Read The Past or The Coming Future Page 14


  “For the last couple of weeks we have talked about the things that occurred just before the rapture. At this time I must tell you about the image that Michael created. The Bible tells of an image that will be placed in the tribulation temple. This image will be able to walk and talk and to have a certain way of making decisions. Revelation 13:15-18 says, ‘And he hath power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and enslaved, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, And that no man might buy or sell, except he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred three-score and six, 666.’ Michael had a long way to go before the robot would be able to do all the things that the Bible said it would do.

  “Since we are talking about Michael making a robot that looked just like a man, maybe it is best if I tell you where the idea came from. The last 10 to 12 years before the rapture, man was playing with the idea of cloning mankind. Man has always wanted to be God. They have wanted to have people worship them and to hold them up as gods. But the real thing that he has always wanted to do was to prove he is God by creating human life. They said they could create life in the test tube or create life where there was no life. But to create a man that was able to talk, walk and reason has always been a dream.

  “In the mid 1990s there were reports that scientist had cloned sheep, mice and other small mammals. Their thought was, if we can clone these small mammals, why can’t we clone a man? The world did not want any part of scientists cloning a man, so they imposed restrictions on that type of science. But you know what happened. One scientist said he was going to clone a man anyway. He said he did not care what restrictions his government or any other government set. The truth was, he really wasn’t going to try and clone a man, he only wanted the publicity. The publicity was just what he received. All over the world the news media were saying how inhumane it would be to clone a man. Overnight, the scientist was known throughout the world.

  “Doctors reasoned that if we could clone man, we could take the good organs out of the clone and place them in someone who needed that organ. Just think of the lives we could save. The blind could see, the lame could walk and the sick could be healed. Sound familiar? Yes, it is straight out of the Bible. Can we become God? Or can we become like God? Doctors and scientists were saying we could become like God. All we needed to do was to clone man. The theory on paper seemed to work, but when they started dealing with human life, that would be something else. How could scientists remove the brain or the soul from the human sperm? People read in the papers or heard on TV that doctors and scientists were going to clone man, and they believed what they heard or read. They said these clones would not have a brain and they would not have feelings. Therefore, once the organs that were needed had been removed, they would throw the clone away. The small mammals that were cloned still had a brain and feelings. How could people believe the human clone would not? Sometimes people were really stupid.

  “The very same thing happened with abortion. They said the thing inside a woman was not a living being. It was just tissue that had to be removed. The doctors who performed abortions and the women who had abortions had no fear of God. They did not think they would have to appear before God and answer for what they did. If doctors and scientists could clone man in order to remove the organs from that clone, they would have to murder that person. Even a cloned man would have feelings, a brain and a soul. Cloning was not the issue. The issue was that people, who were useless to society according to some, should be done away with and their organs could be used to help others. Who was to determine who should be done away with? Anyone who did not meet someone’s perfect ‘look’?

  “If you remember, Michael met a man in California when he was a student in Jerusalem. The man told him about the plans he had made for a robot that could walk, talk and do anything a normal man could, but he was having trouble with the skin. Michael spent two or three weeks trying to develop artificial skin, but nothing seemed to work. Then there was the big fire in the school at Jerusalem. Overnight, Michael invented artificial skin that was used on the burn victims. Well, many years later Michael bought the plans on the robot from Tim Cabot. After looking at the plans, he knew he had to do a lot of work in order to make the robot look like a man.

  “The first thing he did was to use the program he had used to make a plastic mold of Melvin A. Brooks’ face. If you remember, Mr. Brooks was the CEO of the Cambridge Stock Exchange. Michael had his picture taken, and the picture was transposed into a plastic mold. A solution was placed in the mold, and the result was a rubber mold of his face. He had 20 molds made so he could experiment with them to get the best result. He let his own hair grow very long, and at what he considered to be the length that was just right, he had it cut. He would save the cut hair until he had the images perfected. He would place his previously cut hair on the images. He did everything to an exact science.

