Read The Mirror Page 5

So, please begin to notice the bug: the flower: the wind in your face and a smile in the rain. Neither you nor I can change the Earth’s destination on our own, but we can change our experience of our life. We can make it more vibrant, more exciting and more fulfilling. We can begin to see the colours that surround us, the cleverness of the bee; the beauty of the robin; the flowers that bring such delicate blooms and the seasons that come and go. Smell the freshness of a new world that surrounds you and pass your experiences onto those around you! These will be the moments that will start the change that is needed, so that all who live on this Earth, wherever they may be, can begin to have a life filled with possibilities. Unfortunately, all the inequality in the world will not change (each person’s life is relative to their own place on this Earth) but what we should all strive for is to ensure that each individual is able to have equality of choice (relative to where they are in the world), for choice is freedom and freedom brings joy and joy fills the soul. Begin your journey today and become who you were born to be!

  I turned to Miriam, tears rolling down my cheeks; she took her arm from mine and wiped them away. “Are you sad?” she asked “No, they are just tears of joy for when I talk about what I have learnt in my life so far and feel how much it has given me, I feel blessed.” She smiled. We had walked for what seemed a long time and we were now in a beautiful green glade, a gentle breeze was rustling through the trees, Miriam gestured to a seat by a river and we sat for a while. The river moved with gentle pace. Tethered to a small jetty was a rowing boat and somehow I just knew that this would be where our next discussion would take place. To the right of the seat was a table set for two, with fresh and vibrant produce waiting to be enjoyed and enjoy it we did! I didn’t realise how hungry I was or how much I truly enjoyed talking to Miriam. We laughed and talked for what seemed like hours.

  “Your life burdens have brought you great insight: are you grateful for them yet”? said Miriam “Grateful is not a word I would use. It has been hard and I still resent some of them at times, especially those that will stay with me for my life here on earth. However, by looking for answers within the burdens I have encountered, I have unlocked a part of me that I would never have known existed if it were not for them being in my life”. “And for that I am truly grateful”. Miriam gave an approving nod.

  We headed towards the rowing boat, helped each other in and I looked around for the oars. “There aren’t any”. a voice said in my head “Aren’t any what?” “Oars” said Miriam out loud, “We don’t need them, if you have moved along your path as far as I think you have: we just need your soul to shine through and lead us to where we need to go”. “No pressure then,” I laughed. At this Miriam dipped her hand in her velvet pouch and threw the golden dust in the air. It hovered above us and revealed the following verse,

  Bones and flesh encompass me

  They present me for the world to see

  Once the inner soul begins to shine

  The world’s then touched by one so fine.

  The verse read, the golden dust returned to its pouch and we pushed off from the shore. “Tell me more about your understandings of the soul, Angela,” said Miriam.