comes flooding back. That moment will have you thinking, ‘Well, I knew that was coming, I remember when I said/ felt …… all that time ago or just the other day and here I am living it’. Take a moment here, because if you can recall times such as these you will be able to understand more how your intuition presents itself to you through the signs and feelings you may recall, this will support you become more in tune with your intuition. If you cannot recall any, then hold the knowledge that you are reading today within you and when those times come, remember what you have read here and you will begin to open up your inner voice, that intuition, which when nurtured and grown could change your whole approach to life and provide you with a sense of wonder, along with an understanding that you are more than you appear to be.

  There is an inner depth in all of us, which needs to be reached it is a personal journey, which is open to all of us if we choose to take it. Developing your intuition and inner self is a wondrous journey. You will begin to see and feel with more clarity; life will feel more vibrant and you will be able to present to others your thoughts and feelings about life in a soft way, with presence, not with anger. You will be able to touch others in a way that is not visible but will have a profound effect. People will want to be near you and they will enjoy your company, your knowledge, conversation – discussions will become meaningful and sensitive. Most of all, you will grow who you are and move further towards who you will become on this earth. These are big statements. How many of them will pertain to you depends on you, for only you have the power to know the true you. I have only in the last few years developed such clarity of thought about how intuition, the development of the inner self can change and enhance not only an individual’s life.

  Everybody’s journey is different: we can all support each other and if we are meant to meet certain individuals who will help us on our way, then we will. It is my belief that through learning about the power of intuition; acknowledging the possibilities it can open up and recognising the signs it gives us, we will be lead to touch and be touched by those who can and will help us on our way and we on theirs. Think about who you have met and where that meeting may have led you. Think about times when you have needed to find a certain shop or garage and took a turn whilst travelling down a road just because it felt right. All these things I believe came to you when you needed them from your inner self, your intuition and at such times you listened. You opened your senses, listened to your gut feeling and when it said ‘Go there; turn right.’ you did!

  Our intuition and inner voice communicates with us every day in many different ways; it is up to us if we listen. It’s like a tuning fork that is used to tune the keys of a piano to ensure that the right notes will be played. Our intuition is no different. We can use it to create beauty in our lives; to help us to become who we are meant to be, to enable us to touch others; to enable us to manage situations in our life, both happy and sad and take from all this what we need to reach our true potential. To be able to do this, we need to begin to tune into ourselves. We don’t have piano keys to press; we don’t have notes to see if they create music at the right pitch but we do have our senses, our feelings and our thoughts. We need to begin to see with something other than our eyes.

  In the world there is much sorrow and inequality. I am not under any illusion that even if we all awoke at once, the world will change tomorrow: it won’t. It is a collective consciousness that needs to grow as well as the collective spirit and I believe this has begun and I am hopeful that it will continue. So we need to build on our intuition nurture our inner self and it will help our souls to shine through. Don’t feel a great responsibility for changing the world, for it is not yours alone to carry. The responsibility that you have for now is to yourself, to grow and begin to nurture what’s within, for it could give you many new opportunities. It will begin to help you reach a new way of looking at the world, your own life and of those around you. But, most of all it could change you and I hope provide more peace and happiness in your life. Nothing can take away the challenges that will present to us all throughout our lives, but, if we begin to open our inner self, listen to our inner voice, grow our intuition and become more awake, we will make a positive contribution to the future development of the human race, but the one who will begin to benefit almost immediately will be you.

  Throughout the time I was talking I was aware of a warm wind in my hair and a calm sea. Surrounding us as we travelled was a vast deep blue expanse of calm water that held a whole different world bustling below us and getting on with life in its own way. I had taken the helm a couple of times whilst Miriam took a rest and soaked up the feeling of peace that surrounded us on our journey. “We need to reduce our sails” Miriam shouted, so I moved to the mast and started to decrease our sails as she had shown me when we first came on board. The sail started to descend and we slowed. As I secured the necessary parts of the sail, we turned a corner and up ahead in the distance there appeared a harbour. Once in port, we anchored and went ashore with what few belongings we had with us. “Will we be back?” I queried “No: she brought us where we needed to be and now someone else will use her for their journey” replied Miriam, “Who?” I asked, “Anyone needing a helping hand on their journey of life.” was the reply and she smiled at me. I never really worried when I was with Miriam, as I felt safe and I trusted her, which is quite remarkable, as this journey is our first time of meeting each other: it was like I had known her all of my life. So that was a good enough answer for me.

  Up ahead, parked in a layby was a large mobile home. As we reached it, Miriam l
eant down under the front wheel arch and pulled out a key. She looked at me and smiled: she moved like a young girl, full of energy, with laughter and excitement in her eyes. It was as if after every journey we took, her soul and body was being re-charged. Miriam stood before me and she was nothing like the elderly lady that I had started my journey with. I was determined to discuss this with her once we had settled into what I was assuming was our home for the night.

  The van was comfortable, if a bit old fashioned. It had a small kitchen leading onto a lounge whose seats converted into a bed at night and above the driving cab was another bed space. Miriam suggested that she sleep above the cab and I have the lounge. There was fresh produce set out for our meal and this time there was also an uncorked bottle of red wine. I found some glasses, dusted them off and poured. The sun streamed in through the windows and made this a warm and satisfying place to be. After dinner we topped up our glasses and moved out to sit under the awning at the side of the van. I looked over and said “Miriam I have to say you have become younger looking with each journey we have taken: can you explain that to me please?” Miriam looked over: her eyes were so bright it was if her soul was visible through them. She sat in thoughtful silence and then she said, “Listening to you brings me great happiness as it fills my soul with hope for the future: you have learnt well, your burdens have not weakened you but they have made you strong and I can see that ahead of you is much joy and happiness. I can answer no more than this for now but will promise you that, before we part company, you will have all the answers given to you for the questions you ask.” I was happy with this for now. I was full of good food, I had good company, the wine had mellowed me even more and sometimes things just are the way they are. I looked ahead of me where the sun was a beautiful red ball slowly setting over the horizon: tomorrow was another day and life felt good.

  I woke to the smell of bacon being cooked and coffee brewing. Glorious. ‘What a way to start the day.’ I thought. Joining Miriam outside’ we chatted over breakfast and she informed me that we had far to go to get to our final destination. I never asked where we were going: I knew it would be ok, so I went with the flow, just like when I got in the rowing boat without oars. We packed away, put the awning back in its place and started our next journey together. Just as I was clicking in my seat belt, Miriam looked over to me and said “Talk to me about acceptance’ Angela.” She pulled her hand out of her velvet pouch and threw the golden dust on the windscreen. As it settled the verse said,

  We are all different, no perfection here

  Yet acceptance of self is what we fear

  Embrace difference and feel the worth

  We are all special on this earth.

  She started the engine and held up the velvet pouch so the golden dust returned from where it came: with hand brake released we set off down the road.