  "Every day he would have another idea about the image. He had a speech therapist come in and show him how people pronounce words and the way the lips move to get the perfect result. He wanted to make sure when the robot was finished, no one in the world could tell the difference between the robot and himself.

  "The head was the most important part of the robot. The rest of the body was important also, but if you can’t fool people with the head, it does not make any difference about the rest of the body. The plans showed the different parts that would be used to make the robot talk. All the parts were purchased and the mouth was able to move, but the mouth must move exactly like the therapist had showed Michael. This was not going to be an easy job. Michael worked on the mouth for months until he had the mouth moving to the sound of the 30 words the program was written for.

  “The next idea was to write a program that had a capability of over 10,000 words. Michael was sure he could write the program and he could make the robot move its mouth to fit each word. After two months of working sporadically, he had the robot moving its mouth to any of the 10,000 sounds.

  “The next step for Michael was to write a program that would integrate his voice to match the mouth movement of the robot. He had the mouth and the words working to perfection. The program he had written would take the word and instantly apply it to the voice. Putting 10,000 words on a disk was time consuming, but it had to be done. Hour after hour Michael would speak a word, until finally he was finished. He tested the program, and everything worked just fine.

  “He asked Dr. Messenger to come and see his great work of art. Michael said the robot’s head could say just about anything. Dr. Messenger watched and could not believe what he was seeing. It was Michael’s voice and a look-a-like of Michael’s head speaking. Dr. Messenger did not know what to say; he was just amazed at what he was watching. Michael finally asked what he thought about the head? Dr. Messenger said, ‘If you could put that head on a body, there is no one in the world that could tell it from the real thing.’

  “Michael said, ‘The body will be next, but I must have everything perfect before that time comes.’

  “Michael had a number of problems that he was going to have to work out. The biggest problem for the robot was for him to respond to speech. If he was going to use this robot to take his place, if the time came, he would have to come up with an idea that would make the robot respond correctly if someone asked it a question. That was going to be a major problem, but he was confident he could solve the problem.

  “Other problems he faced were blood vessels, heartbeat, eye contact, breathing, balance and, if the robot was cut, it would have to bleed and the blood would have to clot. Problems, problems, problems, so
many problems, but he had to work them all out. He knew he had to have the robot ready if he ever needed it in a time of crisis. He decided he had to concentrate on the head. The head was the key to world belief. He placed extremely sensitive hearing devices in each ear of the robot. Eye contact would be a real problem, but if the hearing devices were equipped with a directional sensor, the eyes could move to the sound.

  “Dr. Messenger knew Michael might be getting tired of working on the robot, so he asked if he would like to take a break and do something that would take his mind off his work. They went to a restaurant and had lunch, and they just started walking. As they were walking, they saw a new store that had just opened, and they went inside. The store had everything you could imagine. One man was talking about the heat in one of the Arab countries. The salesman said that heat was not a problem.

  “The man said, ‘It may not be for you, but where I come from, heat is deadly.’

  “The clerk stated, ‘I have something that will solve the heat problem. I have a suit that will breathe.’ The suit was made of a very, very thin layer of interwoven synthetic webbing. A small canister that came with the suit circulated the air to keep the person cool. The whole suit and the canister weighed only three pounds. The suit was only 1/16 of an inch thick. Michael looked at the suit and asked if it really worked? The salesman said it had been tested up to 150 degrees. It had kept the person cool. The more Michael looked at the suit, the more he knew it would work on the robot.

  “Michael said, ‘Basically, this suit breathes on its own?’ The answer was yes. Michael needed something that would breathe so that his artificial skin could work on the robot. One problem was solved, but he still had a lot of other problems that needed a solution.

  “They continued to walk around and look at other stores and just mingle with the people. Michael thought about how long it had been since he could just be himself. Being out and not worrying about things and just being free was fun. As Michael and Dr. Messenger walked, Michael started to wonder if everything he needed to solve his problems could be here, in the various stores. He told Dr. Messenger, ‘Lets' go through every store and look for ideas to solve our robot’s problems.’

