Read The Outdoor Girls of Deepdale; Or, camping and tramping for fun and health Page 10



  Molly, for a moment, looked as if she wanted to cry from sheer vexation,for the getting ready to start had been trying on all of them. Then thehumor of the situation appealed to her, and she exclaimed, as thesolemn-eyed twins drew: nearer:

  "Dodo--Paul--what does this mean? Go back home at once! Mamma will bedreadfully worried about you. Go back."

  "We tum too," lisped Dodo.

  "We go for walk wit oo, Mollie," Paul added.

  "The little dears!" murmured Amy.

  "You wouldn't say so if you had to go all the way back with them,"exclaimed the sister. "Dodo--Paul, you must go home at once."

  "Dot any tandy?" asked Dodo, seeing, doubtless, a chance to make capitalout of the escapade.

  "Candy! The idea!"

  "We go back if oo dot tandy," spoke Paul, cunningly, seeing the drift ofhis small sister's scheme. "We 'ikes tandy."

  "I'll give them some if they promise to go back," spoke Grace, making amotion toward her little case that Frank carried.

  "No, they must not be bribed," said Mollie, firmly. "I shall insist ontheir going back. And oh! what faces they have! They must have beeneating candy already this morning."

  "Our tandy all gone," spoke Dodo. "Oo dive us tandy we go back; won't us,Paul?" and confidingly she looked up into her brother's face.

  "We go for tandy," he affirmed, and there was an air of determinationabout him that boded no good for the girls.

  "You must go back!" declared Mollie.

  "We go for walk," said Dodo. "Tum on, Paul. We dot fings to eat sameas dem," and proudly she displayed a very dirty bag, the opening ofwhich disclosed a rather jumbled collection of bread and butter, andcookie crumbs.

  "An' I dot a gun to shoot bad bears," went on Paul, shouldering a woodenarticle, that, by a wide stretch of the imagination could be seen tosomewhat resemble a musket. "Gun go bang-bang!" explained the littlechap, "bad bears run 'way off. Turn on, Dodo, we go wif 'em," and henodded at the "hikers," as Will unfeelingly characterized his sister andher chums.

  "Go back! Go back!" cried Mollie, now again on the verge of tears. "Oh,you bad children! What shall I do? Mamma will be dreadfully worried, andif we take them back we'll lose a lot of time. What shall we do, girls?"

  "We go back for tandy--lots of tandy," spoke the inexorable Dodo. "We'ikes tandy; don't us, Paul?"

  "Yes," said Paul, simply.

  "The easiest way out of it is to give them some candy," said Grace, in alow voice, but, low as it was, the twins heard. Their eyes brightened atonce, and they came eagerly forward.

  "Oh, dear, I suppose it is the only thing to do," affirmed Mollie. "Willyou go straight back if you get some candy?" she asked. "Straight hometo mamma?"

  "Ess--we bofe go," promised Dodo, who usually led her small brother. "We'ikes tandy," she reiterated.

  "Me tan shoot bears to-morrow," said Paul, philosophically. "Where istandy?" With him evidently the prospect of present enjoyment waspreferable to the future possibility of becoming a great hunter.

  "Here you are!" cried Grace, as she took out some chocolates. "Now begood children. Do you think it safe for them to go back alone, Mollie?"

  "That's so, I never considered that. I wonder if we'll have to go withthem? Oh, isn't this annoying, and we're behind time now! We'll never getto Rockford to-night. What shall I do?"

  "We take 'em back if oo dive us some tandy!" mocked Will, who, with hischums, had been an interested observer of the little scene.

  "Smarty!" exclaimed his sister. "But I'll take you at your word just thesame. Here, Frank--Allen--you see that he performs his part of thecontract," and she held the candy box out to the other two, wholaughingly accepted the bribe.

  Then with the hands of the trusting, and now contented, twins in theirs,Will and Frank bade the girls good-speed and led away the two small oneson their homeward way, Allen following them after a farewell to Betty.

