Read The New World Covenant Page 10

  "Have you tried this on anyone without leprosy?" he asked her.

  "No. I only know the people here in the village," Leilani said.

  "I think I might know a way to test this. I do know of someone who had a stroke and been paralyzed down her left side. Would you be willing to meet her and see if the miracle will work again?” asked the Father.

  Leilani was nervous and scared. She thought back to what she had said to the young man about wanting to help people. Here she was, offered the opportunity to do it.

  "Yes, I would like to see if I can help."

  Father Brown asked, "Shall we go visit in the morning?"

  "Tomorrow is okay as long as my mom and dad can come," Leilani agreed.

  "Let's go back to the Church. They must be getting restless by now," Father Brown said.

  Leilani did not move. "Father...what is really going to happen to me now?"

  He studied her face in the half-light. He knew he should tell her something comforting but knew that would not be fair to her. She deserved the truth.

  "Your life will be changed forever Leilani. With or without confirmation of the miracles, desperate people who have no other options will seek you out. Some people fear death so much, they will grasp at any possible chance to continue to live. Others will come who will try to exploit you or discredit you. Even your friends may not stay true to you. Choose your path carefully. Keep your beliefs and do not be swayed."

  Leilani asked, "Will you be there for me?"

  "Yes Leilani, I will always be there for you. I will advise you where I can, but you must follow your own path, just as my path has led me here."

  They made their way back to the Church. All eyes turned to them as Father Brown asked them to sit.

  "I cannot find any reason to doubt the words of this child or the others. I believe that something miraculous happened here today but I am not in a position to declare it to be a miracle that must come from the Vatican."

  He held up his hand. "I have however, determined that this child is not a child of the Devil and no such evilness has invaded her body. I have asked Leilani to begin the process to become recognized as having a healing power and as such, able to perform miracles. She has agreed to accompany me tomorrow morning to the home of one of my parishioners in the city to see if this healing will work for other illnesses. We will decide then on the next steps. I think we have had enough excitement for one day, I suggest we retire to our homes. God bless you all and pray for Leilani, for she will have some challenging times ahead and will most certainly need the people she knows the most." He looked over at Yolanda as he said this.

  She had the good graces to look ashamed and went to Leilani. "I am sorry Leilani. I needed to hear this from Father Brown. It just seemed too good to be true," Yolanda apologized.

  Leilani reached out to her, hugged her, repeated the words, "God believes in us and we must believe in him", and then stepped back.

  Yolanda stood frozen for a moment and then looked down at her hands. The arthritic nodules were gone and she could move her fingers without the usual stiffness she had come to accept many years ago.

  "Thank you Leilani." The tears flowed down Yolanda's face as she continued to move her fingers. She turned to Father Brown and in a voice filled with awe and awareness she stated, "This is a miracle Father Brown, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

  Yolanda gathered her family to her. She looked over at Leilani and with a voice filled with emotion said, "I have no words to express how grateful our family is and how very sorry I am that I doubted you." This took a lot coming from Yolanda and Leilani felt it deep in her heart. Yolanda led her family from the church without another word.


  Morning came too soon for Leilani. Her stomach was churning and her head ached. She pushed her breakfast around the plate, unable to eat.

  "Leilani," her mom said quietly, "If you don't want to do this today I'm sure Father Brown will understand."

  Leilani smiled and shook her head. "No mom, it is something I know I need to do. I'm just scared that I won't be able to help her."

  "All you can do is try baby-girl." Lahini hugged her, using her nickname.

  Father Brown met Leilani and her parents, Lahini and Kodi at the fountain.

  The residents of the village lined the square watching Leilani as the four of them made their way to the Father's small car. No one said anything. They were withdrawn and cautious, some trying hard to contain their fear.

  Leilani looked to her friends but they avoided looking back at her. It was almost as if they were scared of her, yet they had all known her for their entire lives. Father Brown warned her that this would happen. She knew it was going to take some time before they would be able to reach past the fear and understand that she was the same person inside that she had always been. She understood and believed that in time they would accept her as she now was.

  Father Brown sensed what must have been going through her young mind and he tried to make her feel better. "This will be your first trip away from the village. You must be a little bit nervous?"

  Leilani smiled politely. "I'm kind of scared but I'm really excited as well." Her smile widened as their car carried them further away from her home. She eagerly watched out the window at the world she never really believed she would ever see.

  They eventually turned down a wide avenue in an older area of the city. The road lined with tall trees, their leaves gently blowing in the breeze, some floating down to settle on the shaded pathways.

  They pulled up to a small, well-maintained bungalow and the Father turned off the engine.