  “One store they went into had a round ball with small fiber optic electric lights protruding out of the ball with different colors. One problem Michael had was the blood vessels for the robot. The fiber optic cables could be the answer.

  “Another store they visited was a store for Arab clothes. The colors were sensational. They asked how they were able to come up with all the beautiful colors.

  “The man said, ‘We dye the white clothes into any color that is needed.’

  “Michael asked, ‘Do you do that here or someplace else?’

  “‘We dye all the clothes in the back room.’ Michael asked if he could see how it was done and asked if the clerk would show them. In the back room there were 10 large pans that had different colors of dye in them. Michael looked at the red dye and touched it with his finger. The dye looked just like blood. The blood for the robot had been found.

  “The more Michael and Dr. Messenger walked around the different stores, the more problems were solved or ideas were thought of that might solve the remaining problems. Michael wanted to get back to the lab as fast as possible so he could try some of the ideas.

  “At the one store, he had purchased three suits. At the lab he used the cloth of one suit to wrap around the shell of the head of the robot. He glued it to the head and placed his artificial skin next to the suit. He turned on the air pump and left it until the next morning. If it worked the way he was hoping, one of the biggest problems would be solved.

  “The next morning, he checked on the suit and sure enough, it had worked. The artificial skin had grafted to the suit. He then started to put the hair and eyebrows on the head. Within two days the head was finished.

  “Dr. Messenger wanted to come to see the finished product. Michael decided to give the head a real test. The robot head was placed on one table, and right next to the table was another table. Michael had cut a hole in the top of the table and placed his head up through the table. He placed a towel around the neck of the robot and around his neck. He had told Dr. Messenger not to come into the lab for five minutes so he could have everything ready. After five minutes, Dr. Messenger came into the lab. On the tables were two heads that looked exactly alike. The first head said, “Hello,” and the second head said the same thing. On the paper which Michael had given to Dr. Messenger, it said, “Walk to the right and watch my eyes.” Dr. Messenger walked to the right and the eyes of both heads moved to follow Dr. Messenger. Next, on the paper, it said, ‘Ask me a question.’

  “Dr. Messenger asked, ‘Is it raining outside?’

  “Both heads said, ‘No.’ Dr. Messenger walked over to both heads and looked intently at each.

  “He stated, ‘I cannot tell which is the real head.’

  “The head on the left said, ‘I am the real head.’

  “The head on the right said, ‘I am the real head.’

  “Just then, Michael moved the towel on the left head and came out from the table. ‘You really could not tell which was the real me?’


  “Michael looked at Dr. Messenger and proudly bragged, ‘I made a man. I have created man.’ They both stood and stared at each other and thought about what was just said.

  “Michael yelled, ‘I am god. I can take the image of anyone in the world and make an exact duplicate. Who on earth can create man, but god? I am god.’

  “The work on the robot had started in October of 2007 and had continued for three years off and on. There were so many things Michael was involved in; he could not devote all his time to the robot. In October of 2010, he finished the robot. It was a masterpiece of work. There was nothing like it in the world. He kept records of all the time he put into making the image. If he could spend all his time working on the image, he could make another one in five months if he was working around the clock. If he had a production line, an image could be made in two weeks. The possibility was there if he did not want it to be a secret.

  “The things Michael put into the robot were unbelievable. He did use the fiber optic cables, but with a change. One company had invented fiber optic cables that were so thin, they were thinner than hair. He used those thin hair-like cables throughout the robot. In the arms and legs and any place else where there were large blood vessels, the larger cables were used. Michael had invented a special dye that looked like real blood, and with a special chemical in the dye, it would clot like real blood, when it came in contact with the air. Inside the chest of the image, Michael placed a special pump that would pump the dye throughout the robot. All the cables were connected to the pump going out and connected to the pump coming back in. In other words, the dye was circulated throughout the robot just like real blood in a person. If the robot were to get a cut, the dye would clot in the air, and the bleeding would stop. The pump was set to pump 76 pulses per minute. Even though the dye was not pumped throughout the robot that quickly, the idea was to have a pump that sounded and would beat like a real heart. The way Michael had the pump manufactured, if for any reason the dye were to be drained from the pump, it would stop pumping and that would prevent it from being damaged. Michael took a stethoscope and put it next to the robot, and he was able to count the beats at 76 per minute.

