Read The New World Covenant Page 26

Another person offered, “And several separate miracles where hundreds of people are being saved, just take the story of the miners in China and the wedding party in India.”

  Further to that statement, someone added, “What about that plane that should have crashed but instead landed nice and gentle in the cornfield, you can’t tell me that wasn’t the work of divine intervention.”

  Another added, “If we are talking about miracles, what about the ability to cure someone of an incurable disease or illness.”

  Emma smiled at her class. This is what she enjoyed most, this interaction and sharing of ideas. She was genuinely going to miss it the most. These smart, idealistic minds constantly challenged her in ways she could never have imagined. These were the new bloods. The very people who would continue to teach others in our quickly changing society, and blending not just the old ways and beliefs, but bringing many of those belief systems forward to have a modern day relevance. These miracles and even the disappearances of people were somehow a lesson, one of which would strengthen their faith.

  “So if these Messengers are here, do you feel they are a threat to society or are they something that could be beneficial?”

  Derek raised his hand. “If it was just the good things we were hearing about like these great miracles I would say that if Messengers were here, they would be a good thing. But then I think about those weird vanishings of not only people of faith but ordinary people and even some who are doing wrong at the time and it concerns me.”

  “I do agree with you on that Derek but remember something else, the report of ‘Messengers’ coming was tied to a very mysterious communication that still has not been satisfactorily explained. I suspect that over time, we may learn the true meaning of what all of this is about and I for one am going to trust and believe that something good is going to come out of it. I feel that it is not the actions of a grim reaper but a lesson from God that has not yet been fully explained.”

  The class agreed.

  “You know what, it’s Friday and unless you have any other scheduled classes you need to go to, let’s call it a mini-holiday and go enjoy the beautiful day.”

  The class cheered and quickly left the room.

  Emma sat at her desk and studied the list on the board for a few more minutes, then picked up her pen and pad and began to write a very important letter.

  Chapter 37

  Emma lifted the suitcase into the truck of her imported Hybrid, then disconnected the power cord and placed it in beside the suitcase. She closed the truck lid with a satisfied click. Sliding behind the wheel, she took a deep breath. It was a lovely morning. The sun was just peaking over the horizon and there was the promise of another warm day on the gentle breeze. Somewhere off in the distance she thought she heard a rooster crow. Funny, she thought as she started the engine.

  One of the reasons she enjoyed the suburbs was that it offered her more quietness and less of the hustle and bustle of city life. As she pulled out of the driveway, she decided to call Jason when she got closer to the city.

  She enjoyed the occasional day trip into the city and it gave her something to look forward to but she wouldn't want to do it on a daily basis.


  Jason sat at his table reading the morning paper, enjoying a cup of herbal tea, relishing its apple richness. He glanced at the clock. It was just 9:00am, when the phone rang. He reached for it as if expecting it to ring at that moment.

  "Good morning Jason. I hope I didn't wake you?" said the familiar voice.

  "Hi mom, no, no I've been up for awhile. I'm glad you called. I've been thinking about you a lot lately."

  "Isn't that interesting, I've had this overwhelming feeling since yesterday's class that I just had to see you as well. I'm on the road right now. I should be there in about a half an hour. I hope you don't have any plans."

  "That's great mom. Any plans that I have will include you. I'll see you when you get here."


  The door buzzer sounded and Jason eagerly pressed the door release. Throwing the door wide open, he gathered his mother into a hug. "I've missed you," he said as he let her go and picked up the suitcase.

  "I have so much to tell you," he said.

  "Somehow I knew you would." she smiled back at him.

  They were sitting at the table enjoying a tea, the sun shining in. She watched him over the rim of the cup. He seemed different and his eyes were so much brighter than she remembered. Must be the sun reflecting in them.

  "Do you remember the last time you visited; we went to that open air market? Why don't we go there?" he asked.

  "That's a great idea," she agreed.

  Jason added, "We can walk around for a while. They've added some new boutiques and vendors since you were here last and then stop for a tea and snack at one of the cafes along the way. Let me go clean up first." He kissed her forehead and headed down the hallway.

  Emma picked up the two cups and washed them in the sink.


  "It's not far away, do you want to walk?" Emma asked Jason as he re-entered the kitchen.

  "Sounds good to me, it sure looks like a nice day out there." He grabbed his house key and wallet and they headed out.

  As they got outside, Emma said, "When I started on my way here today, I could have sworn I heard a rooster crow."

  Jason chuckled. "Well you do live near the country."


