Read The Mortician's Daughter Page 4


  Tyler heard the door downstairs slam and he smiled, knowing that meant Carolyn must be home. He listened to her heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hallway. A few seconds later, the door swung open and Carolyn stormed in, throwing her bag down on the floor and slumping down in the chair across from Tyler.

  “Bad day at school?” He guessed.

  “Damn right.” Carolyn grumbled.

  “So... Does this mean angry sex?” Tyler asked, half joking.

  “Tyler.” Carolyn glared at him.

  “Okay... No angry sex.” He replied. “Tell me what happened, then.”

  Carolyn sighed, standing up and walking over to the bed. She plopped herself down next to Tyler and rested her head on his shoulder. "It's just..." She began. "It's just Kali. That's all."

  “Kali?” Tyler questioned, stroking Carolyn's silk blonde hair.

  “Yeah... Queen Bitch.” Carolyn explained. “My friend—ex friend—asked me if I wanted to go to prom with her and a group of her other friends since I have no one to go with. Then apparently Kali heard about it and she refuses to let me tag along which means I'm not going to prom.”

  “Well...Why wouldn't you be going to the prom?” Tyler stopped stroking her hair to look at her.

  She looked over at him, dead in the eyes and said, "Because who would ask me... I have no friends to go with and there isn't one guy at that entire school who would go with me." She looked down at her lap, folding her hands.

  Tyler reached over and brought his hand to her chin, tipping her head up so she could look at him. “I'll go with you.” He said with a bright smile.

  “You would do that?” She smiled back. “For me?”

  "Of course I would.” Tyler smiled.

  Carolyn felt a wave of relief crash over her body. She had never felt so relieved in her whole life. Knowing that Tyler would be her prom date shaved off a nice amount of stress.

  Ch. 14

  A few weeks had gone by and things began to change. Carolyn's father came home so the two of them had to be sneaky if they wanted to do things. But for the most part, they went back to just acting like friends. Carolyn wanted nothing more than to be Tyler's girlfriend but she didn't want to be upfront about it. She had always been taught that the boy was supposed to make the first move and she felt awkward about confronting him and saying “Let's go out.” Her biggest fear was that he wasn't going to say yes.

  It was finally Carolyn's last day of high school. She had a couple finals to take, which included math, and then she could go home and spend the rest of the day with Tyler and get ready for prom that night.

  When Carolyn walked into math class, Amber waved her over and pointed to the seat next to her. Carolyn reluctantly went over to sit by her.

  “Hey, so you're going to come over to my house tonight before prom so we can take pictures and stuff?” Amber asked, smiling.

  “Yeah, of course.” Carolyn said hesitantly. Her biggest fear was that Kali would be there to torment her and Tyler.

  As if Amber had read Carolyn's mind, she said, “Don't worry about Kali. I told her she can't come with us anymore. She's been acting like such a bitch lately and I would want you to go with us rather than her.”

  Carolyn smiled and nodded. “Wow, um, thanks Amber.”

  Amber just shrugged. “Hey, it's the least I could do for my best friend, right? Oh, do you still need a date? I think I may have found someone for you.”

  “No, actually, I found someone who said he would go with me.” Carolyn grinned at the thought of Tyler.

  “Really? That's awesome!” Amber beamed. “Okay, well I was thinking you guys should get to my house around five so we can take lots of pictures and then we'll leave in the limo. Oh my gosh, this is just so exciting!”

  “Yeah, I can't believe this is all happening.” Carolyn replied.

  “I am passing out the exams now.” Their math teacher, Mr. Kingman, announced. “Everyone needs to be quiet.”

  Carolyn and Amber shared one last smirk of excitement before they turned to the heavy packet of white paper with taunting black numbers on it resting on their desks.