  “Michael had thought of everything. The place where the lungs should be were two large thick balloons that were glued to the nozzle of another pump that pumped air in and out of the balloons. This resembled a person’s breathing.

  “Michael had taken care of all the problems except one. What would keep the image from falling to the right or to the left as it was walking. Also, if the image were sitting, what would keep if from falling forward or backward, right or left? In the plans Michael had purchased, there were no designs or suggestions for balance.
Everything in the plans should and did work. But what Michael wanted was not in the plans. Tim had drawn up the plans for a robot that was made out of metal. The way Michael designed the robot, it was not an ordinary robot. How could Michael’s image be designed, or what could be used to keep it from tipping over?

  “He called a number of his friends and gave them a fictitious story and asked if they had a solution. One after another could not come up with anything Michael could use. What was he going to do? He had come so far, and to be stopped because he or his friends could not come up with the answer was unthinkable. Suddenly, he had an idea. He connected to his Internet and typed in, ‘There is a $10,000 reward if anyone can answer this problem. I have a piece of heavy equipment that continues to tip over, and I need something that will keep it from tipping over.’ One idea after another was given, but nothing worked.

  “Finally one day, a nuclear scientist sent an answer that might work. He stated that in the internal operations of a nuclear bomb there was an instrument called a nuclear leveler. The leveler keeps the bomb from going off if it is tipped upside down or sideways. The leveler keeps everything leveled just as its name implies. Michael called the scientist and said he had won the $10,000. He told him the money would be sent to him immediately. He asked where a person might buy a leveler for his equipment. The scientist gave him three companies where he could buy the levelers. Michael had one of his employees buy four levelers. He decided it was best to buy four and have three backups just in case. He placed one in the head of the image and connected all the parts together. When everything was ready, he turned on the leveler. As the image walked, the leveler kept it from tipping right or left. If it started to tip forward, the image would put its leg out so it would catch itself. The same was true if it were to tip to the right. The image would move its leg to the right. When the robot was sitting and it started to tip in any direction, the robot would use its arms to catch itself. The leveler worked beyond words. Michael even tried pushing the image over, but the reflexes from the leveler were so quick it was impossible to tip the image in any direction. The image worked with perfection. There were still a few things that had to be worked out, but for the most part the robot worked.

  “Next, Michael started working on a way that the robot could have some way of reasoning. He watched some of the old shows on TV about Star Trek. A man-like robot was called Data, could reason and make decisions. Michael had to come up with a way that his image could reason just like Data, but how?

  “Michael could not come up with a way the image could reason. Dr. Messenger asked Michael how the head had given him an answer to the question earlier when he asked. Michael said he had programmed the head to repeat what he said to the first question that was asked. The first question had been was it raining outside? He head said, ‘No,’ after Michael had said no. The problem could not be solved. What was Michael going to do?

  “That question was not answered until Michael signed the peace treaty with Israel and the Arab countries. When the tribulation began, Michael received super human intelligence. The problems he had before the rapture were no longer problems during the tribulation. The problem with the image reasoning was no longer in question. Michael knew he was going to use the image during the tribulation, and he now had some of the solution. Michael had a set of eyes made for the image that had fiber optic lenses. He replaced the old eyes with the new eyes and tested them to be sure they worked. The eyes worked just like a camera. He would look into the viewer and see exactly what the image was looking at. Distance was no problem either. Michael tested it to see how far he could go before he lost contact. With the satellite system, he could be almost anywhere in the world and never lose contact with the image. The hearing devices he placed in the ears had to be replaced also. The hearing devices were also connected to the master box inside the image. Michael had special antennas made that looked just like hair. The three antennas were attached to the head. If one antenna were to malfunction, the other two were there as back-ups. He also put a speaker in the throat of the image. This way he could speak into the microphone, and he could answer any question that was asked.