  "At last we are off!" murmured Mollie. "I'm so sorry it happened, girls!"

  "Why, the idea!" cried Betty. "It was just a little pleasant episode, andwe'll remember it all day, and laugh."

  "But it may make us late," suggested Mollie, anxiously.

  "Not much," went on the Little Captain. "It wasn't your fault, anyhow. Wecan just walk a little faster to make up for it--that is, if, Gracethinks she can stand it."

  "Oh, you won't find me complaining," declared the girl whose footwear hadbeen the subject of comment. "I'm not as comfortable as you, perhaps,"she admitted, "but I will be when I get my other shoes. And now, let'sgive ourselves up to the enjoyments of the way--and day. Oh, isn't itjust lovely!"

  Indeed, a more auspicious start--barring the little delay caused by thetwins--could not have been provided. The day was one of those balmy onesin June, when it is neither too hot nor too blowy, when the breeze seemsfairly laden with the sweet scent of flowers, and the lazy hum of beesmingles with the call of birds.

  The way led out along a pleasant country road, which, for some distance,wound in and out among great maples that formed a leafy shade which mightbe most acceptable later in the day, since there was the promise ofconsiderable heat at noon.

  As yet it was early, a prompt enough start having been made to allow ofan easy pace along the road.

  "For," Betty had said in reviewing the procedure to be followed, "wedon't want to tire ourselves out on the first stage of our trip. Weought to begin gradually. That is the way all athletes train."

  "Oh, then we are going to be athletes?" asked Amy.

  "Walking athletes, at least," responded the leader. "Now, girls, if anyof you feel like resting at any time, don't hesitate to say so. We wantthis to be an enjoyment, not a task, even if we are a regular club."

  So perfect was the day, and in such good spirits were the girls, thateven the simplest sights and happenings along the highway brought forthpleased comments. The sight of a cow placidly chewing her cud in ameadow, the patient creature standing knee-deep amid the buttercups, wasa picture they all admired, Mollie carried a little camera, and insistedon snapping the bovine, though the other girls urged her to save somefilms with which to take their own pictures.

  "But that cow will make such a lovely enlargement," said Mollie. "It'slike an artist's painting."

  Bravely they marched along, with a confident swing and firm tread--atleast, all but Grace trod firmly, and she rather favored herself onaccount of her high heels. But her chums were good enough not to laugh.

  They passed farm houses, in the kitchen doors of which appeared thewomen and girls of the household, standing with rolled-up sleeves, armsakimbo, looking with no small wonder at the four travelers.

  There were comments, too, not always inaudible.

  "I wonder what they're selling?" one woman asked her daughter, asthey paused in their work of washing a seemingly innumerable numberof milk pans.

  "They take us for peddlers," said Amy.

  A little later a small boy, who had been playing horse in front of hishouse, scuttled back toward the kitchen, crying out:

  "Ma--ma! Come an' see the suffragists!"

  "Oh, mercy!" exclaimed Betty. "What will we be taken for next?"

  But it was fun, with all that, and such a novelty to the girls that theywondered why they had not before thought of this means of spending partof their vacation.

  The sun crept higher in the sky, and the warmth of the golden beamsincreased. The girls were thankful, now, for any shade they mightencounter, and they were fortunate in that their way still lay inpleasant places. They came to a little brook that ran under the road, andnot far from it a roadside spring bubbled up. Their collapsible drinkingcups came in useful, and they remained for a little while in the shadenear the cool spot.

  "Where shall we eat our lunch?" asked Grace, as the ever-mounting sunapproached the zenith.

  "Are you hungry already?" asked Amy.

  "I am beginning to feel the pangs," admitted the tall, graceful girl.

hen you can't have eaten much candy," commented Mollie.

  "Only three pieces."

  "Hurrah! Grace is reforming!" cheered Betty. "That's fine!"

  "I don't see why you're always making fun of me," Grace said, as shepouted. "I'm sure you are all just as fond of chocolate as I am."