  With amazing foresight, the city planners had considered green spaces very important to the well-being of its citizens and had scattered them throughout its neighbourhoods. The largest, by far, was the one in the centre of the city. It formed a large square, with forested pathways along its borders and open green grass spaces to play and picnic on. There were stunning gardens with paths winding through them, and in the centre, stood a large tiled square with a magnificent fountain reminiscent of one you would find in Rome or Venice. It featured a trio of horses, a stallion, mare, and colt in the act of galloping, water spraying up, around and away from them. The artist, now forgotten, had captured the beauty and strength of the mighty beasts, their muscles clearly defined in the smooth marble. A large pool surrounded the statue and visitors threw change in it for luck.

  Facing along one side of the square were a few shops, their doors open to the fresh air, a few small pubs, and outdoor patios already partially filled with patrons enjoying the sun, and a few quaint cafes, the smells of fresh coffee and pastries emanating from within. The rest of the square had small booths and tents, filled to capacity with jewellery, clothing, fruits and vegetables, and homemade products. The air was alive with the sounds of laughter, and music from the street corner musicians. This was the part of the city that Jason enjoyed the most, so different from the country but yet satisfying.

  Jason and Emma reached the square and began to stroll through the gardens. Their conversation general, just catching up on family and friends, neither ready to share their deeper thoughts just yet, but soon.


  Sylvia sat on the couch, her knees pulled up to her chest, a small worn blanket covering her. She stared blankly at the television, which played an old black and white movie. She felt numb, all emotion drained. A light tap on the door and then as it wasn't locked, it opened. Her best friend Shondell entered.

  "Good lord girl, just look at you, all bundled up on such a beautiful day." Shondell stood in front of her, hands on hips, short shorts, and tight tank top, outlining the overly curvy body, her hair a bright orange afro.

  "You need to get out. This isn’t going to bring back Vince. Now get some decent clothes on and let's go to the downtown market. I could use some new stuff." She reached down and yanked the blanket off Sylvia.

  "Get!" she said as she folded the blanket.

  Sylvia slowly got to her feet and shuffled down the hallway without a word.

  She stood in the bathroom, staring at the ghost looking back at her from the mirror. The eyes sunk into deep dark pits, the skin ga
unt and pale, and the hair hanging in long strings. Even the full lips Vince loved to kiss and tease with such passion had lost their magic. As she continued to look in the mirror, for a split second, she thought she saw him, and then he was gone.

  She sighed and reached for the taps.

  Dressed in a white sundress that hugged her small frame, her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, her makeup subdued, her face pale, she tried to smile.

  Shondell nodded her approval and they left the apartment. Knowing Sylvia wasn't really in the mood to walk. They hopped on a bus and made their way downtown. It wasn't far away.


  Jason motioned to one of the cafes, "Want to sit for a bit? I've heard they make a decent apple pie at this place."

  Emma's eyebrow lifted slightly. "I didn't think you were that fond of apple pie?"

  Jason shrugged his shoulders. "It's a recent thing." They found a table alongside the railing where they could look out over the square.

  "Interesting," she commented, "So how is the job going? Do you still love it?"

  "It's great. I'm just setting up that new exhibit. It's the one I've been trying to get for a couple of years now. I guess patience wins out every time." He smiled at his mother. "It's definitely something dad would have loved to see, it has some examples of the Linear A and B script from Crete. You know how interested he was in that stuff."

  Emma smiled back. "You're right, he would have loved it."

  They placed their order and then Jason leaned forward. "So mom, as much as I love to see you, I get the feeling there's something different about this visit." He sat back and waited.

  Emma played with her napkin for a minute before she answered her son. "You know how much I loved your father, and well I've been thinking a lot of him this past week," she met his eyes then continued, "He used to say I had a special gift...that I would be the voice of all that is female." She hesitated," The other night, in that time when our part of the world sleeps and dawn is but a promise to us, I received a message to use the gifts I've been given by God to speak for our sacred Earthly Mother, our planet and to continue to speak out for equality for women to better all of us."

  Jason just smiled at her and said, "An advocate."

  Emma knew he understood.

  "Yes," she said, "I want to be someone who uses their words to speak out for a change in society, to be a voice to create a better world for all men and women kind, and provide caring for our planet."

  Emma continued, "Do you remember the parable that your father used to say, the one about the tree of life. Well, lately, when it is quiet at night, I can hear the tears of despair from her Angels. I've made a decision I would like to share with you."

  Jason's green eyes grew brighter as he watched her face. "I can no longer ignore my true path. I am going to retire from the University and begin to speak on behalf of equality for both Mother Earth and women everywhere. They need my voice now more than ever."

  "I do understand mom, the most powerful thing we own is our conscience, and the second is our voice. My week has been rather enlightening as well, trying to explain the unexplainable. It was like being blind for most of your life and then suddenly seeing for the first time." Their tea and pie came and Jason picked up his fork.

  Jason said, "Mom, there is so much that I want to tell you and something I need to show you."

  Emma replied, "What is that Jason?"