  “During the first year of the tribulation, Michael used the image many times when he did not want to go to a meeting. He had a large monitor put in his private room in Jerusalem so he could watch what was happening. Michael thought it was a great idea. He could be in two places at the same time. Also, the death threats that were coming in almost every month were taken very seriously. When a death threat would come in, Michael would use the image to take his place. But there never were any acts of violence the first year of the tribulation, there were only threats.

  “The first time Michael really tested the image in public was during the first year of the tribulation. He asked Dr. Messenger if he would go with the image for a walk around town. Dr. Messenger did not think it was a very good idea, but Michael said, ‘We know that we can be almost anywhere in the world and not lose contact with the image, but we must see how he can maneuver in the public.’ Dr. Messenger and the image started to walk down the street. When one person stepped in front of the robot, Michael said, ‘Excuse me.’ The person acknowledged the image, and things worked fine so far.

  “Michael had told Dr. Messenger to go to the market area where there were multitudes of people. The image had no problems going through the crowded market place. The fiber optic cameras were working perfectly, as was the speaker. Michael asked one person if they knew where a certain restaurant was located. The person gave the image directions and even pointed which way to go. There were a number of times when people in the market place bumped into the image, and each time the image corrected itself with a step here or a step there. Michael could not believe how well the image was working. As a matter of fact, he was working better than Michael had ever dreamed. All through the walk, Dr. Messenger continued to talk to the image. Michael heard everything that was said loud and clear. Michael had thought of everything. He left no stone unturned. Every aspect of the image was covered, nothing could go wrong.

  “Michael tested the image many more times in public. One test he performed was his greatest proof. He told Dr. Messenger he was going to a meeting and he would be back in an hour. He asked if Dr. Messenger would pick him up at the house so they could cover some important material with the Prime Minister of Israel. Dr. Messenger picked Michael up at the house and headed for the Prime Minister’s house. On the way, Michael and Dr. Messenger talked back and forth, and Michael asked many questions. Dr. Messenger made the comment that he was acting a little different with all the questions. Michael made the comment he was just curious. They met with the Prime Minister for two hours, and on the way home they discussed the things they had pointed out to the Prime Minister. When they went inside the mansion, they headed straight for Michael’s private room. Michael had his big chair turned away from the door. Once inside, Dr. Messenger closed the door and locked it. As they both walked toward the desk, Michael swirled in the chair. Dr. Messenger nearly had a heart attack. He jumped, and then he knew he had been taken. Dr. Messenger made the excuse he knew it was the image all the time. Michael looked at Dr. Messenger and said, ‘The image is so perfect it even fooled you. You did not know I was here and the robot was with you. The robot has passed the ultimate test. If we ever run into a situation where we have to use the image, he will be a perfect substitute.’

  “Michael did not know how soon he would have to use the robot to protect his life, but he knew sooner or later he would use the robot.

  “I know there may be a question or two, so go ahead and ask. Amy, I know you have wanted to ask me a question, so what is it?”

  “You said Michael had the head and worked on it first; I don’t understand what you mean.”

  “When he bought the plans for the robot, he had to put the head together first. He bought all the parts and started putting them together
, and when he was finished he had the shell of a head. If he could not make the head talk and act like a real man, there was no reason to invest any money on the rest of the body. Once he had the head put together, he then cut parts of the breathing suit up and put it around the head. He placed the mold of his head on the suit. The next step was to put everything else on the head, such as hair, eyes, a nose, the ears and everything else so it would look like a man. Remember, all Michael started with were the plans. He had to complete everything else from scratch. The speech was very difficult, but Michael was able to get by that problem also. After perfecting the image to his exact likeness, he decided he would test the head. If you remember, Dr. Messenger came into the room and saw two heads on different tables. They both looked just like Michael. One was the image, the other was Michael. After another year of work on the image, the result was a robot that was identical to Michael. No one could tell the difference between the two. Jamie, you have a question?”

