Read The Mortician's Daughter Page 5


  “Okay, Tyler. I'm ready!” Carolyn said when she had finally got her dress on.

  Tyler was waiting at the bottom of the stairs in his tuxedo that Carolyn's father had lent to him. All of the adrenaline running through his veins was overwhelming. He just wanted to see how beautiful Carolyn looked in her dress.

  Carolyn turned the corner and began descending blackened staircase. Her dress was a silky dark green color and traveled all the way to the floor. It had jewels caressing the neckline which took a semi-dramatic drop in the shape of a V. Her mother's pearl necklace graced her neck and her hair was all done up in loose, loopy curls.

  Tyler and her father stood at the foot of the stairs with their mouths dropped open. Tyler couldn't believe Carolyn could look any more beautiful than she normally did. Her father was shocked at how grown up his little girl looked.

  “Alright, I just gotta take one picture and then you guys can head off to Amber's house.” Her father said, grabbing the camera in his shaky hands.

  Tyler took Carolyn's waist from behind and posed with her as her father tried to snap pictures.


  When they arrived at Amber's house, there were a ton of cars in the driveway. Carolyn was surprised at how many people Amber was having over.

  "Hey, you're here!" Amber shuffled over towards Carolyn, wrapping her friend in a hug. "And who might this be?" She gestured toward Tyler.

  Carolyn looked back at Andy and smiled. “This is my date,” She looked back over at Amber. “This is Tyler.”

  Amber leaned in closer to Carolyn and whispered, “Tyler Sparr of Alternative Abeyance?!”

  Carolyn was a little shocked that Amber knew that. "Wait, how—”

  “It's my secret guilty pleasure.” Amber admitted. “I don't really like all that pop music nowadays. I only pretend to like it because my friends do. They'd shun me if they found out I liked post hardcore.”

  You mean like you all shunned me? Carolyn thought but decided not to say anything. She didn't want to ruin the night.

  “How did you manage to get him as a prom date anyway?” Amber continued.

  “It's a long story.” Carolyn sighed.

  “Well, we'll have to have one of our old famous sleepovers again and you can tell me all about it.” Amber gave Carolyn's arm a little shove and took her by the hand, leading her and Tyler out to the back yard where everyone else was.

  So far, prom night was beginning to look amazing. Not only was Amber Carolyn's friend again, but Carolyn had Tyler with her as well. Nothing was going to be able to bring this night down.

  Ch. 15

  I believe that we all fall down sometimes but tonight wasn't Carolyn's night to fall. She was determined to make this night perfect, no matter what she had to do. If it meant giving Kali a nice punch to the gut, she would do it.

  Speak of the devil, Kali arrived shortly after Carolyn, Tyler, Amber and all her friends did. It seemed all Kali really cared about was making Carolyn's prom night the worst night of her life. She was out for blood.

  “Carolyn!” Kali's classic nasally voice pierced her ear drums.

  Carolyn groaned and rolled her eyes. “Not Kali...” She mumbled just loud enough for Tyler to hear.

  “Hey, girl!” Kali smiled widely and Carolyn could see that glint of sinister drive.

  “Hi...” Carolyn mumbled.

  “Who's your date? I'm surprised you even managed to get someone. How much is she paying you?” Kali looked to Tyler who stood there, dumbfounded at Kali's attitude.

  “I'm not paying him.” Carolyn stated firmly.

  “Yeah,” Kali agreed. “He's too big of a faggot to need to be paid. I bet he was just as desperate for someone to go with as you were.”

  “Hold up. I got this.” Tyler nudged Carolyn out of the way stepped up to face down Kali. “Listen bitch,” He began. “You are literally too stupid to insult. First of all, I'm not a faggot. I smoke fags. They happen to be a cigarette but oh, you’re too stupid to know that. Do you even know who I am?”

  Kali shook her head nervously.

  “Oh, you don't?” Tyler continued. “I've done more for thousands of kids all over the world in one day than you have in your entire life. While I'm up on the stage being worshiped by thousands, you're down here being a nobody.” He used his hands to show their positions relative to each other. “There's a life beyond high school. You can't live the rest of your life being an ignorant slut and a stupid cunt. Okay? So I suggest you open your eyes, bitch. Come down from your thrown. You're not little miss perfect and not everyone will always like you. When you graduate, you're going to be eaten alive by some of the people that are out there in the real world. As for Carolyn? Leave her the fuck alone. What has she ever done to you?”

  “N-Nothing...” Kali stuttered.

  “Exactly.” Tyler said. “She's never done anything to you. I suggest you start being nicer to her because you never know what's going to happen one day. She's going to be up on that stage with me and you'll still be down here in the dirt; still a nobody.”

  “O-Okay... C-Caro-o-lyn, I'm-m so-orry.” Kali sputtered.