  "It can be seen under the tree of life," Jason responded.

  "You mean the one at the Paradise Natural Reserve by the old Carter ranch?" Emma asked.

  "Yes," Jason answered.

  Emma asked, "Is there something new there that I haven't seen?"

  Jason smiled, "You have no idea. It will definitely be a surprise."

  Emma smiled back. "Nice, I can hardly wait."


  Amanda pulled the door closed behind her and slipped behind the wheel. She wanted to stop at the market to pick up some fresh fruit for Cooper. He really enjoyed it and the nurses encouraged her to keep his spirits up.

  She found a parking spot fairly close to the entrance, it must be her lucky day, she thought as she locked the car door.

  She wandered through the stalls, enjoying the fresh air and the sounds of people around her.

  Perhaps she could spend just a few minutes for herself before she headed up to the hospital and Cooper. There was much on her mind these days.

  Where was Johnny and why hadn't he come home? He hadn't even been to see Cooper. She could not understand what could have happened to him. Had he abandoned them? She knew there was very little money left to pay their bills, had he just had enough. What if he were dead and why were the police interested in talking to him...

  So much on her mind...


  Sylvia and Shondell wandered through the stalls trying on the jewellery and scarves. Sylvia was trying to enjoy herself but it was an effort. She watched the people around her, hoping Vince would miraculously appear and everything would be normal again. They reached the end row of stalls that ran alongside the cafes and pubs. She glanced over at one of the outdoor patios and her heart began to race.

  "Shondell, look at that guy at the end table,"

  Shondell glanced over at the table and shrugged, "So?"

  "Don't you recognize him?" Sylvia hissed.

  Shondell looked at the young man again. He did look a bit familiar.

  "That's him...that's the guy that made Vince go away." Sylvia tore through her purse looking for the business card of the Detective she had met yesterday. She held it up in triumph.

  "Give me your phone. Quick before he decides to leave." Sylvia's fingers trembled as she dialled the cell phone number listed on the card.


  Murphy had just finished cleaning up his breakfast dishes. He looked around the house clothes were piling up. Everything seemed to need cleaning and even the mail was unopened. He always thought he was clean but he obviously wasn't. Seraphina definitely had him spoiled. She was a great homemaker married to someone who was untidy, at home, at least he was tidier at the office...yeah right, and who was he trying to kid... Just then, the cell phone rang; he reached for the phone and answered on the third ring.

  "Detective Murphy here."

  "Detective, this is Sylvia Alvarez. You were at my house yesterday. He's here...that guy that killed Vince. He's here at the market. You need to get here right now before he leaves."

  "Where are you Sylvia?" Murphy asked.

  "We are at the downtown market, in the stall right near Angelo's Patisserie. He's sitting at one of the outside tables. You need to come quickly."

  "Okay Sylvia, I should be there shortly, if he get's up to move, call me back, but do not, and I repeat, do not approach this person. We don't know who he is or if he is dangerous. Do you understand?"

  "I got it, just get here," Sylvia spat back.

  Murphy speed dialled Jack and told him to meet him at the entrance to the downtown market. "It looks like our suspect is there right now. I just heard from Sylvia Alvarez. I should be there in about five minutes. Wait for me."

  Murphy checked to make sure his gun was loaded and then slipped it into his holster, grabbed his wallet and keys and headed out the door.

  He turned the police lights on the car and sped through the streets pulling up just as Jack got there. They pulled up to the curb as close to the entry as possible without blocking traffic.

  "What have we got?" Jack asked Murphy.

  "Sylvia Alvarez is watching the guy. He's supposedly sitting at a patio table at Angelo's Patisserie. Let's go see what he has to say for himself."

  They walked through the square, circling around the stalls until they saw the row of outside patios. Sylvia must have been watching for them and raced over to them.

  "He's right there, first table, wearing a white shirt. He's with an older woman," she pointed directly at Jason.

  "You need to stay here Sylvia. We'll go and have
a talk with the man," Murphy told her and moved away. Sylvia stood with Shondell and watched them.

  Jason too was watching the two men as they approached. He already knew that they were not here to enjoy the fresh air, sunshine and the market stall bargains.

  He turned to his mom and said, "I do have another surprise for you today, but I'm afraid the surprise at the Paradise Natural Reserve will have to wait for now."

  Emma said, "Okay, what's this other surprise you have for me."

  He did not answer her as his eyes met Murphy's, he stood up and he smiled.

  "Hello Detective Murphy."

  "Jason, I believe we need to talk. Would you please join us?" Murphy motioned to Jason.

  "Oh I don't think that is necessary. Please speak your mind, this is Emma, my mother, I'm sure she'll find this interesting."

  Murphy nodded acknowledgment to Emma then faced Jason again.

  "What is your last name Jason?" Murphy asked.