  "We're here." He turned to Leilani. "Are you okay? Do you still want to do this?"

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "More than ever," she answered him in a voice full of confidence. He nodded and they got out of the car.

  An elderly man opened the door. He nodded gravely to the Father and shuffled back to allow them to enter.

  His back bent with age and his hands gnarled with arthritis.

  Without a word, Leilani reached over and hugged him. She repeated the words “God believes in us and we must believe in him” without consciously being aware that she was saying it. She stepped away and without looking back, she proceeded down the hallway. She found the woman lying on the couch and their eyes met.


  The others watched in amazement as the old man stretched his back, his eyes wide in disbelief. "I haven't been able to stand up straight in years." He looked down at his hands, and saw the hands of a younger man. Gone were the nodules that ached continuously. He laughed with pure joy.

  “Come with me and I’ll take you to Martha. I will warn you that she didn’t have a good night, so she’s very tired right now.”

  The others followed, realizing for the first time that Leilani was not with them. They had not seen her go on ahead of them.

  They came to an abrupt stop in the doorway of the small sitting room. Leilani sat beside a pretty older woman with tight white curls in her hair. Her face was smooth and pink and her blue eyes twinkled brightly.

  "Martha?" the old man asked tentatively.

  "Oh John!" she cried, "Look what this lovely little girl has done for me." She jumped to her feet and ran to her husband. "She just came over to me and gave me this really nice hug and said some words, I think they were ‘God believes in us and we must believe in him’ and suddenly I felt full of energy. I have no pain and I can move everything. I feel like a young girl again."

  She stopped short and stared at her husband. "John, you're standing straight." She looked him up and down. "You look just like you did when I fell in love with you so many years ago. Do you realize what this means? We can still dance together and it’s all because of the love of this one child."

  Martha turned back to Leilani, who had been standing beside the couch watching them. "We owe you our lives child," she said simply.

  Leilani shook her head slowly. "You made
your own lives better. You just had to believe."

  Father Brown and his small group left the small bungalow shortly after, not wanting to intrude any further as the older couple sat on the couch and held each other's hands.

  It was a lot to comprehend in such a short period for all of them.

  Father Brown knew in his heart that Leilani had a very special gift and from this day forward, her future path would never really be hers to choose.

  He silently blessed her and starting thinking about the interesting telephone conversation that he would soon be having with his superiors.

  Leilani sat back and closed her eyes. She was at peace with herself and would always believe that love could conquer anything.

  The square was vacant when they returned to the colony. Leilani was glad. She was nervous about seeing her friends so soon after this experience. She needed to be alone for a while, just to clear her thoughts.

  She got out of the car and without a word headed towards the beach. The others let her go, sensing she needed time to think.

  Leilani lay down on the sandy beach, her body slowly warming, her arms outstretched, and her feet buried in the sand. With her eyes closed, she could feel the sun’s warming rays completely enveloping her whole body and even through her eyelids, she could see the orange glow from the sun. She felt completely wrapped in a loving aura. As she started to relax, she suddenly remembered the parting comment the stranger had said to her, “Reach for the sunlight and continue to light the path for those you touch,” it suddenly became clear to her what he had meant and what her future path would be.

  She remained on the beach for most of the day and watched the sun as it slowly tracked across the sky.

  She drew in a deep breath and stood up. It was time to go home she was hungry anyways.

  It was quiet in the square and the shadows were growing longer as she crossed to the path that led to her house.

  Lahini greeted her with a hug. “Supper is just about ready. Why don’t you go clean up then set the table.”

  “Thanks mom,” Leilani said as she hugged her mother tightly.


  With daylight came a knock on the door.

  When Leilani opened it, she found Father Brown standing on the step, his expression serious. He looked tired. “Morning Leilani, sorry to bother you so early but I need your help.”

  “Come in,” said Lahini from behind Leilani.

  They stepped aside to allow the Father to enter.

  “I need to ask Leilani for her help.” He directed his comment at Lahini.

  “Of course, I’ll just go get some coffee and give you two some time,” Lahini said and went down the hall to the kitchen.

  The Father seemed uncomfortable and cleared his throat before speaking. “I know you are still trying to get used to this new gift Leilani and I really shouldn’t be asking you for help, at least until it has been approved by the Vatican, but I fear that if I wait till then it may be too late.”

  She nodded. “What do you need from me Father?”

  He took a deep breath. “One of your neighbours is quite ill and I am not sure anything else can be done for him.”

  “Who are you speaking about?” Leilani asked.

  “Mr Suni,” he replied.

  “I'm willing to give it a try Father if you think it will help?”

