Read The New World Covenant Page 9

  Everyone then turned to Leilani in awe. No one knew what to say, including Leilani.

  "You must try it again Leilani. If you can heal us we will be normal again as well," they begged her.

  She shook her head. "I didn't do anything! How can my hug have cured you! It must be something else." She stepped back, afraid to try again.

  Kamaka stepped towards her. In all earnestness, he beseeched her, "If there is any way that I can be normal, please try. I want so much in my heart to be whole again." His eyes filled with tears and Leilani immediately reached out to him.

  As she took him in her arms, she repeated the phrase, "God believes in us and we must believe in him." She held him for a moment and then stepped away.

  Kamaka had always used a cane, as his foot was unable to support his weight. He waited until he felt a tingling heat in his knee and then slowly handed the cane to Kai. He placed his weight on the injured foot and it held. He reached out, took hold of Kaleo's arm, and took a step without the cane. The foot still held and there was no pain. He let go of Kaleo's arm and took another step, and then another. He broke into a small jog and everything was fine. He was laughing and crying as he returned to the group. They hugged each other and cried tears of pure joy.

  Soon the others who had not yet healed gathered tightly around Leilani begging her to cure them as well. Her doubt gone, she eagerly took each of them in her arms, repeated the words and again, each in their turn, healed.

  "Leilani, you have been given a special gift," said Kaleo, "Thank you."

  "We must show everyone what has happened to us," Malie cried out, "I can't wait to see my parents face when they see me as they have always imaged I should have looked."

  They broke up and each ran to their homes, eager to show their parents the miracle that had happened to them.

  Leilani watched them go. In her heart, she could feel a warmness that had never been there before and she was content. She could not explain how this happened to her but was very happy she could help her friends. Life would change as she knew it but would she be ready to face that future without fear.


  Kamaka walked into his home and went straight to the kitchen. He knew he would find his mother there, preparing the noon meal.

  He stood in the doorway and waited for her to look up.

  "Did you have fun today Kamaka? Was there much on the beach to see?" She continued to work while she spoke.

  "We didn't make it to the beach today mama." He seldom called her mama and she looked up. Her eyes grew large and the knife in her hand slipped unnoticed to the counter.

  She stared, unsure whether to believe her eyes or not, then with a cry of delight ran to her son, her arms open wide. Her crying and the screams of joy brought her husband running in from the sitting room to see what was happening. He had not heard her sound so happy in many years.

  He stopped at the door to the kitchen and stared. His mouth dropped open and he could not find words as he stared at his young son.

  Could this really be Kamaka? Where was his cane? How could he be jumping like that with only one working foot? It was then he realized that the boy had two perfect feet. His hand went to his chest as he took a closer look at the boy. Where were the scars, he thought.

  He moved further into the room and approached his wife and son, "Kamaka?" he asked tentatively, "My are perfect!" he exclaimed, his voice full of awe.

  "Papa!" the boy cried and ran to hug the man, almost knocking the older man off balance.

  "It is a miracle. I don't know how, but Leilani has some kind of power that can heal us," they were openly weeping as they clung together.

  They broke apart and sat down at the kitchen table. His parents, Kamaka Sr. and Yolanda studied the boy sitting in front of them. Gone were all traces of the leprosy. He seemed to be completely healed and on his way to being a very nice looking young man.

  “What did you mean when you said Leilani healed you?” Kamaka Sr. asked.

  “I don’t know how papa. She just hugged me and said something about God and that was it. None of us really believed it. She tried it on Malie first. I can’t explain it. She just got better.”

  Kamaka Sr. looked sceptical but before he could respond, Kamaka continued, “I know it sounds unbelievable but it really happened! I know she can heal you and mother as well!”

  Yolanda had calmed down now and sat straight and rigid in her chair. Her face was unreadable. She crossed her arms over her ample chest, “This must be the devil’s work! We must call the Priest to come and check this out and see if he will give us his blessing.”

  “Mama, how can you say that? Is Leilani not a good person? We have known her all her life and she is always at the Church praying. Even Father Brown believes in her devotion.”

  “We must still call Father Brown immediately. He must instruct us on this,” she insisted as she headed for the phone.


  Similar conversations were taking place in other homes in the village.


  Kai took a deep breath before he opened his door. His mother hadn’t been well lately and he was scared that seeing him this way might shock her too much. He knew she would be happy once she got used to it.

  It can’t have been easy for her raising a leper child by herself, he thought to himself. His father had passed away while Kai was just a baby. Mercifully, the illness took him quickly, dying in his sleep after contracting pneumonia.

