Read The New World Covenant Page 27

  "It would need translation."

  Emma looked astonished at this comment from her son, but did not say anything.

  "Try me," responded Murphy.

  "What is in a name, as long as it is good?" Jason replied.

  "That is something yet to be determined," Murphy cautioned.

  "Is that really the most important question you wish to ask?" Jason responded calmly.

  Murphy replied, "It's certainly a good start. How about this one then, what can you tell me about the disappearance of Vince Diaz?"

  "Ah, the young man who was so disrespectful and abusive to the young lady." He glanced over as he motioned with his chin to Sylvia who had moved closer. "It was an unfortunate incident but he really did need to disappear for a while. Trust me when I say that he just wasn't making it...easy."

  "We can come back to that," Murphy commented, "How about the Rabbi and his daughter Hannah, what can you tell me about them?"

  "Two really amazing people, so much potential. I'm sure you are also going to ask me about Johnny Strickland as well. Well Murphy, I cannot tell a lie, I did have a conversation with all of your ghosts. It is easier to convince when one 'believes'."

  Murphy and Jack exchanged looks.

  Murphy asked Jason, "How could you know about the ghosts?"

  Jason replied, "I know of many things."

  Murphy asked, "Are you telling us you killed them?"

  "Really Murphy, is that what you believe?" Jason smiled.

  He continued, "I was just trying to keep you busy."

  "Well it worked. Is that why were you visiting so many rooms at the hospital? I think we should continue this conversation down at the station. Just one more thing I need to ask you," Murphy hesitated, "Why were you visiting my wife Seraphina?" As he said this, he placed his hand on his service revolver for reassurance.

  Jason noticed the movement and knew the gun wouldn't fire.

  Jason replied, "You interested me Murphy, and I wanted to know more about Seraphina as well."

  "Were you going to make it easy for her too?" Murphy's voice grew angry.

  "Yes, very interesting way of putting it Murphy. I am eagerly looking forward to talking with both of you," Jason noted.

  "What would you have to say to us?" Murphy asked.

  Jason responded, "Well I think I would just start by saying 'Lei sa'."

  Murphy said, "I've been waiting to ask you what you meant by saying that to me."

  Jason face softened as looked over Murphy's shoulder and as he smiled, his eyes gently glowing, he looked into Murphy's eyes and said, "Believe".

  "Murphy?" a soft voice he had been yearning to hear, called to him and he turned quickly.

  His face registered his shock as he recognized Seraphina. She stood before him, serene and lovely, her hand gently resting on her stomach, her other hand holding the hand of a young sandy haired boy with big blue eyes.

  Not all his years as a police Detective could have prepared him for this moment and all anger and tension left him.

  Murphy dropped to his knees, his head sideways on Seraphina's stomach and said very softly, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

  Seraphina ran her fingers through his hair until he rose and stood before her, pulling her to his chest, and buried his face in her neck, her scent intoxicating, and every bit as lovely as the woman she was to him.

  "Isn't love special?" Jason said to his mom as they smiled at each other. Emma was still unclear to what was unfolding before her but her motherly instincts recognized that she needed to trust her son and wait to see what would happen next. She was actually enjoying the moment.

  Murphy pulled away from Seraphina but did not let her go.

  "It's okay need to listen to this young man." She smiled and then turned her smile to Jason.


  Amanda moved toward the sound of the commotion at the other end of the market and slipped to the front of the crowd to see what was happening.

  Before Murphy had a chance to question Jason further, Amanda, recognizing the young boy, yelled out "Cooper!" and ran towards her son, her arms outstretched.

  Seraphina pulled away from Murphy and released the hand of the young boy who ran to meet his mother.

  Murphy recognized Amanda Strickland as she enfolded the young boy in her arms, tears of joy flowing down her face.

  Murphy was confused and he turned towards Jason. "I don't understand? Are you one of God's Messengers?"

  Jason smiled and shrugged modestly. "I cannot lie Murphy, and I do believe it's time."

  Seraphina returned to stand beside Murphy, slipped her hand into his, and squeezed lovingly.

  Sylvia watched in amazement at the scene that spread-out before her. Without consciously thinking about it, she stepped up to the railing. "What about Vince? Why did you kill him?"

  "Everything has been as it should be. He is not 'as you say'. Are not lessons something you should learn from? Your lesson is still ongoing, you must be a little bit more patient Sylvia."

  Sylvia screamed, "Where is my Vince?"

  An even bigger crowd sensing something interesting happening, began to gather, pressing in on the small group.

