Read The Mirror Page 6


  I see the soul as being the centre of our being. Our body envelops the soul to protect it from harm. We are amazing, yet we, myself included, do not often stop and wonder at who we really are and how we work; how our bodies are designed to interact with our environment, our planet and how they are both interlinked. We need the atmosphere to give us life and in turn the planet relies on our ability to treat it with respect to ensure that it is able to maintain the human race and all living creatures that inhabit our Earth. It can be said that we have a co-dependant relationship that has over time been forgotten in many areas of our existence and the development of our human world. As we breathe, so does the planet breathe; we are both living entities. Just as we need food, water and shelter to survive, the planet needs trees, water and sun to be able to provide for both itself and us, the human race.

  I believe that our Earth also has a soul, an inner life, and we are the protectors of that soul in the same way that our bodies protect our souls. The more we neglect ourselves inwardly and continue to rely on material gain, economic growth and abundance, the more we influence negatively the survival of our planet. To be precise, we do not feed the soul of the Earth because we have forgotten to look within and feed our own souls with what they need, such as understanding, peace, acceptance and love. We have lost our understanding of what a soul is, what it can achieve and the important role it has to play within each and every one of us. Until we as individuals can grow our own souls and then come together and build a collective consciousness that can begin to support our Earth, then we cannot begin to change the fate of our planet or begin to realise our full potential or fully experience the miracle of life.