  “Mom, come see the miracle I have experienced,” he called, hoping to give her some warning.

  Monique struggled to her feet and shuffled into the kitchen. “What are you on about now Kai?” she asked. She came to an abrupt stop and stared, her mouth still open.

  “ that really you? How...”

  “Oh mom, Leilani has some special powers and she has healed me and all the others as well.”

  Monique reached for a chair and sank into it. She just stared at the boy.

  He took her hands in his and sat on the floor by her feet.

  “You are the spitting image of your father before the illness took him.” She touched his face with awe. “He was so handsome. Now tell me how little Leilani could possibly do this?” she chided him, “She is just the same as all of the children here.”

  “Mom, you don’t understand. We are not the same anymore. We are normal now,” Kai said gently.

  “What nonsense are you talking Kai?”

  “It’s true. Kamaka can now walk again. His foot has healed and Malie has all her fingers and toes. She’s really pretty now. Even Leilani doesn’t have any scars anymore.” He jumped to his feet, dragged his mother up and danced her around the room.

  “I don’t know or care how she did it, I’m just so glad she did,” he laughed aloud.


  It didn’t take long for the families to make their way to the fountain. They always met here to discuss issues that affected their community.

  The parents’ faces were strained and cautious. They looked at Leilani differently, not sure, should they fear her or embrace her.

  Leilani sensed their unease and sat on the edge of the fountain quietly, trying to be invisible.

  The other children chased each other in an impromptu game of tag. Their laughter and screams ringing off the buildings as they enjoyed the simple act of playing like normal children.


  “I have called Father Brown to come and bless us.” Yolanda stated flatly. “This is not possible. It can only be the work of a Devil child,” she hissed, staring intently at Leilani.

  “Are you saying our daughter is doing something of an evil nature?” Leilani’s mother, Lahini demanded her face flushed with anger. “How do you know it isn’t God that chose to make these children whole again?” she challenged the other woman.

  “Why would God pick a child to be a healer, especially a young girl and why now? If it was God why did he wait so long?” Yolanda replied, her vo
ice cold and harsh. Before Lahini could answer, Yolanda continued, “Leilani is possessed.”

  She lifted her fist in the air. “The Priest must get it out of her!” she shouted. She strode over to Leilani and began to shake her. “Be gone Devil! Leave this child now!” she screamed into Leilani’s face.

  Kamaka Sr. grabbed his wife and dragged her away.

  “Stop it Yolanda!” he commanded and surprisingly she stopped. She went to sit at one of the tables, dropped her head into her hands, and sobbed. Kamaka Sr. stood behind her and rubbed her shoulders.

  "How can healing our son be something of an evil nature? Was not Jesus accused of healing also?" he asked her.

  “We will see what Father Brown has to say,” Jolanda replied tight-lipped, refusing to meet his eyes.

  Lahini sat beside Leilani and hugged her. “Are you okay?”

  “I am fine mom,” replied Leilani.

  She drew herself up and stood before them without fear. “I don’t know what’s happened to me but if I can help people, I intend to do it. It is not that there is something bad in me but something good, it’s just me, Leilani!”

  Lahini stood and came to her daughter’s side. “We must have the children checked by the doctor. I’m sure there must be an explanation for what has happened.”

  “Really and how do you explain growing new limbs?” challenged Malie’s father David, his fists clenched at his side.

  “That’s why we need to talk to the doctor,” replied Lahini firmly, “I do not have the answers.”

  They gathered their children and in a group made their way to the clinic. Lahini took the lead with Leilani behind her.

  “We need to see the doctor,” she told the young receptionist.

  “All of you?” the receptionist responded.

  Lahini nodded firmly. “Yes, all of us need to see him. It seems we have a mystery that he may be able to explain for us.”

  The girl shrugged. “I’ll just let him know you’re here.” She stepped behind a door and in a moment came back out.

  “If you can just give him a moment, he will be right out.”

  “Thank you,” Lahini said quietly.

  After examining the children and hearing their explanation, the doctor finally turned to the parents.

  “Well, I can confirm that there are no visible signs left of the leprosy in any of these children. They all appear to be perfectly healthy, normal children and no, there is nothing different with Leilani. I will still need to run some tests but I’m sure they will confirm what I’ve seen. I wish I could tell you this is possible but I have no explanation for what has happened here. Tissue can regenerate itself but usually takes place over a long period of time and is still not as perfect as this, and as for limbs re-growing after amputation...I have no answer at all. I would say that you should speak to the Priest, miracles are more in his field, and while you're there, it wouldn't hurt to thank God for your good fortune.