  Jason turned to his mom, took her hand. "There is one more thing that I have to do before I go."

  "Go where?"

  "I won't be gone long...Believe."

  Emma nodded her head in a knowing gesture.

  "I love you mom."

  "I love you to Jason."

  Jason looked out at the crowd. "It is now time," he said quietly to know one in particular, his green eyes beginning to brighten, two orbs now glowing with an inner warmth.

  Chapter 38

  Jason stood before the crowd, his demeanour quiet and calm. Emma slipped from the chair to give him room, moving to stand beside Seraphina who took her hand.

  Jason spoke directly to the crowd,

  "To all of you...I am the Source...the Light."

  An old man in the group shouted back, "That's what God is. Are you telling us that you are God young man! That is blasphemy! You should be ashamed of yourself!"

  Turning and staring with gentleness into the eyes of the old man, Jason's eyes gave off a soft green glow as he replied serenely,

  "I possess no shame...only Love.

  I am this absolute 'light of truth' within all of you that cannot be put out."

  The crowd pulled back in fear, as Jason's green eyes turned to fiery discs. He focused intently on each person before him and each felt the burning intensity of his stare. He slowly raised his hands palms up, from his sides to shoulder height, looked around the market one more time then with the small suns still reflecting from within his eyes he disappeared. His clothes dropped to the ground, there being nothing to hold them up anymore. The crowd grew silent...only the sharp intake of air into someone's lungs could be heard as the crowd collectively realized what had just happened. The young man's body had vanished just as the reports they had heard broadcast all over the world. As they continued to stare at the discarded clothing, a boulder size orb of fiery yellow light rose from within them. As the small sun rose from the clothing, the heat intensified and the crowd stepped back even further, fearing that which they could not explain, unfolding before them. A voice from within the orb, spoke out with gentle authority,

  "The sun rises in my voice.

  I am who I am.

  And now you know...that I have always been here...for the believer and non-believer."

  It was at this moment that Murphy realized that Jason was not a Messenger but actually God himself.

  This same awareness was quickly settling over the crowd. Jason had transformed from flesh into the Lord, our God. Somehow, He had been borrowing Jason's body and now had risen as this radiant fiery orb. The awe of the crowd reflected in a total silence. The glowing sun continued its slow rise, coming to a stop several feet above the pile of clothes, floating slightly above the crowd.

  Someone bravely ca
lled out from the crowd, "If you really are God, why are you appearing to us now?"

  God acknowledged the comment,

  "I have not made myself known to you for such a long time but sometimes faith alone is not always enough. It can be like the fragile egg, needing nourishment from the inside out."

  He paused briefly,

  "If I had only returned to the non-believers amongst you, how long would it have taken believers to question?"

  He continued,

  "To those of you that have said that faith alone is all that you ever needed, blessed are you for understanding.

  "To those of you who do not believe and have said that you didn't need 'me' in your life and that I must prove my existence to you, I now appear before you.

  "You've asked why I have returned now.

  "To answer this, I recognize that there are good people amongst the believer and non-believer, where both have been walking in the 'light of goodness', that which comes from somewhere deep within you. Following this path is how your faith continues or how one begins a relationship with me and removes any doubt of my existence. 'Seeing is believing' and sometimes needed to strengthen one's I have returned for all. The light of my Love is searching through the spirit of humankind and reaching out to humanity's innermost being.

  "My question to you is will there still be time for humankind to save itself."

  Many voices rang out with questions:

  "Are not the believers amongst us not already in your good grace?"

  "What have we done to anger you?"

  "What is going to happen to us that we need to be saved?"

  God replied,

  "Neither believer nor non-believer have angered me."

  The globe intensified.

  "My timing is of necessity.

  I bring you awareness of an object that is even now hurtling towards you on a collision course with my beautiful planet, the world you call home."

  Another man from the crowd stepped forward challengingly, "What object? What is the thing you are talking about Lord? Why must we fear it?” He raised his hand to the orb in a questioning manner.

  God replied calmly,

  "This object will be several times larger than your highest mountain and will be made of nickel and iron and you have called such things as this, an asteroid."

  Many in the crowd cried out and some began to shout back at the voice, too many to clearly hear them. Somewhere deep in the mass of people, a woman began to cry and others to pray.

  "But Lord, we can just send missiles to destroy this asteroid. We have the ability to save ourselves!" one young bearded man called out loudly; his voice carried out over the other voices, his voice filled with false bravado.

  The glowing orb burned a little bit brighter and God said,

  "Humankind's weapons cannot destroy this asteroid."