  Never in her entire life did Carolyn think she would hear the words 'I'm sorry' spill from Kali's lips. She never thought the day would come when her idol, Tyler Sparr, was personally helping her through a situation like this. She watched Kali shuffle away as Tyler looked back at her, a huge smile plastered on his face.

  "You're my hero." She smiled back and latched onto his arm.

  The rest of the night was pretty close to perfect. Kali didn't bother her, in fact, no one bothered her at all. She was able to have fun and enjoy her night with Tyler.

  All good things must come to an end, but not in the way we expect. Carolyn certainly wasn't prepared at all for what was about to come next. They say what goes up must come down. The higher the object goes, the harder it falls. And Carolyn was about to hit the ground, hard.

  Ch. 16

  Months had already gone by and Tyler still hadn't turned up. A couple of the guys figured they should just give up. They had already cancelled their tour to spend time to search for him but things weren't looking up.

  "God, where could he be?" Spencer paced back and forth.

  "I hope he's not dead." Tony said.

  "Way to stay positive, dude." Ryan replied, sulking and sinking into the soft couch cushions.

  It seemed Ryan out of all of them had been hit the hardest by Tyler's disappearance. He was no longer the happy go lucky Ryan that he always was. He would just sit by the big bus window and watch the scenery go by in the hopes that he might spot someone who looked like Tyler.

  As the dead town zoomed by, Ryan kept his eyes sharp and ready to find anyone who had a mass of black hair that resembled Tyler's.

  "Wait!" He cried after a few minutes. "Stop the bus!"

  The bus came to a screeching halt and the force of the speed sent Spencer stumbling forward and almost landing on Tony on the couch.

  "Seriously, Ryan? What is it now?" Spencer whined.

  "It's Tyler!" He exclaimed.

  The guys groaned. “Ryan, this is the seventh time you've said you found Tyler." Tony complained. "You're probably just seeing things because you miss him."

  "No, this time I'm sure of it." Ryan said confidently. "Come look."

  The two other guys made their way over to the window and looked out at the blackened house they were parked in front of. Outside on the dead lawn, a girl with long blonde hair sat with a boy with raven black hair. The boy was playing guitar for her and she was laughing at something funny he had said. And yes, the boy very much resembled Tyler.

  "Are you sure that's him?" Tony whispered as if the couple outside would hear them if he spoke too loud.

  "It definitely looks exactly like him." Spencer confirmed.

  "Let's go!" Ryan shouted and ran off the bus. "TYLER!" He ran towards him screaming.

  Tyler immediately reacted to the sound of his voice and smiled when he s
aw who was running towards him. "Guys! You found me!" Tyler exclaimed.

  Carolyn stood up from the ground as Tyler did and stood back a little. She didn't want to interrupt his little reunion moment with his band.

  "I told you he wasn't dead, Tony!" CC cried and Tony laughed.

  “Okay, okay. He's not dead!” Tony replied.

  “Hey, who are you?” Spencer looked past Tyler towards Carolyn standing behind him awkwardly.

  “Oh, I'm Carolyn.” She introduced herself to the rest of the guys. “I'm actually a huge fan of you guys. You saved my life.”

  “I'm glad I could save such a beautiful soul.” Spencer turned on the charm immediately.

  Tyler shot him a glare and made it obvious he was clearing his throat to signal him to quit it. Spencer, in return, gave him the pouty eyes.

  “But she's hot!” Spencer mouthed to Tyler.

  Tyler shook his head, disapprovingly. “Mine.” He mouthed back.

  “Well, now that we have Tyler back, we can start the tour again!” Tony said, trying to change the subject so they could get back on the road.

  “Yeah!” They all agreed except Tyler.

  The rest of the guys began walking back to the bus while Tyler stayed back with Carolyn. He looked to her with sadness in his eyes.

  “Go.” She said.

  “But what about you?” Tyler reached for her cold hands.

  She gave him a weak smile. “I'll be okay. Go live your dream. Your fans need you.”

  “Hey, Ty, you coming?” Spencer called back to him from the steps of the bus.

  “Just a second.” Tyler called back and looked over at Carolyn once more. He leaned in and kissed her gently one last time before turning to get on the bus and leave her for who knew how long; possibly forever.

  As the bus pulled away, a lone tear rolled down Carolyn's cheek. That was the very first tear she ever cried.

  Ch. 17

  You never realize how much someone means to you until they're gone. Carolyn never knew that until now. Sure, her mother had died when she was younger but she was too little to understand that. She didn't know what any of it meant. Now that Tyler was gone, she was a complete mess.

  Before that day, Carolyn had never cried. Not when she was born, not when she was a little kid, not when the kids at school called her names, not even when she cut. No longer having Tyler with her, but an immense emotional burden on her. She didn't feel like doing anything or going anywhere.