  "Never mind," consoled Mollie. "We will eat soon, for I confess to havingan appetite on my own account."

  Deciding to eat, at least on this first day of the tramp, a lunch oftheir own providing, rather than go to some restaurant, country hotel, orstop at a chance farm house, the girls had brought with them packages offood, and the alcohol stove for a cup of tea, or some chocolate.

  "This looks to be a perfect place for our picnic," said Betty, as, onpassing a farm, they saw the plow-horses unhitched and led under a treeto partake of their hay and oats. "It must be noon by that sign," wenton the Little Captain, confirming her guess by a glance at her watch. "Itis," she said. "So we'll eat here," and she indicated a little grassyknoll under a great oak tree at the side of the road.

  "There's the most beautiful spring of water here, too," went on Grace."Shall we make tea?"

  "Do!" exclaimed Mollie. "I'm just dying for a good hot cup. But nottoo strong."

  Soon they had merrily gathered about the greensward table, on which papernapkins formed the cloth. The sandwiches were set out, with a bottle ofolives to add to the attractiveness, and then the little kettle was puton the alcohol stove, which had been set up in the shelter of the greatoak's massive trunk.

  "It's boiling!" finally announced Betty. "Hand me the tea ball,Amy, my dear."

  Pouring the steaming water over the silver tea ball, Betty circulated itaround in the cup, until one fragrant brew was made. She passed this overto Mollie, and proceeded to make another.

  "It's delicious!" cried the French girl, as she tasted it, cream andsugar having been added. "Oh, isn't this just lovely!"

  "Perfect," murmured Grace. "I wouldn't have missed this for anything!"

  In pure enjoyment they reclined on the grass after the meal, and then, asBetty, after a look at her watch, warned them that the better half oftheir journey still lay before them, they started off again.

  They had proceeded a mile or so, and the way was not so pleasant now, forthe road was sandy, when they came to a fork of the highway. A time-wornsign-post bore letters that could scarcely be made out, and, though theyhad a road map, the girls were not quite sure which way to take to get toRockford. They were debating the matter, alternately consulting the mapand the sign-post, when a farmer drove past.

  "Which road to Rockford, please?" hailed Betty.

  "Th' left!" he exclaimed, sententiously. "G'lang there!" This last to thehorses, not to the girls.

  "The road map seems to say the road to the right," murmured Betty, as thefarmer drove that way himself.

  "Well, he ought to know," insisted Grace. "We'll take the left,"and they did.

  If they had hoped to have all go smoothly on this, their first day oftramping, the girls were destined to disappointment. In blissfulignorance they trudged on, talking so interestedly that they neverthought to glance at the sign-boards, of which they passed several.

  It was Amy who discovered the error they had made--or rather, the errorthe farmer had caused them to make. Again coming to a dividing of theways, they saw a new sign-board, put up by a local automobileorganization.

  "Eight miles to Hamptown, and ten to Denby," read Amy. "Girls, where isRockford?"

  Anxiously they stared at the sign.

  "It doesn't seem to say anything about Rockford," murmured Grace.

  "Maybe someone has moved our town," suggested Mollie, humorously.

  Betty looked puzzled, annoyed and a little anxious. A snub-nosed,freckle-faced boy came along whistling, and beating the dust of the roadwith a long switch.

  "Which is the road to Rockford, little boy?" asked Betty.


  "I say, which is the road to Rockford?"

  "Give him a candy if you have any left, Grace," suggested Mollie, ina low tone.

  "Are you folks peddlin' candy?" asked the boy, and his eyes shone.

  "No, but we have some," answered Betty. "We want to get to Rockford."

  "You're five miles off the road," exclaimed the boy, with a grin, asthough he took personal delight in their dilemma. "You come the wrongway. Huh!"

  "Oh, dear!" murmured Mollie. "Don't you give him any candy, Grace."

  "It isn't his fault that we went wrong," spoke Betty.