  “Now I must go but I would ask that you make appointments for these children with my receptionist as soon as possible. I really need to verify these findings. Quite fascinating, perhaps I will write an article about it once I get more information.” He shook his head and went back to his office.

  The group looked at each other silently and filed from the room. What was there left to say; their prayers answered, but how? They must now seek out the Priest who should be waiting for them at the Church. Was this truly a miracle or was Yolanda right.

  It was not the results they struggled to understand, for that they couldn't be happier, after all, they had repeated this prayer repeatedly since their children were born.

  They were however plagued with many other questions such as, is this change permanent? What does it mean to them and the colony? Is this a sign of something bigger to come?

  Eventually the questions turned back on Leilani. Could she really be a healer and if so, could she cure other illnesses as well? Why her, she is but a young child? Will others come to our home to see this miracle child? Will she be strong enough to control it? If she can heal the sick, can she also raise the dead? If she can make people well, can she also do them harm?

  Leilani herself was asking many of the same questions. Her fear and dread increasing with each heavy step she took closer to the Church. What would Father Brown say?

  Father Brown stood at the entrance to the Church. His grave expression reflected the seriousness of the conversation that was yet to come.

  Without a word, he studied each child. He had known most of these children since they were babies and knew a great deal of the scars that should be visible on each one of them. However, try as he might, he was unable to find a single recognizable scar. He took each new limb and finger in his hands. He examined them from every angle possible but could not find any evidence of scars from stitches or any signs of trickery.

  Eventually he drew Leilani aside. "Let's take a walk my child."

  They turned from the others and wandered out into the darkening square. They did not say anything until seated on the fountain's ledge.

  "Do not fear what has happened Leilani. This is a great gift you have been given," pointed out Father Brown.

  She looked at him but did not speak her face pale and her eyes dark.

  "Perhaps if we talk this through we can understand it more. Why don't you start by telling me of your day Leilani?" he urged her quietly.

  She sighed and felt calm like she usually did in his presence, "I don't really know where to start. It was pretty much the same as every other day around here. I was on my way to join Malie and the others when the tour bus came along. There were two boys in the group and I thought maybe I would get up the nerve to talk to them but I couldn't. There was a man with them, he was alone and he seemed nice so I stood near him at this fountain. I talked to him for a few minutes before he had to go. He even knew what my name meant."

  "What else did he say?" Father Brown encouraged her to continue.

  "Oh I don't know, just the usual stuff, did I like living here and what I would do if I could leave here. I was kind of whining just before that about wanting to get away from here and explore the world." Leilani shrugged and replied.

  "Was there anything else?" coaxed Father Brown.

  She hesitated slightly. "He said a bunch of stuff I didn't really understand about believing in my dreams and overcoming challenges and that I should be strong but still be flexible," she replied, her voice quiet and small.

  "Can you think of anything else?" asked Father Brown.

  "There was one thing that seemed strange, his eyes seemed to be really bright, but I'm sure it was just the way the sun hit them. Oh, and he touched me on the shoulder. That's all that happened. He went to join the others and I went over to Malie," Leilani pointed out.

  Father Brown urged her, "What happened then?"

  "Kai was being mean to Malie and when she looked like she was going to cry I gave her a hug. Oh and I said my mantra, you know, the one you taught me 'God believes in us and we must believe in him', and then the marks just went away and her fingers just showed up again." She shook her head.

  "None of us really believed it happened so we tried it again. When I hugged Kai the first time I didn't say the mantra and it didn't work. When I did it the second time, I said the mantra and it worked. So we just kept doing it until they were all normal."

  "Did you feel anything different when you were hugging them?" asked Father Brown curiously.

  Leilani thought about it, asking herself, did I feel anything?

  "I guess I felt warm inside. In here." She point to her chest, near her heart. "I know when I was saying the mantra, it seemed different as well. It didn't feel like I was actually saying it, it just came from within me. I can't describe it."

  Leilani turned and asked the Priest, "What has happened to me Father?"

  "I hesitate to say that it's a miracle but somehow you have developed this gift or have been given a special gift of healing powers possibly from this st
ranger which could have been one of God's Messengers or Angels that we have been hearing about."

  "What happens now?" she asked.

  "Well, I can't see any way to avoid this getting out Leilani. Other people will soon hear of this power and they will come to see for themselves. The Church will want to verify whether these could be miracles as well. They will put you through some tests but if you would like me to help you through the process, I'm sure we can convince them to let me be there with you," Father Brown said.

  Leilani nodded, unable to speak.