  An angry voice cried out, "If you are really God, the God of Love we have been told about, you would not let this happen."

  The voice of God spoke again,

  "I am your God of Love, however, I created humankind to flourish and grow in wisdom, to learn to live in harmony and Love.

  "That has not yet happened.

  "Perhaps it is time for humankind to perish and for me to start with a new race of people. Humankind has continued to defend my name by shedding the blood of others...and somehow you think this is pleasing to me...It is not!

  "I have no enemies. I need no defending.

  "Would Love not conquer all wrongs before they start? Wrongdoings exist only in the minds of humanity, not mine.

  "Why do others have to suffer because of your way of thinking?

  "When does one answer cruelty, hatred, grievance and injustice with morality, equality, fairness and justice.

  "When you find Love for others, you will not find a need to be offended or angered and no conflict that may happen inside or outside of your lives will be deemed immeasurable.

  "Is there still time for humankind to change...or is it too late already? Your violence, intolerance, and hatred is killing each other and destroying my beautiful planet."

  "Lord it should not be too late for us. Are you saying this asteroid could destroy humankind? How much time do we have?" someone asked.

  God responded,

  "Three months from now you will first become aware of the asteroid and see its path towards the inevitable cataclysmic event."

  A woman screamed from the back of the crowd, fell to the ground, and began rocking herself before the orb. "Why won't you save us? What must we do?"

  The orb brightened and heat flared from its centre.

  The voice gentle in reply,

  "You have the ability to save yourselves."

  "How," cried many voices, "You said our weapons will not work?"

  God's voice rose above the noise in the market,

  "To save yourselves, you must be like me!"

  "But how can we? We are not Gods!" responded many.

  God gently chided the crowd,

  "I am the only one and there is no other...but...

  one does not have to be a God, to be...

  like me."

  An older woman replied, "Lord, we have been taught to fear you so how can we be like you?"

  He responded,

  "Fear Me Not...

  "As I do not look back in anger, you should alternatively, not look forward in fear. Fear is a negative emotion and is not the place where you will find my holy wisdom or understanding.

  "Within your different faiths has come a belief that you must fear me, your God of Love. Fearing me only puts more distance between us. This constant struggle over faith and belief has now become self-defeating.

  "Our relationship must be strong and unconditional; our connection has become damaged because you believe that I am punitive. Ultimately, this has not only weakened the bond between you and me, but also undermined the link between each of you.

  "The tether that connects us all has become too fragile."

  The orb flickered like the embers of a slow burning fire as God continued,

  "When you pray, are you not seeking my forgiveness, my blessing, my unconditional gift of Love?

  "When you are secure within my Love then this is what will bond us together and change you. People who are just looking to be offended and angered, fill the world. When your mind fills with Love, your heart will find no enemies and in this newfound Love, you will find new respect and hope for the planet and world peace for humanity.

  "So tell me, why do you say you Love one another, but with your actions, you choose not to? I ask you, what does it mean to be like me, to be 'All Loving'?"

  The market grew silent. Each person looked to another with confusion and incomprehension on his or her face as someone in the crowd tentatively asked, "To be like you Lord, we don't understand what you mean?"

  God answered,

  "It requires a simple action, but one so hard it seems, to implement. Therefore, to answer you, I ask this question,

  "What is Love?"

  Someone answered, "Love is the strong emotion that we feel for each other."

  God answered back,

  "That is true, but so is hate.

  "So I ask again,

  "What is Love?"

  Another person answered, "It is the way I feel about my children and my spouse and other family members."

  God reflected,

  "The feelings that you share with your family, this is good...but do you share the same feelings towards all of humanity?"

  Silence and confusion filled the market as again people looked to each other, searching for answers.

  God repeated the question,

  "What is Love?"

  The orb continued to give off a comforting warm glow as it hovered in the air...waiting.

  A young girl around twelve years of age said, "When my grandpa died people came to comfort my grandma. She said it helped her to adjust to his death. Grandma said it was how people showed th
ey cared. She said it was something called empathy. Would that be Love?"

  God asked,

  "What is your name child?"

  "Nancy," replied the young girl.

  God responded to her,

  "Learning about Love during an emotional loss can happen at any time, even in one so young...and yes, Nancy, empathy and caring for others make up parts of Love, but there is so much more.

  "So again, I ask all of you,

  "What is Love?"

  Not a single person could answer this simple question. They all seemed perplexed over something that for all their lives seemed so easy to explain. The words 'I Love You' come so easy, and yet no one can define what Love really is. They look to each other and then up at the orb for an answer.