  "Yes, I know you said Michael made the robot to look like a man and to talk, walk and to be just like a real man, but was he able to fool people when the tribulation started?”

  “Not only was Michael able to fool people, but he used the robot almost all of the time when he did not want to get into crowded areas. He knew there were people who wanted to be in the limelight, and if they were to kill him, they would be known world-wide overnight. When the tribulation started, many great inventions were used on the robot. One invention was a computer chip that made it possible for the robot to have a sense of reasoning. There were hundreds of thousands of responses to certain questions the robot could use. Michael always wore a special hearing aid. The hearing aid was actually a transmitter. The receivers were in the ears of the robot. If someone said something, Michael could hear what was said. And by having a microphone, Michael could speak for the robot. People in the tribulation never could tell the difference between Michael and the robot. Chip, what is your question?”

  “You said Michael invented something that looked like blood and it clotted like blood. Did the robot ever get cut or receive a wound that made him bleed?”

  “Yes, on one particular day, Michael was touring the building of the new rail system when he was cut on the arm. Oh, did I say Michael? I meant the image was touring the new rail system. The cut was a very deep cut. The dye was flowing out of his arm, but within 30 seconds the dye started to clot. Everyone was concerned about Michael (actually the robot). That was the first real big test for the dye. It worked perfectly. Who has the next question?”

  “Since Michael made an image of himself, why did he not make an image of Dr. Messenger?”

  “Dr. Messenger was supposed to be a man of God. There were not that many people during the tribulation who wanted to kill Dr. Messenger. But during the last 3 ½ years of the tribulation, many people attempted to kill Michael. There were constant death threats and different methods used to try to assassinate Michael. God would not let any attempt succeed. Jesus would take care of the Antichrist and the False Prophet when he returned at the end of the tribulation. Michael thought about making an image for Dr. Messenger, but there were more important things to do than to make an image of one who had no threats against him. I will take one last question before I have to leave. Ed, you have a question?”

  “There must be some other reason why Michael made the robot other than to take his place when he did not want to be in large crowds. What was the real reason Michael made the robot?”

  “The main reason Michael made the robot was to fulfill Bible prophecy. In Revelation, chapter 13, it speaks about the Antichrist that will receive a head wound. The wound will be healed and the whole world will follow after the Antichrist. I had told Michael about the image and the head wound and that the wound would be healed. Michael knew he had to build something that would look just like him. When he met Tim Cabot and Tim told him of his invention, Michael knew he had to buy the plans at any cost. The robot had to be built and operational before the tribulation started. He knew he would have to use the robot in the tribulation. He also knew if he did not use the robot almost all the time, just before the mid-point of the tribulation, he could be the one who would receive the head wound. Michael knew he was not God and he knew if he was to receive a head wound like the one the Bible speaks of, it would probably kill him. He could not take any chances; the robot had to take his place every day. If there were any attempts on his life, it would be the image that would be sacrificed.”

  “Brother Steven, could I ask one more question before you leave?

  “You said, ‘If there were any attempts on his life’ and you said ‘The Bible tells about the Antichrist receiving a head wound.’ Are you telling us that the robot received the head wound and not Michael?”

  “I do not want to tell you the story of the incident that would have cost Michael’s life if the robot had not taken his place yet. What I will tell you is that there was a group of men who were determined to assassinate Michael. Their plan was foolproof; nothing could go wrong. The only thing they did not know about was the robot. If these men had lived during the times of Christ, they would have been called Zealots. But because they were living in a different time period, they were called Radicals. Those who were called Radicals would do anything to accomplish their goals, even if it meant murder. The Bible says he that lives by the sword will die by the sword. These men met their end the same way they lived, in violence. Later on I will tell about the tribulation and what happened when the robot received the head wound. There is so much I want to tell you, but we must take it one day at a time. I don’t want to get in a hurry and leave some of the most important things out of our discussion. Everything must be covered so you will understand how terrible the tribulation was.”