Read The Outdoor Girls of Deepdale; Or, camping and tramping for fun and health Page 9



  "How do we look?"

  "Don't you think these skirts are too short?"

  "Isn't it fine to have--pockets?"

  "Oh, Grace Ford! You'll never be able to walk in those shoes! Girls, justlook at those French heels!" It was Amy who spoke.

  "They're not French!" declared Grace, driven to self-defense. "They're amodified Cuban."

  "Not enough modification, then; that's what I say!" exclaimed Mollie, thethree expressions which opened this chapter having come from Betty, Graceand Amy, respectively. "They're of the French--Frenchy, Grace, my dear!"

  "I don't care! I tried to get fitted in the kind of shoes you girlshave," and Grace looked at the stout and substantial walking boots of hercompanions, "but they didn't have my size. The man is going to send forthem, and he said he'd forward them to Middleville. They'll be there whenwe arrive."

  "All right, as long as you're going to get them," spoke Betty."You never could belong to our Camping and Tramping Club in thoseshoes, Grace."

  "Well, they're the largest I have, and I don't think the heels are sovery high; do you?" and she appealed to the others.

  "Here are Will and Frank," spoke Amy. "We'll let them decide."

  "Oh, Will is sure to say something mean," declared his sister. "Don't youdare mention heels to him!"

  "Ready for the hike?" demanded Will, as he came up with his chum.

  "We start in half an hour," replied Betty, in the front yard of whosehouse the others were gathered. "Gracious, I know I haven't half thethings I need. What did I do with that alcohol stove?"

  "I saw you put it in the case," said Amy.

  "Oh, yes, so I did. I declare I don't know what I'm doing! Now, girls, isthere anything else to be thought of?"

  "If there is, I'm not capable of it," declared Mollie. "I am a wreck,"and she leaned against patient Amy for support.

  "We'll go part way with you," offered Will.

  "You shall not!" exclaimed his sister. "You'll make all manner of fun ofus, and--"

  "No, we won't--I promise!" exclaimed Frank, earnestly.

  "Oh, let them come," pleaded Betty.

  "Then go get Percy," urged Grace.

  "Don't you dare!" cried Betty.

  "Well, here comes Allen Washburn, anyhow," went on the tall girl. "Atleast we'll have enough escorts." Betty blushed and hurried into thehouse on some pretense or other.

  The girls were to travel "light," taking with them only a few articles ofclothing. Their suitcases they had arranged to send on ahead, so thatthey would be at each stopping place in the evening when the little partyarrived. Then on leaving in the morning the satchels would again bedispatched in advance. Near the end of the route trunks would await them.

  The girls expected to get their dinners wherever it was most convenient,and Betty had drawn up a sort of schedule that, should they be able tokeep up to it, would mean comfort at noon. As I have explained, thebreakfasts and suppers would be eaten at the homes of friends orrelatives.

  The girls had a little alcohol stove, a teapot and saucepan, and theyexpected, under favorable circumstances, to stop by the roadside andbrew a cup of tea, each girl carrying an aluminum cup and saucer.Evaporated cream and sugar, to be replenished from time to time, formedpart of their stores. Sandwiches, to be procured as needed, would form astaple food.

  The day was a "perfect" one for June. Clad in their new suits of olivedrab, purposely designed for walking, with sensible blouses, containingpockets, with skirts sufficiently short, stout boots and natty littlecaps, the outdoor girls looked their name. Already there was the hint oftan on their faces, for they had been much in the open of late.

  They had assembled at Betty's house for the start, and were about readyto leave, though there seemed to be much confusion at the last minute.

  Their first stopping place, at least for the night, would be the town ofRockford, about sixteen miles away, where Betty's aunt lived. Theyexpected to remain two nights there, using the second day to walk to acertain old historic mill that was said to be worthy of a visit.

  The good-byes were said, over and over again, it seemed, and a number offriends called to wish the girls good luck. Betty, who had been votedinto the place of leader, looked over her small command. What it lackedin numbers it made up in attractiveness, for certainly no prettierpicture could have been viewed than the one the girls presented thatJune morning, beneath the trees in the big yard.

  "Well, are we ready?" finally asked Betty.

  "As ready as we ever shall be," replied Grace.

  "Then--what shall I say--forward--march?"

  "Just say--hike!" cried the irrepressible Will.

  "Don't mind him!" cautioned his sister. "Oh, I've left my handkerchief inyour house, Betty!" and she hastened to secure it.

  But, finally, after a few more forgotten articles had been collected, thegirls were ready to start. Mr. Nelson came out to wave a farewell, andhis wife appeared, to add more to her already numerous cautions.

  "What shall I do with that five hundred dollar bill?" asked Betty'sfather. "If the owner comes, shall I give it up?"

  "Don't you dare!" she cried. "At least, not until we girls have a chanceto see him. We want to find out about the romance back of it. Write to usif it's claimed."

  "All right--I will," he said, with a laugh.

  "But it doesn't seem as though, after this lapse of time, that it wouldbe called for. Good-bye!"

  "Good-bye! Good-luck!"

  This was echoed and re-echoed. Then the four members of the Camping andTramping Club started down the pleasant country road, whereon the Junesun shone in golden patches through the leafy branches of the trees.

  "A good omen," breathed Amy, who walked beside Betty.

  Will, Frank and Allen brought up the rear, carrying the small valises orsuitcases the girls had packed. The little cavalcade passed Mollie'shouse, Mrs. Billette appearing at the window to wave another farewell.The twins were not in sight.

  "For which I am thankful--they'd cry to come," said their sister, "andthey are dreadful teases."

  As the girls and their escorts swung around a turn in the highway alittle later, about a mile from Mollie's house, Grace looked back to cryout in almost tragic accents:

  "Look! The twins! They're following us," and the others turned aroundto see Dodo and Paul, hand in hand, trudging bravely and determinedlyafter them.