  “I don’t know Leilani but after seeing what you did for Martha and John yesterday, it certainly can’t hurt to try.”

  “I’ll just let mom know where I will be and we can go right away.”

  Lahini took the news calmly. “I know you have a special gift Leilani, and I understand that you want to help people, but just remember you are only one small girl and you can’t do everything. God works in ways we cannot possibly know and he chooses who should be healed and who should not, so you must be prepared to accept that which you may not be able to control.”

  “Thanks mom, I’ll try to remember that.” She kissed her mother and left the house with Father Brown.

  As they passed other houses along the path, many of the residents came out to watch them. When they reached Mr. Suni’s house and knocked on his door, the residents gathered a short distance away to watch what would happen.

  When no one answered, Father Brown pounded on the door and called out Mr. Suni's name.

  There was still no answer from inside. Father Brown tried the handle and found it unlocked. He opened the door and went inside, motioning Leilani to remain on the step.

  After a few moments, the Father returned. He shook his head. “We are too late I’m afraid.” He looked down at Leilani.

  “May I try Father to see if there is anything I can do for him?”

  Father Brown knew he should not allow this, but what better opportunity to see how deep the healing power went.

  “If you would like to see him, I’m sure that would be okay,” he said reluctantly.

  They entered the home together and went down the hallway to the bedroom.

  They did not realize that the crowd outside had also moved towards the house and were discussing whether they should go in as well. Obviously, something was happening in there.

  Mr. Chong and Mr. Lee volunteered to go inside and see what was happening and they entered the small bungalow. They reached the small bedroom at the end of the hallway in time to watch Leilani.

  Leilani entered the room and went to the bedside. She looked down at Mr. Suni. He looked like he was sleeping. She sat on the side of the bed and leaned over the body. As she wrapped her arms around him, his body felt cool but she was not afraid as she repeated her mantra, “God believes in us and we must believe in him.” She sat back and waited but nothing happened. She took a deep breath and tried again. This time she repeated the mantra twice, but still, the results were the same. Leilani was unable to help him.

  Father Brown shook his head sadly. “It is too late Leilani, his soul has moved on.”

  Mr. Lee spoke from the doorway, his voice low and sad, “It seems once the soul has left the body, not even beautiful Leilani can bring it back.”

  Mr. Chong nodded his head and added the comment, “Only one who was greater was able to recall a soul."

  "I believe you are right, Mr. Chong," and then Father Brown made the sign of the cross, performed the last rites over Mr. Suni and pulled the sheet over his face.

  Father Brown had received his answer. Some things would always remain in the realm of God. This is His domain and in His wisdom, His will on earth now done for Mr. Suni and just starting for young Leilani.

  Chapter 14


  Twelve Year Old Girl Performs Miracles

  MANA’OLANA LAE LEPER COLONY, UNITED STATES – Twelve-year-old girl named Leilani, a resident of one of the last remaining leper colonies in the world, and a former leper herself, has performed the miracle of healing.

  The young girl, credited with curing her fellow lepers of all traces of the disease and in some instances, witnesses have observed new limbs, fingers, and toes appearing where previously amputated.

  Leprosy is a bacterium transmitted by nasal discharge and skin sores. Most people know it as Hansen's disease, named after G. Armauer Hansen, the Norwegian physician who identified the bacteria in 1874.

  At one time infected individuals found themselves quarantined in a leper colony. Today the disease is easily treatable with antibiotics.

  Since the laws changed, residents of these leper colonies are free to leave but due to the remaining stigma of leprosy, a large group of residents have chosen to remain. Most are older and have no family left to take care of them.

  Today there are still cases diagnosed in Asia, Africa, India, and parts of Latin America such as Brazil.

  There appears to be no explanations of how Leilani performed these miracles other than witnesses say she hugs them and repeats the words, “God believes in us and we must believe in him”.

  When asked how she is able to perform these miracles, s
he simply says a visitor to her village gave her the gift with a message to believe in her dreams. Could he have been one of God's Messengers we heard about the other day, in that mysterious message?

  The local priest, Father Brown has witnessed these unsubstantiated miracles along with other residents of the colony. When questioned he also indicated that she appears to be able to heal other illnesses including arthritis and strokes. He had no explanation of how she was able to do this.

  He is unable to confirm if these are miracles or not, and has advised the Vatican of the incidents.

  The Vatican has refused to comment at this time.

  Contact: Maria Chang

  [email protected]

  Chapter 15

  It looked like it would be another long, lonely night. Over the years, they had diminished but never completely gone away, and on these nights she would sit in the half-light, reliving memories that were hauntingly beautiful in their simplicity, sad in their distance and yet every one treasured like a friend.